
曙光是什么意思 曙光在线翻译 曙光什么意思 曙光的意思 曙光的翻译 曙光的解释 曙光的发音 曙光的同义词 曙光的反义词 曙光的例句
曙光 基本解释曙光曙光[shǔ guāng]词典:黎明,拂晓;开端;醒悟。词典:黎明,黄昏,暮光;暮年,晚期,晚年;衰退期,没落时期;暮光之城。词典first light of morning:曙光。词典the first light of day:曙光。曙光 汉英大词典曙光[shǔ guāng]fi th aurorae:  例:文明的曙光    the     黎明的曙光出现在地平线上。    The first signs of the dawn appear on the horizon.曙光 网络解释1. 1. twilight:德信指出,被改编成为电影的书本,例如<>、<<曙光>>(Twilight)都成功吸引了平时不爱阅读的青少年.
卡德薇表示,不管青少年的读书兴趣在哪里,他们都可以按己所需而参加书会的活动. 她说:「要涉猎文学,要阅读,要听别人的意见,2. shu guang:(1)曙光(shu guang)微精无痕丰胸缔造傲人双峰微精无痕丰胸专题曙光微精无痕丰胸由嘉兴曙光独创,融合了微精技术的精髓、极速的体验、国际顶级隆胸假体享受.曙光 双语例句1. 金秋的风送袅袅暗香而来霜中的菊献片片芳菲一季吻夕阳余辉爱溢出温柔的眼眸望四野安详激情飞上诗句听黄河汩汩载无数苦难历史观河沙沉沉积淀多少回忆满目疮痍是你旧时的容颜儿时的艰辛留下了不灭的烙印风霜雪雨半个世纪的搏击渊远流长五千年文明的足迹历史的长河翻滚着昔日英勇的浪涛时光的琴弦弹唱着今日辉煌的旋律祖国啊,我为你自豪当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的天安门,让风云迎来东升的太阳。&&&&Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.2. 作者:孙昌勤,陈世沛,刘建平,陈建勋,刘曙光,熊勇,周平,王何斌,范耀刚作者单位:617067 四川,攀枝花市中心医院肝胆外科△介入治疗中心&&&&Panzhihua Centre Hospital, Panzhihua 617067, China3. 表现在相关论著如雨后春笋,有关研究揭示了衰老的机理,为寻找延缓衰老的对策带来了曙光。&&&&Studies revealed the mechanism of ageing and brought some new light to fight against ageing. One of the causes of ageing is due to the damage of free radicals.4. 我孜孜不倦地读到黎明来临,被饥饿逮着时就喝一杯浓郁的热巧克力,吃一份美味的西班牙火腿三明治,然后在Paseo Bolivar上那些开着花的墨西哥丁香树下,沐着第一道曙光溜达。&&&&Dawn found me there, reading without mercy, and when hunger pursued me I would have thick hot chocolate and a sandwich of good Spanish ham, and stroll with the first light of dawn beneath the flowering matarraton trees on the Paseo Bolivar.5. 在剧本结尾黑暗阴森的墓穴上空,两个年轻人的徇情献身迎来了黎明的曙光。&&&&In drama ending dark gloomy coffin pit sky, to practise favouritism, dedicate oneself to and welcome the dawn at dawn two young people.6. 主要是生产半导体器件的姜堰市优宾晶圆科技有限公司;生产微型钻头、钻嘴的菁茂科技有限公司;生产锂电池的江苏富朗特电源有限公司;生产石油钻杆的江苏曙光格兰特钻杆有限公司;生产生物技术与新药的苏中药业有限公司;生产螺栓型楔形线夹的姜堰市赛弗迪电力科技有限公司;生产电分析食品的江苏江分电分析仪器有限公司;生产监测系统、智能仪器登记表的姜堰市恒源捷超电子有限公司等企业。&&&&Now there`re tens of hi-tech enterprises, hereinto 30 provincial ones, including Jiangyan UPM which produces Jiangyan Ginal Technology w Jiangsu Front Power which prod Jiangsu Dawning Grant Drill Pipe which pro SZYY Group which produces biological technolo Jiangyan Daifudi Electric Power Equipment which produ Jiangsu Jiangfen Electro-analytical Instrument which produces electro- and Jiangyan Hengyuan Jiechao Electronics which produces monitoring system, smart instrument register.7. 曙光给它配上彩色的霞帔。&&&&The morning crowned it with splendour.8. 风荷茶楼,曙光路83号,用野生苦瓜和陈年乌龙做成的苦瓜茶可以止咳消痰。&&&&Bitter Gourd Tea made from Bitter Wild Gourd and Vintage Oolong Tea that eases coughing and reduces phlegm.9. 你对浪漫的理解,似黎明的曙光,似柔和的音乐。&&&&Your idea of romance is dimlights, softmusic, and just the two of us.10. 胜利的曙光还是洒在一个熟悉的,平凡庸碌的地方,仍需要食品杂货和污水处理的地方。&&&&Instead it dawns on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.11. 此次沙龙的举行受到了国内多家知名安全企业的欢迎和支持,金山、瑞星、奇虎360、江民、启明星辰、东软、曙光、卡巴斯基、赛门铁克、联想网御、绿盟、光芒星空等企业负责人应邀出席并作专题发言。&&&&&&Of this salon hold got the welcome of many famous and safe company of domestic and support, golden hill, luck star, strange tiger 360, Jiang Min, Venus celestial bodies, east the soft, dawn, Kabasiji, Tie Ke that surpass the door, associate controller of company of cool one's heels of star of net drive, green alliance, ray is attended on invitation.12. 有时我自清晨的睡梦中醒来,望着窗外高楼间透露的微稀曙光&&&&&&You can also look at a version of this same page which has the screen style set to print. css.13. 接下来的几个星期中,基地曙光都会停泊在这里,除非用来隔离北冰洋海冰的障碍物损坏,纳勒斯海峡被浮冰吞没,迫使我们不得不采取回避动作。&&&&&&The Arctic Sunrise is going to spend the next few weeks here, unless, of course, the barrier holding back the Arctic Ocean's sea ice breaks, flooding the Nares Strait with floes, forcing us to take evasive action.14. 摘 要:辽河曙光油田杜84块超稠油油藏的储集层胶结非常疏松,原油中沥青质、胶质含量高达45.7%,原油黏度对温度敏感性强,油藏温度45℃时原油黏度高达22×104mP 。&&&&&&Du-84 block of Shuguang oil field in Liaohe is an unconsolidated super heavy oil reservoir, with oil viscosity of 22×104mP. s, and asphalt and gelatinoid content up to 45.7%.15. 清晨初现的第一道曙光,是我一天祝福的开始。&&&&&&First light of morning is the beginning of my blessing in a day.16. 在新世纪曙光初现之时,事实显而易见。&&&&&&At the dawn of the new century, the facts are clear.17. 苏曙光,曹华,刘云生(华中科技大学软件学院,湖北武汉 430074&&&&&&School of Software, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China18. 在我垂头丧气、怨天尤人的瞬间,又让我看到了曙光,当我好不容易重拾信心,点燃斗志继续向前的时候,上天又再次折断天使的翅膀,让我狠狠的摔落了下来!&&&&&&While I dejected, they are the moments I like to see the first light of morning, when I finally regain confidence, ignited the fighting will continue, God once again broken angel wings, let me severely drop down!19. 要是没有这一切,要是新生活的曙光遥遥无期,我将不愿继续存活于世。&&&&&&This will silence the slaveholder, when he says where is your love for the slave?20. 20. 世间最可怕的莫过于一颗破碎的心陷入新的无助与虚妄,然而,这就是为珍爱的一线曙光与真情付出。&&&&&&No place is nore terrible than the hopeless emptiness of a broken heart, yet for many it is the price to py for a glimpse of true love.曙光是什么意思,曙光在线翻译,曙光什么意思,曙光的意思,曙光的翻译,曙光的解释,曙光的发音,曙光的同义词,曙光的反义词,曙光的例句,曙光的相关词组,曙光意思是什么,曙光怎么翻译,单词曙光是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&& 曙光在词典中的解释
曙光拼音:shǔ guāng
真人发声曙光的意思[morning twilight] 破晓时的阳光,比喻已经在望的光明前景胜利的曙光我们大家看到,在许多国家里已经显露出国际无产阶级社会主义革命的曙光。&&《在马克思恩格斯纪念碑揭幕典礼上的讲话》更多解释(1).黎明的阳光。 唐太宗 《除夜》诗:“对此欢终宴,倾壶待曙光。” 明
高启 《御沟观鹅》诗:“白雪泛金塘,羣翻动曙光。” 丁玲 《阿毛姑娘》:“她趁着一点点曙光跑出家门。”(2).比喻美好的前景。 鲁迅 《热风·随感录五十九》:“曙光在头上,不抬起头,便永远只能看见物质的闪光。”曙光相关翻译 曙 shǔ 天刚亮:曙色。曙光(破晓之光,喻已经在望的美好前景)。
笔画数:17; 部首:日; 笔 光 guāng 太阳、火、电等放射出来耀人眼睛,使人感到明亮,能看见物体的那种东西:阳光。月光。火光 the first light of morning\n相关词组:\n
[?] 1. ??(曙光). [??? ?? ??? ?].2. 〔??〕 ??(曙光). [??? ?? ?????? ?? ??].我们已经看到了胜利的曙
名les lueurs de l'aurore
(Substantiv)Anbruch (m), Beginn (m)D?mmerung (n)Morgenr?te (n)Morgenrot (n) 曙光的相关词语 唐
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晓风。 南朝
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骆宾王 《海曲书情》诗:“白云照春海,青山横曙天。” 唐 ...
报晓的鸡啼声。 唐
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报晓的更鼓声。 唐
韩愈 《石鼎联句》序:“斯须,曙鼓鼕鼕,二子亦困,遂坐睡。...
拂晓的银河。 南朝
陈后主 《有所思》诗之三:“团团落日树,耿耿曙河天。”
犹言识大体。 明
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王维 《过沉居士山居哭之》诗:“曙月孤鶯囀,空山五柳春。” 唐
沉佺期 《苑中遇雪应制》诗:“北闕彤云掩曙霞,东风吹雪舞仙家。” ...
(1).黎明的更柝声。 唐
祖咏 《宿陈留李少府揆厅》诗:“旅泊倦愁卧,堂空闻... 关注词典网微信公众号:词典网,回复:曙光汉语 快速查询: 快速导航汉语词典字母索引热门词语 都市;城市。 清
魏源 《客怀柬龚定庵舍人》诗之七:“何当吹此声,送入闤市间。...
亦作“ 戚婣 ”。姻亲。 元
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见“ 黄櫨木 ”。
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