i am running man e67out of...

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Mega Super Mommy
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 4,069
My kids are getting to the point where they start crying when I pull out the camera.
I wanted to practice today and so I tried some self portraits for the first time.
Remember that I am still using a point and shoot camera.
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Texas
Posts: 266
I think they look great!
My kids are the SAME WAY... they almost hate when I pull out the camera..LOL.
I am queen of self portraits too..lol.
No one ever takes my pic b/c Im usually the one w/ the camera.. so why not take them of yourself..lol
Platinum Supermommy
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 8,065
WAY better than any of mine!
I HATE even attempting self portraits!
I like them.
Thanks to Maitri for my wonderful siggy!
Platinum Supermommy
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Missouri
Posts: 13,443
those are awesome! i'm usually missing either the top of my head or my chin in self portraits! LOL
&div align=&center&&
Platinum Supermommy
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Ocean Reef, WA
Posts: 31,927
those are really nice
Mega Super Mommy
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 4,069
Thanks everyone.
dkmommy there were many with a missing forehead or chin.
Most of these have something cut of as well.
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I am running out of patience...
I feel like there is no point in ttc. No matter how much or little we have sex, it always turns up negative. We tried having sex several days in a row when I was ovulating, every other day, and then just sporatic. What else can I do? Is there something I am missing or not doing to conceive?
7:32 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
7:33 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
Just try and relax. It will happen.
7:37 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
Have you both seen a doctor to rule out fertility issues?
7:39 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
Well, we have only been trying since October, so it hasn't been too long. I know there are some that wait for years! At first we were really trying, then the past couple of months just letting it be...but keeping in mind when I would be ovulating. If after a year nothing happens, we will probably go see a doctor then. I know our case insn't as bad as some, but we are at the point where we really want to have a baby!
7:42 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
I know it is frustrating...I tried for 5 months and got pregnant only to make it to 7 weeks along...TTC sucks, but you can't give up....you just have to relax and take it easy....have you been trying everything?? What worked for me was taking prenatal vitamins, cutting out caffeine and just enjoying our sex life(we had sex everyday)
7:46 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
I've read A LOT about this. If I'm pregnant this time (testing on the 14th) I'd be more than happy to send you my OV Watch for cheap. It tells you your 4 fertile days BEFORE ovulation, the 2 days you're ovulating, & the two less fertile days after you ovulate. It's awesome & so worth it!! You just wake up one morning & the watch says FERTILE & it's the best thing ever haha. It's so easy :] It was a little more work for me since I'm trying for a girl. I started trying a couple days before I knew the watch would say fertile.
Another tip, after sex lay down & relax for 20mins. Try not to pee until an hour or two later. Some people say when you're laying down to elevate your hips by putting a couple pillows under your butt. Start taking vitamins now, that helps too. Make sure you're eating enough too :]
8:43 PM on Feb. 10, 2010
Do you own the book Taking Charge Of Your Fertility?
Are you charting CM, CP and BBT? (all of them)
Have you tried Fertility Blend? ()
These are the 3 questions I always ask when discussing this because there are lots of ovulation prediction methods out there but many are unaccurate and NONE are as accurate as charting Cervical Mucus and Cervical Position. Basal Body Temperature should be charted as well to comfirm ovulation, determine luteal phase time, determine fertile mucus time & to determine whether or not your pregnant.
The book I mentioned will teach you how to do all of these things. Fertility Blend is a CLINICALLY TESTED blend of herbs that is recommended by many, many, many doctors & fertility specialist because it works so well. I personally had a LPD & it corrected it in 2 weeks.
By the way..We tried for 9 months with #1. I charted 1 month & got PG. Got PG 1st try with #2.
1:48 AM on Feb. 11, 2010
i feel ya! i just gave up for now just gonna do things and not use protection but im not gonna make myself sick about it. im finding hobbies that take my mind off baby making. im not even trackin my cylce for the next few months cus it FRUSTRATES ME!! lol
3:49 PM on Feb. 11, 2010
Hey ours, let us know how it turns out when you test on Sunday! Happy Valentines to you!
9:02 PM on Feb. 11, 2010
Thanks 1passioninlife! I will definitely let you know. :]
2:13 PM on Feb. 12, 2010
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