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扫描下载二维码作者: George Melnyk出版社: AU Press关键词: , , , , , 页数: 250出版时间: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 3Most Canadians are city dwellers, a fact often unacknowledged by twentieth-century Canadian films, with their preference for themes of wilderness survival or rural life. Modernist Canadian films tend to support what film scholar Jim Leach calls &the nationalist-realist project,& a documentary style that emphasizes the exoticism and mythos of the land. Over the past several decades, however, the hegemony of Anglo-centrism has been challenged by francophone and First Nations perspectives and the character of cities altered by a continued influx of immigrants and the development of ci
作者: Archie Zariski出版社: AU Press关键词: , , , , , , , 页数: 220出版时间: ISBN-10: XISBN-13: 9To understand how the legal system works, students must consider the law in terms of its structures, processes, language, and modes of thought and argument&in short, they must become literate in the field.&Legal Literacy&fulfills this aim by providing a foundational understanding of key concepts such as legal personhood, jurisdiction, and precedent, and by introducing students to legal research and writing skills. Examples of cases, statutes, and other legal materials support these concepts.
While&Legal Literacy&is an introductory text, it also challenges students to
作者: World Bank出版社: World Bank Publication关键词: , , , , , , , 页数: 278出版时间: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 2Eleventh in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 189 economies, Doing Business 2014 measures regulations affecting 11 areas of everyday business activity: & Starting a business & Dealing with construction permits & Getting electricity & Registering property & Getting credit & Protecting investors & Paying taxes & Trading across borders & Enforcing contracts & Closing a business & Employing workers The report updates all indicators as of June 1, 2013, ranks economies on their overall &ease
作者: Roberta Gatti,
Diego Angel-Urdinola,
Joana Silva, 出版社: World Bank Publicatio关键词: , , , , , , , , , 页数: 320出版时间: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 6While economic growth has been sustained for a number of years in many countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, this has not resulted in the creation of an adequate number of jobs and has succeeded, at best, in generating low-quality, informal jobs. While there is a great deal of heterogeneity across countries, informality in MENA is widespread, and some countries in the region are amongst the most informal economies in the world. The book looks at informality through a human development angle and focuses specifically on informal employment. In line with this approach, the
作者: Klaudijo Stroligo,
Horst Intscher,
Susan Davis-Cr出版社: World Bank Publication关键词: , , , , , 页数: 108出版时间: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 0Seizure and confiscation of proceeds of crime, and funds intended to finance terrorism, are key objectives of the global initiative to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. The timely identification and immobilization of such funds are critical to permit the action necessary to prevent the flight of illicit assets beyond the reach of national law enforcement and prosecutorial authorities.
Among the measures and tools that have been developed is the power for Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) to order the postponement of transactions involving funds suspected of being related to m
作者: Kimmo Halme,
Ilari Lindy,
Kalle A. Piirainen,
Ves出版社: World Bank Publication关键词: , , , , , , , 页数: 182出版时间: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 5Finland is known for its consistent progress in the economy and competitiveness, as well as the egalitarian society underneath it. Yet, the challenges experienced by Finland in the beginning of the 20th century were similar to those experienced by many countries today. Finland emerged as an independent nation in the midst of international economic and political turbulence. In spite of its remoteness, relative scarcity of natural resources, smallness of the home market and recent history characterized by wars and social cleavages, Finland transformed itself from an agriculture-based economy in
作者: Gene Kizer, Jr.出版社: Charleston Athenaeum Press关键词: , , , , , 页数: 250出版时间: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 7A powerful argument with citation and 140 sources proving unequivocally that the North did not go to war to end slavery or free the slaves. The cause of the War Between the States (Civil War) was the threatened economic annihilation of the North brought about by the secession of the Southern States. The North quickly discovered that its great wealth and employment depended on manufacturing and shipping for the South, and without the South, the North was headed fast to economic collapse and anarchy. The North’s passage of the astronomical Morrill Tariff at the same time that Southerners m
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