they were enjoying7 ...

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
  41.The Minister of Finance stresses that the quality of goods, ____ the quantity of production, is the key to improving the nation’s economy.
  A) other than B) rather thanC) more than D) better than
  42.If people are not held responsible for their actions when they are drunk,then we____forgive drunken drivers.
  A) may well as B) had betterC) might as well D) would rather
  43.He might have been dead ____ the arrival of the doctors.
  A) but for B) except forC) with D) on
  44.These areas rely on agriculture almost ____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.
  A) respectively B) undoubtedlyC) incredibly D) exclusively
  45.It’s strange that Amy ____
  A) takes down B) takes afterC) takes to D) takes on
  46.With the experience approaching the final success, everyone knows that they can not ____ a single minor mistake and ruin the whole thing.
  A) inflict B) endureC) stand D) afford
  47.The boss stressed the criterion that a qualified waiter must do every service ____ the satisfaction of his customers.
  A) for B) byC) on D) to
  48.Only after many years of hard work ____ that money alone does not lead to happiness and success.
  A) I did realize B) had I realizedC) did I realize D) I had realized
  49.When automation is introduced into the factory, all the work done by hand will ____ the assembly line.
  A) take the place of B) replaceC) be attributed to D) give way to
  50.The travelers were ready to enjoy the spectacular tidal waves when suddenly a thick fog came up and ____ the whole scene.
  A) blurred B) belittledC) banned D) collapsed
  51.Professor Smith asked his secretary to ____ a hundred copies of this article on the duplicating machine.
  A) run down B) run offC) run over D) run into
  52.The purpose of the new economic policy is not to hinder economic growth____to guide it in a beneficial way.
  A) and B) asC) but D) except
  53.Since you don’t feel ____to cook dinner tonight, what about dining out?
  A) inclined B) pleasedC) obliged D) apt
  54.The people in that remote area still live on ____ means because the economy there is underdeveloped.
  A) difficult B) modestC) arduous D) domestic
  55.____ I admire him as a doctor, but I don’t like him as a man.
  A) Much as B) So muchC) As much D) Much so
  56.They were enjoying themselves. ____, they appeared to be enjoying themselves.
  A) However B) InsteadC) Or rather D) As a result
  57.Considering the present birth rate, the prediction that the world population will decrease in the near future simply does not ____.
  A) exist B) proveC) stand D) hold
  58.The tremendous waves ____ the whole village.
  A) conquered B) imprisonedC) confined D) inundated
  59.Old as the machine is, it is in ____ good order.
  A) reasonably B) rationallyC) probably D) occasionally
  60.We rarely perceive more than a minute ____ of the sights and sounds that fall u the great majority pass us by.
  A) fiction B) functionC) fraction D) friction
  61.His concluding remarks had a tremendous ____ on the audience.
  A) response B) impactC) affection D) assertion
  62. ____ I was at sea, there was much for me to look for this was my first voyage.
  A) Despite B) Even thoughC) Whenever D) What with
  63.Someone who gives an expensive gift often feels that he should receive more praise than if he ____ a less expensive gift.
  A) gives B) gaveC) had given D) has given
  64.Despite his disappointing record this year, I ____ feel he is the best athlete in our team.
  A) however B) otherwiseC) therefore D) nonetheless
  65.This morning I ____ the washing when it started to rain, so I had to bring it all in again.
  A) was just to hang out B) was just hanging out
  C) had just hanged out D) have just hanged out
  66.He didn’t give up hope when his firm went bankrupt. Instead, he ____ everything from the start.
  A) addressed himself to doB) addressed him to do
  C) addressed himself to doingD) addressed him into doing
  67.His political analysis is not new, but it ____.
  A) could hardly be less than eloquentB) could hardly be more than eloquent
  C) could be hardly more eloquentD) could hardly be less eloquent
  68.We are writing to the director ____ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.
  A) with the exception of B) with reference to
  C) with the purpose of D) with a view to
  69.I wonder why you are still ____ with hatred for her. The incident is already ten years away.
  A) confronted B) consumedC) patronized D) paved
  70.The changes in the treatment of his characters is a significant ____ to Shakespeare’s growth as a dramatist.
  A) image B) labelC) signal D) index
  【详细解答】other than 表示“不同于”,“除了”;more than 是“大于”,“多于”,而better than 常指“比……更好”,“胜于”;只有rather than指“不是……(而是……)”,符合本题语境。
  【详细解答】might/may as well 是比较常用但许多考生并不明确的习惯表达,表示have no better reason not to...(没理由不……还是……为好);没有may well as 这种说法,另外两个短语大多数考生比较熟悉:had better --最好;would rather--宁可……也不,宁愿。
  【详细解答】 but for的意思是if not(要是没有,要不是),要求后面跟虚拟语气的谓语。其他三个选项从意思上均说不通。
  【详细解答】各选项的意思分别为:take down--拿下,记下,拆卸,病倒;take after--长得相似;take to--从事,喜欢,养成……习惯;take on--聘用,承担(工作,责任等)。显然本题正确答案是B。与take 相关的短语动词有许多,请考生多加注意。
  【试题分析】词语辨析题,主要明确 can’t afford 的含义及用法。
  【详细解答】can’t afford 表示“承担不起……的责任/后果”;inflict 后常接on/upon,表示“使……受(痛苦),给……以(打击/惩罚)”;endure也常与cannot等否定词连用,表示“不能容忍/忍受”;而stand 表示“容忍”之意时与endure用法相同。
  【详细解答】do sth. to the satisfaction of sb. 的意思是“把某事做得使某人满意”,其他三个选项均不合题意。
  【详细解答】only after 表示“在……之后”,要求后面跟虚拟语气,同时,如果把only after置于句首则要求用倒装语序,综合考虑只有C答案正确。
  【试题分析】本题是短语辨析题,主要考察考生对give way to 与take the place of 等短语/词汇的区别。
  【详细解答】give way to (让位于)既包含着take the place of / replace的意思,又不仅仅是take the place of / replace 的意思,它强调了被比较对象的关系,如 A gives way to B 表示“B 取代了A,A 因退步/落后等原因让位于B”。所以本题答案是D。
  【详细解答】四个选项的常用意思分别是:run down-停止,把……撞倒;run off-逃跑,驱逐;run over-撞倒,掠过;run into-偶然遇见,遭遇。但考生只掌握这些意思还远远不够,比如run off在口语中还表示“复印,印刷,打印”,本题即此用法。
  【详细解答】固定搭配not ..., but...表示“不是……而是……”,其他三个选项均不能和not构成搭配。
  【试题分析】考察考生对inclined, pleased, obliged, apt等词语的习惯用语的实际应用能力。
  【详细解答】feel inclined to do sth. 相当于have a wish to do sth.,表示“想做某事”;be pleased with sb./sth. 表示“对……人/事感到满意”;be obliged to sb.表示“感谢(某人)”, be obliged to do sth.则表示“不得不/必须(做某事)”;apt 的常用词语包括:be apt at (善于, 巧于),be apt for(适合),be apt to/to do sth.(易于动辄, 往往有可能)。
  【详细解答】正如我们会用a modest income来形容收入不高一样,modest一词除了表示“谦虚”之意,也可用来表示“简单的,不大多的,不过分的”等。其他三个选项(difficult -艰难的;arduous-费劲的,险峻的;domestic-家庭的,驯服的)均不合本题题意。
  【试题分析】本题测试点是副词as / so 与 much 连用的意义与用法。
  【详细解答】much as 中的as 相当于 though,表示让步,译作“虽然”;而as much中的as 则表示“与……同样(多)”;so much 表示“和……一样多”,“就只那么多”;没有much so 的说法。
  【试题分析】本题测试考生对习惯用语or rather 的掌握。
  【详细解答】or rather是对上文的补充或修正,译作“更确切地说”,根据句意,其他三项都不合题意。
  【详细解答】hold 一词作动词用时可以表示“拿着”、“保存”、“支持”、“占据”、“拥有”等,它还有一个义项是考生不太熟悉的,意思相当于to be valid, applicable, or true,“使有效/可行/真实”,“有道理”。其他三个选项显然均不能适用于本句。
  【详细解答】reasonably 表示“适度的”,“尚可以”,“过得去”,符合本题题意。而其他三个选项均不合题意(rationally-讲道理地,理性地;probably-大概,或许;occasionally-有时候,偶尔)。
  【详细解答】impact 与 influence同义,表示“影响”,后面接介词 on,其他三个选项均不合本题题意(response-回答,响应;affection-倾向,爱情;assertion-声明,断言)。
  【详细解答】原句提到的是my first voyage, 因此C)不合适,what with 表示“由于”,“因为”,不能用于该句,而despite不是连词是介词,所以选择B)。
  【详细解答】句中if 从句是表示过去时间的虚拟语气,因此必须用“had + 过去分词”形式。
  【详细解答】however比较常用,表示“无论如何,然而”; otherwise是“否则”,therefore表因果,译为“因此,所以”,只有nonetheless 符合本句含义,除了表示“虽然如此,但是”,还相当于still,表示“仍然”。
  【试题分析】本题测试英语中when 的一个特定句型。
  【试题分析】本题测试考生对习惯用语address oneself to sth./ doing sth. 的用法的掌握。
  【详细解答】address oneself to sth./ doing sth.表示“全力以赴做某事”或“全神贯注做某事”,是习惯用语,考生应掌握其意义及用法。
  【详细解答】with the exception of意为“将……除外”;with reference to表示“有关,关于”;而with the purpose of 是指“为了”;with a view to则是“打算要,有意要”。因此根据句意选择答案B。
  【试题分析】本题测试be + 动词的过去分词+ with的意义和用法。
  【详细解答】be confronted with表示“面临”,“面对”,“碰上”;be paved with表示“(路面等)以……铺成”;而patronize 一词表示“资助”,“光顾”等,没有be patronized with 这种用法。只有be consumed with 才真正适合本句句意,意思是“对……充满着……”(后常跟表示情感意义的词)。
  【详细解答】index (to) 表示“标志,表征”,如Manner of walking gives an index to one’s character(行路的姿态是人的性格的表征)。其他三个选项(image-图象,映像;label-标签,商标;signal-信号)均不适合本句句意。
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One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were enjoying______ games when s
One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were enjoying______ games when suddenly a hungry cat came up to them! She hid________ a big tree and then crawled(爬) torward through the tall grass until she could almost hear them talk. After the mother rat and her babies knew________ , the cat jumped from her hiding-place and started to run after them.The mother rat and her babies began to run away, they hurried towards their_______ , which was under a pole of large stones. But the baby rats were so_______ that they could not run very_______ . The cat came_____ . In no time the cat would be upon them. What was to be done?The mother rat stopped running, turned round and faced the cat, shouting "Bow! Wow! Bowwow!" just like an angry dog. The cat was______ surprised and scared that she ran away. The mother rat turned to her babies, "Now you see how important it is to learn ______ a second language!"Just then she heard a shout "Miao! Miao!" just like the cat ran away just now."Oh, the cat's come back. We must escape(逃脱 right now." The mother rat called out to her children. "Haha! It's only a ______ "said one of her children. "I have learned a second language."小题 playing小题 front ofC.behindD.under小题3:A.what happenedB.what did happenC.that happened whatD.that what had happened小题4:A.homeB.treeC.motherD.host小题5:A.happyB.tiredC.frightenedD.hungry小题6:A.quicklyB.slowlyC.farD.long小题7:A.close and closeB.closer and closeC.closer and closerD.close and closer小题8:A.soB.suchC.tooD.enough小题9:A.theB./C.aD.an小题
>>>One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open fiel..
One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were enjoying______ games when suddenly a hungry cat came up to them! She hid________ a big tree and then crawled(爬) torward through the tall grass until she could almost hear them talk. After the mother rat and her babies knew________ , the cat jumped from her hiding-place and started to run after them.The mother rat and her babies began to run away, they hurried towards their_______ , which was under a pole of large stones. But the baby rats were so_______ that they could not run very_______ . The cat came_____ . In no time the cat would be upon them. What was to be done?The mother rat stopped running, turned round and faced the cat, shouting "Bow! Wow! Bowwow!" just like an angry dog. The cat was______ surprised and scared that she ran away. The mother rat turned to her babies, "Now you see how important it is to learn ______ a second language!"Just then she heard a shout "Miao! Miao!" just like the cat ran away just now."Oh, the cat's come back. We must escape(逃脱) right now." The mother rat called out to her children. "Haha! It's only a ______ "said one of her children. "I have learned a second language."小题 playing小题 front ofC.behindD.under小题3:A.what happenedB.what did happenC.that happened whatD.that what had happened小题4:A.homeB.treeC.motherD.host小题5:A.happyB.tiredC.frightenedD.hungry小题6:A.quicklyB.slowlyC.farD.long小题7:A.close and closeB.closer and closeC.closer and closerD.close and closer小题8:A.soB.suchC.tooD.enough小题9:A.theB./C.aD.an小题
小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:A小题5:C小题6:A小题7:C小题8:A小题9:C小题10:A试题分析:本文叙述了鼠妈妈领着小老鼠在外面做游戏,这时突然一只饥饿的猫朝他们走来。鼠妈妈和小老鼠知道发生了什么事之后,他们匆忙往家跑。小老鼠太害怕了,因此跑得不快。那只猫越来越近了,马上就赶上他们了。这时,鼠妈妈停下来学狗叫,吓的猫逃跑了,于是老鼠妈妈说,“学习一门外语是多么重要”。小题1:考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。A. to play&动词不定式; B. playing 现在分词;&& C. played&过去式,过去分词& D. to playing to+动名词.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事。句意:他们正高兴的做游戏,这时突然一只饥饿的猫朝他们走来。故选B。小题2:考查介词及语境的理解。A. on 在……之上;B. in front of 在……之前;C. behind 在……后面;D. under在…….下面。根据后文的 then crawled(爬) torward through the tall grass until she could almost hear them talk.可知此处是猫躲在树后面的高草里。句意:她躲在一棵大树后面。故选C。小题3:考查宾语从句及语境的理解。 A. what happened 发生了什么? B. what did happen 发生了什么?& C. that happened what& D. that what had happened发生了什么?位于动词knew之后的特殊疑问句的词序为疑问词+主语+谓语。句意:鼠妈妈和小老鼠知道发生了什么事之后。故选A。小题4:考查名词及语境的理解。A. home&家;B. tree 树木; C. mother 母亲;D. host主人。根据后文的which was under a pole of large stones.可知大石头下面是老鼠的家。句意:他们匆忙往家跑。故选A。小题5:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. happy&快乐的; B. tired&疲倦的; C. frightened 害怕的; D. hungry饥饿的;根据前文的 the cat jumped from her hiding-place and started to run after them.可知一只猫在追他们,他们感到害怕。句意:小老鼠如此的害怕。故选C。小题6:考查副词及语境的理解。A. quickly快地; B. slowly慢慢地 ; C. far 遥远地;D. long长期地。根据前文的But the baby rats were so_______ 可知小老鼠太害怕了,因此跑得不快。句意:他们跑得不是很快。故选A。小题7:考查形容词短语及语境的理解。A. close and close 接近和亲密; B. closer and close C. closer and closer越来越密切;D. close and closer 根据In no time the cat would be upon them.可知猫跑得快,因此它离这些老鼠越来越近了。句意:那只猫越来越近了。故选C。小题8:考查形容词和副词及语境的理解。A. so 如此;B. such 这样的;C. too 太,很;D. enough足够地。so+形容词+that+句子,“如此…….以至于……”句意:那只猫如此的惊讶和害怕以至于逃跑了。故选A。小题9:考查冠词及语境的理解。A. the 定冠词; B./ 零冠词; C. a 不定冠词;D. an不定冠词。a second language一门外语。句意:现在你们知道学习一门外语是多么重要。故选C。小题10:考查名词及语境的理解。A. joke 玩笑;B. rat 耗子;C. cat猫;D. dog狗。根据 the cat's come back. 可知猫回来了,老鼠妈妈学狗叫只能糊弄猫一时,并不能真正把猫吓走,因此这只是一个玩笑。句意:这只是一个笑话。故选A。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open fiel..”主要考查你对&&人物传记类阅读,故事类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
人物传记类阅读:本类型选材主要是名人轶事。人物传记的叙述线索也常常以时间为序。内容一般不是一个人的生活流水账,而是选取主人公一些重要的人生阶段或生活片段来展开叙述。阅读时要把握主人公在此阶段发生的事对他本身或他人有什么重要的意义和影响。 故事类阅读:文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。阅读这类材料时,同学们一定要根据主要情节掌握文章主旨大意,同时抓住每一个细节,设身处地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据情节展开想象,即使是碰到深层理解题也可迎刃而解。故事类阅读注意:初中生接触到的阅读材料大都是故事类。阅读故事类的材料,应该抓住人物线索、地点线索、时间线索和情节发展线索。特别注意的是,以上线索往往是并存的。因为情节的发展总是涉及到人物的变化、时间的推移、场景的变换等。而阅读材料后的阅读理解往往会围绕这些内容设计一些事实类的理解题。凡事实类的理解题都可以从阅读材料的表层文字中找到答案。在阅读故事类短文时,应理解文章的深层含义,也就是它的主题。在此需要注意的是,现在的阅读理解题在测试事实类的理解题的同时,往往有一道推理类理解测试题.
与“One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open fiel..”考查相似的试题有:


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