
英译汉 谢谢啦_百度知道
英译汉 谢谢啦
Along with many other surveys, the national census gives americans a statistical picture of a changing society.It allows the government and the people to see what is happenning and to adjust to the new picture.Advertising is part of our daily lives.To realize this fact,you have only to leaf though a magazine or newspaper or count the radio or television commercials that you hear in one evening.The purpose of an advertisement is to make peole respond -to make them react to an idea, such as helping prevent forest first,or to make them want to buy a certain produnct or service.
My father didn't let me stay at the dormitory. A room in a private home was cheaper and better if a student wanted to work his way through. But I didn't have a room. My father told me that we'd leave my trunk at a filling station. I could come for it the next day after I had found a place to stay. We toured the town a bit, but the traffic confused him. I said maybe I'd better go on my own.I shook hands with my father in the truck. For a long, haunting moment he looked straight ahead, not saying a word, but I knew he was going to make a little speech. &I can't tell you nothing,& he finally said. &I never went to college, and none of your brothers went to college. I can't say don't do this and do that, because everything is different and I don't know what is going to come up. I can't help you much with money either, but I think things will work out.&
相信楼至于机译错误重重译文应该比较接近信达雅:我父亲让我呆寝室想要半工半读私房屋租房间便宜些更些我没房间父亲告诉我说我要行李箱留加油站等我第二找住处再取我镇走走交通给弄懵我说许我自游览些我卡车父亲握握手眼睛看着前看让怕久言发我知道想要发表讲终于口说:我能给讲道理我没念几兄弟没我能说要做 要做所东西都我知道接发事情我能给钱帮助我想问题解决
I recorded the speech of that famous player. It's hard to set a record and even harder to maintain it. It's never too old to learn.
1楼的太不靠谱了吧,一看就是翻译软件。以下是匆忙翻译的,lz或许只是大致能看懂,能力有限,无法达到信达雅。。。我的父亲不让我呆在寝室里。如果一个学生想要好好完成他的工作,一个独立的房间将会更好也更经济,但是我却没有一个独立的房间。父亲说我们将要把行李箱留在一个加油站,等我第二天找到住处再去取。我们在这镇上走了一圈,交通着实让我犯晕了,我说我一个人游览的话或许更好。在车上我和父亲握了握手,他眼睛看着前方,看了许久,一言不发,但是我心里知道他想要说一些话。“我一定要告诉你”他终于开口了“我从没有念过大学,你兄弟们也没有,我不能跟你说不要做这个、 不要做那个,因为我不知道接下来会发生什么事情,在经济上我也不能充分地资助你,但是我想这个问题很快会解决的”。
SOFTTO believes: corporate culture is a “human-oriented” management system with corporate management philosophy and corporate spirit as its core to inspire the staff’s sense of belonging, initiative and creativity .every staff will receive a birthday gift from the Board Chairman in the month of his/her birthday .the company will organize various kinds of activities for celebration of Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Cooperation with Zhongshan University:In May 2000,Zhongshan University SOFTTO Development Research Institute was founded with a view to establish a market-oriented scientific and creative system with the University as the support and the enterprise as the main body so as to achieve the ultimate win-win goal of the development for both the University and the Enterprise.
The e-MIS paperless Office System greatly facilitates the workflow from marketing management, information collection to logistics control, thus helping our sales representatives around the nation to become an efficient work force.
的e - MIS系统的无纸化办公极大地方便了从营销管理,物流管理信息的收集工作流程,从而帮助全国各地的销售代表,成为一个有效率的工作队伍
的e - MIS系统的无纸化办公极大地方便了从营销管理,物流管理信息的收集工作流程,从而帮助全国各地的销售代表,成为一个有效率的工作队伍。朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音
"cut英译汉" 详细介绍求英译汉的文章,关于“母语mother tongue”英文3000字。中英文对照的。要多少分自己说沾边就行,与mother tongue有关的。邮箱.直接加邮箱前的qq也可以,说明来意,谢谢。多少分好说!LZ我已发谭恩美的 母语 到邮箱 ,这个应该符合要求吧!分也一并给我吧呵呵!翻译句子(英译汉)When she came to,she saw smiling faces around her.Their host carved,poured,served,cut bread,talked,laughed,proposed healths.Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.The planet we live on is not just a ball of inert material. 请高手帮助翻译句子,英译汉,谢谢!更多相关问题&& 其他回答 当她回来,她看到一张张笑脸包围着她 Their host carved,poured,served翻译,英译汉。关于一个看图说话。不要用翻译器,因为那个不准确。
要是有人能帮我翻译,感激不尽啊There was a kid whose pants were broken because he was too naught. His grandfather used needle and t翻译
英译汉14A spider in a corn field
There was once a big spider. She made a beautiful web in a corn field.
One day, the spider found a little bug in her web. As the spider was about to eat him, the bug said, “If you let me go I will tell you something important that will save your life.” The spider stopped for a moment but she felt that was funny. “You’d better get out of this corn field,” the little bug said, “The harvest is coming!” The spider laughed and said, “What is the harvest you are talking about? I think you are just telling me a story.” But the little bug said, “Oh no, it’s true. All the corn stalks will be cut down soon. You will be killed by the big machines if you stay here.”
The spider laughed and said to the little bug, “I don’t believe you.” And then she ate the little bug for lunch. A few days later, the spider still laughed about the story. She thought to herself, “A harvest! What a funny idea! That’s impossible. I have lived here all my life, and everything has been all right.”
The next day was a very fine day. That afternoon, as the spider was about to have a sleep, she saw lots of dust. She could hear the sound of a great machine, and she said to herself, “What would that be? Is the bug right? Maybe, sometimes it’s necessary to follow other’s advice.”
She wanted to run away, but it was too late.
麻烦 修改一下。至少要说得过去吧??。汗玉米地里的蜘蛛 曾经有一只大蜘蛛,她在一块玉米地织了一个很漂亮的网。一天,蜘蛛发现网上有一只虫子,正准备吃的时候,虫子说:“如果你放了我,我会告诉你一件保你性命的大事。”蜘蛛停下来想了一会,觉得很可笑Cut the reseller's profit and pass the saving on t削减经销商的利益并让利给消费者。求助trados高手指点!我在word中加载了trados的workbench,翻译英译汉稿子时,中我在word中加载了trados的workbench,翻译英译汉稿子时,一打汉字,字体就老是华文彩云,请问怎么改成宋体啊?打开文档,格式-字体选好字体和字号后点左下角的默认,重新打开文档试试英译中-
Can you tell me what is your cut-off date f你能告诉我关于这件事的截止日期吗? cut-off date 截止日期,最后期限的意思。英译汉 顺便做一下Smiles and tears are part of life. But do you find enough time for 36 ? I’m not asking if you experience lots of good times. Of course, we should laugh during the happy times. But do you 37 laugh during the difficult times?
Erma Bombeck is known for her funny books. But she wrote 38 about a more serious subject—cancer (癌症 ) in children. The book is titled, I WANT TO GROW 39,I WANT TO GROW UP. Erma talks with many children who 40 cancer and learns important lessons from them. She learns, for example, that cancer survivors (幸存者)now how they should smile at life, though they are receiving chemotherapy(化疗).
She tells about the experience of 41 Jessica. Jessica’s leg was cut off at the knee because of cancer. She was learning to wear a prosthesis (假肢). Jessica told about playing soccer. She hit the ball hard 42 her foot. The ball flew off in one direction(方向) 43 her man—made leg flew another way. Then the brave girl lay on the floor, laughing happily.
As the saying goes, “There’s a time to cry and a time to laugh.” Do you find 44 time to laugh?
You can.., if you find reasons to laugh during the difficult times. Survivors know 45 . if you can laugh even when you’re in trouble, you will make it. Remember, laugh and the whole world laugh with you. Cry and you cry alone!
)36. A. calling
B. laughing
)37. A. either
)38. A. it
)39. A. HAIR
B. NAILS(指甲)
)40. A. has
)41. A. 15 years old
B. 15-years-old
C. 15-year-old
)42. A. in
)43. A. while
B. whenever
C. whether
)44. A. many
B. plenty of
)45. A. where to laugh
B. who to laugh C. how to laughJessica’s leg was cut off at the knee because of cancer. She was
查看同主题问题: 英译汉 其他回答 共1 条 这篇文章不难 应英译中:Cut food with the knike是 knife吧? knike没这个词哦~ knife KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 刀,小刀;菜刀;手术刀 Put your knife and fork down on the p英译汉:我认为你在交作业之前,应该删去文章里不必要的重复语句并且检查标点符号。I think you should cut out the unnecessary repeat sentences and cheak the punctuation before you han求新视野大学英语读写教程2课后翻译题和答案,就是英译汉和汉译英各有6小题的那个。 谢谢了~_百度知道
求新视野大学英语读写教程2课后翻译题和答案,就是英译汉和汉译英各有6小题的那个。 谢谢了~


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