求求ps高手qq 帮忙,急急急

来6篇读书笔记100字左右 请高手帮忙 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!_百度知道
来6篇读书笔记100字左右 请高手帮忙 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!
不要太深奥 也不要太多 只要4年级水平就可以了 请高手迅速访问 明天要交的!!!!!!!!!不要历史 只用课外书的读后感!
别人的要求都是说100字左右 可他们都是3 4百字 现在高手希望能对称 跟100字差不多就可以了
  安徒生童话的读书笔记喜欢童话倒并非因为留恋童年,事实上除了个别篇章以外,我从来也没有喜欢过安徒生童话。我印象中,童话是美丽的纯真的,像灰姑娘、睡美人和白雪公主那样的才是童话。但是,不喜欢的东西有时却反而更加影响人的思想。有时回首看过去,我也感觉惊讶,无法衡量在我的人生观和审美观建立的过程中,她给予过我多么重要的启迪,甚至可以和武侠、科学作品鼎足而立。在那个梦想高过一切的五年里,安徒生童话——而不是格林童话——伴随我度过小学二年级开始那些不肯上床睡觉的夜晚。  迄今为止,我也只读过一套安徒生童话,出版时间很早,现在精装的绘有完美彩图的版本,我是看不进去的。应该说,安徒生童话一直没有给过我优美的感觉,也许是因为那些繁体字的晦涩,或者是铅笔画插图的线条,又或者是仿宋体冷硬的字体,也许,是因为那些故事本身。我从来也没有觉得安徒生童话是童话,那些故事中所包含的深沉的生活现实和婉转表达出的含义常常让我不寒而栗——也许不过是我自己想得太多了。但不管怎样,读那些故事时的感觉,无论是带着梦幻的迷茫,还是抱着嫌恶的恐慌,总是难忘。  后面是每个故事的感想,你自己挑选要的吧,不再贴出  参考资料:
偷书贼》 文字在这个时代似乎失去了力量。故做幽默轻松的文字很多,把历史拿来戏说,却使人看过就忘。炫耀技巧的文字很多,结构复杂,故弄玄虚,却使人昏昏欲睡。卖弄情绪的文字更多,看起来很酷,却一无是处。真正能抚慰人心的,使人心觉得妥帖的文字,其实,绝不需要雕琢,只要从灵魂深处淌出,由此心,及彼心,便好
出门在外也不愁急 急急急 求高手 速度帮我 编一个检查_百度知道
急 急急急 求高手 速度帮我 编一个检查
西安市 公交公司 8车队员工 因为点私事 旷工 急求一份检查 要超级深刻的
急在线等 越深刻越好
本人矿工快3个月了 以前有前科
xx月xx日上午,我擅自离开岗位旷工,虽然领导说,说出旷工的理由, 可是我觉得现在说理由,都只是托词,我不想再为自己的错误找任何借口, 那只能让我更加惭愧。我现在怀着十二万分的愧疚给您写下这份检讨书,以 向您表示我对旷工这种恶劣行为的深痛恶绝及打死也不再旷工的决心。早在 我刚踏进公司大门的时候,您就已经三令五申,一再强调,不得迟到,不得 旷工。其时,领导反复教导言犹在耳,严肃认真的表情犹在眼前,我深为震 撼,也已经深刻认识到此事的重要性,于是我一再告诉自己要把此事当成头 等大事来抓,不能辜负领导和管理组对我的一片苦心。 自己并没有好好的去 考虑我现在的责任,造成了现在的错误。 对于我旷工的事情,所造成的严重后果如下:
1、 让当天值班经理担心我的安全。本应按时出现的我未能按时出现,而这 样的担心很可能让值班经理和当天搭班的员工工作分心,造成更为严重的后果。
2、 在同事中间造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的旷工,有可能造成别人的 效仿,影响单位的纪律性。 3、 影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高,使 得自己一直都在迷茫状态! 如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已。深刻检讨,认为深藏在本人思想中的致命 错误有以下几点:
1、 思想觉悟不高,对重要事项重视严重不足。就算是有认识,也没能在行动 上真正实行起来。
2、 思想觉悟不高的根本原因是因为本人对他人尊重不足。
3、 平时生活作风懒散。
4、对待工作的思想观念不够深刻.不够正确.没有认识到现在的一份合适工作的 机会是多么的难得和重要。 所以我决定有如下个人整改措施:
1、 写份保质保量的检讨书一份!对自己思想上的错误根源进行深挖细找 的整理,并认清其可能造成的严重后果。
2、 认真克服生活懒散、粗心大意的缺点,努力将工作做好,以优秀的表现来弥 补我的过错。 3、 经常和管理组加强沟通。保证不再出现上述错误 。
短短1千多字,不能表述我对我自己的谴责,更多的责骂,深在我的心理。我错 了,我不该旷工的。我希望领导能给我改过重新做人的机会。如果组织上仍能给 我改过的机会,我会化悔恨为力量,我绝不在同一地方摔倒,做事要有始有终,工 作也一样,不能半途而废,所以,我要感谢领导让我写了这份检查,是领导让我认识 到自己的错误,给了我改过的的机会,使我离成功更进了一部.我会努力的工作,借 用伟人的话来说就是:好好学习,天天向上。说真心话,在公司上班认识很多同仁 真的很开心很愉悦!我已经把这个工作当成我生活的一部分了! 请领导继续关心监督、帮助我改正缺点,取得更大的进步和成功 。
Business negotiations, courtesy of the negotiations, the purpose of communication services strategy showing its unique characteristics and laws of the language of business negotiations. Brown and Levinson's politeness theory provides a theoretical basis for the courtesy of the language of business strategy. Inherent politeness meaning of the language of business, negotiating language into the politeness level of vocabulary and syntax, as well as face maintenance, relationship building, congenial atmosphere, the strategy will pass, and interests of the maintenance of five kinds of Pragmatic Politeness Strategies. Business Negotiation is a cooperative interaction in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere. Politeness order to maintain the communication of both good social relations, so that communication in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, to successfully achieve the purpose of communication, partnership. Polite language can be used as a negotiating strategies and techniques to indicate the position and get rid of unnecessary responsibility to safeguard their own interests in business negotiations
In business negotiations, negotiating for communicative purpose service politeness strategies in business negotiation language shows its unique characteristics and laws.Brown and Levinson's politeness theory study of politeness strategies in business language provides a theoretical basis.According to the language of business negotiation language meaning inherent politeness, divided into lexical and syntactic levels as well as two polite face maintenance, relationship building, harmonious atmosphere, strategy, benefit maintenance five pragmatic functions of politeness strategies.Business negotiation is a kind of cooperative communication, in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere.Polite language is for the purpose of keeping communication both good social relations, so that the communication in the peaceful and friendly atmosphere, smoothly to achieve the purpose of communication, is helpful to establish relations of cooperation.Polite language in business negotiation can be used as a negotiation strategy and skill to indicate the position and get rid of unnecessary liability, to safeguard their own interests.
Business negotiations, for the purpose of negotiating communication service politeness strategy emerged its in business negotiation language in a unique characteristic and the law.Brown and lewin's polite for business language theory politeness strategies to provide the theoretical basis for research.According to business language inner courtesy meaning, negotiation language into vocabulary and syntax two politeness level and face the maintenance, the relationship, harmonious atmosphere, strategy and the maintenance, interest five pragmatic function of the politeness strategies.Business negotiation is a cooperative association, should be in a friendly harmonious atmosphere.Polite aims to keep both parties in communication good social relation, make communication in peace and friendly atmosphere, successfully communicative purpose, to establish cooperation relationship.Polite language in business negotiations can be used as a negotiating strategies and skills to indicate position and get rid of unnecessary responsibility, to maintain their own interests.
Business negotiations, courtesy of the negotiations, the purpose of communication services strategy showing its unique characteristics and laws of the language of business negotiations. Brown and Levinson's politeness theory provides a theoretical basis for the courtesy of the language of business strategy. Inherent politeness meaning of the language of business, negotiating language into the politeness level of vocabulary and syntax, as well as face maintenance, relationship building, congenial atmosphere, the strategy will pass, and interests of the maintenance of five kinds of Pragmatic Politeness Strategies. Business Negotiation is a cooperative interaction in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere. Politeness order to maintain the communication of both good social relations, so that communication in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, to successfully achieve the purpose of communication, partnership. Polite language can be used as a negotiating strategies and techniques to indicate the position and get rid of unnecessary responsibility to safeguard their own interests in business negotiations
Modern smart car &lightning& McQueen (LightningMcQueen), has been the dream in the racing competition to the fore, become CheTan new idol, victory, reputation, prizes, status, McQueen, even dream of in the racing hurricane. In order to participate in the racing event - skin Winston cup championship, McQueen road light, ready to across the United States to California, win the shining MEDALS. The car all the way the McQueen was in transit accident lost and into has been abandoned by the highway 66. A strange town, obscure the rampage he ruined town many property as soon as possible, in order to hit the road, McQueen, have to promise to do volunteer work, and small town residents become one. So he made a lot of don't play by the rules of the new friend: be free with beautiful, with an annual capacity of 2002 fashionable porsche Sally (Sally), a mysterious history with an annual capacity of 1951 old Hudson Ph.D. (the blue sky doctor/Dr. Hudson), came to rust but trusted trailer die (towing line/Mater) and all kinds of the car in the town. Initial deprecating McQueen was found that small town actual crouching tiger, hidden dragon, in this fantasy world, their common car had a incredible fantastic voyage. McQueen, finally found that life really valuable is a journey, not a crossed the finish line in the moment of victory, honor and reputation is far from the truth of life...
Fashionable nifty racing & Lightning McQueen & ( LightningMcQueen ), have kept the dream in racing competition in the talent showing itself, become a hot new idol, victory, fame, prizes, status, McQueen dream of racing in hurricane. In order to participate in the racing event -- the piston cup, McQueen travel light, preparing to cross the United States to California, shining medals won. A road south of McQueen was lost in accidental way, broke into the abandoned Highway 66, an obscure strange town, Yokooki Nao Town, he destroyed some property, as soon as possible in order to roam, McQueen had to promise to do volunteer work, and become integrated with the town residents. Then he met a lot of rule by new friends: Frank, an annual output of 2002 beautiful fashionable Porsche Sally ( Sally ), a secret history of 1951 with an annual vintage car Dr. Hodson ( blue \/Dr.Hudson ), covered with rust but trusted Trailer Banya ( line \/Mater ) as well as the town of every hue car '. Initially not to regard it as right of McQueen was found that small town actual crouching. Tiger, hidden.dragon, in this fantasy world of the car, they went through a common unimaginably magical journey. McQueen eventually found life journey is really valuable, but not crossed the finish line moments, victory, honor and reputation are far from the true meaning of life ... ...


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