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3秒自动关闭窗口八上Unit5_Do you want to watch a game show_五步导学案_百度文库
八上Unit5_Do you want to watch a game show_五步导学案|
EL PRESIDENTE: Se&oras y se&ores delegados: Declaro abierta la Quinta Sesi&n Plenaria y vamos a pasar directamente a los puntos del Orden del D&a, ya que tenemos durante todo el d&a de hoy un apretado programa de trabajo.
Dr. Sen: Estamos muy satisfechos, muy contentos todos de te puedo decirle que toda la Conferencia, todos nosotros, los funcionarios de la Organizaci&n observamos con profunda satisfacci&n que el Dr. Sen est&, como simpre, lleno de vigor y con su dedicaci&n intacta a los ideales de la Organizaci&n. El Dr. Sen ha sido y es una fuente de inspiraci&n y su presencia puede tener la seguridad que es para nosotros un feliz acontecimiento.
Como todos ustedes saben, los premios Sen fueron establecidos por la Conferencia hace 12 a&os para conmemorar el inspirado mandato del Dr. Sen como Director General de la Organizaci&n, as& como la causa a la que tan brillantemente sirvi&.
Yo quisiera pedir a toda la Conferencia en este momento un aplauso para el Dr. Sen aqu& presente entre nosotros.
Applause Applaudissements Aplausos
DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is not only a privilege but a matter of deep personal pride that Dr. Sen is present. He continues to inspire all those associated with the Organization with his profound wisdom, his disciplined energy and his selfless devotion to the ideals of FAO.
The B. R. Sen Award is an annual one. It is offered to the FAO or WFP Field Officer who has made the most outstanding contribution to the country or countries to which he was assigned. It commemorates Dr. Sen's achievements in promoting the economic and social progress of the developing world in the fight against hunger and poverty.
The B. R. Sen Award for 1978 goes jointly to Mr. Pierre Abert of France and Mr. Harald Perten of Sweden, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the development of millet and sorghum products for industrial applications in the Sudan. The Governments of Senegal and Sudan have acknowledged their distinguished services and endorsed their selection.
The Award for 1979 goes to Mr. George H. Berg of the United States of America, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the establishment of effective plant quarantines as well as the organization and operation of specialized plant protection programmes in a number of countries in Latin America. The Governments of the countries he has served in Latin America have likewise acknowledged with appreciation the services provided by Mr. Berg.
EL PRESIDENTE: Ruego ahora a los Se&ores Harald Perten y Pierre Abert, as& como al Sr. George H. Berg accedan a la Mesa para hacerles entrega de sus premios.
Applause Ap&laudissements Aplausos
EL PRESIDENTE: A continuaci&n se&oras y se&ores delegados, les van a dirigir la palabra los ganadores del premio.
H. PERTEN (FAO Staff Member): Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director-General, Dr. Sen, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am deeply honoured to have been given the B. R. Sen Award. This is especially appreciated because the FAO &Composite Flour Programme&, the implementation for which I have been working since 1967, was established when Dr. Sen was Director-General.
As a Research Chemist in the Cereal Sciences I was very pleased when FAO offered to me thirteen years ago a challenging task to assist in the development of the newly-created &Composite Flour Programme& here at FAO Headquarters. A major objective of this Programme is to make better use of indigenous crops in the food supply, thus giving more employment in the rural areas. However, it was soon realized that the only way to improve on the new technologies for making bread from a wide variety of cereals, root starches, and oilseed flours, was to determine their acceptance by consumers in the field.
The research work on using millet and sorghum in bread-making was started in Senegal ten years ago where I met my young colleague-the joint winner of the B. R. Sen Award. Our team work was successful and now &Millet Bread&, made from 15 per cent millet flour and 85 per cent wheat flour, has been officially introduced. This work has been continued in the Sudan, where in co-operation with our Sudanese counterparts, new technologies have been developed in a pilot plant for the processing of sorghum. In addition to the production of flours of excellent quality for making traditional foods, as well as bread, an attractive product to be used in cooking, named &Pearl Dura&, has been developed through the pearling of sorghum. This product has a great potential in countries with low rainfall where only millets and sorghum are grown. These new technologies for the processing of sorghum are now ready for industrial application elsewhere.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Saouma, our Director-General, for this recognition and for his personal concern which has made it possible for our team to continue working until our objectives could be accomplished. My sincere thanks to the FAO staff who have supported us, to my counterparts in Senegal and the Sudan, and to my colleague with whom I have worked so closely for so long.
As I am retiring next year I am most happy that our research work in our host countries has been recognized in this way and that the results will continue to be applied in the future by the new generation, under the motto of our Organization: &FIAT PANIS&-&Let there be Bread&.
Applause Applaudissements Aplausos
P. ABERT (FAO Staff Member): Monsieur le Pr&sident, Monsieur le Directeur general, Dr. Sen, Excellences, Mesdames, Messieurs. En tant qu'employ& de la FAO et en tant que fran&ais, je suis tr&s honor& de recevoir aujourd'hui la haute distinction qui m'est conf&r&e par le Prix B. R. Sen couronnant 10 ans d'un travail d'&quipe r&alis& au S&n&gal et au Soudan.
Pour moi, ce Prix re&u aujourd'hui est une incitation & promouvoir tout au long de ma carri&re la fabrication d'un pain de qualit& adapt& aux go&ts r&gionaux en utilisant le plus possible les mati&res premi&res locales, et ainsi & apporter ma contribution & nourrir toutes les bouches affam&es de par le monde.
Je voudrais remercier ici, puisque l'occasion m'en est donn&e, tout le personnel FAO du si&ge et des diff&rents bureaux r&gionaux pour leur aide apport&e, ainsi que le personnel de contrepartie s&n&galais et soudanais qui, par son efficacit& et son enthousiasme fraternel, a permis d'arriver aux r&sultats obtenus.
Mes remerciements vont tout particuli&rement & Monsieur Perten qui a su si bien guider notre &quipe.
Encore une fois, je veux exprimer ici ma profonde gratitude pour ce prix qui vient de m'&tre conf&r&.
Applause Applaudissements Aplausos
G. BERG (FAO Staff Member): It is most gratifying to have this opportunity to publicly express my appreciation for having been selected as the recipient of the B. R. Sen Award for 1979, but before doing so, I briefly would like to present a few details to supplement the information already available in the Conference Document dealing with the B. R. Sen Awards for .
My activities in general have dealt with the establishment or strengthening of plant quarantine and plant protection programmes and services. For the information of those not completely familiar with what plant quarantine involves, it can be said that it refers to the presentation of those services, based on legally approved procedures, which are designed to prevent or retard the introduction of exotic plant pests and diseases into those countries or regions where they are not known to occur.
For example, many of us have heard of the coffee rust disease which was responsible for Sri Lanka becoming a tea producing country as a result of the destruction of its coffee plants by the concerned plant pathogen which was introduced into this country during the 1860's. This is an excellent example of what can occur when effective plant quarantine services and control measures are lacking. More recently, due to the efforts made to contain and control the coffee rust in Nicaragua, where it was first reported in November 1976, it has been possible to prevent its further spread from the original infected area to other parts of Nicaragua, other Central American countries, and Mexico for the last three years. Since estimated total losses could amount to US $ 400,000,000 annually if the disease spread throughout Central America and Mexico, already US $ 200,000,000 in possible losses have been avoided through the enforcement of strict quarantine measures in combination with an effective control/containment programme. I am pleased to be able to say that FAO has played an important role in this effort.
All too frequently the importance of preventing or retarding the introduction and establishment of exotic plant pests and diseases is overlooked, until such time as a disastrous outbreak occurs. I have made every effort to alert the concerned countries to the danger represented by this lack of foresight.
Before closing, I want to express my appreciation to the agricultural authorities of those countries in which I have carried out assignments for their understanding and cooperation, without which successful programmes would not have been possible.
In closing, I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. Saouma, Dr. Phillips, the Chairmen of the Council and of the Programme and Finance Committees, the B. R. Sen Award Review Committee, the Governments of those countries in which I have served and all others responsible for my nomination and selection as the recipient of the B. R. Sen Award for 1979. It also is most gratifying to receive this award with Dr. Sen present, who at the time I began my career with FAO in 1956, was then its Director-General.
Applause Applaudissements Aplausos
EL PRESIDENTE: Probablemente en este momento, algunas delegaciones de los pa&ses donde los premiados han prestado sus servicios o bien las delegaciones de sus propios pa&ses de procedencia desean hacer uso de la palabra.
C. BATAULT (France): Monsieur le Pr&sident, je voudrais vous remercier et remercier le Directeur g&n&ral de me permettre de dire quelques mots & cette occasion. En effet, je voudrais &galement remercier vivement le Dr Sen pour cette initiative qui est un encouragement tr&s pr&cieux pour des chercheurs dont nous pouvons voir le r&sultat remarquable qu'ils ont obtenu.
En ce qui concerne M. P. Abert, je tiens & dire que l'honneur qui lui a &t& conf&r& rejaillit ensuite sur mon pays, et que nous sommes particuli&rement heureux de le voir comme cor&cipiendaire de ce prix Sen. Nous &tions d&j& au courant des travaux faits par M. Abert puisque, en 1972 & Paris l'Institut de technologie alimentaire de Dakar avait resu des mains de M. Chirac alors Ministre de l'agriculture, le Prix Innovation Recherche et D&veloppement au cours du Salon International des Industries Alimentaires (SIAL), Prix couronnant la qualit& du &pain de mil&. Nous connaissions d&j& l'int&r&t extr&me de ses recherches. Nous avons &t& particuli&rement hereux d'apprendre que, depuis lors, une usine pilote a pu &tre mise en route au Soudan, et que l'on puisse panifier des m&langes bl&/mil ou sorgho pouvant contenir jusqu'& 30 pour cent de farine &non-bl&&. J'ai &galement &t& tr&s
heureux d'apprendre qu'& la suite de ses travaux le Gouvernement s&n&galais avait d&cide d&sormais d inclure obligatoirement quinze pour cent de mil dans sa panification. Ceci repr&sente pour ce pays une &conomie sensible de devises, et nous sommes particuli&rement fiers et heureux de voir la les r&sultats obtenus gr&ce aux travaux de ces deux experts, et en ce qui nous concerne en particulier, par les travaux de M. P. Abert.
M. ROSALES RIVERA (El Salvador): Vayan estas palabras de felicitaci&n del Gobierno de El Salvador a los tres distinguidos galardonados de este d&a. Me van a perdonar si me dirijo, en especial, al se&or George H. Berg, quien ha realizado una labor de investigaci&n tan digna en el campo de la Cuarentena, principalmente en lo que se refiere a la Roya del caf&.
Saben ustedes que El Salvador tiene como principal producto de exportaci&n el caf& y que es su base de econom&a y adem&s, su principal fuente de divisas. En consecuencia, la labor invaluable del se&or Berg es acogida con todo entusiasmo por el Gobierno salvadore&o, y no podemos menos que congratularnos nosotros mismos, por haber sido premiado en esta ocasi&n. Le renuevo los testimonios del Gobierno de nuestro aprecio imperecedero.
S. DE MARE (Sweden): On behalf of the Swedish Government my delegation would like to express its sincere appreciation and gratitude to FAO, to Dr. Sen and to Mr. Perten himself, a Swedish citizen, who has just received the B. R. Sen Award.
S. MADEMBA SY (S&n&gal): Monsieur le Pr&sident, Messieurs les d&l&gu&s, pour permettre de se lib&rer des contraintes de structures de production, avec pour objectif g&n&ral l'accroissement du revenu du paysan, la r&duction du d&ficit vivrier, le gouvernement du S&n&gal a notamment, entre autres mesures, mis en oeuvre une politique incitative conduisant le paysan vers le choix de productions locales, qui se traduit par une augmentation de la demande notamment de mil et de ma&s et corr&lativement par un ralentissement de la demande de bl& et de riz. C'est dans le cadre de cette politique qu'a &t& entreprise, il y a & peu pr&s une dizaine d'ann&es, la fabrication du pain comportant un m&lange de farine de bl&-ce bl& que nous importons avec des devises et qui alourdit consid&rablement notre balance des paiements-et &galement de farine de mil-que nous n'importons pas mais que nous produisons directement sur place-. Cette exp&rience a &t& men&e gr&ce au concours des experts de la FAO dans notre Institut de technologie alimentaire. On peut dire aujourd'hui que cela a &t& une exp&rience concluante et une brillante r&ussite, parce que le pain utilis& actuellement au S&n&gal, et comportant
un m&lange de farine de bl& et de farine de mil, est devenu un aliment courant aujourd'hui dans la consommation de la population.
C'est pour cela, en tant que repr&sentant du S&n&gal ici, et & l'occasion de la remise du prix B. R. Sen & deux laur&ats qui ont grandement contribu& au succ&s de cette exp&rience, que je suis particuli&rement fier et heureux de leur adresser toutes mes f&licitations.
A. M. LIMAN (Nigeria): Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Delegates, my delegation would like to join others in congratulating all the winners of the B. R. Sen Award. We would like particularly to congratulate Mr. George Herman Berg for being a winner of the B. R. Sen Award this year. At the request of my Government, the post-entry plant quarantine station and trining centre was re-established at Moor Plantation at Ibadan, Nigeria in the FAO/UNDP-assisted projects. Mr. Berg then assumed responsibility for the full execution of the project, having been assigned to it by this great Organization and with our full concurrence, as the Project Manager. He arrived at the project site on 1 November 1972. At the time of his departure on the same date and month in 1975 he had achieved a great deal. The training of several Nigerians and perhaps more importantly many plant quarantine officers from 12 countries of the Africa region in a number of national and international plant quarantine courses, completion of the main plant quarantine building, complete remodelling of three post-entry plant quarantine glass houses, including related supply facilities such as water and electrical installations, are some of the major achievements of Mr. Berg. These achievements brought into realization an aspiration long-cherished by my Government and the entire African Phytosanitary and Scientific Council. Working with Nigerian scientists, Mr. Berg through his personal diplomacy and subtle persuasion transformed the project into virtually achieving far more than ever envisaged at the time of its inception. Today the station as well as its overall plant quarantine training programmes are internationally acclaimed and recognized.
Rewarding relations were also established with OAU, STRC, WARDA, IITA and the Ford Foundation through the dynamism of Mr. Berg. These relationships remain warm and cordial. Counting on the achievements outlined in these few words of appreciation to Mr. Berg, we are now able to import a wide variety of
proven seeds and cultivars for use in boosting post-agricultural research, development and production without being too worried about the risk of introducing plant diseases heretofore either unidentified or nonexistent.
Mr. Berg is welcome to Nigeria any time. He will not only once again be exposed to our hospitality but hopefully find pleasure and satisfaction in observing for himself that our follow-up action starting from where he stopped has been fairly momentous.
In conclusion we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to his wife and family without whom I am sure the working life for him in our country might have had an entirely different meaning.
SULIMAN SID AHMED (Sudan): (interpretation from Arabic): I would like to join Senegal in congratulating the eminent scientists who have helped in developing the production of sorghum in Sudan. As you know, Sudan is not a traditionally wheat-producing country, and despite the vast expansion in the consumption of this commodity, this of course was a source of great pressure to our balance of payments. The developments of the industrialization of the production of soybean and the introduction of a mixture of wheat and soybean has helped us to provide adequate quantities of bread to our citizens and has also helped save a great deal of foreign currency.
Therefore on behalf of my people, I would like to congratulate once again these two eminent scientists for the Award, and I would like to thank them for the services they have rendered to my country.
F. A. DEL PRADO (Suriname): My Government wishes to congratulate all three recipients of the G. R. Sen Award. A personal word of thanks should be passed on to Mr. George Berg with whom I worked personally as First Chairman of the Caribbean Plant Protection Commission. In many countries of the Caribbean the words &plant quarantine& were completely unknown until Mr. Berg came to our area, andtherefore I wish to thank him not only on behalf of my Government buy personally for the wonderful job he has done in our area.
EL PRESIDENTE: &Alguna otra representaci&n desea intervenir en este otro punto?
Si no hay ninguna otra delegaci&n, creo que no queda m&s, sino decirles a los se&ores Perten, Abert y Berg que han podido comprobar, en las palabras de las delegaciones que han intervenido, el aprecio, el respeto, la consideraci&n y la admiraci&n de estas delegaciones. Pueden tener la seguridad de que es el mismo aprecio, el mismo respeto, la misma admiraci&n y la misma consideraci&n que toda la Conferencia, que todos los Estados Miembros, sentimos por ustedes. Enhorabuena.


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