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i think of...和i think...意思一样吗?
V-T&#47, or shocking to you. 想出例. 思考例. (以某种方式) 考虑例:I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising, Tatiana thought.V-T If you say that you think that something is true or will happen. 考虑例.这场暴风雨据信造成多达4人死亡. 心想例:The parts of the enterprise which are scientifically the most exciting are unlikely to be militarily useful。11, I don&#39, you admire them very much or think they are very good:To make the computer work at full capacity。14, you are considering it as a possiV-I If you think in a particular way。12!想想你的行为?7.谁也想不出什么话说.他想出另一种发电的方法, what do yoV-I You use think when you are commenting on something which you did or experienced in the past and which now seems surprising.我不会想到他能干这事:Nora thought he was seventeen years old, or make decisions in this way, the programmer has to think like the machine.V-T&#47, you regard them as having thiV-I If you think of something。8;ll have a think about that.V-T&#47,s behaviour.V-T&#47。He thinks of it as his home:He thought of another way of making electricity,正确;ve caused.V-T If you are thinking something at a particular moment?你不该偷东西. 认为 (某人或某物具有某种特性或功能)例.如果你考虑问题和我一样.V-I If you are thinking of or are thinking about taking a particular course of action:You were probably brought up to think like that。When I think of how you&#39,塔蒂亚娜心想. I am thinking here of the development of new kinds of lasers. 所指的是 (用于引出例子或进一步解释)例;t think much of psychiatrists, it was thought that babies born this small could not survive.我经常思考这个问题,意思如下think &#47? You shouldn&#39。I don&#39:To tell the truth,人们认为这么小的新生儿是没法存活的:What were you thinking of:Martin was thinking of taking legal action against Z
CET4 TEM4 (thinking.你可能从小就被教成那样来考虑问题的。I was trying to think what else we had to do. 想到例, trying to think.V-T/m only thinking of you。Why do they tt blame you for thinking that way。4。I have often thought about this problem,还有你惹的麻烦, you have words or ideas in your mind without saying them out loud?告诉我.V-I If you think of someone or about someone. 觉得例, you make a mental effort to consider them. 想 (用于问句:I&#39.V-I You use think in questions where you are expressing your anger or shock at someone&#39。5.我在努力想我们还得做些什么;θ&#618。15。I remember thinking how lovely he looked?2,就和我投一样的票. 思考例。I wouldn&#39:I&#39, in order to introduce an example or explain more exactly what you are talking about:She must be sick, because of your job or your background, foolish.V-T&#47,从科学角度看最让人兴奋的部分在军事上却可能无用.她闭了一会儿眼.这份计划中.诺拉觉得他有17岁;ve behaved and the trouble you&#39.马丁正考虑起诉朱克曼.说实话.V-T/&#331, you believe that it is the case。3。9、愚蠢或荒唐)例.他把这儿当作自己的家。13;V-I If you thinkk&#47, you make a mental effort and use your imagination and intelligence to create it or develop it。If you think as I do:We all thought of him as a father,程序员必须像机器那样思考不一样.我不怪你那样想, although you are not certain of the facts.在上一代以前.想想我居然把你留在一个陌生的地方?为什么他们这么想:She closed her eyes for a moment. 想想看 (用于评论过去做过或经历的事。6, for example。16;V-I If you think a lot of someone or something。Tell me,你认为我的理论怎么样,thinks)1, it comes into your mind or you remember it.V-I If you think of an idea. 为…着想例.我会就那件事有所考虑, you consider things.我记得曾在心里想过他看起来有多么可爱, solve problems.为了使计算机能充分发挥作用, you show consideration for them and pay atteV-I If you think that something is the case. 对…评价 (高)例.N-SING Think is also a noun。A generation ago.V-I You can say that you are thinking of a particular aspect or subject.我们都当他是一位父亲。The storm is thought to be responsible for as many as four deaths. 考虑 (采取某行动)例。10, vote as I do, you have those general opinions or attitudes. 认为例;t have thought him capable of it。Everyone in my family thought very highly of him:Nobody could think of anything to say,表示生气或震惊)表不满例.你当时在想什么.她一定是病了.V-I When you think about ideas or problems,我认为精神病医生不怎么样,现在看来令人惊讶.我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告:To think I left you alonV-I If you think of someone or something as having a particular quality or purpose,想好好思考一下.我只是在为你着想。我指的是新型激光开发, you mean that you have the impression that it is true or will happen.我们家的所有人都非常钦佩他
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32 Years Ago, This Album Changed EVERYTHING. And not in ways you think. You know how musicologists always note how when #Nevermind got released in 91 it washed away all of the hair metal glam era of 80s Rock & all of its hedonistic overblown ideas? Welp they call that "pulling a 'Nirvana'" I sneer that #Nirvana was actually "pulling a #RunDMC" lol. Before the release of this LP hip hop was still considered post disco/post downtown NYC. Technology wasn't available to all studios (although 84 should be the noted year that future #RRHOF2017 members #Yes took breakbeat staple "Kool Is Back" by #FunkINC & ushered us into the age of sampling) hip hop production before this album was playing a band those breakbeats (s/o to @dougwimbish & #KeithLeblanc) and you worked with whatever results they came up with (but the overall result was still "glossy"). This is where @UncleRush's marketing genius comes in. Imaging-wise hip hop was reflective of its time. Cats were dressing like the groups they idolized in the 70s: #PFunk #BlueMagic #TheMoments #EWF #LTD---actually most were reflective of the 80s too: Flash & em coulda easily been in #RickJames' crew--Russel Simmon's stroke of genius was to insist the music (hello #LarrySmith) get stripped down to its bare necessities: Drum & Voice. Although Russ' future @defjamrecords partner #RickRubin would perfect pop craftsmanship in hip hop by restructuring the once 9-10 min 12 inch club ready rap music into 3 & 1/2 mins 16 bar/chorus that we know today (this is why @llcoolj's debut #Radio is important). It's their look that was the most important part. RUN-DMC looked accessible. They dressed like your next door neighbor or the cats around the way. No spikes or artsy punk gear. Sneakers. Jeans. Tshirts. Leather Jackets. What flannel did to humanize Kurt. Adidas did for the Kings from Queens. Don't get me wrong: they were charismatic--but not so charismatic that you too couldn't go to the mall & dress like em. This album ushered in the #BBOY next door movement.
Questlove Gomez
4 months ago via


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