How do peopledo you eat dinner? ...

· · · · · ·写一篇英语作文题目是Christmas Day要求,六年级的英语作文,不少于五句话.要求:1.When is Christmas 2.What do people do?3.What do people eat?3.How do people feel?注意,要写礼物和圣诞树,圣诞老人
Last Christmas DayI had a very happy Christmas last year.I spent it with my parents.We got up early that day.My mother cooked delicious food for me.I enjoyed it very much .My father bought me a present.It was a beautiful Christmas card.I liked it too.We went shopping in the afternoon.I bought many thingsgkossuch as story books and toys.We all had fun.It was a happy Christmas Day.
6. Restaurants
Do you usually go out to eat or do you usually eat at home
How often do you go to a restaurant (to eat)(Do you often go to restaurants (to eat)How often?)
Why do you (or, why do people) go to restaurants
What kind of restaurants do you like(prefer) (Why?) (Or, How do you choose which restaurant to go to?)
What kind of restaurants do young people in China prefer(Why?)
What do you usually do there
What kind of foods do you (or Chinese people) like to eat in restaurants
How (do you think) restaurants have changed, over the past few years(=How are restaurants today different to those of before?)
How do you think they will (might) change in the future
What skills do people need to work in a restaurant?
最后编辑于:作者: qiqiHOW DO PEOPLE EAT?手抄报所需内容 中英文都要是关于西方人吃饭的习俗 礼仪 吃什么东西的
扫描下载二维码how do normal people eat?
I've had an eating disorder for six years and have only recently been trying my best to get on track. I think I'm mostly meeting my caloric needs for each day, but I've lost touch with how most people do stuff, and my eating habits still seem odd. That's what I'm guessing anyway. Because even though the individual things add up to the right amount of calories, it still seems like I'm eating a lot. Could anyone help give me some examples of a balanced diet? I'm 5&3, and my set point is 105 pounds. I'm a bit over that right now, but I'm not sure by exactly how much because I haven't wanted to get on the scale recently.
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In answer to how &normal& people eat, there is no answer as there are no normal people.
I don't know how much help i can be but i do know this (whether or not you also know i'll mention it anyway)
In addition to eating the right amount of calories you should also take into account the times that you eat, and the amount you eat in each sitting, and additionally what your food contains.
1. making sure you eat at the same time each day will help keep your body up to date and and stop you getting hungry at random times if you suffer from that. also be sure to space your meals out evenly.
2. &most people& eat a small amount in the morning, slightly more at lunch, and even more at dinner so the meals get bigger through the course of the day. To keep hunger at bay between meals its a good idea allow yourself a few small snacks, preferably healthy slow energy release foods like dried fruit or nuts (but dont go overboard on the nuts as they contain high amount of fat) (also peanuts and cashews arent good nuts.. go for almonds or brazil nuts.)
3. thirdly eating the right amount of calories is all good and well but if its made up from fatty foods, or foods that all contain similar nutrients/etc then it's not gonna help with your weight. Make sure to do your research and get a balance of the right things eg. fat/fibre/protein/minerals/vitamins.
And as a final note if anyone disagree's with anything i've stated please correct me as i don't wish to give out bogus information.
In answer to how &normal& people eat, there is no answer as there are no normal people.
I don't know how much help i can be but i do know this (whether or not you also know i'll mention it anyway)
In addition to eating the right amount of calories you should also take into account the times that you eat, and the amount you eat in each sitting, and additionally what your food contains.
1. making sure you eat at the same time each day will help keep your body up to date and and stop you getting hungry at random times if you suffer from that. also be sure to space your meals out evenly.
2. &most people& eat a small amount in the morning, slightly more at lunch, and even more at dinner so the meals get bigger through the course of the day. To keep hunger at bay between meals its a good idea allow yourself a few small snacks, preferably healthy slow energy release foods like dried fruit or nuts (but dont go overboard on the nuts as they contain high amount of fat) (also peanuts and cashews arent good nuts.. go for almonds or brazil nuts.)
3. thirdly eating the right amount of calories is all good and well but if its made up from fatty foods, or foods that all contain similar nutrients/etc then it's not gonna help with your weight. Make sure to do your research and get a balance of the right things eg. fat/fibre/protein/minerals/vitamins.
And as a final note if anyone disagree's with anything i've stated please correct me as i don't wish to give out bogus information.
&Normal& is different for everybody. I am someone who has several small meals a day. I don't overeat at all, I just can't seem to eat a lot at one time. My husband eats three squares. Both of us are normal.
&Normal& is different for everybody. I am someone who has several small meals a day. I don't overeat at all, I just can't seem to eat a lot at one time. My husband eats three squares. Both of us are normal.
What's most important is what you eat.&&You're obviously overstressed about your weight, but if you eat the foods that are good for you your weight will not fluctuate.&&Most of us don't eat that way when we're stressed, so good on you for being able to change.&&What you need to do now is learn about nutrition, which is about way more than calories.
What's most important is what you eat.&&You're obviously overstressed about your weight, but if you eat the foods that are good for you your weight will not fluctuate.&&Most of us don't eat that way when we're stressed, so good on you for being able to change.&&What you need to do now is learn about nutrition, which is about way more than calories.
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how do normal people eat?
I've had an eating disorder for six years and have only recently been trying my best to get on track. I think I'm mostly meeting my caloric needs for each day, but I've lost touch with how most people do stuff, and my eating habits still seem odd. That's what I'm guessing anyway. Because even though the individual things add up to the right amount of calories, it still seems like I'm eating a lot. Could anyone help give me some examples of a balanced diet? I'm 5&3, and my set point is 105 pounds. I'm a bit over that right now, but I'm not sure by exactly how much because I haven't wanted to get on the scale recently.
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