i just wish you the bestthe smi...

I threw a wish in the well_百度文库
I threw a wish in the well
你可能喜欢& “This is an open lett...”习题详情
This is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the department store I am employed as a shop assistant .When you took my bag, I don't know what you thought you were going to get.With my wages, there's not much left on a Tuesday.I hope the £5 was useful to you .I have informed the &social security office so you won't be able to cash the child benefit next week .I hope that won't leave you too short.But if you really need a couple of pounds, I suppose you could always cash one of the two checks left in my check book.Of course,I phoned the bank right away and the check-casing card is no longer valid, so it won’t be much use to you .Actually I don't mind about the money too much.We single parents who work to support our families understand only too well what it means to be short of cash .However, I don’t suppose it went very far among the three of you.Sorry about that!I wish you had left the bag behind and just taken the wallet and check book.There were all kinds of papers in it, and notes and things that I really need.I really think that was very inconsiderate of you .I mean, how would you like something like that to happen to you?Well, perhaps the bag will turn up.It wasn't even an expensive one.just a plain, old brown leather shoulder bag.You probably dumped it in the nearest rubbish bin or threw it into the bushes. We've looked around, of course, but no one saw which way you went after you left the shop.I'm not really angry with you.I know how the pressures of modern living can affect us, but I am sad at the loss of my personal things.I feel violated and helpless.The police were very icy, and they just shrugged(耸) their shoulders."It happens all the time," they told me .Some small comfort, I suppose.But I've lost just a little more faith in human nature.And as my young son said when I told him what had happened, "Why? Mummy, why us?" I couldn't answer that question.I wonder if you can.【小题1】In writing Paragraph 2, the writer wants to&&&&.A.describe the contents of the bag in detail.B.give some suggestions to the three thievesC.tell the thieves hardly any money was availableD.state the fact that she was careless with the money【小题2】Which of the following is the most valuable to the writer?A.The cash in her bag.B.The papers and notes in the bag.C.The handbag itself.D.The check books in the bag.【小题3】What can we conclude about the police?A.They have doubts about human nature.B.They show sympathy for the woman.C.They think the case quite common.D.They are unable to find the thieves.【小题4】Why does the author write the letter?A.To give the thieves a serious warning.B.To complain about the fall of morality.C.To call people’s attention to their belongings.D.To express her affection for her valuable bag.CBCB&
习题“This is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the department store I am employed a...”的分析与解答如下所示:
This is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the department store I am emplo...
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欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“This is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the department store I am employed as a shop assistant .When you took my bag, I don't know what you thought you were going to get.With my wages, there's not much left on a Tuesday.I hope the £5 was useful to you .I have informed the social security office so you won't be able to cash the child benefit next week .I hope that won't leave you too short.But if you really need a couple of pounds, I suppose you could always cash one of the two checks left in my check book.Of course,I phoned the bank right away and the check-casing card is no longer valid, so it won’t be much use to you .Actually I don't mind about the money too much.We single parents who work to support our families understand only too well what it means to be short of cash .However, I don’t suppose it went very far among the three of you.Sorry about that!I wish you had left the bag behind and just taken the wallet and check book.There were all kinds of papers in it, and notes and things that I really need.I really think that was very inconsiderate of you .I mean, how would you like something like that to happen to you?Well, perhaps the bag will turn up.It wasn't even an expensive one.just a plain, old brown leather shoulder bag.You probably dumped it in the nearest rubbish bin or threw it into the bushes. We've looked around, of course, but no one saw which way you went after you left the shop.I'm not really angry with you.I know how the pressures of modern living can affect us, but I am sad at the loss of my personal things.I feel violated and helpless.The police were very icy, and they just shrugged(耸) their shoulders."It happens all the time," they told me .Some small comfort, I suppose.But I've lost just a little more faith in human nature.And as my young son said when I told him what had happened, "Why? Mummy, why us?" I couldn't answer that question.I wonder if you can.【小题1】In writing Paragraph 2, the writer wants to____.A.describe the contents of the bag in detail.B.give some suggestions to the three thievesC.tell the thieves hardly any money was availableD.state the fact that she was careless with the money【小题2】Which of the following is the most valuable to the writer?A.The cash in her bag.B.The papers and notes in the bag.C.The handbag itself.D.The check books in the bag.【小题3】What can we conclude about the police?A.They have doubts about human nature.B.They show sympathy for the woman.C.They think the case quite common.D.They are unable to find the thieves.【小题4】Why does the author write the letter?A.To give the thieves a serious warning.B.To complain about the fall of morality.C.To call people’s attention to their belongings.D.To express her affection for her valuable bag.”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“This is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the department store I am employed as a shop assistant .When you took my bag, I don't know what you thought you were going to get.With my wages, there's not much left on a Tuesday.I hope the £5 was useful to you .I have informed the social security office so you won't be able to cash the child benefit next week .I hope that won't leave you too short.But if you really need a couple of pounds, I suppose you could always cash one of the two checks left in my check book.Of course,I phoned the bank right away and the check-casing card is no longer valid, so it won’t be much use to you .Actually I don't mind about the money too much.We single parents who work to support our families understand only too well what it means to be short of cash .However, I don’t suppose it went very far among the three of you.Sorry about that!I wish you had left the bag behind and just taken the wallet and check book.There were all kinds of papers in it, and notes and things that I really need.I really think that was very inconsiderate of you .I mean, how would you like something like that to happen to you?Well, perhaps the bag will turn up.It wasn't even an expensive one.just a plain, old brown leather shoulder bag.You probably dumped it in the nearest rubbish bin or threw it into the bushes. We've looked around, of course, but no one saw which way you went after you left the shop.I'm not really angry with you.I know how the pressures of modern living can affect us, but I am sad at the loss of my personal things.I feel violated and helpless.The police were very icy, and they just shrugged(耸) their shoulders."It happens all the time," they told me .Some small comfort, I suppose.But I've lost just a little more faith in human nature.And as my young son said when I told him what had happened, "Why? Mummy, why us?" I couldn't answer that question.I wonder if you can.【小题1】In writing Paragraph 2, the writer wants to____.A.describe the contents of the bag in detail.B.give some suggestions to the three thievesC.tell the thieves hardly any money was availableD.state the fact that she was careless with the money【小题2】Which of the following is the most valuable to the writer?A.The cash in her bag.B.The papers and notes in the bag.C.The handbag itself.D.The check books in the bag.【小题3】What can we conclude about the police?A.They have doubts about human nature.B.They show sympathy for the woman.C.They think the case quite common.D.They are unable to find the thieves.【小题4】Why does the author write the letter?A.To give the thieves a serious warning.B.To complain about the fall of morality.C.To call people’s attention to their belongings.D.To express her affection for her valuable bag.”相似的习题。龙南中学彭荣华英语工作室
The sun is just rising in the morning of another day. What can I wish that this day may bring me? Nothing that shall make the world or others poorer, nothing at the
but just thos
上传: 彭荣华 &&&&更新时间: 21:56:05
the sun is just rising in the morning of another day. what can i wish that this day may bring me? nothing that shall make the world or others poorer, nothing at the
but just those few things which in their coming do not stop me but touch me rather, as they pass and gather strength.
i wish that this day could bring me a few friends, who understand me, and y i also wish that this day could bring me a work to do which has real value.
i wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed, and i wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart.
i wish that this day could bring me a sight of the eternal hills, and the blue sea stretching to the horizon, and of something beautiful which the hands of men have made.
i wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor, and the power to laugh, a little leisure with nothing to do.
and i crave for a few moments of quiet, silent meditation in the morning of this day.
1.at the expense of& 以 ... 作为代价
she completed the work at the expense of her health.
2.bring sb. sth. 带给某人某物
she brings some cakes to us.
3.even though& 即使, 尽管
even though he tried, he still lagged behind other runners.
4.stretch to 延伸;伸展
vast meadows stretch to the east.
Wang Lei 1._____
The most difficult thing about learning English is to remember new words. I study the words and remember
them, but a week later I have forgotten most of them. When reading something in English, I always get into trouble when I come across a new word. There must be a better way to learn new words.
Li Qiang 2. _____
I have been studying English for so long now, but I don't enjoy it any more. I used to like it, but now I feel
that I'm not making any progress, I'm just not motivated (有动力的) any more. I wish there was something I
could do to make me interested in studying English again.
Fang Zhe 3. _____
I wish I could improve my spoken English. Every time when I take part in a group discussion or try to
speak English to someone, I find it difficult to express myself. I don't know what to say and I can't think of
the words I need.
Huang Wei 4. _____
I don't like English at all. Why do we have to study English? I'd rather spend more time on math and
science, because I think those subjects are more important.
Zhong Mei 5. _____
I think it is easy to remember new grammar rules. But when writing something, I always make a lot of
mistakes. How can I learn to use the rules that I have learned?
根据以上五位学生在英语学习中遇到的困难, 从所给的选项A-E中,选出每个人所需要读的文章。
A. How to speak good English B. How to put English grammar to use C. How to master (掌握) English words D. How to realize the importance of English
E. How to get interested in English_科教类阅读 - 看题库
&&&&Wang Lei 1._____ &&& The most difficult thing about learning English is to remember new words. I study the words and remember them, but a week later I have forgotten most of them. When reading something in English, I always get intotrouble when I come across a new word. There must be a better way to learn new words. &&& Li Qiang 2. _____ &&& I have been studying English for so long now, but I don't enjoy it any more. I used to like it, but now I feel that I'm not making any progress, I'm just not motivated (有动力的) any more. I wish there was something I could do to make me interested in studying English again. &&& Fang Zhe 3. _____ &&& I wish I could improve my spoken English. Every time when I take part in a group discussion or try to speak English to someone, I find it difficult to express myself. I don't know what to say and I can't think of the words I need. &&& Huang Wei 4. _____ &&& I don't like English at all. Why do we have to study English? I'd rather spend more time on math and science, because I think those subjects are more important.&& &Zhong Mei 5. _____ &&& I think it is easy to remember new grammar rules. But when writing something, I always make a lot of mistakes. How can I learn to use the rules that I have learned?
根据以上五位学生在英语学习中遇到的困难, 从所给的选项A-E中,选出每个人所需要读的文章。 A. How to speak good EnglishB. How to put English grammar to useC. How to master (掌握) English wordsD. How to realize the importance of English E. How to get interested in English
1-5: CEADB翻译I wish I had something just the factor between me and my neighbor’s room.
答:这是《小马过河》托福听力场景分类(上)听力稿 之一:宿舍噪音
中的一句话:W:So how do you like living in the renovated dorms?
M:There aren't much different than the old dorms,just some new pane(不认...
Questions 54 through 58: Listen to a conversation between two studentsGirl:
So how do you like living in the renovated dorms?Boy: They are not much different than the old dorms, just some n...


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