Ththe stone forestt vegetion...

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01:20, PE: 0.224474s , QE: 85, Gzip On, Redis On.&&&coniferous forest
For Syrmaticus ellioti , the total habitat area was about 52..5%), and the areas of broad-leaved forest, mixed forest and coniferous forest were 28..5831km2 and 10.7035km2 separately.
hi Gutian Mountain, about 59..8%) forests, including 28.5429km2 broad-leaved forest, 12.3261km2 mixed forest and 18.8298km2 coniferous forest, could be used by Lophura nycthemere as its habitats.
4. Subalpine coniferous forest belt at alt. m;
4. The Cold-temperate coniferous forest zone m.
and(4)beltof coniferous forest(alt.m.) .
The total interception decrease order of rainfall is cypress forest (51.77 mm), coniferous and broadleaf forest (48.49 mm), Masson pine forest (46.48 mm), coniferous forest (44.60 mm), shrubbery (37.76 mm) and broadleaf forest (35.36 mm) in different forest types.
The results showed that soil respiration rate of coniferous forest was 1. 650-4. 0 μmolCO2m-2 s-1 and 1. 70-3. 950 μmolCO2m-2 s-1 for coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest under natural conditions. The relationship among the soil respiration rate (SRR), soil temperature and soil relative humidity were obtained as.
The total interception of rainfall in different forest ecosystems varies from 377.6 to 494.6 t·hm~(-2) on an average of 446.56 t·hm~(-2), the decrease order is cypress forest,coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, coniferous forest, masson pine forest and shrubbery.
各种森林生态系统能够截留的降雨量总量为377 6~494 6t·hm-2, 平均为446 56t·hm-2, 柏木林的涵养水源功能最好, 针阔混交林、针叶混交林、马尾松林次之, 灌木林最小
The biomass of litter layer in different forest ecosystems varies from 10.52 to 21.90 t·hm~(-2) on an average of 17.61 t·hm~(-2),and the decrease order of the biomass is coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest,masson pine forest,cypress forest,coniferous forest and shrubbery .
凋落物储量为10 52~21 90t·hm-2, 平均为17 61t·hm-2, 依次为针阔混交林>马尾松林>柏木林>针叶混交林>灌木林;
Grey relation grade in various restoration stages appeared in the following sequence: natural deciduous broad-leaved forest(0.953) > shrub-tree ecotone(0.601) > shrub-shrub community(0.559) > herbaceous community(0.526) > Pinus armandii needle-and broad-leaved mixed forest(0.462) > pure Larix daempferi coniferous forest(0.351).
Ⅴ. Warm coniferous forest;
Advance in Coniferous Forest GAP
Forest and Health
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There are five... This special issue is on the request of the Yunnan provincial government to fullfill a new Plan in the following years to establish series of Nature Conservation Stations throughout this province. As the Socialism construction in our country is so fast, especially the influence of the great-leap forward of 1958, that stimulate everything to meet the modernization of new China. Plans for the establishment of Naturc Conservation Station in Yunnan is also one of the new things omorged in that year.
There are five main articles containing in this volumc, they are, first one, the Ta-Mon-Lung Nature Conservation Station, second one the Mong-Run-S third the Mon-La S fourth, the Mon-Yang-S and finally the Ching-Tung, Wu-Liang-Shan Nature Conservation Station. All of the five stations are situated along the east and west banks of the Lan-Tzeong-Kiang river, and lie between 21°-25°latitude north.
The first four Stations lie within Si-Shion-Ban-Na district, which is the southernmost part of the Yunnan province, on the latitude 21°-22°30′ north longitude 99°55′-101°45′ east. In general the altitude of this district is 540-1000 moters above the sea level, except a few mountain peaks reach 1800 meters high. The total area is estimated to be 25,000 square km. and with Lan-Tzeong-Kiang lows all throngh the entire territory from the north west to the south east. It is one of the richest and most lovable tropical and subtropial regions in China.
Clinatically, it is a hot and humid place, without seasenal changes in the year, but having very distinct rain and dry seasons, or a fog eason in adlition. Yearly priptation is
mm. Yearly average temperature is above 18℃. Ching—Tung Station has the same type of limate as that of Si-Shion-Ban-Na. Geographically the mountain range and river course are running in the direction from north west to south east, throughout this whole district and topographically there are flat mountain tops, steep-walled slopes, astal lands, and inter-mountain basins, provided with rich vegetation type.
The live nature conservation stations in this special issue have each mphasized on different topics. Such as Ta-Mon-Lung Station sticks to the dry type of sasonal rain forest, Mon-Rung Station has emphasized on the description of the castal type of rain forest, Mon-La Station descries the wet type of seasonal rain forest, Mon-Yang Station is on the south subtropic, montane type rain forest. On the other hand Ching-Tung Wu-Liong Shan is on the vertical distribution of vegetation.
Ta-Mon-Lung Nature Conservation station is the one located on the west bank of the Lan-Tzeong-Kiang river on the border of Burma, about 50 Kilometers south of Yun-Ching-Hwung, the capital of the Tai peoples autonomous district, It is a large inter mountain river basin, about 600 meters above the sea level, the entire area of the basin is estimated 38 kilomtrs in length end only 2-3 kilometers in width. It is surounded by middle sized mountains, The seat of the Station is on the north side of the basin, from the ground level up to the mountains slopes, with the Hsiao-Ke-Ho river as its east border & Men-Chuon village on the west side. The mine vegtation type within the statin is the "Lung-Shan" forest of the Men-Yong-Kwang and Men-Leon-Suan of the Tai villages.
In the classification of plant, communities this type of vegetation has been called the dry type of the seasonal rain forest. The first story trees of this type ofcommunity are Antiaris toxicaria and Gironniera subaequalis and many others, forming, very complex structures. On the base of the different local habitat of this plant community, it may be subdivided into: 1. community type on low terraces and lowslopes, 2. community type on eroded hill tops, 3. community type on slopes of mountain ravinas. Besides are monsoon type of forest communities and the evergreen oak forest communities on higher elevations above 800 m. in altitude, Between 700—800 m. in altitude above, the sea level is usuay a transtional zone with the tropical rain forest type below and the subtropical oak forest type above.
Secondary vegetation types are various. There are young forest and shruby lianae combinations, vast areas of bmboo (Dendromus strictus) community, the Eupatorium odorum community, the different kinds of grass communities, and other aquatic types of communities.
The Mon-Rung Nature Conservation Station is the second one to be mentioned in this specie. issue. It is located on latitude 21°41′ north and longitude 101°25′ east, to the east side of the Lan-Tzcong-Kiang River. The basin of Mon Rung is 540 m. above the sea level in altitude, with Loo-Soo-Kiang river flowng through its entire territory, and it is about the middle way of the Shiao-La-Highway. This nature conservatisn station is divided into two parts. The first part, situated near the highway, has sand shale rocks in nature. In mountain, ravines and low hills, vegetations are of the wet type of seasonal rain forest. It is also redivided into 3 eubtypes: 1. in narrow ravincs and on foot of slopes with the Pometia tomentosa as its dominant specie 2. in now ravin and on flat plas, with the Terminalia myriocarpa as its dominant specie 3. in narrow ravines and swampy places, with the Erythriua lithosperma as its dominant species in the first storg. Other types are the transitional ones of the south subtropial rain orest and the dry type of the south subtropical rain forest distributed on the higher part of the mountain slope, forming the vertical distribution of plant communities in this region.
The second part of the nature conservation of Mon-Rung Station is a lime stone type, located on the upper part of the Loo-Soo-Kiang river, its baslc rock is made of permian lime stone. This type of seasonal raiu forest community has loosely spaced diciduous tall trees in the first story and very characteristic evergreen rain forest in the lower stories. and has poor undergrowth of the forest floor. It may be redivided into two other subtypes: 1 in narrow ravines with the Mallotus pseudoverticellata as the main dominant spocies in the second story of this tnpe of community. It has been found that the line stonetype of community is rich in species, and many new spocies, even new genera and new records are continuously discovered in recent years, some families have been reported to be new distributions in Chiua.
The Mon-La Nature Conservation Station is on the east bank of the ran-Tzcong-Kiang River, the southern-most one among the five stations. It is located on th lower course of the Nan-La-Ho River, 640 m. above the sea level in altitude. All the natural forest land, on the low hills and terraces are included in this station.
The main types of vegetation within this station in the wet type of the seasonal rain forest in which, Pometia tomentosa and Manglietia sp. are dominant spcies. This is in turn redivided into subtypes: 1. narrow ravine foot slope type of wet
2. narrow ravine flat place type of wet
3. narrow ravine swampy type of wet
4. the Manglietia community type etc.
Another type of vegetation within this territory is the sonth subtropical transitional rain forest which contains Alstonea pachycarpa and sovery species or Castanopsis as the first story trees, the under stories are rich in rain forest elements. On range tops of the lower mountains are commonly south subtropial dry ever-green oak forest, containing many species of the gencra Pasania and Castanopsis as dominant ones.
The Mon-Yang Nature Conservation Station, is another one located on the east bank of the Lan-Tzcong-Kiang River, at 23°6~1-23°24~1 north latitudc, 100°-101° longitude east. The total area is estimated to bo 180 square kilometers, It is bordered on the west by Lan-Tzeong-Kiang River, on the east by thy Kun-Loo-Highway, on the south by the upper mountain ranges of the Mon-Yang-Ho River, and on the north by Mon-Men village.
The highest mountain peak within this area reaches 1800 m. above the sea level, but most of the mountain ranges are below 1500 m. A so-called the south subtropial montane rain forest is. occurcd on back mountain slopes of the Kun-Men village distributed at
m. above the sea level. The main componints of this kind of forest community are the Calophyllum thorelii. Semecarpus albesccns. Vitex quinata, Reevesia siaminsis, and Dysoxylum haanensis etc. This knd of rain forest has occured comparatively on hghcr altitude in this place is a phenomeno quit different from other types of rain forest.
The next eategory of vegetation is the tropical dry seasonal rain forest, distributel along terraces of stream sides about 720 m. above the sea level. It is a luxuriant rain forest rich in tropical species. The most conspicuous ones are: Pometia tomentosa, Daubanga grandiflora, Lagerstroemia intermidea, Cryptocarya caesia and Hrpultia cupanoides etc. The most common type of vegetation occupying most of the areas in the south subtropical region in the evergreen oak lorest. Common trees of this community are the species of the genera: Castanopsis, Pasania, Cyclobalanopsis, and Annaslea fragrans, Schima Wallichii etc.
Among. the secondary vegetations, Dendrocalamus strietus is one of the most prominent type occupying vast areas.
There are also vast areas of grass communitis, containing tall grasses like Themda giganta, Thysanolaena maxima, Neyrandia arundinacea, Microstegium vagans and mddle grasses: Imperatus eylindrica and A they togcther form different kinds of pure and mixed communities.
The fifth and the last nature conservation station is the Ching-Tung, Wu-Lion-Shan Station. It is located at 24°29′3″ latitude north, 101°4′5″ longitude east. The highest mountain peak within this area is 3200 m. above the sea leval. It is a large mountain with the total area of the station estimated (to be) 180 square kilometers, stepwalled slopes and narrow deep anyans, with distinct vertical vegetational distributions.
River bed and basins in Lan-Tzeong-Kiang, Pa-Pien-Kiang and Chuan-Ho are pro vided with the pine and oak forest community, dorainanted by Pinus yunnanensis, and Quercus alicna, Q. acutissima, Q. variabilis. Others like Kcteleeria evulyniana, Annaslea ragrans Myrica esculata, Rhododendron Delavayi are also not uncommon. Isolato large trees in this areas are Gossampinus malabaricus, Mallotus phillipinensis, Wendlandia paniculata etc.
Secondty, there are the evergreen oak forest type and the subtropical rain forest, mainly occupy in the mountain ravines and valleys. It is one of the largest plant communitis within this station, estimated to had 5045 hectare in area. It contains different community types as follows:
1. Castanopsis hystrix-Cyphotha montana community.
2. Siima waihii+Illicium yunnannsis-Shinatala chinensis+Indoclamus pedolis community.
3. Manglietia forrosti+Acer pictum-Justicia petentiira commity.
4. Anus npalensis+Hartia yunnanenis Shinatala chinensi+Cyphtha montana community.
5. Hyna trijaga-Cyathea spinulosa community.
Third one is hemlock forest distributed on the upper part of the mauntain about
m. above the sea level It is subdivided into hemlock pure forest and Tsuga-Rhoodendron communities. Tsuga yunnannsis is the. dominant species, othrs like Tsnga chinensis and Tsuga forrestii and many spies of Rhodendron are also there. The coniferous epiphytic moss forest type is a spial featrue among the plant communities.
Mountain top moss Rhododendron forest and shrubs, are distributed at
m. above the sa level. The layer of moss is as thick as 10-20 cm. and completlely covering the tree surface especially the tree trunks.
Moss Rhodldcndron shruby community are dominated by many spies of Rhodedendrom, Lyonia, Enkianths, Picris, Eurya and Vaccininm etc.
Secondary vegetion are of varions forms, such as grassland, with Arundinella and Pteridium aquinum shruby comunitics with Cletyra delavayi, Gaultheria forrst Alnus nepalensis and Jugans eathayonis are rather two pure forest stands. A small pond is formed t 2600 m. above the sea level, densely vegstated by Scirpus macronata, Eleocharis palustris, carex dispalata and other species of the families Cyperaceae and ca.
Finally a dingram for the vertieal distribution of types of plant communities of the Wu-Lion-Shan mountain has been prepared to show the differences between the oast and west slopes.
In this special issu the authors wish to amphasize their point of view in the science of vegetation as follows:
(A) An attcpt to bring out a preliminary syem of classifieation of the tropical plant communities
Ⅰ. Seasonal rain forest type-A cmbination of the nature of tropical rain forest and monsoon forest, distributed below 00 m. in atitude above the sea level.
1. Dry seasonal rain forest type-on terras and Knolls surrounding the intermountain basing. Charaetristic largo trees in this plant community are Antiaris toxicaris and Carnarium abum
This is again redivided into three subtypes, depeuding of their loal habitats.
(1) Flat terraces dry seasonal rain forest with Plonemia lenzeana as it dominant of the ground cover.
(2) On the knoll tope dry seasonal rain forest type With Geophila hebacea as dominant of the ground cover.
(3) On slopes near by the ravines dry seasonal rain forest type with Selaginella pieta as dominant of the ground cover.
2. Wet seasonal rain forest type inside the ravines and narrow mountain streams. Dominant arge trees are Terminalia myrioarpa and Erythrina lithosperma etc. This is also redividd into 4 subtypes as fallows.
1) On foot of slopes inside the narrow ravines, wet seasonal rain forest type.
2) Flat bottom land inside the narrow ravines, wet seasonal rain forest type.
3) Swampy land inside the narrow ravines, wet seasonal rain forest type.
4) Local manglietia pure stand, wet seasonal rain forest type.
3. Lime stone seasonal rain forest type. Distributed on lime stone mountains and castal lands. Dominant large tree speceis are Pterospermum lanciofolium, Ulmus laneiofolia, Mallotus pseudovertieellata snd Gironniera nitida, etc.
1) Ledge of narrow ravines type.
2) Flat sloping type.
First stry trees are deciduous large trees Colona sinica, Garuga floribunda, Celtis sp. and ulmus lanceofolia. etc. predominant tree in the second layer is the Gironiera nitida.
Ⅱ. Tropical monsoon forest type.
1. River bed monsoon forcst is characterized by Gossampinus malabaricus.
2. Stream side monsoon forest is characteristic by Pterocarya tonkinensis and Salix araeostachya.
3. Flood-plain monsoon forest, is characteristic by shruby communities Homonia riparia as the dominant species, one of the successional stages.
Ⅲ. Transitional south subtropic rain forest type (Usually distributed as a narrow strip on the middle part of the mountain slopes.)
Their top layers are evergreen oaks, sublayers are characterized by rain forest structures.
Ⅳ. suth subtropical montanc rain forest.
Diatributed on higher elevations.
m. in altitude above the sea level. Dominant trees are Dysoxylon hainanenae and Calophyllum thrllii. V. Soutlr subtiopic evergen oak forest type distribution in general on evations above 800 m. in altidde above the sea level.
1. Dry oak forest type oecupies vast areas over this region. Dominated by evergreea oaks, Schima Wallichii, and Annaslea fragrana etc.
2. Wet oak forest type occupies crtain part with better moisture condition. dominant species are usually with more Lauraceae elenets.
(B) Another concept to be mintioned in this special issue is the special featuere of the epiphytie moss: coniferous forest type at Wu-Liang than, Ching-Lung Station. We assume that the Tsuga yunnanensis pure forest community is originated from the north stretching southwardly to the Ching-Lung, Wu-Liang than region. It is. thought be the most souther end of the Tsuga forest community coming over the 250 latitude north, one of the nearest points toward the Eustor. On the other hand, the, tropical and subtropical piphytic moss forsts. One of the southern elements, are, common in Hainan Island and many plaoes in Yunnan. Naturally, the epiphytic moss forest is a kind of ever-green broad-leaf forest type but not coniferous type as we thonght before. The epiphytic moss forest is combined with the Tsuga eniferous forest forming & special feature at Wu-Liang than. This is a new disovery by the students of Yunman University. This now fcature has two scientific significances: (1) a new combination of plant community (2) discovry of a new florestic distribution. This scientific achievenent is apparently due to our socialist educatio本專号包括五个自然保护区的植被調查报告,其中大勐籠、勐崙、勐臘及勐养等四个自然保护区在西双版納境內,景东无量山自然保护区在景东境內,五个自然保护区都排列在瀾滄江兩岸分佈在北緯21°—25°之間。西双板納位於云南南部,北緯21°—22°30′,东經99°55′—101°15′。全区皆为海拔540—1000公尺的盆地和低山中山,个别山峯达1800公尺。面积約25000平方公里,瀾滄江縱貫其間,一片熱帶亞热帶的风光,是一个可爱的祖国边疆。本区气候炎熱湿潤,沒有明显的四季,只有明显的乾季和雨季(或乾季、雨季、霧季三季)。年降水量公厘。年平均温度都在18℃以上。景东无量山,受干热河谷热带气候的影响,基本上与西双版納地区相似,具有大型高山特点。在大地構造上,位于中越地台西部的横断山块断带,紅河大断裂与康滇台背斜分开,及燕山运动对本区有着巨大的影响,其基底組成,由元古代昆阳系之千枚岩、板岩和石英大理岩構成;盖层以三迭紀陆相紅色砂頁岩广泛复盖其上,厚度不下于500公尺。本区山脈走向,均是西北东南向,由西北逐漸向东南降低。澜滄水系和盆地也具有与山脈走向相一致的情况。地貌的发育是严格受着地壳構造,近代地壳运动及...本專号包括五个自然保护区的植被調查报告,其中大勐籠、勐崙、勐臘及勐养等四个自然保护区在西双版納境內,景东无量山自然保护区在景东境內,五个自然保护区都排列在瀾滄江兩岸分佈在北緯21°—25°之間。西双板納位於云南南部,北緯21°—22°30′,东經99°55′—101°15′。全区皆为海拔540—1000公尺的盆地和低山中山,个别山峯达1800公尺。面积約25000平方公里,瀾滄江縱貫其間,一片熱帶亞热帶的风光,是一个可爱的祖国边疆。本区气候炎熱湿潤,沒有明显的四季,只有明显的乾季和雨季(或乾季、雨季、霧季三季)。年降水量公厘。年平均温度都在18℃以上。景东无量山,受干热河谷热带气候的影响,基本上与西双版納地区相似,具有大型高山特点。在大地構造上,位于中越地台西部的横断山块断带,紅河大断裂与康滇台背斜分开,及燕山运动对本区有着巨大的影响,其基底組成,由元古代昆阳系之千枚岩、板岩和石英大理岩構成;盖层以三迭紀陆相紅色砂頁岩广泛复盖其上,厚度不下于500公尺。本区山脈走向,均是西北东南向,由西北逐漸向东南降低。澜滄水系和盆地也具有与山脈走向相一致的情况。地貌的发育是严格受着地壳構造,近代地壳运动及不等量上升和热带亞热带的各种外引力相互作用之结果,形成各种不同的地形形态,具有热带亞热带丰富的植被类型。本專号的五个自然保护区中,在大勐籠方面以乾性季节性雨林为中心,勐崙方面以石灰岩季节性雨林为中心,在勐臘方面以湿性季节性雨林为中心,在勐养方面以南亞热带山地雨林为中心,在景东无量山方面以垂直分佈带为中心,前三者結合此較紧密,后兩者皆單独論述,与其他自然保护区沒有联带关系。大勐籠自然保护区却在大勐籠地区,位于允景洪西南方約50公里处,是瀾滄江西岸一个較大的山間盆地之一,壩区海拔600公尺,南北長达38公里,东西平均寬兩公里,四周为10′30、50—60公尺高度不等的阶地,多巳为近代溝谷切割,环繞壩区的低山相对高度200公尺上下。大猛籠自然保护区,位于壩区的北面山坡上,上以山脊为界,下以壩区边緣为界,东至小街河,西至曼庄村。以小街为中心、以曼养光、曼涼傘的龙山森林为主要对象而划定的。保护区中以热帶乾性季节性雨林为主要类型,有箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)、大叶白顏树(Gironniera subaegualis)等极其复杂的种羣所組成,依其分佈局部地形特点及林下草被层变化特点又可分为三种亞类:①低平阶地类型,②殘丘上部类型,③近沼地坡地类型等,其次是南亞热带乾性常綠櫟树,以壳斗科为主的羣落类型。分佈在800公尺以上的垂直帶类型,在700—8000公尺之間形成一个热带、亞热带植被交錯分佈的过渡帶,不仅兩个类型交錯,嵌鑲分佈,而且种羣层片之間互相交錯。次生植被中以牡竹(Dendrocalamus strictus)羣落、佔据較大的分佈面积,其他还有藤灌羣落(Liauae and shruby community)、鉄刀木羣落(Cassia siamea community)、飞机草 羣落(Eupatorium odosatum community)等为普遍分佈的羣落类型。勐崙自然保护区位於北緯21°41′,东經101°25′。在瀾滄江东岸,支流罗梭江下游,勐崙壩区海拔540公尺,界于勐养与猛臘之間,正当小臘公路中段(58—65公里处)。自然保护区分兩大片,一为小臘公路側一段溝谷和低山,母質为砂頁岩。以湿性季节性雨林为主要类型,可分三个亞类:①狹谷坡脚类型,上层以番龙眼(Pometia tomentoca)为主;②狹谷平地类型,上层以干果欖仁树(Terminalia myriocarpa)为主;③狹谷沼地类型,上层以石果刺桐(Erythrina lithosperma)为主。还有过渡性南亞热带雨林,和南亞热帶乾性常綠櫟林等,分佈在較高的山坡上,成为垂直分佈带植被类型。另一大片自然保护区在石灰山区,位于罗梭江及其支流的上游,母質为二迭纪石灰岩。以石灰山季节性雨林为主要植被类型,上层散生落叶大乔木,中层常綠性強,郁闭性最大,下层贫乏。又可分为兩个类型:①狹谷坡脚类型,中层以假輪叶野桐(Mallotus pseudoverticellata)为主。②平緩坡面类型,中层以光叶白顏树(Gironniera nitida)为主。本保护区的特点是植被类型多(包括原生的和次生的)其中以石灰山植被最为特殊,组成种类中新种新屬新分佈繼續发現。勐臘自然保护区位于西双版納东南角的边緣上,紧靠勐崙自然保护区的南面,在澜滄江的东岸,支流南臘河的中下流。壩区海拔640公尺,沿河兩岸的丘陵和低山植被,保存最良好的地段,就是自然保护区所在。保护区內以湿性季节性雨林为主要植被类型,分佈面积最大,保留也良好,其中最常見的是番龙眼(Pometia tomentosa)为主的狹谷坡脚类型,局部地段見有以木蓮(Manglietia sp.)为优势。狹谷平地的类型的雨林,一般可分为四个亞类:①狭谷坡底湿性季节性雨林类型,②狹谷平地湿性季节性雨林类型,③狭谷沼地湿性季节性雨林类型,④木蓮(Manglietia sp.)羣落类型等。此外自然区內还有过渡型南亞热带雨林,上层以厚果鴨脚木(Alstonea pachyearpa)、錐栗(Castanopsis spp.)为主,下层多雨林成分。在保护区低山的山脊部分,普遍分佈南亞热帶乾性常綠櫟林,以柯屬(Pasania)和錐栗屬(Castanopsis)若干种为优势。井傘困滿(勐养)自然保护区,位於瀾滄江的东岸,紧靠江边,約当北緯23°6′—23°24′和东經100—101°的地方。面积估計約为180平方公里,西界瀾滄江边,东界昆洛公路,南界勐养河以北的山脊,北界勐满至大渡崗一线。自然保护区以內的海拔最高点达1800公尺,一般的山嶺都在1500公尺以下。本区的植被类型以南亞热帶山地雨林为主要对象,主要分佈在困满背后,海拔公尺的山坡上。該羣落组成主要种类有:小叶海棠(Calophyllum thorelii)、單叶漆(semecarpus albescens)、布刺(Vitex guinata)、暹罗利未花(Reevesia siamensis)、海南葱臭木(Dysoxylum haianensis)等,具有丰富的雨林結構。它分佈在这样高海拔的山上是局部温度和湿度造成。一般在这样的海拔高度上,应该是屬于南亞热带常綠櫟林的范圍了。比较次要的是热帶乾性季节性雨林类型,分佈在局部河灣阶地上,海拔720公尺的地方,主要組成种类有:番龙眼(Pometia tomentosa)、八宝树(Daubanga grandiflora)、西南紫薇(Lagerstrocmia intermedia)、桂皮(Cryptocarya caesia),还有Horputtia.cupanoides 等丰富的植物种类。保护区內佔面积最大的是南亞热帶常綠櫟林,主要組成种类有,錐林屬(Castanopsis)、柯屬(Pasania)、青杠屬(Cyelobalanopsis)等屬多种植物及桉納树(Annaslea fragrans),西南木荷(Schima wallichii)等組成。次生植被中竹林佔面积亦大,以牡竹(Dendrocaeamus stsictus),为主要种类。次生的草本植物羣落类型較多,其中最主要的种类有:大管草(Themeda gigantea)、白茅草(Imperata cylindrica),棕叶蘆(Tnysanolaena maxima)、类蘆(Neyrandti arundinacea)、野古草(Arundinella hirta)及馬鹿草(Microstegium vagans)等,分别組成單优、多优、高草、中等等不同类型草本羣落。动物比較珍貴稀有的:野象羣,各种犀鳥、大斑鳩、孔雀、野牛及华南虎。其他普通种类甚多。景东无量山自然保护区位於北緯24°29′30″,东經101°4′15″,面积估計180平方公里,海拔最高点3200公尺,当地相对高度2100公尺应屬大型高山类型,山峯峻峭,山谷峽深,植被垂直分佈明显,羣落类型复杂,最主要者有下列各类。河谷壩区乾旱性植被类型,分佈在瀾滄江把边江,者干江及川河谷等河壩区上,主要为松櫟林羣落單位,以云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)为主,与多种壳斗科植物混生如:槲櫟(Quorens aliena)、麻櫟(Q.acutisama)、全皮櫟(Q.variabilis)等。油杉(Keteleeria Evulyniana)、安納树(Annasloa fragrans)、楊梅(Myrica、esculata)、馬櫻花(Rhododendron Delavayi)等亦常混生其中。尚有散生树木有:木棉(Gossampinus malabaricus),菲島桐(Mallotus phillpinensis),水錦树(Uendlandia panioulata)等。亞热带溝谷雨林,常綠闊叶林类型,主要分佈在溝谷中,为自然保护区最优势的羣落类型,估計佔面积5045公頃之多,其中包括以下几个羣落类型。 (1)椎櫟(Caotanopsis hystrix)——山腫藥(Cyphotheca montana)羣落; (2)西南木荷(Shima wallichii)十滇八角(Illicium yunnanensis)——滑竹(Shinatala chinensis)十小金竹(Indocalomus podolcis)羣落; (3)木蓮(Manglietia torrestii)十五角楓(Acerpictum)——牛克膝(Tustieia petntifera)羣落。 (4)旱冬瓜(Alnus nepalcnsis)十云南黑德木(Hartia yunnanensis)——滑竹(Shin atals chinensis)十山腫藥(Cyphothea montana)羣落。 (5)海木(Heynea trijuga)——桫欏(Cyathea spinulosa)羣落。鉄杉针叶林羣落,分佈在海拔公尺的亞高山帶,可分鉄杉純林(苔蘚針叶乔木林),以云南鉄杉(Tsuga yunnanensis)为主,中国鉄杉(Tsuga chinensis)次之,福氏鉄衫(Tsuga forrestii)最少。及鉄衫(TSuga)——杜鵑(Rhododendron)林,其中杜鵑种类甚多。高山苔蘚杜鵑林和杜鵑灌叢,分佈在海拔公尺,山的頂部,地面上,树身上都有极发达的苔蘚,厚10—20公分以上。 (1)苔蘚杜鵑林羣落,主要种类有:杜鵑屬(Rhododendron)20—30种之多,南燭屬 (Lyonia)、吊鍾花屬(Enkianthus)、馬醉木屬(Pilris)、柃木屬(Eunya)等屬多种植物组成。 (2)杜鵑灌叢羣落,由多种杜鵑植物組成,另有假馬醉木(Picris formosa)、米飯花(Vaccinium donianum)等。次生植被类型包括多种多样的羣落單位,如草地羣落主要种类有:关公草(Arundinella)蕨菜(Pteridium aquilium)等。灌叢羣落中有山柳(Elethra delavayi)、杜鵑、南燭、米飯花、香白珠(Gaultheria focrestii)等,次生乔木林羣落中有旱冬瓜(Alnus nepalensis)林、野胡极(Juglans cathaynsis)林。在海拔2600公尺处,有一山間死水塘,全部为沙草种植物Scirpus macronata、E1eocharis、Carex dispulata等所充塞。最后附有景东无量山植被垂直分佈图一幅,东坡面临川河河谷,相对潮湿,共有17个羣落單位,西坡面临瀾滄江河谷,相对乾燥,共有10个羣落單位。在本專号中,作者們提出了一些学术性間題如下:划分羣落类型系統,羣落类型分佈,植物区系等方面分述于下: (A)我們对热帶植被类型提出的一个初步分类系統如: 一、季节性雨林类型——具有热带雨株及季雨林混合特点。 (1)乾性 With a view of revising "The Zoogeographical Regions of China" (1959) written by Cheng Tso-hsin and Zhang Yongzu,the present paper suggests to make the following modifications:1.The southern slopes below the subalpine coniferous forest zone of Himalayas,with such typical species as Presbyiis entellus,Tragopan satyra,Lophophons impe-janus,Bufo himalayna,etc.,may be considered a new subregion of the Southwest Region to be called the Himalayan Subregion.2.The Northeast plain of China (flood plain of Sungari... With a view of revising "The Zoogeographical Regions of China" (1959) written by Cheng Tso-hsin and Zhang Yongzu,the present paper suggests to make the following modifications:1.The southern slopes below the subalpine coniferous forest zone of Himalayas,with such typical species as Presbyiis entellus,Tragopan satyra,Lophophons impe-janus,Bufo himalayna,etc.,may be considered a new subregion of the Southwest Region to be called the Himalayan Subregion.2.The Northeast plain of China (flood plain of Sungari River and Liao River),with its western boundary adjacent to the Mongolian Plateau,characterized by a predominance of species of humid area,such as,Capreolus capreolus,Microtus maxi-mowiczii,Garrulus glandarius,Cyanopica cyana,RSana amurensis,etc.,seems reasonable to be considered a new subregion of the Northeast Region.3.The islands of South China Sea,with Dongsha,Xisha,Zongsha and Nansha Is.included,inhabited by sea turtles and sea birds,may be considered as a whole a new subregion of South China Region.The boundaries of the zoogeograplucal realms and regions are revised in certain sections.The problem about the position of the Great Xhingan Mountains in the Zoogeographical divisional system is discussed.按:日“中国自然地理编辑委员会”在成都召开了《中国自然地理概论》一书第八章“动物地理”初稿的审稿会议。与会代表讨论了1959年由“中国科学院自然区划工作委员会”制定的《中国动物地理区划》,根据新的资料,对该区划作了若干修订。会后又依据代表们提供的资料和其它有关材料作了补充。为引起各方面注意和展开讨论,特将修订的意见,整理发表。 参加讨论的有来自四川省生物研究所、四川省林业局、四川大学生物系、成都动物园、四川省卫生防疫站、云南大学生物系、云南省动物研究所、陕西省生物资源考察队、上海自然博物馆、广东省昆虫研究听、东北林学院、黑龙江省资源动物调查办公室、中国人民解放军59175部队、内蒙古大学生物系、中国科学院动物研究所、中国科学院地理研究所的18位代表。本文整理后又经中国科学院动物研究所、地理研究所的有关同志讨论后才定稿。 The two peat sections are situated in the Xiaowangzhung, Yanqing County and Xinglitum, Haidian district, respectively.Many pollen grains of arboreous, shrubs and herbaceous plants are found in the peat sediments. They belong to the genera Pinus. Querous, Betula, Ulmus, Tilia, Ephedra, Artemmisia etc. and families Chenopodiaceae Gramineae Cyperaceae Compo-sitae etc.Three vegetation phases from the lower to upper parts of the sections may be distinguished by the pollen analysis. The lower part of the sections... The two peat sections are situated in the Xiaowangzhung, Yanqing County and Xinglitum, Haidian district, respectively.Many pollen grains of arboreous, shrubs and herbaceous plants are found in the peat sediments. They belong to the genera Pinus. Querous, Betula, Ulmus, Tilia, Ephedra, Artemmisia etc. and families Chenopodiaceae Gramineae Cyperaceae Compo-sitae etc.Three vegetation phases from the lower to upper parts of the sections may be distinguished by the pollen analysis. The lower part of the sections represents a coniferous forest phase, mainly consisting of Pinus or the coniferous-broad forest phase of Pinus and Betula, while the middle and upper parts represent the coniferous-broad forest phase, mainly consisting of Pinus, Querous, Betula, Ulmus and Tilia and coniferous forest phase of Pinus, respectvely.The results of pollen analysis show that the climate was changing during the formation of the peats. In the early stage the prevailing climate was warmer and drier, in the middle stage was the warm and moist climate and in the late stage was the cooler and drier climate dominated.Based on the polynological date C14 age deteminalion, the geological ages of two peat ore sections are described as the Early Holocene for the lower part, the Middle and Upper Holocene for the middle and upper parts respectively.本文应用孢粉分析,对北京地区两个泥炭矿的时代和形成环境进行了探讨。指出:泥炭成矿时期的气候是温暖而湿润的,气温较现今高。植物生长茂盛,属针阔叶林植被。泥炭是在植物残体的不断积累、分解和腐烂,长期保存在水体及后期泥砂覆盖的还原环境之下,上覆压力不断增加,沉积物的堆积速度与湖沼下降的速度长期保持相对平衡等条件下形成的。泥炭成矿的地质时代主要在中全新世。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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