iphone5出了吗什么时候出 when

用Xcode7向App Store提交二进制文件是,提示ERROR ITMS-90096:"You binary is not&optimized for iPhone 5....".
在工程里的Images.xcassets添加并设置LaunchImage对解决ERROR ITMS-90096根本不会起到任何作用,需要单独添加针对iPhone 5的载入图片。关键点有三项:1、图片的名称必须叫Default-568.png。2、必须把图片放在工程的根目录下。3、图片尺寸必须是320*568。
&string&{320, 568}&/string&
Views(...) Comments()苹果iPhone5_when、where、why引导的定语从句_沪江英语
1.He will always remember the day when/on which his father returned from America.
He will always remember the day.
His father returned from America on the day..
2.This was the time when/at which she left for Beijing.
This was the time.
She left for beijing at the time.
3.I don&t know the reason why/for which he didn&t come to the meeting yesterday morning.
I don&t know the reason.
He didn&t come to the meeting yesterday morning for the reason.&
在when、where、why关系副词引导的英语定语从句中,只会出现when、where、why或on which、at which、for which等等,绝对不会出现on when、at where、for why这种情况,因为关系副词引导的定语从句只能起状语作用,既不能做动词的宾语,也不能做介词的宾语。
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沪江价:¥4988.00audio - iPhone 5 iOS7 no sound only vibrates when ringing? - Ask Different
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Here is what I tried...
Do Not Disturb is off
In Settings -& Sounds, Vibrate on Ring is off and Vibrate on Silent is off
The switch on the side is set to silver not red.
The music will play over the headphones and over the speaker.
The keyboard click sound will play over the headphones and over the speaker.
I looked in Settings -& Accessibility and there doesn't seem to be anything in there (however whenever I got the phone the zoom was turned on)
I don't know what else there is to try, but it doesn't play the ring tone when the phone rings.
moving mine in and of the holster moved the ringer button to the off position accidently. Glad it was something that simple....but sure stumped me for a while.
the ringer button is the one above the volume buttons on the left side
I believe this is fixed in the latest iOS 7 update.
I had the same problem with my iphone 6 plus Im on ios 8.3. My phone would only vibrate no ringtone. My fix: Toggle the ringer button on the left side of my phone OFF and ON.
Additional settings (if it would help you):
Settings>Do Not Disturb>
Manual (Off)
Scheduled (Off)
Allow Calls From (Everyone)
Repeated Calls (On)
Only while iPhone is locked (check)
Settings> Sounds>
Vibrate on Ting (on)
Vibrate on Silent (on)
RINGER AND ALERTS (set in the middle)
Change with Buttons (on)
Ringtone (summit)
Text Tone (hello)
New Voicemail (Tri-tone)
New Mail (Ripples)
Sent Mail (Popcorn)
Tweet (keys)
Facebook Post (swish)
Calendar Alerts ( Hello)
Reminder Alerts (Chord)
AirDrop (pulse)
Lock sounds (off)
Keyboard clicks (off)
Hope this helps anyone.
Try this, hold on home and lock button for 10 second,
Mine would vibrate for incoming calls but would not ring. This fixed mine right away.
There is a ring/silent switch on the left side of the iPhone 5s, (right side for iPhone 6), just above the sound up and down arrows.
Slide it up, and that should turn your ringer back on, you should be able to hear your phone ring.
I had the same problem - everything looked right in settings but my iphone5 still only vibrated.
The ring tone that I had it set to indeed had stopped working when I tested it, so I switched to another ring tone and it works.
For iPhone 6plus:
- locate volume control on left side of phone
- find small silver switch just above that
- use your fingernail to switch it in the direction of your screen.
- test to see if your phone ringer is working
Power volume flex cable is damaged, change it
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挽尊原文:You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too. (普通版):你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞;你说你爱太阳,但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影;你说你爱风,但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子;你说你也爱我,而我却为此烦忧。(文艺版):你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望;后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香;后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量;后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘;我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。(诗经版):子言慕雨,启伞避之。子言好阳,寻荫拒之。子言喜风,阖户离之。子言偕老,吾所畏之。(离骚版):君乐雨兮启伞枝,君乐昼兮林蔽日,君乐风兮栏帐起,君乐吾兮吾心噬。(七言绝句版):恋雨却怕绣衣湿,喜日偏向树下倚。欲风总把绮窗关,叫奴如何心付伊。(七律压轴版):江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。怜卿一片相思意,尤恐流年拆鸳鸯。【编后语】不知道这世界上是否还有第二种语言能像中文这样产生出如此极具美感的文字来。当我们不假思索地跟随者众人疯狂地学习英语的时候,是否能偶尔停下脚步,回过头来欣赏一下我们自己的文化呢?当我们津津乐道于各种无厘头的网络时尚用语时,是否能偶尔静下心来品味一下传统文化带给我们的不一样的感动呢?
看完楼主的这个帖子以后,我的心久久不能平静,震撼啊!为什么会有如此好的帖子!我纵横网络bbs多年,自以为再也不会有任何帖子能打动我,没想到今天看到了如此精妙绝伦的这样一篇帖子.楼主,是你让我深深地理解了'人外有人,天外有天'这句话.谢谢你!在看完这帖子以后,我没有立即回复,因为我生怕我庸俗不堪的回复会玷污了这网上少有的帖子.但是我还是回复了,因为我觉得如果不能在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名,那我死也不会瞑目的!能够在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名是多么骄傲的一件事啊!楼主,请原谅我的自私!我知道无论用多么华丽的辞藻来形容楼主您帖子的精彩程度都是不够的,都是虚伪的,所以我只想说一句:您的帖子太好了!我愿意一辈子的看下去!这篇帖子构思新颖,题材独具匠心,段落清晰,情节诡异,跌宕起伏,主线分明,引人入胜,平淡中显示出不凡的文学功底,可谓是字字珠玑,句句经典,是我辈应当学习之典范.就小说艺术的角度而言,这篇帖子可能不算太成功,但它的实验意义却远远大于成功本身.正所谓:&一马奔腾,射雕引弓,天地都在我心中!&楼主真不愧为无厘界新一代的开山怪!本来我已经对这个社区失望了,觉得这个社区没有前途了,心里充满了悲哀.但是看了你的这个帖子,又让我对社区产生了希望.是你让我的心里重新燃起希望之火,是你让我的心死灰复燃,是你拯救了我一颗拨凉拨凉的心!本来我决定不会在社区回任何帖子了,但是看了你的帖子,我告诉自己这个帖子是一定要回的!这是百年难得一见的好贴啊!苍天有眼啊,让我在优生之年得以观得如此精彩绝伦的帖子!楼主的话真如&大音希声扫阴翳&,犹如&拨开云雾见青天&,使我等网民看到了希望,看到了未来!晴天霹雳,醍醐灌顶或许不足以形容大师文章的万一;巫山行云,长江流水更难以比拟大师的文才!黄钟大吕,振聋发聩!你烛照天下,明见万里;雨露苍生,泽被万方!透过你深邃的文字,我仿佛看到了你鹰视狼顾,龙行虎步的伟岸英姿;仿佛看到了你手执如椽大笔,写天下文章的智慧神态;仿佛看见了你按剑四顾,江山无数的英武气概!楼主,你说的多好啊! 我在社区打滚这么多年,所谓阅人无数,见怪不怪了,但一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混蛋有着本质的差别,那忧郁的语调,那熟悉的签名,还有字里行间高屋建瓴的辞藻.没用的,楼主,就算你怎么换马甲都是没有用的,你的亿万拥戴者早已经把你认出来了,你一定就是传说
路过 帮你顶帖没错吧 小尾巴紧跟我~✎﹏₯㎕……     两只老虎,两只老虎         谈恋爱,谈恋爱       两只都是公的,两只都是公的          真变态,真变态    


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