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为学员展开的一项尊贵互动作文批改服务;导学老师会通知学员提交作文作业, 雅思作文名师会在第一时间精心批改打分,并提出合理建议;VIP学员享有1次该服务,准备充分再提交。
如果大家看过影片之后,再来看这篇文章,会有更好的效果效;当然,如果你没看过影片,也应该能学到一点东西。真正给力的口语就是简单流利的口语,所以keep it simple! Keep it straight forward! 因为毕竟,英美人平常的对话的单词也就在4000左右。
So let&s get this party started!
Modern Family Season1第一集 电视台: ABC
1. Way +形容词的用法
The shirt is way too short for me. (美剧原声)
Eg:Steve Jobs was way smarter than Bill Gates.非常口语的表达,注意说话时的语音语调,表程度 2. Out of control 不受控制的
I was out of control growing up.我小时候无法无天
I hate that everything is out of my control.
3. Love knows no race creed or gender爱不分种族信仰性别,积累一下就好。
4. I am having a friend over today.
5. Something is on my calendar.
I am sure I will speak awesome English! It&s on my calendar!
6. 习惯做某事除了I get used to&
还可用I feel comfortable with that&
I feel comfortable talking with that nice girl
7. 有什么对我直说
Please straight out with it!
8. screw up搞砸了
如果老外口试的时候问你,你敢说吗?How&s your IELTS going?
I guess I screwed it up.
9. don't be judgemental不要说三道四了
10. 最后分享一句很有哲理的话
We are from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together.
Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather.
这里的fair指美丽的事物,让我想起了London bridge里的一首童谣
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady!窈窕淑女的意思
整句话意思:爱将我们紧紧相连,历经风风雨雨。看来真的是Love conquers all!
Mikelovesyou~~ XOXO
一. 蔬菜类(Vegetables)
Tomato 蕃茄 Parsnip 欧洲萝卜 Bok-choy小白菜 long napa(suey choy) 大白菜 Spinach菠菜 Cabbage 卷心菜 Potato 马铃薯 russet potato褐色土豆 Sweet potato红薯(红苕) Eggplant茄子 Celery 芹菜 Celery stalk芹菜梗 Asparagus芦笋 Lotus root莲藕 Cilantro芫荽叶 Cauliflower 白花菜 Broccoli 绿花菜 Spring onions(scallion 或green onion)葱 Zucchini美洲南瓜(西葫芦) Mushroom 洋菇 Chives Flower韭菜花 shallot葱 Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Squash(pumpkin)南瓜 acorn squash小青南瓜 Watercress 西洋菜豆瓣菜 Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米 Bitter melon苦瓜 Beet甜菜 chard甜菜 Onion 洋葱 lima bean 青豆 Brussels sprout 球芽甘蓝(小包菜) Garlic 大蒜 Ginger(root) 姜 Leeks韭菜 Scallion(green onion) 葱 Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Artichoke洋蓟 Escarole 菊苣, 茅菜 Chilly 辣椒 Green Pepper 青椒 Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒 Courgette小胡瓜,绿皮番瓜(不可生食) Coriander 香菜 Cucumber黄瓜 String bean(green bean)四季豆 Pea豌豆 lima bean青豆 Bean sprout 绿豆芽 Iceberg 透明包菜 Lettuce 生菜 romaine莴苣 Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵 Taro 大芋头 Eddo 小芋头 yam山药, 洋芋Daikon白萝卜 Chives Flower韭菜花 Carrot 胡萝卜 Radish 小胡萝卜
二. 水果类(fruits)
Pear 梨子 avocado南美梨 cantaloupe美国香瓜 Banana 香蕉 Grape 葡萄 raisins葡萄干 plum 李子 apricot杏子 nectarine油桃 honeydew(melon)哈密瓜 orange 橙子 tangerine 橘子 guava番石榴 Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Granny smith 绿苹果 papaya木瓜 B cranberry酸莓 raspberry山霉 Mango 芒果 fig 无花果 pineapple 菠萝 Kiwi 奇异果(弥猴桃) Star fruit 杨桃 Cherry 樱桃 watermelon西瓜 grapefruit柚子 lime 酸橙 Dates 枣子 lychee 荔枝 Grape fruit 葡萄柚 Coconut 椰子 Fig 无花果 apple苹果 peach桃子 Lemon 柠檬 ramley绿苹果 Mclntosh麦金托什红苹果 coconut椰子nut核果,坚果 Strawberry 草莓 prunes干梅子 blueberry 乌饭果
Happy girls are the prettiest girls.快乐的女孩是最美的!
& &我们知道你们可能难以相信,但这的的确确就是个事实。这个课程原来定价5800元-19800元不等,市面上的网络课程也要800元-3000元不等,甚至更高!但是考虑到这是优格雅思的周年庆,为了庆祝这个时刻,为了回馈考生,为了扩大口碑,为了后续的影响力,我们认为此次造福烤鸭大行动我们&不亏&,相反这是一个共赢的局面。你们的夸赞会是我们最好的营销!& &从3月5日开始报名截止到3月底,仅需99元,总共6个班次(4.5分班,5分班,5.5分班,6分班,6.5分班,7分班)每个班级限额40人!(按报名缴费时间为准),开课时间是4月7日,4月30日结束,上课时间为20天。上课地点:杭州市下城区中山北路607号现代城建大厦809室& &报名流程很简单:请马上拨打客服电话(8)告诉客服你的姓名+手机号登记,并确认你的报名决定,支付99元现金(淘宝拍下课程,确定座位)& 记住:咨询或拍下后请注明(我是在人人网上看到的),还会有另外好礼相赠哦!
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Analyzing the Questions and Answers
You made predictions about the content based on the first paragraph, the topic sentences, and the specific tails. Now let's look at how the questions or statements in your Reading test booklet can help you narrow these predictions and choose the correct answer.
To help you answer the questions in your Reading test booklet, take a few seconds to look over the questions or statements. Sometimes the questions ar sometimes they come after the passage. Ask yourself: Who? What? When? Where? and Why? By looking for the answers to these general questions, you will discover what you know and what you need to know. When you read the passage, you can test the predictions you made.
As you look at the question or statement and answer options,. look for the key words. Key words may give you a clue to the context. They may help you predict what the passage is about.
6.Millions of people travel about the country by rail, by bus, or by automobile, or drive to and from their places of work and their homes.解析:Millions of people&travel&about&the country by rail, by bus, or by automobile, or&drive&to and from their places of work and their homes.结构:本句有2个谓语动词,都是并列的主句谓语动词。三个并列的by&, by&, by&作为travel的方式状语。本句可以拆分为:1) Millions of people&travel about&the country by rail, by bus, or by automobile.2) Millions of people&drive&to and from their places of work and their homes.翻译:上百万人乘坐火车、公交车或者小汽车在周游全国,或者开车往返于工作地点和家庭处所之间。&雅思救星官网:
【雅思口语救星】&在和外国朋友面对面交流时,我们支支吾吾甚至哑口无言的真正原因是什么?细心的朋友就会发现:在实际的口语交流过程当中,我们都是通过汉语组织自己的语言,然后再翻译成英语说出口,这样就产生了一个&时差&,导致你一时语塞,紧接着,你就会&全身发紧、满头是汗&,从而成为&哑巴英语&的代言人。那么,如何解决口语交流能力欠缺的问题呢?动笔写&口头作文&!我给你一个&topic&,比如&Describe a wildlife&,再给你一分钟的时间准备。一分钟?恐怕你连说什么都没有想到吧!但是,如果我给你1个小时,让你用笔写出一个150字的&口头作文&,再把它说出来,你是否会做得很好?答案是肯定的。
  通过写&口头作文&,我们可以逐渐训练自己用英语组织语言的能力。我在第一次参加雅思口语考试之前,用了两周时间写了30个&topic&,并且是一边写一边修改。在写前面10个&topic&的时候,我觉得非常吃力,再写接下来的10个&topic&的时候,我就开始感到轻松了,甚至可以不假思索的一挥而就,而到了写最后10个&topic&的时候,我甚至可以用&下笔如有神&来形容自己。在练完30个&topic&的&口头作文&之后,我发现在我说英语的时候,我可以不用再借助汉语对语言进行组织了,因为我通过写作训练了直接用英语组织语言的能力,而且有了很多&套话&。其次,凡是我写过的内容,其用词之考究、句式之精细、语言之准确,都远远超出了没经准备直接说出来的内容。这样我在考试中,如果遇到相同的&topic&,那么我说出来的几乎都是可以堪称&完美&的答案。即使遇不到相同的&topic&,我完全可以采用&张冠李戴&的方法,把准备好的内容换汤不换药的照搬出来。比如,假设我准备了&a famous person&,结果考到的是&an old person&,我直接把我说的人换个名字就行了。除非考官知道那个人,否则他也不知道我说的是对是错。请问:这样的答案难道不是远远胜过了那些不经过大脑就&脱口而出&的Chinese-English吗?再者,凡是自己写的内容,都很容易记住,这就比痛苦地背诵那些老师给的或者书上写的答案要轻松多了。要知道,一旦你被雅思口语考官发现是在背诵答案,你的雅思口语成绩就绝对会惨不忍睹。但是如果是自己写的,你在备考的时候根本就不需要背诵,只要不断翻看自己写的这些文章即可非常熟悉,在口语考试的时候,也就不会被考官发现是在背诵答案了。那么,如何选择&topic&创作&口头作文&呢?创作&口头作文&又应该注意哪些细节呢?
  (3)用最少的投入覆盖最多的&topic&。比如说,曾考过这样几个&topic&:a long distance travel、how to spend your free day、relax。我们完全可以只准备一篇口头作文:when I have some free days, I just want to relax myself by having a long distance travel. 后面你可以随便说,只要你保持你的内容的&开放性&即可。&&雅思救星官网:
Some people think intelligent children should learn with others together, since it will benefit everyone, while others think intelligent children should be taught separately, and get special treatment. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
从题目问句的分析:discuss both sides and give your opinion来看,这个文章是要写成讨论型55开的文章的。也就是,开头段中要有明确的背景信息,要有顺畅的过渡,要有引出下文的引言。
Currently, it is quite common that there are always some intelligent students in the class who are able to handle all forms of study activities easily. In the meantime, how to deal with this phenomena has sparked much debate. Some people assert that they should learn with others together, which is beneficial to both of them in various aspects .while others speculate that these students should be treated specially and they, in all likelihood, may stand out in one field.
How to teach those intelligent students in class has sparked much debate over the decades.
好接下来看他的过渡的部分,assert表示声称,他通常表达的意思是某个人或群体在他们能负责的事情内发布观点,而这里,那些人是无法决定怎么来教聪明的孩子的,they 的替代,是表示那些人还是那些聪明的孩子呢,会引发歧义, 后面的both of them, 这个them 的替代就更不清楚了, speculate 表达的意思有推测的意思,用在这里还是不准确, 再接下去的and they ,这个替代还是会引起歧义的。所以说,这个同学在写作文的时候,基本的技巧是掌握的,但是语言表达的部分,还是存在了明显的问题,而且使用单词有为了单词而单词的倾向,没有关注他的准确性。
所以,过渡的部分,还是得修改,比如这样:Some people believe that those students should be educated with other normal ones together, so as to benefit all the students in the class, while others insist that separate teaching should be offered so that the intelligent ones can be more excellent.
那写到这里,读者其实还是不明白你的下文会如何展开的,所以最好弄一句引言,不仅回答题目的要求:discuss both views , 而且让人家一看就知道你下面是55开论证的。
比如:to see who are more reasonable, I think it wise to have a careful discussion first.
学生原文:Currently, it is quite common that there are always some intelligent students in the class who are able to handle all forms of study activities easily. In the meantime, how to deal with this phenomena has sparked much debate. Some people assert that they should learn with others together, which is beneficial to both of them in various aspects .while others speculate that these students should be treated specially and they, in all likelihood, may stand out in one field.
修改后:How to teach those intelligent students in class has sparked much debate over the decades. Some people believe that those students should be educated with other normal ones together, so as to benefit all the students in the class, while others insist that separate teaching should be offered so that the intelligent ones can be more excellent. To see who are more reasonable, I think it wise to have a careful discussion first.
学生原文:From the advocates& perspective, if the special students should acquire knowledge with others together ,they can introduce the methods they use in the process of study to the normal students and render them much convenience . Studying together is capable of providing opportunities for them to interact with each other who have quite different thinking ,which is a win-win project. Specifically, some genius ,may only have a gift in one subject such as math or science ,are given the exposure to who are sensible in literature .On the other hand ,studying together can foster them an ability to corporate in activities ,which is an essential factor in the future live .The youngsters ,if achieving a higher IQ ,can apply to become a leader in his group .As a result , that they are able to assume the unavoidable obligation to help the groupers also goes for academic research in the future .
我们来来看,首先他这个段落少了一个主题句,直接开始就论证了。虽然也可以,但是对于广大语言水平还不能运用自如的学生来说,还比较难把握。比如我们加一句Advocates of separate education of talented students put forward the following reasons.
然后,if 后面跟should 这样的搭配就不够合理, 这个句子里前面讲了they use, 后面是render them,其实是替代两个不同的对象,放在一个句子里就产生了歧义。这个render 也用的不够准确,用offer, -provide 都会更好。然后这个句子是一个点,下面的句子是另外一个点,点和点之间也需要有区分的。在下一个点中,studying together 做主语,其实和后面的谓语是不匹配的。他的意思,其实是通过一起学习,那些学生可以。而且,句子中又有them ,然后是each other ,还是不清楚。后面的have different thinking, 应该是who are different in thinking. A win-win project? 一个双赢的项目?应该是类似which may lead to a win-win situation这样的。在这个两点中,他说的一是对普通学生好,一是对双方好。逻辑意思表达的不够清楚。最好是一个句子表示对聪明的孩子好,一个句子表示对普通的学生好。
我们改写成这样的:Studying with other normal students, those talented ones can have a sense of superiority, by showing their deeper or faster understandings and superior methods in grasping knowledge, which enables them to have more confidence, helping them to make better achievements. Besides, staying with the intelligent classmates, the other students can always be encouraged and stimulated to study harder, or be easily helped to further their studies, and thus are able to enjoy greater improvement.
然后,他下面用了specifically, 这个词表示一个解释,一个举例,后面那么长的剩下的部分,都是在做这个解释和举例,语言的整合不够,表达的太罗嗦了。May only have,这个不能做谓语,他是个插入语,用having就可以了,因为谓语在后面are given, to who, 首先这个who是个指代,这里没有没有指代,所以前面要加个those. 这个句子还没写清楚,后面用了on the other hand,他表示啥意思呢?就是相反的一个方面,但是他其实又不是相反的意思,这个句子里,主语studying together 和谓语foster 的搭配也不恰当,下面这个corporate是指企业,要用cooperate, future life ,不是live. 下面的IQ,是天生的,不是获得的。Can apply to,这个表示适用于,意思不对。他们能承担义务,这个也不合理groupers这是自己编的,goes for的主语是前面that 引导的主语从句,不知道是啥意思,很不清晰。这个段落的表达,因为他词性的不当,词义的不准确,句子主谓的逻辑问题,以及表达的不到位,和句子整合的不清晰而出现了很多的问题。主要原因,还是没有把逻辑意思给理清楚,以及不知道句子要表达什么具体意思而造成的。
我们改写如下 Also, talented in one filed does not mean he is capable in other fields, and therefore, studying with other normal students, rather than with those who are similar in intelligence in the specific field, will enable those students to learn a lot of strengths from each other, contributing to their cultivation of overall qualities.
From the advocates& perspective, if the special students should acquire knowledge with others together ,they can introduce the methods they use in the process of study to the normal students and render them much convenience . Studying together is capable of providing opportunities for them to interact with each other who have quite different thinking ,which is a win-win project. Specifically, some genius ,may only have a gift in one subject such as math or science ,are given the exposure to who are sensible in literature .On the other hand ,studying together can foster them an ability to corporate in activities ,which is an essential factor in the future live .The youngsters ,if achieving a higher IQ ,can apply to become a leader in his group .As a result , that they are able to assume the unavoidable obligation to help the groupers also goes for academic research in the future .
修改段:Advocates of separate education of talented students put forward the following reasons. Studying with other normal students, those talented ones can have a sense of superiority, by showing their deeper or faster understandings and superior methods in grasping knowledge, which enables them to have more confidence, helping them to make better achievements. Besides, staying with the intelligent classmates, the other students can always be encouraged and stimulated to study harder, or be easily helped to further their studies, and thus are able to enjoy greater improvement. Also, talented in one filed does not mean he is capable in other fields, and therefore, studying with other normal students, rather than with those who are similar in intelligence in the specific field, will enable those students to learn a lot of strengths from each other, contributing to their cultivation of overall qualities.
这是学生的原文:However ,some people argue that the students who are more clever should be separated from the class for special education. Specifically , it is quite possible for them to lose interests in study is the courses are too easy for them .As well as that ,due to the fact that they are more intelligent in one aspect ,special courses should be designed to promote their skills and they will be more likely to make great contribution to the advancement of this field.
这里不应该再是some people了,至少应该是other people, more clever, 应该是cleverer,for special education,这个表达有歧义了,他们不是为了特殊教育而被分开的,应该是被分开去接受特殊的教育。Is ,这里,估计是个笔误,应该是because , as well as that,这样的语言不当太明显,直接用also就可以了,大家记得,连接的部分越简单越好,中间的表述要越清楚到位越好。 不是in one aspect,至少是in some specific aspect, in some certain field. 后面的should be designed to,这个是这段要论证的方向,而不能当做理由来论证的,也就是为啥他们要单独教,为啥他们要特殊的教育,这个是要你提供理由的,你不能这样喊喊就可以的。 Make great contribution, 用比较级,greater 更好。 那和上面那个段落做比较,这个段落的信息量就明显的不足了,啥叫55开的文章,也就是正反两面都是5,也就是两个段落应该差不多才是,不能一个那么多一个那么少。主要的问题,还是在于他的思路信息不够明确,内容才没东西好写了。
However, some people argue that the students who are more clever should be separated from the class for special education. Specifically, it is quite possible for them to lose interests in study is the courses are too easy for them .As well as that, due to the fact that they are more intelligent in one aspect ,special courses should be designed to promote their skills and they will be more likely to make great contribution to the advancement of this field
However, others argue that those cleverer students should be separated for special education. With less care about others who are slow in understanding, the talented ones are enabled to study more effectively, and have better performance. In addition, in the classroom activities and in daily communications, discussions with students of similar intelligence will result in less misunderstanding and thus provides them better chances to go deeper in those topics. Moreover, with everyone in the class being strong competitors, special education on them will largely stimulate their competitiveness, developing their potentials to the maximum.
学生原文:From my perspective ,I am one of the advocates for the opinion that all the students should study under the same roof .If in this way ,not only can the intelligent students be cultivated comprehensively ,but also the normal students can learn from the others ,just like the popular saying that it can kill two birds with one stone.
首先,这个文章没有总结上文。然后From my perspective ,I am one of the advocates for the opinion that这个地方重复太严重,用了3个类似的意思,只要用一个就可以了,under the same roof, 这个表达的意思有歧义,不够切合题目要求。If in this way, if要删除,learn from others ,其实只要和别人在一起,无论是谁,都是可以学的。That后面的语言没有引用对,在引用中,那个it 指代什么呢?这样的语言,不如不要。
From my perspective ,I am one of the advocates for the opinion that all the students should study under the same roof .If in this way ,not only can the intelligent students be cultivated comprehensively ,but also the normal students can learn from the others ,just like the popular saying that it can kill two birds with one stone.
To sum up, both views seem to be reasonable to some extent. Personally, I would side with the former one, because it follows the mainstream of education throughout the world and it respects equality in society.
3、 本文的句式使用一般。句子的复杂性,变化,准确性,连接等方面都有明显的问题。虽然他尽量的使用了套句,但是套句本身并没有带来实际的信息意义。
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