求英语达人秀 英语作文帮忙翻译。。。。

来引述出在现实的经济建设之中,我们应该如何高效地进行品牌建设,在建设的同时,对国民经济的驱动作用较大,具有较大的增长潜力的产业,比重较大,综合效益较高,以此来赢得更多的市场份额创造更多的利润。 在产业的生命周期中,主导产业处于成长期,处于成熟期的是支柱产业,处于初创期的是先导产业。主导产业在经济的发展上也处于领导地位、经济、地理区位优势,本文还通过对经济发展各个方面的综合论述,关键在于它能带动地区经济的全面发展。并且在此基础上,起着引导作用。在当今的社会经济环境下,越来越多的城市或地区依托本市或地区的自然,从不同程度上促进了经济发展,以实际的数据对本文观点提供强有力的证明。本文试图从论述主导产业的建设是如何推动简阳市经济全面,健康发展的,在论述过程中结合实际例子,则主导产业愈能通过聚集和乘数效应带动整个地区经济的发展,集中发展主导产业,打造主导产业区域品牌,促进产业结构的优化升级,促进创新的发展,处于主要的支配地位。而主导产业则是在产业结构中。主导产业与区内多数部门之间存在直接或间接的联系、愈深刻。这种联系愈广泛,促进劳动力结构优化,从而促进经济整体的优化和全面的发展。它是指在经济发展的一定阶段上,本身成长性很高、并具有很高的创新率,能迅速引入技术创新,对一定阶段的技术进步和产业结构升级转换具有重大的关键性的导向作用和推动作用,对经济增长具有很强的带动性和扩散性的产业,与其它产业关联度高主导产业之所以能够在地区经济中起主导作用,促进经济总量的增长
with strong DaiDongXing and across the industry. In industry life cycle, the leading industries in time, in mature is the pillar industries, in the beginning is leading industry. Leading industries in economic development, and plays a leading role.In today's society, the development of the dominant industries. And leading industry is in the industrial structure in the main dominance, and high efficiency, more and more city or area of the city or area on natural and geographical location advantage, economy, this paper also through the aspects of economic development, to quote out in real economic construction, we should how effectively on brand building, is the leading industry by the multiplier effect and the development of regional economy, technology innovation, introduction to rapidly to a certain stage of technological progress and the upgrading of the industrial structure has important guiding function and key role in economic growth.This article attempts from the construction of leading industry is discussed how to promote the healthy development of JianYangShi economic comprehensive. This contact more widely and more profound, the role of national economy, in construction, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, promote economic growth and promote the total Labour structure optimizationThe leading industries in the region economy to play a leading role, the key lies in the fact that it can drive the all-round development of regional econo......
is the leading industry by the multiplier effect and the development of regional economy. This contact more widely and more profound, and other comprehensive industrial correlativeness degree highThe leading industries in the region economy to play a leading role, the key lies in the fact that it can drive the all-round development of regional economy. With the most dominant industry zone between the departments directly or indirectly. And leading industry is in the industrial structure in the main dominance, and high efficiency, the role of national economy, technology innovation, introduction to rapidly to a certain stage of technological progress and industry &quot, has driven the growth potential of the industry. It refers to the economic development of a certain stage, growth, and has high itself high rate of innovation
As the steadily development of market, regional cu...
我来回答,, 以上都是机翻,晕。稍等 With the development ...
Abstract It's current demand of expansion of domes...
英语专业大三。 帮你看一下吧……
The poetry of Qi Liang body in Tang Dynasty is the...
Based on such a design notion, I chose remade seri...
求英文翻译 求求达人帮帮忙 帮我翻译一篇文章 ...真的非常感谢您,但是分数只可以给一个人。 我很....
&& ()&& ()我值日报告,大家帮我翻译一下啊.  尽量用简单的词汇,&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& () 我英语有点POOR...    "大家早晨好,今天轮到我值日.夏天来临了,天气炎热,讨厌的蚊子也出来了,特别是,教室里有很多蚊子.我给大家推荐几个防蚊子的方法.首先,保持身体的干燥和清洁,因为蚊子喜欢潮湿的地方.第二,洗澡时在水里滴一些花露水.最后,睡觉前点一盘蚊香. 希望大家能拥有一个好的学***环境.谢谢"       就这些.向好友推荐本贴:&&&& 标题:《时尚有没有英语达人啊??帮忙翻译个东西》&&&& 地址: .cn/Article/200705/showp1.html
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?举报邮箱:威尔伯•施拉姆sees revolutions in communication technology, increase in information production and the reallocation of the workforce as signs of a new era. Thus, the method of communication of new medias, using digital and networking technology, through channels such as the internet, LAN’s, wireless networks and satellite, and into computers, mobile phones, digital televisions, and other client terminals, to provide to the clients information and entertainment service, is undoubtedly leading humanity into the brand new era of digital media.《理解媒介——论人的延伸》has mentioned
that media is an extension of human beings. However, the creation of mobile phones, a media terminal centred completely on an individual, has truly made possible the seamless connection of man and media in space-time. 保罗•莱文森, the “麦克卢汉 of the digital age”, believes that the unique characteristic of a digital age is the usage of windows and browsers to choose information and thus creating personalization. In this case, mobile phones became the perfect vector in the digital age to best present individual choices. The basic feature of mobile phones is digital, its biggest advantage is mobility and personalization. Thus, mobile phone media also possesses the 分众传播 property of the integrated medias. The mobile phone’s transformation from being a method of personal communication to a method of public communication have broken the institutionalism and authoritativeness of traditional public communication, presenting the 多元交互性 of 传受主体 and the characteristics of decomposition and integration of a new method of communication.In point to point (SMS) communications, the power of “把关人” is divided into countless individual communication bodies. It is a multivariate but contradicting body, at the same time a scattering body. SMS’s advantages include freedom, multivariate and openness. Communications between individuals are interactive, and without any third party interference, the “transmit-accept-feedback” process is done very quickly, and both the sending and the receiving party are at the same status.In the “point to plane” public communications, SP, I-mode, WAP, 3G became the platforms for transmission, to collect, process and send information. This method of communication, which breaks the limitations of geography, time, and hardware, is truly making possible the 5W’s of information transmission.Mobile phone media is a natural commercial media. With the increasing application of 3-G technology, the communication features of mobile phones are gradually fading. Information, entertainment, mobile community and other supplementary features are becoming the focus, not to mention search, GPS and mobile electronic business, the gold deposits yet to be minedAs a more recent product, the mobile phone media has many weaknesses. Malicious information, floods of viruses, violations of privacy, and the huge resistance against the real life identity system will, if they are not solved timely, deteriorate the communication ecosystems.Currently, China has poor mobile phone media research capability, with very few researchers and even fewer achievements. This is a huge contrast to the gigantic mobile phone user base and its infinite potential.
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1. 日本是100v,可以带个转换器过去2. window系统分两种 一种是English only, 还一种是international的,international贵点 130美元左右 不知道日本应该都是international的 所以..装的时候装中文就行3.does it have a global maintenance service/does it have service supporters in China
大厂商应该是有的4. 说明书没有中文但是应该有英文
1请问这件产品的电压是多少?在220v的条件下可以使用吗?What's standard voltage of this production?Can it work in the 220V?2这件产品能不能安装中文系统?Can I install a system in chinese language in this production?3是全球联保吗?如果坏了,怎么保修?= = 这个爱莫能助,全球联保什么的太专业了4有没有中文说明书Does it contain a Chinese instruction?(一般没有的,不过会有英文的)
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No party shall be liable to the other for any default resulting from force majeure, which shall be deemed to include any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the party or parties affected. No action, regardless of form, arising out of or pertaining to any of the services or the equipment may be brought by SR moure than one year after the cause of action has accrued.This agreement shall not limit any liability for death or personal injury directly resulting from negligence if and to the extent such limitation would violate applicable law.
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