an untruthfulfind your persoo...

Related? Is 45 minutes really the longest anyone can stay in a perfectly silent room?
Many stories have circulated claiming the longest anyone has stayed in an ultra-quiet anechoic chamber is 45 minutes, the reason being any longer would drive you insane. To me this sounded like unsubstantiated rubbish, like the claim the Great Wall is the only manmade structure visible from space. So Veritasium puts his own psyche on the line, subjecting himself to over an hour of the most intense quiet on Earth. No, this was not THE quietest room on Earth (-9dB) but it is one of the quietest, and the truth is once you put a person inside, they are by far the loudest thing in there so the sound rating of the room is irrelevant.
By Funzy Pics
5.0 stars based on
251 reviews Is 45 minutes really the longest anyone can stay in a perfectly silent room?
Many stories have circulated claiming the longest anyone has stayed in an ultra-quiet anechoic chamber is 45 minutes, the reason being any longer would drive you insane. To me this sounded like unsubstantiated rubbish, like the claim the Great Wall is the only manmade structure visible from space. So Veritasium puts his own psyche on the line, subjecting himself to over an hour of the most intense quiet on Earth. No, this was not THE quietest room on Earth (-9dB) but it is one of the quietest, and the truth is once you put a person inside, they are by far the loudest thing in there so the sound rating of the room is irrelevant. From
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Dr. Rima Truth Reports
Privatizing Tyranny: Mind Control for Profit
It’s Not Just Jails and Vax Mandates Being Privatized
Assert your Informed Consent Right here:
Dr. Rima wrote one of her passionate replies to a planted pro-vaccination story that appeared out of Australia. The article was bemoaning a pregnant woman who was not vaccinated during pregnancy for Whooping Cough passing the disease on to her newborn.
You can read Dr. Rima’s statement here:
In summary she says that there have been no scientific studies of what happens when the vaccine is given to pregnant women, a fact that is revealed in the vaccine package insert. Anyone who promotes use of that vaccine with pregnant women is promoting an “off label” use for which there is no scientific justification — for which there is no known adverse reaction profile. Thus Dr. Rima says,
“Serious complications from the vaccine are not, as presented, rare. They are quite common and, if you consider the metal, excitotoxins, sterilizants, formaldehyde and other components, the logic of injecting these materials directly into the body, bypassing the natural protective barriers of lungs, mucosa and gut is absent while the dangers are obvious.”
More on how vaccine reactions are not all that rare here:
So what happened after Dr. Rima posted her comments? First the comment disappeared and then the comment to which she was responding disappeared. Once again it seems we’ve transgressed the never-defined “community standards” of an online control system.
This is not the first time.
A couple weeks ago we got an email from GoFundMe telling us we had transgressed their proprietary, and thus not to be revealed to us, “community standards” and last year Dr. Rima got banned by the several hundred papers and outlets of the Murdock Media Empire as well as that one-time bastion of free speech, The Guardian. The Guardian had announced a policy of not allowing vaccine choice advocates access to their media.
Now before you Conservatives get all smug about how a Left Publication like The Guardian does not adhere to real free speech standards, you ought to know that just about the same time in 2015 Reason magazine was also toying with the notion that people who expressed conscientious objection to vaccination should not be given a forum on Reason. Little reason left in Reason.
Everyone knows about how Wikipedia, Google, Twitter and Facebook censor dissident communications. It’s become a common joke… of the gallows humor variety. Less well known are the rolls of entitles such as SpamHaus that defines what words are “spam” words… you know, words like “Free” as in “Freedom”.
We see how expression is controlled by private companies and well-placed non-governmental organizations through their control of the media. What we don’t often notice is how other aspects of the control apparatus are also being privatized.
Vaccination propaganda, including a series of Big Lies — that that vax reactions are only  that vax are safety test that vax are efficacy test that vax clinical studies are done by disinterested scientists — has been used to implement government policies that the public clearly opposes.
Here is how the system works:
A drug company’s salaried researchers concoct a vaccine from various noxious ingredients, including aborted fetus, aluminum, mercury, foreign proteins, formaldehyde, etc, etc…
The drug company arranges for an initial clinical study where the new vax is compared to another vax (usually one of the most toxic) or to straight Thimerosal not against a true placebo.
The clinical trial results as interpreted by the company are submitted to the FDA. Anyone who dies is deleted from the study results (“they did not finish the study”), serious adverse events are likewise dropped as often as possible for similar “reasons”. Anticipated effectiveness numbers are generated by the company from these results or from nothing atall. Pricing levels are presented.
FDA rubber-stamps the data provided (80% of FDA funding comes from drug company fees).
After FDA approval of the vax as a drug the CDC, a branch of FDA, considers recommending the vax.
The CDC ACIP committee, where many members have conflicts of interest, recommends the vax (in one infamous example “ethicist” Paul Offitt made tens of millions of dollars “recommending” a vaccine in which he had
no, he was not required to recuse himself).
Now things get interesting…. because various private actors, such as private prison companies, hospitals and other large employers, join state governments in multiplying vaccine mandates. At the present time we are receiving more and more communications from nurses and others who are being compelled to receive vaccines under threat of loss of livelihood. The Federal Government “recommendation” is turned into private company or state mandates.
This spreading-around of the ‘responsibility’ for the mandates is meant to fragment opposition and increase the cost of asserting our right of Informed Consent. It is meant to chill our expressive association rights.
Note though, much of the restrictions are being imposed by private actors. In every case, the issue is communication and the right to express Informed Consent. Whether we are dealing with Dr. Rima being blocked or a nurse being coerced, we are seeing the imposition of restrictions on communication rights “under color of law” by various public and private actors. The phrase “under color of law” comes from the Civil Rights Statutes and describes acting with apparent legal authority, but in a discriminatory manner.
When private institutions choose to use their government-granted corporate privilege to restrict people’[s expressive association rights, they are acting as governments and must adhere to the strict limitations placed on government in all civilized nations.
This includes strict adherence to the law of Informed Consent. As the President of the Natural Solutions Foundation, Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) states, “Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century.”
It has been argued that wars have consequences. One of the consequences of World War II was that the international humanitarian law of Informed Consent was codified (by American legal scholars as part of the Nuremburg Trials and is now known as the Nuremburg Code) and continues binding on all nations.
What is being done in Australia, where families are being given the horrific choice of either submitting their children to unlimited vaccination or losing their access to public assistance, or in California where Gov. Jerry Brownshirt signed S277 that conditions a child’s state-constitution-guaranteed “free public education” on receiving certain shots. The traditional religious and philosophical conscientious objections to vaccination were abolished.
But the right to Informed Consent cannot be abolished by either a local government like California or a nation-state like Australia (or the US). It is an international humanitarian right not subject to being abolished by governments. See the UN Bioethics Declaration*.
So what does this have to do with Dr. Rima being censored by Murdock, The Guardian, GoFundMe and Google?
It’s all about how private, quasi-government and government actors are combining together in the continued privatization of coercion through censorship and mandates.
Informed Consent, in a world where all the instruments of communication are carefully controlled through “political correctness” and similar non-objective standards, is the central right we must assert to regain – and retain — our absolute personal sovereignty over our own bodies and minds.
Assert your Informed Consent Right here:
Ralph Fucetola JD
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Untruthful person
Well-known fellow bedside a motorway with untruthful person (8)
Fifty in boxes are untruthful (4,4)
Friends show Capone is untruthful
Suggested one politician was untruthful
Trusted engineers were untruthful (6)
Untruthful ones
Was untruthful
Untruthful actor?
Be untruthful on an application, in a way
Salesman is untruthful in his answers (7)
Be untruthful about for example being loyal
Stressed junior was untruthful about one point (10)
Was untruthful about a point, it's ruled
suggesting authors untruthful about first of pieces (8)
"Take ___ insist" (generous person's urging)
"Where ___?" (disoriented person's question)
A person's
A person's nature
"A person's a person, no matter how small" speaker
A word derived from a person's name
Accused person's defense of having been elsewhere when an offense was committed
by publication or find answers without clues using the .山东省潍坊市四县一区2013届高三期中检测英语试题
&<font COLOR="#2F.11
第一部分& 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How does
the woman go shopping now?
C. By bike.
2.Why doesn’t
the man move to the suburbs?
&A. He can’t afford to stay
&B. The suburbs make lots of
&C. He doesn’t like living in the
3.What does
the man say about Jim?
&A. He has made a good plan.
&B. He probably can’t change his
&C. He has done something
4.What gift
will the woman probably buy for Ann?
C. A record.
5.What are
the two speakers talking about?
&A. The United States
&B. The United Kingdom
&C. The United Nations
6. What do we
know about the man?
& A. He couldn’t pay for the education
of a doctor.
& B. He has been studying in university
for five years.
& C. His father didn’t allow him to be a
7.How many
jobs has the man done after graduation?
8.What did
the man do during these weeks?
& A. He rode to the country several
& B. He went camping in the
& C. He traveled abroad.
9.How does
the man feel about his experience?
C. Terrible.
10. What is
the relationship between the two speakers?
&& A. Employer and
B. Husband and
C. Boss and secretary.
11. What do
we know about the man’s restaurant?
&& A. It’s
B. It’s medium
C. It is small.
12. What does
the man expect the restaurant to be?
&& A. Warm and
B. Busy and
C. Large and noisy.
13. What did
the man do last night?
&& A. He went to the
B. He went to a sport
match.&&& C. He
went to a concert.
14. Whom did
the man go with?
C. His sister.
15.What can
we learn form the conversation?
&& A. The performance
was called Saving the People.
&& B. The activity was
held to collect money for poor children.
&& C. Many people made
a big cash donation on the spot.
16. What does
the woman think is necessary?
&& A. The government
should take responsibility of it.
&& B. All people should
pay attention to it.
&& C. The Red Cross
should do something for it.
17. What does
the speaker talk about?
&& A. American
B. American
C. American teachers.
18. How many
Americans are now studying in colleges and universities?
19. Why is it
necessary to understand what young people think and
&& A. They have college
or university education.
&& B. They will soon be
in charge of the nation.
&& C. They have strange
views on life.
20. What do
American college students today have strong opinions on?
&& A. What is good and
B. What is old and
C. What is right and wrong.
friend’s birthday is coming soon. I would like to go to
or some place close by to buy him
22. You may
they will look after your daughter when you are away for the
23. Five of
the twelve bronze animal heads
China till now, with seven other ones still missing.
C. have been
D. returned
24. Don’t
look down upon the little creature. In a few weeks, it will
D. turn in
25. Jane came
to know that beneath the
surface is a man of fierce temper,so she decided to break up with
her boyfriend.
D. absolutely
26.When she
was in trouble, I did what I could to help
my help, she wrote me a letter
&A. In honor
B. In case
C. In terms
D. In return for
enjoyed herself very much last week
visited her friends is Sydney.
28.John was
dismissed last week because of his
towards his job.
D. admirable
29.Once new
your work, it’s always important to use your brains.
30.About 187
passengers were
the shipwreck which happened last month.
A. to have
been survived&&&
survived&&& C.
D. to survive
interrupt me,
You force me to tell you the truth right now?
the audience were particular about was that Dong Qing made a small
mistake when conducting the party for the Spring Festival
thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my
D. charges
34. Cheer up!
Everyone may have periods in their lives
seems tough.
35.—Tim, you
are leaving for Jiuzhaigou tomorrow. Why not pack your clothes and
food up now?
C. Go ahead,
D. Me, too
第二节& 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
I was doing a big clean-up when I &36
&a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown
coin inside. I took one look and immediately &37
&a forgettable time.
In 1991, I
had spent five months in Niger, with sandstorms and great heat. Its
&38 &and beggars were my
biggest and most constant complaint. Street beggars would
continually reached out their hands, shouting “Gift!
One day, I
&39 &for neighboring
Burkina to work in a health clinic.
Arriving by
taxi at our destination in Burkina, we began to
&40 . Out of the darkness, a motorbike with
two men approached slowly. Without &41 ,
one of the men grabbed my daypack as the motorbike swept close by.
Within seconds, the two were out of sight,
&42 &up by the
The bag had
my passport, money, traveler’s cheques, camera, an airline ticket
and other things &43 &to
me. I was in deep trouble.
In the weeks
that followed, I &44 guarded the rest of my
valuables and regarded all &45
&with suspicion. All I wanted was to leave this
Then, walking
through Burkina’s streets, I met with an old woman, “Gift! Gift!”
she cried. I’d had enough. I was &46 of the
country: its poverty, its thieves, the heat, and the dust, I told
her angrily, “A thief stole all my money and now I can’t
&47 &out of your country.
I cannot give you anything”.
The beggar
woman listened attentively and &48
&my words. The she reached
&49 &the folds of her
“Then I will
give you a gift”, she announced. Kindly, she placed and old, dark
brown coin in my hand. I looked at it in
&50 . It was a very small amount of money &
but for this woman, the coin 51 &a meal. At
that moment, I felt a shame. In spite of the
&52 , she was able to give me something
I saw then
the &53 beauty of the people of Burkina-
and appreciated deeply the quiet &54
&of the poor . With the old woman’s gift, I hope
never to part with the coin she gave me. With one small coin, she
&55 &my concept
36. A. cared
C. looked for&&&
focused upon
D. reminded
D. climate
D. arranging
D. cleared
D. previous
D. frequently
D. motorbikes
C. thought
D. wrote down
D. suggested
D. unexpected
D. accepted
2012 saw the take-off of a new rising NBA star- Jeremy
professional basketball players, Jeremy Lin’s background is not
typical. He graduated from Harvard University, which sends few
players to the NBA, and he is the only Chinese-American NBA player.
But when you watch him on the court, there is no doubt that he
belongs there. He moves with speed and grace that demonstrate years
of faithful practice, which is fueled by a love for
enjoyment to basketball actually began in Taiwan. When Lin’s father
moved to U.S.,his interest in the sport only grew and he passed on
this love of baskeball to his son,introducing him to the game at
the age of five. The young Lin spent much of his youth playing
basketball for fun.
school, Lin dreamed of playing in the NBA.When he applied for
college,he was not offered a single sports scholarship.
However,after his admission to Harvard ,he was offered a place on
its college basketball team.
During Lin’s
time at Harvard, his basketball career began to speed up.He scored
1,482 points,making him one of the highest scorers in Ivy League
graduated,no professional teams offered Lin a contract,but he was
invited to play in the NBA Summer League.He played well and ended
up eagerly singning a contract with the Golden State
first,playing in professional games filled Lin with excitement.He
treasured opportunities to meet players he had been watching on TV
for years. But slowly, the excitement wore off and
was replaced by anxiety. In a few very difficult months,he was cut
by two teams before the New York Knicks picked him up.
But he had
the courage and determination to stick to his dream,so he put
himself into hard training to get ready for his opportunity to
come,Then his moment arrived on February4, 2012,on which his
excellent performance made him famous overnight.Aftet that,he led
the Knicks to their fifth straight victory.
Associated Press called Lin“the most surprising story in the
NBA.”Knicks fans developed the nickname for
him“linsanity”(林发疯).Time magazine released its 2012 list of the
100“Most Influential People in the World”,Jermy Lin
56.What might
be the author’s prupose in writing the text?
&& A.To make readers
interested in great basketball players.
&& B.To praise Jeremy
Lin for his skills and determination.
&& C.To list Lin’s
wonderful performances in NBA team.
&& D.To give a brief
introduction to Lin’s road to an outstanding basketball
57.Which of
the following is of little help in Lin’s success?
&& A.His graduationg
from Harvard
B.His father’s influence
&& C.His years of
D.His devotion to basketball
58.What does
the underlined phrase“wore off “in Paragraph7 probably
&& A.worked
C.died away&& D.kept
59.Which of
the following is TRUE of Jeremy Lin?
&& A. Lin learned to
play basketball when he was eight.
&& B. Lin is the most
outstanding player in NBA.
&& C. Lin’s career for
professional games was a great success at first.
&& D. Before Lin there
was no Chinese-American NBA players.
60. Which is
the right order for Lin’s life?
&& a. He made an
excellent performance on Feb,4.
&& b. He was fired by
the Golden State Warriors.
&& c. He was invited to
play in the NBA Summer League.
&& d. He graduated from
Harvard University.
&& e. He became famous
conclude from the text
&& A. Lin didn’t have a
smooth road in NBA.
&& B. Lin got an easy
entry into NBA.
&& C. NBA prefers
graduates from Harvard University.
&& D. Lin didn’t show
his basketball talents in Harvard University.
&& Lockers(储物柜)have
been the symbol of American high school for decades. But walk down
any hallway of the new Germantown High School in Madison County,
Mississippi, and you won’t spot a single locker.
&& New technology such
as e-books, interactive(互动的)
and Web-based learning is making lockers in
American high
school a thing of the past.
&& Officials from
schools that have listed several benefits:
less noise,
less delay and an increased sense of safety.
&& “It’s all to create
an environment that’s student-friendly”, said Ronnie McGehee, chief
official of the Madison County School district.
Getting rid
of lockers can also cut hundreds of thousands in construction
costs. Madison County saved $200,000by not including lockers in the
new high school, Mc Gehee said.
It is also
believed that removing lockers could help prevent school
violence.”Lockers give kids a place to hide things”, said Mike
Nelson, founder of a safety- training group. Nelson believes that
some school shootings and other incidents could have been prevented
if there had been no lockers.
Andrew Booth, a 10th-grader at Gemantown High, said there are some
disadvantages of not having a locker. “ It can make your book bag
really heavy”, he said . The 16-year-old has four textbooks “plus
notebooks and a binder(活页夹)” to carry to school each
He said some
teachers have shelves at the back of the classroom on which
students can leave their bags. Others provide an extra set of
textbooks in the classroom, so students don’t have to carry books
from home.
architect Pestr Lippman said schools will have to address such
concerns and find ways to give studets a “sense of space” “If you
are carrying books around, it does limit your flexibility in the
classrooms,” he said.
Lippman said
he would like to see schools starting to use the new free space to
provide less structured learning opprtunities for students, in
cluding gathering areas and learning centers. “If you think about a
school with just rows of lockers-there’s nowhere for learning
opportunities in that”, he said.
62. What does
the text mainly talk about?
history and development of lockers in US high schools.
influence of new technology on some US high schools.
C. The trend
of getting rid of lockers in US high schools.
advantages and disadvantages of lockers in US high
ccording to the text, lockers are being taken away from US
&& A. due to the spread
of new technology.
&& B. in response to
&& C. for the
students’secutity at school
&& D. to save
construction costs
64. What is
not the advantage of getting rid of lockers?
&& A. Saving
B. Making less noise.
&& C. Preventing school
D. Making book bas heavy.
65. What is
Andrew Booth’s attitude to removing lockers?
D. Favorable.
66. What does
Lippman suggest schools that have removed lockers should
&& A. Give students as
much freedom as possible in the classroom.
&& B. Provide studcnts
with an extra sat of textbooks in the classroom.
&& C. Moke mors
learning opportunities for students in the new free
&& D. Put shelves at
the back of the classroom for students to leave their
&& When a child is told
he is “ uncool”, it can be very painful, He may say he doesn’t
care, and even act in ways that are oopesite of cool on purpose.
But these are simply ways to handle sadness by pretending it’s not
&& Helping a child feel
better in school had to be careful. If you say, “Why are you
worried about what other chidren think about you? It doesn’t
matter!” children know that it does matter. Instead, an active way
may be best. You could say, “ I’m going to do a couple of things
for you to thelp you feel better in school.”
If a boy is
having trouble making friends, the teacher can help him. The
teacher can arrange things so that he has chances to use his
abilities to contribute to class projects. This is how the other
children learn how to value his good qualities and to like him. A
teacher can also raise a child’s popularity in the group by showing
that he values that child. It even helps to put him in a seat next
to a very popular child, or let him be a partner with that child in
activities, etc.
things that parents can do at home, too. Be friendly when your
child brings others home to play. Encourage him to invite friends
to meals and then serve the disches they consider” When you plan
trips, picnics, movies, and other shows, invite another child with
whom your child wants to be friends.
What you can
do is to give him a chance to join a group that may be shutting him
out. Then, if he has good qualities, he can start to build real
friendship of his own.
67. A child
who has been informed of being “ uncool”
&& A. care nothing
B. do somenting uncool in purpose
&& C. develop a sense
D. pretend to get hurt very much
68. A teacher
can help an unpopular child by
&& A. seeing the child
as the teacher’s favorite.
&& B. asking the child
to do something for partners.
&& C. forcing other
children to make friends with the child.
&& D. offering the
child chances to show his good qualities.
69. How can
parents help their child fit in better?
&& A. By cooking
delicious food for
him.&&& B. By
being kind to his schoolmates.
&& C. By forcing him to
invite friends home.& D. By taking him to have
picnics in the park.
70. Which of
the following is TRUE?
&& A. Children doesn’t
care others’ comments on them.
&& B. It’s only
teacher’s work to make children popular.
&& C. Parents should
take their children out for picnic and shows more often.
&& D. Inviting
children’s friends to family activities is good for them to make
71. The text
&& A. how an unpopular
child can be helped
&& B. why some children
are unpopular
&& C. what good
qualities unpopular children have
&& D. who care about
unpopular children
&& If you are a wealthy
person of India, madly in love and planning your big fat wedding-or
being pressured into arranged marriage-Thailand wants you to
exchange vows(誓言) in Bangkok, Phuket or elsewhere in this “ wedding
&& This wedding
business starts from overseas with the Indians, Thai embassies in
India give quick services for the visas. Not only the couples, you
can bring anyone, say, your own cook, So, feel free to invite
hundreds of your friends and relatives.
Indians want to spend so much on weddings in Thailand? Because they
have similarities in religion, When Indian weddings want to have
some religious prayer for the couples, Thailand can do that But the
more obvious appeal are Thailand’s fancy hotels, tropical islands,
and delicious Thai food, allowing new couples to incude a honeymoon
in Tailand after they say “I do” while their guests also celebrate
on a holiday here. But on the other hand, love does have a
Rajagopal arranged for his daughter to have a wedding in phuket.
They arranged entertaimment to begin three days before the wedding
because guests arrival time vaied, Yachts(游艇)were arranged to take
guests to small islands, while a DJ, flow in from Bangalore, India,
was booked to help them dance in the evening Kasu also arranged
priests(祭祀)for the Hindu wedding, and cooks to prepare Indian food.
The approximate costs are around half a million U.S. dollars,
including the airfares, hotel accommodation, food, transportation,
the yachts on hire and the wedding ceremony expenses, for 225 to
250 guests.
wants to make itself a wedding paradise for all couples, not just
from India, but from around the world. Last year, there were around
500 to 600 couples from china, and the numbers are slowly comig up
.Westemers also arrive to get married, but in much smaller
Indians would go to Thailand for weddings mainly
&& A. they will be
pressured into arranged married in India
&& B. India shares the
same religion as Thaliland
&& C. Thailand offers
them more than just a wedding ceremony
&& D. guests are not
satisfied with Indian weddings
73.What can
we learn from the text?
&& A. Guests do not
need visas to get into Thailand.
&& B. Changing vows is
a necessary step for an Indian wedding.
&& C. Islands are
people’s first honeymoon destination choice.
&& D. Some Indians
prefer the food prepared by their own cooks.
Rajagopal’s example in the fourth paragraph
&& A. it may cost you a
fortune to have such a wedding
&& B. you can bring
whatever you want to Thailand
&& C. what Thailand
offers hardly satisfies customers’needs
&& D. there are quite a
few activities after the wedding
75. What can
we learn from the last paragraph?
&& A. Cost of weddings
in Thailand will be reduced.
&& B. More people will
get married in Thailand.
&& C. Fewer westerners
will have Thai weddings.
&& D. Chinese will be
Thailand’s No.1 customers.
<font STYLE="FonT-FAMiLY: Verdana" COLOR="#6F-2013学年度第一学期阶段监测
第一节& 阅读表达(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)
[1]Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every
day. “ I was a clothes addict”. He jokes. “I used to carry a fresh
suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled”.
Today David wears casual clothes-khaki pants and sports shirt to
the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie. “I’m working harder
than ever”. David says, “and I need to feel
[2]More and
more companies are allowing their office workers
in the United States. The change from formal to casual office wear
has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their
employees to wear casual clothes on Friday. This became known as
riday” or “casual Friday”. “What started out as an extra one-day-a
&week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing.”
Said business consultant Maisly Jones.
[3]Why have
so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual
clothes?One reason is that it’s easier for a company to attract new
employees if it has a casual dress code. “Many youn people don’t
want to dress up for work”, says the owner of a software company,
“so it’s hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress
code”. Another reason is that people seem happier and more
productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study 85
percet of employers said that they believe that casual dress
improves employee motivation. Only 4 percent of employers said that
casual dress has a negative influence on productivity. Supporters
of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps
them save money. “ Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one
every day”, one person said”, For the same amount of money, you can
buy a lot more casual clothes”.
76.Why does
David Smith wear casual clothes now?(no more than 8
three advantages of casual office wear according to the text?(no
more than 10 words)
78. Fill in
the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 6
79.What does
it mean by a conservative dress code?(no more than 10
80. What’s
the main idea of Paragraph 3 ?( no more than 18 words)
summer vacation witnesses a series of camps organized by different
76.(Because)They make him feel comfortable/at ease when
<font STYLE="FonT-FAMiLY: Verdana" COLOR="#6F)Saving
employees’money 2)Improving employees’motivation 3)Making employees
&& 4)Attracting
5)Making employees more productive(写上三条即可)
casual clothes to work/work(go to work)in casual
79.It means
that everyone should dress up for work.(或类似表达,语法结构须正确)
<font STYLE="FonT-FAMiLY: Verdana" COLOR="#6F)Two main
reasons are given to explain why companies allow their employees to
wear casual clothes when working.
companies allow their employees to wear casual clothes when
3)the reasons
for employees to wear casual clothes when
One possible
Every summer
vacation witnesses a series of camps organized by different
instituions, such as English camps, weight-losing camps, and so on,
which abundantly draws/ attracts parents’attention.
The reasons
behind can be concluded as follows. To begin with, summer is
absolutely a right time for children to broaden their horizons and
strengthen their basis of different subjects. Meanwhile, in some
parents’ opinion, it is far better to keep their chidren occupied
than to leave them at home having nothing to do.
As far as I
am concerned, mostly the participation of summer camps does benefit
children.However, there is no need for all parents to copy
something blindly. They might as well cope with it sensibly.
Otherwise, negative effects won’t be avoided in terms of time,
study habit, or growth.
W: I hardly
ever go shopping by car now. The shopping center is within walking
M: Well, you
are lucky, The nearest store I can go to is about two miles
M: I would
like to move to the suburbs, but Idon’t have enough money to pay
the high taxes.
W: I wish you
could, It’s nice to live there.
W: I’m going
to see if I can persuade Jim to give up doing such a silly
M: I doubt
that will do any good. His mind is already made up.
W: Have you
got any ideas what to buy for Ann’s birthday?
M: Well, I’ve
got a new schoolbag and I have promised to take her to a film. What
about you?
haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably buy her that new music record as
she likes it so much.
W: What’s
that building with all the flags?
M: That’s the
United Nations Building.
W: I should
have recognized it. I’ve seen pictures of it.
think we could come back and see it later?
W: What do
you do, Tom?
W: Did you go
to university?
M: Oh, yes, I
have been in university for four years. Dad wanted me to become a
doctor, but I didn’t like the idea.
M: I didn’t
think that I could get enough money to study for five
W: Have you
worked for the same company since you graduated from the
have. Why don’t we talk about you now?
Mark, I haven’t seen you for weeks.
M: Yeah. I
went camping in the country.
sounds great. Well, what was the weather like while you were
M: Not too
bad. It rained a couple of days, but mostly it was fine. I wasn’t
able to vistit the famous tower on the last day, but……
except that I did everything I wanted to, walking, climbing and
just sitting in the sun. I even went to the beach quite a few
W: How did
you get there?
evening, Miss Brown. Won’t you sit down?
evening. Thank you.
M: I see from
the information you sent me that you’ve worked in your last
employment for nearly four years. Was that a large
sixe, about forty tables.
Well, you’d find it rather different here.(11) Ours is much
smaller, and we have only ten tables.
W: That must
be very relaxing.
M: We try to
create a warm and quiet atmosphere. Now, as to the job, you would
be expected to look after five tables normally.
M: I’m the
Restaurant Manager and Head Waiter, so you’d be working directly
responsible for bringing in the dishes from the kitchen, serving
the drinks, and if necessary, looking after the bills. So you’d be
kept pretty busy.
W: I’m used
to that. In my last position, we were busy most of the time,
especially in summer.
W: Hi, Jack!
You went to a concert last night, didn’t you?
should have gone with my sister. But she had a date.
W: How did
you like the concert?
M: Wonderful,
indeed. Many famous singers both from home and abroad sang at the
concert. It was called “Saving the Children”.
W: What does
concert was held to collect money for poor children in Africa. Many
children are homeless and they don’t have enough food.
W: That’s
quite true, but I think it is necessary for the government to do
something about the problem.
M: I agree
with you. But it’s also important to make all people pay attention
W: That’s
W: Ladies and
gentlemen,it’s a great pleasure for me to have an opportunity to
introduce something about American colleges. Today there are about
seven million Americans in colleges and universities. Young people
under twenty five make up nearly half of the American population.
Many of these will soon be in charge of the nation. Naturally their
ideas are important to everyone in the country, and it is necessary
for older people to understand what they think and feel.
students today have strong opinions on what is right and what is
wrong. They are deeply interested in making beeter for everyone,
especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before
now. They see much about what is wrong in the lives of their
parents. It is hard for them to see what is right and good in
American families. I think your country may be meeting with such
problems, too.


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