The kind-warm heartedd bu...

UserAssist | Didier Stevens
The UserAssist utility displays a table of programs executed on a Windows machine, complete with running count and last execution date and time.
Windows Explorer maintains this information in the UserAssist registry entries. My program allows you to display and manipulate these entries.
I posted my program (source code and binaries) . Download the ZIP file, you’ll have to extract UserAssist\UserAssist\bin\Release\UserAssist.exe to get my program. There is no setup, it’s just one executable. You’ll need the
to run my program (download it only if you have a problem running my program, if you have an up-to-date version of Windows XP, the .NET 2.0 Framework will already be installed).
I also maintain a .
Program features and operation is described in the About box:
The program UserAssist displays a list of the programs run by a user on Windows.
Windows Explorer displays frequently used programs on the left side of the standard XP Start menu.
The data about frequently used programs is kept in the registry under this key:
This program decrypts and displays the data found in the registry under the UserAssist key.
When started, the program retrieves the data for the current user and displays it.
The display is not refreshed automatically when Windows Explorer updates the registry entries.
To refresh the display, execute the 'Load from local registry' command.
Columns in the listview:
this value is {5E6AB780-7743-11CF-A12B-00AA004AE837} or {-EF1F-11D0-DEACF9}
those are the keys found under the UserAssist key, and are included in the list view to distinguish the entries.
a running counter, indicating the sequence of values in the registry
At first, the entries are listed in the sequence they appear in the registry. You can sort columns by clicking on the header.
To revert to the original sequence, sort the column Index and then the column Key
The name of the value registry entry. This references the program that was run. This key is ROT13 encrypted, the displayed name is decrypted.
There is a registry setting to prevent encryption of the log, but this program does not support this setting.
a 4 byte integer, meaning unknown. It appears to be present only for session entries (UEME_CTLSESSION).
This is the ID of the session (a 4 byte integer).
This is the number of times the program was ran (a 4 byte integer).
This is the last time the program was ran (a 8 byte datetime).
The value is displayed with the timezone of the machine running this UserAssist tool.
Watch out for time zone differences when importing a REG file from a system with different regional settings.
This is the last time the program was ran (a 8 byte datetime) in UTC.
'Load from local registry'
Displays the data for the current user.
'Load from REG file'
Loads a REG file and imports the UserAssist key.
This command doesn't check the full path of the UserAssist key, thus allowing the analysis of NTUSER.DAT hives loaded and exported with another path.
Use this command if you cannot run the program on the machine you want to analyze.
Loading the data from a REG file disables editing commands.
'Load from DAT file'
Loads a registry hive file (a DAT file like NTUSER.DAT) and imports the UserAssist key.
The DAT file is temporarily loaded in the registry under the USERSLoadedHive key. Be sure to have the local admin rights to access the file and load it.
Use this command if you cannot run the program on the machine you want to analyze.
Loading the data from a DAT file disables editing commands.
Allows you to type in a search string (a regular expression is accepted), each entry matching this string will be highlighted in red.
The highlighting stays active during reloads. Type an empty string to disable the highlighting.
This saves the data as a CSV file or a HTML file (choose file type).
'Clear All'
This deletes the {5E6AB780-7743-11CF-A12B-00AA004AE837} and {-EF1F-11D0-DEACF9} keys.
All data is lost, and no new data is recorded until Windows Explorer is restarted.
This will impact the frequently run program list on your Start Menu, and maybe other things. I had no other side-effects on my test machines.
This command is disabled when a REG file is loaded.
'Logging Disabled'
Enabling the 'Logging Disabled' toggle allows you to permanently disable the logging of user activity in the UserAssist keys by creating a value
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUserAssistSettingsNoLog equal to 1.
Disabling the 'Logging Disabled' removes the NoLog value (apparently, setting it to 0 doesn't prevent logging).
This setting is only effective after Windows Explorer is restarted.
This command is disabled when a REG file is loaded.
Right-clicking an entry will display a menu:
'Clear' will delete the selected entries. The index field of the remaining entries is not changed, they only change after reloading the registry.
This command is disabled when a REG file is loaded.
'Explain' will analyse the contents of the name field and try to explain its meaning (based on empirical data).
This program has been tested on Windows XP SP1, SP2, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista.
Microsoft doesn't publish official documentation for UserAssist data. I've found info on the WWW (google for UserAssist) and I discovered the meaning of the binary data through trial-end-error testing.
In other words: use this program at your own risk.
Ways to restart Windows Explorer:
1) Task Manager: kill the explorer.exe process and start a New Task explorer.exe
2) logoff / logon
MD5: 06B7AC6D2F81
SHA256: F6F73F4EEDDD1FBCF4B90FFEE4B93D4A46E58C0314D45
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%d bloggers like this:4 Ways to Be Kind When You Don’t Feel Like It
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“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato
I used to have a horrible boss.
I worked as a trainer in a big corporation. I can remember him coming into one of my training sessions and telling me off about something in front of my whole group.
He talked to me as if I was five years old and I’d done something terrible. When someone talks to you like that it’s difficult not to start feeling you are five years old and you’ve done something terrible. I wanted to sink into the ground.
He treated other people badly, too. He frequently
and talked down to them. He set unreasonable deadlines. He didn’t trust us to get on with our jobs.
Plato suggests that we be kind, for everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle.
Some people are very easy to be kind to.
If my friend is having a bad time in her relationship, my instinct is to call her and ask her if she’s OK. If we see an elderly person trip over on the street, our instinct is to go over and see if we can help them up. It is easy to be kind.
But what about my boss? Was I kind to him? And why should I be kind anyway?
At the time, I wasn’t kind to him at all. I talked about him behind his back with my colleagues, describing all the terrible things he’d done. I encouraged people to gang up against him.
When we were given an opportunity to give him feedback, I said something very critical about him in front of his own boss.
It’s easy to be horrible to horrible people. They deserve it, don’t they?
Since working for this man, I have learned a lot about myself and about others. I’ve learned that horrible people usually do horrible things because they are hurting.
In my own experience, when I say something horrible it’s because I don’t feel good about myself.
Yesterday, when my boyfriend was cooking, I criticized the way he was chopping the carrots. The tone of voice I used implied that what he was cooking was going to taste really terrible as a result. He was ruining the meal. It was the
he could ever make.
I did this because I’d had a . I’d had several rejections, and I needed to feel better about myself. If I could focus on how rubbish he was at cooking, then maybe I could forget about being a rubbish writer. My nasty comment came from my own hurt.
Sometimes, this process can be very subconscious. We won’t know why we’re being mean or angry or greedy or jealous—we’ll just do it. And then we’ll probably justify ourselves by pretending that it was entirely the other person’s fault.
He was cutting the carrots wrong! That gives me the right to criticize him, doesn’t it?
Sometimes a person can’t afford to acknowledge how horrible they’re being, because, deep down, they already feel terrible about themselves.
is already a bit shaky, then the last thing we want to do is take responsibility for our mean words. I didn’t want to be a rubbish writer and a rubbish, criticizing girlfriend.
My boss was also fighting a hard battle. He’d just joined the company. He was much younger than any of the other managers. He was struggling to make sense of the financial products we were selling.
We were a strong team, full of strong personalities and lots of experience. We were pretty challenging.
When I look back, I guess that deep down he had grave doubts about his ability to do the job. I don’t know if he would have admitted this to himself or anyone else, but this deep-down-insecurity makes sense of his need to push other people about, to bully them, to criticize them, to tell them off in front of other people.
If I could go back to that time, I would look at him with more compassion. I still wouldn’t like him. I still wouldn’t like his behavior.
But I would remember, whenever I could, that he was fighting a hard battle. I didn’t know anything about his home life, his insecurities, his demons. Looking back, he didn’t seem like a happy man.
So how can we try to be kinder to people, especially when we don’t feel like it?
1. Try to notice when you feel the need to be unkind to someone.
If it’s too late and you’ve already said something mean, then complete the following steps anyway and you might learn something for next time. It might also give you an opportunity to apologize to the person you’ve been unkind to—“I know I was angry about what you’ve done, but I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m sorry.”
2. Ask yourself why you are feeling an urge to be unkind.
Is it because you’ve had a bad morning, or because you’re feeling hurt or insecure? Is it because the other person has said something that has made you angry or upset?
3. If you want to be unkind because you’ve been hurt or you’re feeling insecure, then acknowledge the part of you that feels hurt.
Try to deal with this without taking it out on somebody else. Be kind to yourself.
4. If you want to be unkind because the other person has said something horrible to you, then you can do two things:
Try to make sense of why you feel so hurt. Did what the person said to you have a grain of truth in it, or are you afraid that it might? Is this why it upset you or made you angry?
Remember that the other person is fighting their own hard battle. They might have had their own terrible morning/week/life. You’re just unlucky that they’re taking it out on you. If what they’ve said to you doesn’t feel personal any more, it will have much less power to affect you.
A final note: I don’t think that being kind to everyone means that we have to be a push-over. If someone is behaving horribly, we don’t have to put up with it.
We need to remove ourselves from the situation, or report their behavior to someone else, or find some other way of looking after ourselves.
My boss’s behavior wasn’t OK. He did speak to me like I was five years old, and if I could go back in time I’d tell him calmly that I didn’t appreciate the way he spoke to me like that in front of my group, and that next time I’d prefer him to take me aside and let me know I’d done something wrong in a calmer voice.
But I think of him differently now. He was a horrible boss. But he was also a human being, struggling to get through life with all his insecurities and fears and problems. He was fighting his own hard battle.
He also deserved my kindness.
About Fiona Robyn is also on a mission to help other people to connect with
the world through writing. Visit her
where all are welcome.
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分类号 密级 学校代码 10542 学号座机电话号码0608 On Gulliver,S“DesiretoSee,,:A of GulliverastheGazerand Psychoanalysis the Gazed 论格列佛“看的欲望’’――对格列佛作为凝 视者与被凝视者的心理分析 指导教师姓名、职称 萱达塾撞 学 科 专 业 墓适适主塞堂 湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室 二。一五年六月
万方数据 OnGulliver,S“DesiretoSee":A of asthe and GulliverGazer Psychoanalysis theGazed AThesis Submittedto Studies Foreign College OfHunanNormal University InPartialFulfillmentofthe Requirements ForThe ofMasterofArtsinthe of Degree Subject English andLiterature Linguistics By Zhou胎nmin Underthe of Supervision CaoBO Changsha,Hunan, June,2015
万方数据 Abstract Jonathan Swiftwasafamouswriterofthe eighteenthcentury.His workGulliver§Travelsan in representative occupiesimportantposition the of literature.Muchattentionhasbeen tothe historyEnglish given author’S the biographical experiences,hispoliticalbackground,and work’SsatiricalartandSOon.ButfeWcriticshavestudiedthisnovelfrom the of thesis
aswell perspectivegaze.Thisappliestheorygaze as Freudian tothe of the ofthe psychoanalysisinterpretationpsychology oftheeffect has onGulliver’S protagonist,especiallygaze subjectivity andthe ofhisalienation. process Inthe isa aswellasa an novel,Gulliver gazer gazed.Being intellectual observes of intruder,Gulliver unconsciouslyeveryaspect thosecountrieshetraveled to.His areemblematicofhisfervent glasses “desiretosee”.When Gulliveristhe isinhiscontr01. gazer,everything Hecan ofthe worldatwill.Sohis shapeeveryaspect characters,those remoteinhabitantsallbecome femalesare grotesque.And especially becauseof his a disgusting prejudiceagainstthem.However,asforeigner, healso himselfunderthe
of thosenatives.Whenheisthe puts eyes gazed, helosesthe to himself.Inthose isa rightjustify inhabitants’eyes,he freako


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