koolah kool 这个腰肌劳损怎么治疗的...

Prof. Eric T. Kool
Eric Kool was born in Libertyville, Illinois, and carried out his undergraduate studies at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He received a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship to pursue graduate studies at Columbia University, receiving his Ph.D. in 1988, and continued his training at Caltech as an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow. He joined the faculty at the University of Rochester in 1990 to start his independent career. In 1999 he moved his laboratory to Stanford, where he is the George and Hilda Daubert Professor of Chemistry.
Kool's research interests lie in the interdisciplinary fields of organic chemistry, chemical biology, and biophysics. His work is aimed at gaining basic understanding of interactions and mechanisms involving nucleic acids, and applying this understanding to the design of new functionally useful molecules. Among his most important contributions include the development of DNA base mimics called "nonpolar nucleoside isosteres"; with these, his laboratory showed that Watson and Crick's hydrogen bonds in DNA were not needed for replication of base pairs. In biotechnology, Kool was one of the inventors of "rolling circle amplification" (RCA) and "rolling circle transcription" (RCT), which are isothermal DNA/RNA amplification methods widely used in the literature. Also important were Kool's early and ongoing developments in DNA-templated chemistry, a field that is now practiced in Kool was the first to demonstrate that such chemistry can be used in living cells for imaging RNAs. More recently his laboratory achieved important milestones in biomimetic chemistry as well: the first human-designed DNA bases that function in a living cell, the first new genetic double helix (called "xDNA") in which all base pairs were designed, and the first use of unnatural genetic sets to encode a phenotype in a living organism.
Over 240 research publications to date describe Kool's work, and he has presented more than 250 invited lectures in the United States and abroad. Kool has received multiple awards in recognition of his research, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, the Young Investigator Award of the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Office Young Investigator Award, the Beckman Young Investigator Award, and the Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Award, and the American Chemical Society's Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award. More recently, he received the ACS Pfizer Award, and the Breslow Award for Achievement in Biomimetic Chemistry (also of the American Chemical Society) and was named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Kool has trained more than 100 graduate students and postdoctoral researche about 30 of them have taken faculty positions. A popular teacher in sophomore-level organic chemistry at Stanford, he was twice awarded the Humanities & Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching.Kool Is Back-Kool G Rap & DJ Polo, Kool Is BackMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Kool Is Back
Boy come on get with this, cause you can't diss this
I'm burnin yo' ass like syphillis
A fast brother you're just a lover with a sore hand
I freeze MC's as if Frosty the Snowman
No man withstands the pain I bring
So face a hellraise of cut, like a laser
Polo plays a part, inside the arts, I grab charts
Start to break you apart, so get smart
You cry for help, knowin you felt, the rhyme
makin the track melt, Polo drops like a black belt
MC's are grounded, pounded down, astound
They rounded up, pounds of sounds, but I drowned them
Surround to check the tape, and play when rate too great
Related too late, I demonstrate fate
I'm fast and, passin the stage of an assassin
Massacre, in a mash I start blastin
Fury article, periodicial
Blowin up all the cools and molecules, here read the articles
Everytime I build the plan and killed the man
MC's got smoked without a filter and
skunked them up like marijuana
Terminator of data and your rhymes is Sarah Conner
You can't rip out, rap up, slip up, slap up
Cause you're trapped up, to get capped up
Play the back of dis here scenery
You clowns'll get broke down like machinery
I bring trouble on the double, bust you like a bubble
Hardrocks get crushed into rubble
The gates of hell open wide to scope in
And I'm hopin, you're brought to the Pope and
the holy bible when you made your arrival
Now the name of the game is survival
The result isn't real difficult to strategy
Stayin Alive
like John Travolta
My rhymes are gettin hotter, I gotta
round to allow clowns like a Globetrotter
So I'ma give you the hell that you brought me in
I'm a king with the sting of a scorpion
I just follow your footprint, trace track and blackout
You better shout to get a rap out
What I arrange invented, it's strange demented
The range, be changed when I entered
a stage of furious rage when I had this madness
badness, you felt sadness
chicken rhymes you written should be put in the Yellow Pages
I stand tall, play the wall, and watch dem brain stall
and wet yo' ass like rainfall
I think you need a replacement, you're illin
Call that buildin boy, you're still in the basement
A brain cell swells to jam like a pelican
Fresh out of breath, death left you a skeleton
I'm gonna need your full cooperation
This is a matter of life and death operation
To ease a man in the siege of surgery
of bein done without anesthesia
Go slow, hell no, I let the beat kick
And I get wicked like the Witches of Eastwick
I'm not soft, I kill suckers off
Disarmin it, bombim it, off in a coffin
You get struck, and just like a motherfuckin duck
and plucked and shit out of luck and fucked
Designated to self-destruct
Knocked around like a hockey puck
K-double-O-L-G-R-A-P, N-O M-C plays me
You wish your name had a G but to be
a badder G boy you gotta play with strategy
Top rankin, thinkin ability, memory bankin
But instead you're just sinkin
I attack like a pack of whacked out maniacs
G. Rap's back
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关注虾米:技术公告MAGNETICS KOOL Mμ E 型磁芯Kool,型磁芯,E型磁芯,KOOL
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3秒自动关闭窗口Drink the Kool Aid
Drink the Kool Aid 是一句美国谚语。 如果说: he drank the Kool Aid, 意思是这个人真的很相信什么事情, 好像被洗脑了一样。 或者说,don't drink the kool-aid. 意思是说别盲目相信一个人或事。 这个谚语的来源和美国的人民圣殿教有关。 当年这个邪教的900多人喝了惨了毒药的Kool Aid。 人民圣殿教在圭亚那900人集体自杀的事件已经是30年前的事情了。 今天晚上两个不同的电视台都有专题介绍这个恐怖的事件过程。 人民圣殿教是由Jones牧师发起在加州。 开始的几年, 他在加州很活跃。 做了许多慈善工作。 很快就得到地方各界的关注。 60年代末,70年代初在美国是非常动荡的时代。 黑人运动, 反越战, 性解放, 等等。 Jones牧师的这个教一开始很吸引人。 这个教对待教友都哼平等。 黑、白、黄、红, 什么肤色的人都有。 都在那里收到欢迎。 很快这个组织就由几百人发展的上千人。 Jones牧师好像也有特异功能, 可以想耶稣一样给人治病。 &你要我做你的朋友, 我就是你的朋友。 你要我做你的父亲, 我就是你的父亲。 你觉得我是耶稣, 我就是耶稣。 你要我做你的上帝, 我就是你的上帝。& Jones大概知道自己神经不正常, 早晚他会被暴露出来。 早在70年代中他就在圭亚那买了一块原始森林, 开发了一个农场。 这个地方就用他的名字命名叫Jonestown。 到了77年, 人民圣殿教有几个人背叛了教会。 他们把这个教会的一些内幕公布出来, 给Jones牧师带来很大的威胁。 于是, 他连夜讲1000多人赶上飞机去了圭亚那。 在那里,没有人可以管制他。 教徒们过着很清淡的生活。 他们还是很快乐。 也许生活水平比较困难, 不过大家在一起, 平等自由, 还要什么? Jones牧师的病越来越严重。 吸毒使他越来越多疑。 总是觉得在森林外面有人要进来消灭他们。 每天早上7点到晚上10年, 他不停的广播。 没有一处听不到他的讲话。 讲什么呢? 无非就是天堂,地狱, 世界怎么不公平, 美国要来消灭我们了, 他们要把我们抓起来, 严刑拷打, 等等等。 时不着, 他们还要宴席集体自杀。 记者采访的一个女的说, &有一次我们在开会, Jones牧师进来了。 他说要给我们葡萄酒喝。& 平时他们是没有酒喝的。 有些人不愿意喝。 不喝酒。 Jones很紧张, 一定要我们都喝。 而且要喝完。& 看到大家都喝完后, Jones说,&你梦喝的都是毒药。 他们马上就要来了, 要来摧毁我们的一切。 我们只有集体自杀。& 这样的演习是很多的。 1978年夏天, 人民圣殿教的一个高层人偷偷的逃离了Jonestown。 这个女的在美国把她知道的一切都公布了。 这时很多父母姐妹都在找亲人。 他们纷纷像代表他们的众议院议员Ryan要求调查这件事。 Ryan是一个热心人。 马上组织了一个小团队要去圭亚那亲自看看。 当时去的有NBC电视台的记者一班人马, 还有几个刊物的记者, 议员的助理, 以及几个家人来寻找子女姐妹。 到了Jonestown, 他们看到的一切都很正常。 简直是&到处莺歌燕舞&。 晚上NBC电台的记者出去抽烟时, 两个人偷偷的塞了字条给他, 要求离开Jonestown。 第二天早上, 他们把这个消息公布出来, Jones牧师很紧张。 可以看得出爱他觉得很丢脸。 一开始就2 家人。 最后一下有17个人头要求离开。 他们本以为这次就可以安全回到美国。 谁知, 跑到上开出来一个大卡车。 跳下人来就开枪。 议员是零距离打死的。 还有记者, 摄影师, 议员的助理Jackie没有被打死。 但是她左边中5粒子弹。 一晚上她躺在跑到边上等待死亡。 22个小时以后, 救兵到了。 Jackie的这条命真是捡回来的。 就在议员一行人在机场被残杀时, Jones的人开始准备了一桶一桶的KoolAid给900多人喝。 他不停的在喇叭里说,&我们不是自杀。 我们这是一个革命行动。 是对一个不公平的世界的抗议。& 不肯喝的人被注射, 老人, 小孩。 900死者中大约有300是孩子。 很多都是妈妈抱着孩子喝的。 22 个小时后, 当圭亚那政府发现时,900多人都已经死了。 都drank the kool aid。 909人被洗脑, 居然同意集体自杀。 唉。 所以以后喝Kool Aid 要小心点。 惨了毒药的Kool Aid。


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