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Please enter a valid number.9 Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers by Kenneth Thomasma
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Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers
Kenneth Thomasma&(Author)
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$0.01 (used) - $7.91 (new)
Publisher: Grandview Pub. Co. First Soft Cover Edition (January 1, 2003)
ISBN13: 9ISBN10:
Dimensions: 0.8 x 5.3 x 7.8 inches
Language: English
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Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers (by Kenneth Thomasma) Overview:Doe Sia, a ten-year-old Bannock girl, became known for her bravery when she and her heroic pet, Otterdog, saved a little boy from drowning.
On the other side of the world in Denmark, Emma has also earned a reputation for courage by rescuing an elderly man from a burning barn.nWhen Emma immigrates to America and joins the "Handcart Pioneers" she and Doe Sia meet and form an immediate bond.
This bond is tested during a fierce mountain blizzard, in which Emma is sure she will die.
But Doe Sia knows how to build a shelter from branches, get meat from a dead buffalo, and, most important, find her way back to her people.
Together the girls face one of nature's greatest threats.
Together the girls face one of nature's greatest threats.
Together they must struggle to survive.-Grandview Publishing Company
The 13 digit ISBN for Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers is 9 and the 10 digit ISBN for Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers is . ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. The ISBN numbering system is used worldwide and publishers around the globe identify their work in this standardized format. The ISBN consisted of ten digits prior to 2007 when it was increased to its current thirteen digits. During the current ISBN transition period, books such as Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers by Kenneth Thomasma are usually identified by BOTH the old 10 digit ISBN and the new 13 digit ISBN. Each format of a book (hardcover, softcover, eBooks, tapes, MP3 and DVD) requires its own unique ISBN assignment. The format of the book: Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers by Kenneth Thomasma described in this webpage is Paperback. Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers by Kenneth Thomasma
was published by Grandview Pub. Co. First Soft Cover Edition (January 1, 2003). Since each title, edition and format must be identified by a unique ISBN; the ISBN number is similar to a license plate number, which guarantees that each book-type "product" is identified uniquely. The ISBN information is associated to titles (and metadata) in global databases. If you are interested in finding Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers by Kenneth Thomasma in a format other than Paperback, or wish to find special sale prices for new, used, or collectible copies of Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers by Kenneth Thomasma you may
Folks who read Doe Sia: Bannock Girl and the Handcart Pioneers (by author Kenneth T 13-Digit ISBN: 9) found the following items to be similarly related . . .
by Kenneth Thomasma, Eunice Hundley (Authors) PaperbackISBN: 1Priced from:
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. GREAT
BOOK!! Hey, all you 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, Doe Sia is one of the greatest books I've ever read.
It is a very exiting book, which keeps you very emotionlly involved.
One minute it has your hopes up high, and the next minute you feel there is no hope at all.
I have read the book twice now and it has kept me interested the whole two times.
In conclusion, Doe Sia is a great book and I would recomend that you read Doe Sia.
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