class strugglee up是什么意思?

fratricidal struggle的中文翻译及用法
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struggle是什么意思 struggle在线翻译 struggle什么意思 struggle的意思 struggle的翻译 struggle的解释 struggle的发音 struggle的同义词
struggle英 ['str?gl] 美 ['str?ɡ?l] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:struggle 基本解释不及物动词奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取名词奋斗; 打斗; 竞争struggle 相关词组struggle1.
: 斗争下去;struggle 相关例句不及物动词1. 1. The old man has been struggling with illness.&&&&这位老人一直在与病魔斗争。2. 2. The baby struggled in its mother's arms.&&&&婴儿在母亲怀抱中挣扎。3. struggle什么意思3. The human being struggles with his environment.&&&&人类和环境竞争。名词1. The struggle for independence was long and hard.&&&&为独立而斗争是长期而艰苦的。2. 2. We had a struggle to stop the criminal.&&&&我们为截住罪犯进行了搏斗。struggle 网络解释1. 挣扎:完全错过这个地球灵性发展史上最重要的二十几年吗?驻留在欢乐中!将病痛(sickness)屏除在外、将挣扎(struggle)屏除在外. 如果你决心如此、如果你希望如此的话,那么保证一定会是这样的. 以上就是属世的责任.2. 奋斗:现高薪招聘栏目...职位简介:我公司是中国中央电视台大型演播室访谈栏目<>的合作伙伴,<>(STRUGGLE)是由中央电视台近期精心打造的大型励志脱口秀节目,节目将在央视中数传媒多个频道播出.struggle 双语例句1. I won`t abandon the struggle, but I will continue by other means.&&&&我不会放弃抗争,」他说:「但我会用其他方式持续抗争下去。2. Down the documentation of the struggle and the scientific analysis to depict the specter of Minamata disease in everyday life.&&&&和水俣病医学三部曲同时拍摄的这个作品,尽量避开了对水俣病的科学分析及斗争纪录,而是描写了日常生活中的水俣病。3. This thesis researched five novels printed in 《Taiwan Minpao》、《Taiwan》, 〈Where does she go〉、〈He Dong Shi Zi Hou〉、〈Tai Niang Bei Shi〉、〈Hsia Yu〉、〈Marital problem〉of 1920s, discussed how to present the unrest and struggle between tradition and modern in the related subjects of women and modern under the scope of novels in the Taiwan early age.&&&&本论文讨论1920年代刊登於《台湾民报》、《台湾》杂志上的五篇小说〈她要往何处去〉、〈河东狮子吼〉、〈台娘悲史〉、〈霞玉〉、〈婚姻问题〉,讨论台湾早期小说当中,如何在女性与现代性的相关议题方面,呈现传统与现代之间的摆荡与挣扎。4. It might be argued that the cold war represented a similar period, but that is a fallacy: the cold war was an ideological struggle between two powers that were always hopelessly ill-matched.&&&&也许会有人提出理由证明冷战也代表了这样的一个时期,但是那是一个错误的见解:冷战是两个超级大国之间意识形态上的斗争,而且力量上总是不相配。5. Maybe you feel like you are just not the creative type, and you struggle with coming up with craft projects.&&&&也许你觉得你是不是创作型,你斗争今后与工艺的项目。6. 6. I'm going to stay out of their power struggle.&&&&我不想介入他们的权利争斗。7. Of course, the misery can drive one to struggle, this is a strong power.&&&&苦难当然会逼迫人去奋斗,这是一种强大的动力。8. Even though you ignored your appearance when you struggle for life, well, you know you are a&&&&在奋斗的同时,或许看似穷酸,但我知道我是一个公主!9. It bruises me when on my neck, it strangles me when i struggle to tear it off.&&&&它在我的脖子上擦伤皮肤,当我挣扎这将它扯下时,它又把我紧紧勒住。10. It bruises me when on my neck, it strangles me when I struggle to tear it off.&&&&它戴在我的颈上,弄得皮肉疼痛,每当我挣扎着要把它扯下,它却把我紧紧地勒住。11. Sri Lanka would rather have warm relations with India, than get caught in the middle of an Indo-Chinese struggle for control of the Indian Ocean.&&&&&&斯里兰卡宁愿升温与印度的关系,而不愿意夹在印度-中国为控制印度洋的争夺中间。12. Alternative Title Interest Struggle among Plunderer, Culture Agent and Professional Touter in Tourism Author&&&&&&旅游业中掠夺者,文化掮客和好客从业者的利益博弈13. struggle13. His's music is not simple, simple is the appearance, he just uses simple notes to descript his complicated heart fellings, and uses the elegant voice to show his fervor heart, It is natural to us music is not artificial, with female's gentle as gentle and children's straightforward, but also to show the complex and dramatic struggle.&&&&&&莫扎特的音乐不是单纯的音符旋律,他是用简单的音符在诉说着内心的复杂,用平静的声音在表现着内心的热情。他的音乐是最自然的,同时包含着女性天生的阴柔和孩子天真的烂漫。14. Hiss music is not simple, simple is the appearance, he just uses simple notes to descript his complicated heart fellings, and uses the elegant voice to show his fervor heart, It is natural to us music is not artificial, with females gentle as gentle and childrens straightforward, but also to show the complex and dramatic struggle.&&&&&&莫扎特的音乐不是单纯的音符旋律,他是用简单的音符在诉说着内心的复杂,用平静的声音在表现着内心的热情。他的音乐是最自然的,同时包含着女性天生的阴柔和孩子天真的烂漫。15. 15. There are four characters that can be found in this process. Firstly, it is a struggle within the political system. In other words, tenants admit the hierarchical rights of ruling class, but reject excess exploit. Secondly, the resistance has various ways, and law is a frequent resort too. Thirdly, collective resistance comes to be the most common form, wealthy peasants always act as organizers and leaders. Fourthly, tenants` resistance processes exhibits obvious different theme of demands in all phrases. Before mid and latter of 14 century, most requirements aim to rejec while after, mainly to strive for cutting down the rents and tallage.&&&&&&再次,文章分析了英格兰佃农抗争的四个特点,一是体制内的抗争,即佃农接受统治阶级的等级权利,反抗过度剥削;二是抗争方式多法并举,以法律手段为主;三是集体抗争逐渐成为抗争的主要组织形式,富裕佃农是抗争活动的组织者和领导者;四是抗争历程有着鲜明的时代主题,即以14世纪中后期为界,之前以抵抗领主超出惯例规定的要求为主,之后以争取减免地租捐税为主。16. 16. The final year of the Han dynasty, Eunuchs and court relatives struggle for power, the country falls into chaos.&&&&&&东汉末年,阉宦外戚弄权,导致天下大乱,一代枭雄曹操乘时而起,挟天子以令诸侯,于汉献帝建安十三年挥军南下,讨伐汉室胄裔刘备,与称霸江东的孙权。17. 17. When he looked back on his years of hard struggle, he said that it was no easy job to balance work and study.&&&&&&他在回忆当初艰苦奋斗的年月时说,在工作和学习之间取得平衡是不容易的。18. 18. It isn't a struggle to get him to brush his teeth anymore because he loves how it tastes, and since it's fluoride free, it's ok for him to swallow it.-- Anonymous on March 11, 2007&&&&&&以前每次给他刷牙他都非常抵触,自从我给他换了这个牙膏以后,他开始变得喜欢刷牙了,因为这个牙膏的口味他很喜欢哦,而且牙膏里又不含氟,所以他把他当糖果似的吞吃了下去也无妨。19. The silence for a long time, exudes one to sigh with regretfinally, Mei Xuxun snow three point white, the snow actually losesplum section of fragrances, you said that we why must struggle areason why?&&&&&&沉默许久,终于发出一声慨叹,梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香,你说我们何必要争个所以然?20. The silence for a long time, exudes one to sigh with regret finally, Mei Xuxun snow three point white, the snow actually loses plum section of fragrances, you said that we why must struggle a reason why?&&&&&&沉默许久,终于发出一声慨叹,梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香,你说我们何必要争个所以然?struggle 词典解释1. 奋力;努力;尽力&&&&If you struggle to do something, you try hard to do it, even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed.&&&&e.g. They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity...&&&&&&&&&&&他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。&&&&e.g. Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills.&&&&&&&&&&&那些失业的人们想方设法以支付超市的账单。2. 斗争;奋斗;努力&&&&A struggle is a long and difficult attempt to achieve something such as freedom or political rights.&&&&e.g. Life became a struggle for survival.&&&&&&&&&&&生活成了一场奋力求生的斗争。&&&&e.g. ...a young lad's struggle to support his poverty-stricken family...&&&&&&&&&&&年轻的小伙子为了支撑他贫困的家庭所作的努力3. 挣扎;努力挣脱&&&&If you struggle when you are being held, you twist, kick, and move violently in order to get free.&&&&e.g. I struggled, but he was a tall man, well-built.&&&&&&&&&&&我使劲挣扎,但他又高又壮。4. 搏斗;扭打&&&&If two people struggle with each other, they fight.struggle在线翻译&&&&e.g. She screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground...&&&&&&&&&&&他们在地上扭打成一团,她向他尖叫着“别打了”。&&&&e.g. We were struggling for the gun when it went off!...&&&&&&&&&&&我们正在争夺那把枪,这时它突然走火了!5. 艰难地做;吃力地做&&&&If you struggle to move yourself or to move a heavy object, you try to do it, but it is difficult.&&&&e.g. I could see the young boy struggling to free himself...&&&&&&&&&&&我看到小男孩正在奋力挣脱。&&&&e.g. I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter.&&&&&&&&&&&我提着行李艰难地走着,迫切地寻找着搬运工。6. 艰难地行进&&&&If you struggle somewhere, you succeed in moving there, but only with great difficulty.&&&&e.g. The pilot struggled out of the wreck almost uninjured...&&&&&&&&&&&飞行员艰难地从失事的飞机中爬出来,几乎没有受伤。&&&&e.g. Catherine struggled to her feet...&&&&&&&&&&&凯瑟琳艰难地站起来。7. 勉力维持;挣扎&&&&If a person or organization is struggling, they are likely to fail in what they are doing, even though they might be trying very hard.&&&&e.g. The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product...&&&&&&&&&&&该公司正竭力为其新产品寻找买主。&&&&e.g. One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics... 1/5&&&&&&&&&&&的年轻人做日常的数学计算都费劲。8. 费力的事;难事&&&&An action or activity that is a struggle is very difficult to do.&&&&e.g. Losing weight was a terrible struggle.&&&&&&&&&&&减肥是一件非常艰难的事。相关词组:struggle 单语例句1. The previously unknown group Armed Struggle Cells has claimed it has a British " captive " although it did not mention Mr Mann by name.2. Lindsay has previously spoken about her struggle to find quality acting roles following a difficult year which included yet another stint in rehab.3. He can't speak English, so would struggle to communicate with coaches.4. Dozens of leftist sympathizers from neighboring countries joined the protests, which many saw as symbolic of a wider struggle against a capitalist establishment.5. These socialist benefits were introduced as a result of fierce class struggle during the time, not the charity of the capitalist elite.6. Those who enjoy talking about her rumored early career life ignore her struggle as a nobody to become a professional actress.7. His swishes and crisp passing kept the Celtics scrambling and it filled a major hole with starter Vince Carter continuing to struggle.8. Many of them view the power struggle as an unprecedented case in China's business history.9. Her dying moments were caught on a video viewed by millions online, and she became an icon in the opposition's struggle.10. Labour rebels may struggle to find a willing challenger to Brown if the party appears doomed to lose the next election.struggle是什么意思,struggle在线翻译,struggle什么意思,struggle的意思,struggle的翻译,struggle的解释,struggle的发音,struggle的同义词,struggle的反义词,struggle的例句,struggle的相关词组,struggle意思是什么,struggle怎么翻译,单词struggle是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询 全部查询 网址:
&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 英 ['str?g(?)l]
美 ['str?ɡl]
vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎
n. 努力,奋斗;竞争
vt. 使劲移动;尽力使得
努力,斗争,奋斗,争取来自中古英语 struglen,努力,斗争,进一步词源不详,可能与 strive 有词源上的联系。-le, 表反复。
late 14c., of uncertain origin, probably a frequentative form (compare trample, scuffle), of uncertain origin. Skeat suggests Old Norse strugr "" others suggest a connection to Dutch struikelen, German straucheln "to stumble." Related: Struggled; struggling.1690s, from
1. How many letters are there in the word'struggle " ?
struggle 这个单词有多少个字母? 来自《简明英汉词典》 2. It's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.
要让他们达标,需要不断努力。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Curiously, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health.
奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。 来自柯林斯例句 4. He grandly declared that "international politics is a struggle for power".
他一本正经地宣称“国际政治是一场权力之争”。 来自柯林斯例句 5. This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
这场由来已久的对控制权的争夺已经引发了无数流血的战争。 来自柯林斯例句
斗争, 搏斗,对抗,抗争,同...斗争
vi. 斗争,奋斗,努力 try to overcome difficulties, etc.; make great efforts
[C] 打斗,搏斗,战斗,斗争 fight
[S] [C] 努力,奋斗 great effort
struggle&:&斗争, ...
struggle&:&斗争, ...
an energetic attempt
"getting through the crowd was a real struggle"
"he fought a battle for recognition"
an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals);
"the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"
"police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"
"the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her"
make a strenuo
"She struggled for years to survive without welfare"
"He fought for breath"
to exert strenuous effor
"he struggled to get free from the rope"
climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
"the tribesmen fought each other"
"Siblings are always fighting"
"Militant groups are contending for control of the country"
用作不及物动词 (vi.)
He struggled to control his temper.
They should therefore unite to struggle together.
Let's join hands and struggle together.
People struggle at the dead-line.
用作名词 (n.)
He gave up the struggle in despair.
He came off very well in the struggle.
After a long struggle, she gained control of the business.
用作动词 (v.)
The bandit struggled desperately.
He struggled to the surface as the water dragged him down.
It's hard to rescue drowning people because they struggle so much.
The wounded young man struggled to his feet.
The pony struggled and kicked.
Martin struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.
He'd rather watch TV than pick up a paper and struggle through it.
Two boys are struggling together.
The two sisters struggled through the snowstorm.
She struggled forward for about half a mile.
S+~+to- v
They were struggling to get out of the broken car.
They struggle to build a more democratic society.
John struggled to pass his final examination.
He struggled to control his temper.
用作名词 (n.)
In the struggle to arrest the thief, the policeman's coat was torn.
The long struggle between the unions and the government may settle down into an uneasy peace.
Three people were hurt in the struggle.
We'll see the struggle against hegemonism through.
This is referred to as “the struggle for existence”.
A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.
It was a hard struggle to get my work done in time.
It was a struggle for her to make him understand.
I had a struggle to make myself heard in all the noise.
His life was a hard struggle with sickness.
After a long struggle, she gained control of the business.
The victim put up a heroic struggle against his assailant.
He had lost his struggle to keep his job.
Only the united struggles of the people of the world can check aggression and save peace.
He said that whatever happened he would see the struggle through.
用作动词 (v.)
struggle against (v.+prep.)
为反对…而斗争 oppose sth with difficulty
struggle against sb/sth
He struggled against those who opposed his plan.他与那些反对他计划的人进行了斗争。
In Chinese history the peasants kept struggling against the rule of the feudal class.在中国历史上,农民不断地与封建阶级的统治作斗争。
What is the use of trying to struggle against the system?力图反对这种制度有什么用?
The swimmer struggled against the tide.游泳者逆流而上。
We must struggle against this prejudice for a more tolerant attitude to our beliefs.我们必须反对这种偏见,以争得对我们的信仰采取更为宽容的态度。
The workers have been struggling against bad conditions for too long.很久以来,工人们就在为反对恶劣的工作条件而进行斗争。
All his life he has been struggling against injustice.他一生与不公正现象作斗争。
struggle along1 (v.+adv.)
挣扎前进 move forward with difficultyThe poor old man was only just able to struggle along with the help of a stick.这可怜的老人拄着拐杖才能挣扎着行走。
艰难地生活 be able to live with difficultyWe struggled along for many years until things got better.在情况好转前,我们一直艰难地过了好多年。
struggle along2 (v.+prep.)
挣扎着沿…前进 move forward along sth with difficulty
struggle along sth
The old man struggled along the road to his home.老人挣扎着往家里走去。
struggle for (v.+prep.)
为…而斗争 try to obtain sth from sb with difficulty, as by fighting
struggle for sth
The two men were struggling for the gun for several minutes.这两人为那支枪争夺了好几分钟。
The two men have been struggling for the leadership since last year.这两人从去年起一直在争当领导。
Most animals have to struggle for existence in a dangerous world.大多数动物得在一个充满危险的世界上为生存而竞争。
In the old days we had to struggle for our daily bread.在旧社会我们得为糊口而挣扎。
We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.我们应当帮助那些仍然为独立而斗争的人。
Our task is to struggle for the modernization of our industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology.我们的任务是为实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化而斗争。
struggle in (v.+prep.)
在(某处)打架或挣扎 fight or make awkward movements in (sth such as a place or material)
struggle in sth
I struggled in the snow, trying to make my way forward.我在雪地里挣扎着,想继续前进。
We all have to struggle in life.在生活中我们都得斗争。
struggle on (v.+adv.)
挣扎着(生活)下去 continue to live although with difficulty
struggle on
Life was harsh for the first settlers in America , but they struggled on.对于第一批定居美洲大陆的人们来说,生活是非常艰苦的,但他们设法坚持了下来。
Whatever the trouble is, we have to struggle on with our lives, we have no choice.不管有多难,我们也得挣扎着活下去,除此别无选择。
It's not easy for him to study a foreign language at such an advanced age, but he struggles on.他这么大岁数还学习外语,不是件容易的事,但他还是坚持下来了。
struggle out (v.+adv.)
挣扎着出来〔去〕 leave a place with difficulty
struggle out of sth
One by one, the insects struggled out of the smoke-filled hole.一个接一个的虫子从满是浓烟的洞里挣扎着爬出来。
She struggled out of the net which had trapped her.她从陷入的网中挣扎出来。
struggle with (v.+prep.)
与…打架,与…斗争fight with sb/sth
struggle with sb/sth
The shopkeeper struggled with the thief.店主与小偷搏斗。
Don't struggle with a man who attacks you, you've no hope of winning and it will only make matters worse.如果有人打你,你不要和他打,你没有打赢的希望,只会把事情弄得更糟。
He struggled with his assailants and eventually drove them off.他同攻击者搏斗,最终将他们赶走了。
The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.狗和野猫猛烈厮打。
All his life he has been struggling with illness.他的一生都在与疾病作斗争。
在内心与(自己,自己的良心等)进行斗争 have an inner battle with (oneself, one's conscience, etc.)
struggle with oneself/sth
After struggling with myself for some days,I decided to accept his offer.经过好几天的思想斗争,我决定接受他的求婚。
You could almost see him struggling with his conscience before he chose to tell the truth.在他最后决定说出实情前,你简直能看见他内心在激烈地斗争。
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
Exhausted by the struggle between ecstasy and remorse.
出自:P. P. Read
Arguments and power struggles with my boss.
出自:H. S. Strean
A struggle ensued and a..trooper was shot.
They were policemen and Maria was struggling with them as they dragged her over.
出自:J. T. Story
struggle是不及物动词,与介词against连用,表示“同与之对立或对抗的人或物进行斗争”; 与介词for连用,表示“为…而斗争”。
struggle的基本意思是“斗争”,表示抽象的行为,用作不可数名词; 表示具体的“打斗,搏斗,战斗,斗争”时,可用作可数名词。
struggle against, struggle with
struggle against指在艰苦的环境下奋起反抗或斗争; struggle with指试图控制或征服对方。
struggle, fight
这两个词都有“斗争”的意思。其区别在于:fight的含义具体,也可指为某一目标而斗争,但多指真刀真枪地搏斗; struggle的含义抽象,指在逆境中拼搏,以期达到某种目的。例如:
We must struggle difficulties.我们必须与困难作斗争。
Martin struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.马丁在黑暗中挣扎,没有人给他出主意,没有人给他鼓励。
误 They struggled to hunger and passed the hardship.
正 They struggled against hunger and passed the hardship.
析 struggle against是固定用法,意为“和…斗争,苦斗”,其中against不能改为to。
误 The cat made struggle to get free.
正 The cat made a struggle to get free.
误 What is work?Work is a struggle.
正 What is work?Work is struggle.
析 struggle表达具体化的“斗争,挣扎”时,其前可加不定冠词a。struggle用来表示抽象化概念的“斗争,挣扎”时,前面通常不加不定冠词a。
误 In the struggle of arresting the thief the policeman's coat was torn.
正 In the struggle to arrest the thief the policeman's coat was torn.
析 当 struggle 为名词作“战斗”或“斗争”解时,它后面往往跟动词不定式作定语,不用“of+ v -ing”的形式。
误 Religion and science have been in constant struggle for thousands of years.
正 Religion and science have been in constant conflict for thousands of years.
析 宗教同科学是信仰和思想上的冲突,不是行为上的“争斗”,应该用conflict而不能使用struggle。
☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古北欧语的stugrr,意为恶意。
struggle&:&斗争 ...
struggle&:&斗争;拚搏 ...
struggle:struggle n. 竞争, 努力, 奋斗vi. 努力, 奋斗, 挣扎vt. 尽力使得, 使劲移动习惯用语ding-dong struggle 旗鼓相当的竞争; 不相上下的竞争life-and-de…


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