About Liu Xiang

Liu Xiang was trained for gold_张玲玲_百度文库
Liu Xiang was trained for gold_张玲玲|这​是​九​年​级​上​M​o​d​u​l​eU​n​i​t ​的​教​学​设​计
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作者简介:Mary Nicole Nazzaro,玛丽-纳扎罗,是《体育画报》英文版和中文版的记者,目前正在北京采访正在进行的第二十九届夏季奥运会。他毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,获得了电视传媒以及中文的双硕士学位。毕业之后,纳扎罗小姐来到汕头大学担任了一年()的新闻学讲师,随后在2006年夏天成为了《体育画报》的特约撰稿人。2007年,纳扎罗小姐成为了《体育画报》的顾问,并且专职于中国体育市场的研究。本届奥运会是她经历的第四届奥运会,此前他曾经在美国NBC电视台工作,参与了盐湖城冬奥会、雅典奥运会和都灵冬奥会的转播工作。
  最起码,无论刘翔在后面的职业生涯中获得什么成绩,他已经成为了一个传奇人物。刘翔是集世锦赛、奥运会冠军于一身的运动员,并且是前世界纪录的保持者。我现在最希望的就是他和他的团队能够从这些压力中走出来,这样我们才有可能在四年之后的伦敦再次看到一个完美的刘翔。在那里,他可以享受一个陌生国度所带给他的宁静。也许在伦敦他可以重新站上110米栏的起跑线,享受比赛的过程,而不用担心比赛的最终结果。(搜狐体育 贝斯译)
The events this morning at National Stadium were heartbreaking, if only for the reason that when athletes are in their prime and ready to compete on a world stage, the devastation of having their bodies break down is something that really only they can fully understand.
Liu Xiang walked onto the track for the sixth heat of the first round of the men's 110-meter hurdles race as though he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. And a few minutes later he walked off, an old Achilles tendon injury having gotten the better of him when he tried to compete. His coach Sun Haiping and the head coach of the Chinese track team Feng Shuyong made it clear afterwards: Liu Xiang would never have given up if there had been any shot at all that he could complete the race.
The press conference with Mr. Feng and Coach Sun was a painful exercise. Never before have I seen a coach break down in tears C or, for that matter, tears on the faces of journalists as well. When we saw Liu Xiang get into the blocks for his first-round race this morning, wincing in obvious pain, it was clear that something was not right. He's normally bouncy and loose, relaxed and unburdened. I've watched him race in person for the last five years, including at the last three outdoor world championships and at the 2008 indoor worlds in Valencia. He never looked tight, he never looked uncomfortable. Until today.
In the four years since his improbable gold medal in Athens, we have watched Liu Xiang become the toast of his country. He wasn't even the only Chinese athlete to win a gold medal in track and field on the night he accomplished that feat in Athens (Xing Huina took her 10,000-meter championship that night as well). Nor was Liu the only Chinese to have a good result in Greece. But something about that magical mixture of talent, personality, charisma and good fortune went in Liu Xiang's favor during this quadrennium. He became a huge crossover star in China. Interestingly, the same thing has not happened abroad, as it has for Yao M the NBA is still a bigger marketing machine than anything a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles event can compete with. In New York in late May, I saw Liu Xiang standing on a street corner when he was in town for the Reebok Grand Prix. Just standing there. Nobody coming up to him, nobody calling his name. When he goes abroad, Liu Xiang has a little bit of privacy C something that I'm sure is a comfort to him in times like this.
We can only guess at Liu Xiang's feelings at this moment, but I'm sure he's devastated, feeling betrayed by his body. American Tyson Gay went through some of the same feelings after he was injured during the heats of the 200-meter sprint at the U.S. Olympic Trials last month, but even his pain must pale in comparison to that of Liu after the buildup to his participation in the Beijing Olympics.
But that's what has been so compelling about Liu Xiang's story. In every way, he is unprecedented. How many times can we write "first" after his name? First Chinese man to win a gold medal in Olympic track and field. First Asian man to win an Olympic sprint competition. First athlete not from North America or Europe to win an Olympic medal of any color in this event. Liu Xiang is simply unique.
But you know what? There's a "first" I would love to add to this list someday. First really famous Chinese athlete who can live a normal life after his athletic career is over. Those of us who cover track and field regularly started saying to each other last year that we were afraid for Liu Xiang, that the pressure being applied on him inside China already felt like too much. What happened today wasn' it was about a long-standing injury flaring up again at the worst possible time. But for Sun Haiping to dissolve in tears in a huge press conference tells me that he was under astounding pressure to deliver a healthy Liu to the starting line. The body doesn't take orders from anyone but itself. I'm sure Coach Sun and everyone on Liu Xiang's training and medical team did everything they could to help him.
Bottom line: whatever else Liu Xiang does in his athletic career is extra. He's already a world and Olympic champion and a former world record holder. What I most hope for him and his team is for the pressure to be let off now, so that he can just be another athlete when we get to London in 2012, in a country where he can walk the streets and not be recognized, and perhaps line up for the 110-meter hurdles again and enjoy the process without becoming obsessed with the result. &&
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湖南长沙白泉中学英语组Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang's team may take legal action against a clinic which used a picture of the athlete on a flyer promoting a "cure" for premature ejaculation.
The picture is of Liu just after he crashed into the first hurdle during the men's 110m hurdles heat at the London Olympics.
The flyer, advertising Huifen Hospital in the southern city of Guangzhou doesn't say the runner is Liu but the athlete, although his face is not shown as his head is bowed, is instantly recognizable and the name "Liu" can be seen on his vest.
Under the picture are the words: "Falling immediately after start! Premature ejaculation is men's unspeakable agony."
And it boasts that, with the hospital's latest technology, patients can prolong their "sexual life" for 15 minutes with a 15-minute surgical procedure.
Yesterday, Liu's coach Sun Haiping told Shanghai Daily they would be studying the case and would "definitely sue the hospital if it was proved to be using Liu's picture."
An investigation into the self-claimed hospital found that it was a small clinic which had gained some notoriety due to the number of patients who had criticized it online.
A former patient using the name "gzlt" wrote: "I paid more than 10,000 yuan for an abortion surgery! The clinic kept asking you to pay more by threatening how things may turn worse if you don't pay. Why such a black-hearted clinic may exist in the modern city?"
It was reported that the flyers had been distributed across Guangzhou after they were illegally inserted into major newspapers.
A photograph of the leaflet was posted online sparking heated discussion about the use of Liu's picture.
Some people said the hospital's use of the photograph was damaging to the 29-year-old athlete and infringed his rights. Others, however, saw the funny side of the picture showing the 2004 Olympic champion after his disastrous fall in London.
Li Guoxiong, head of the Chinese hurdles team, said he would discuss with Liu and his coach whether to take the hospital to court, the Yangtze Evening News reported yesterday.
Liu's back-up team told reporters that the matter would be reported to China's Athletics Administrative Center.
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