Mywho love me,who also ca...

Welcome to Dean Jackson's website (Certified ChiRunning Instructor):May this website be both a beneficial&& enlightening experience for you:-)
I choose to come to you by way of this site in the hopes of sharing my unique experience with the power of spirit&with ChiRunning!Let us begin with why ChiRunning?Well first off, It allows me the freedom to communicate my inner most thoughts & feelings&on everything from my love&of running&to my everyday life and all that..I make no promises but I wish to all who read this, will&share my&in my thoughts&in&that they&may benefit in some form or another from this information...Let's us enjoy our journey together,Be Well & Run Well,Dean JacksonCertified ChiRunning & ChiWalking Instructor
About ChiRunning& and Danny Dreyer, FounderDanny Dreyer is the creator of ChiRunning& and ChiWalking&,& revolutionary forms of moving that blend the subtle inner focuses of T'ai Chi with running and walking. His work is based on his study of T'ai Chi with Master Zhu Xilin and internationally renowned Master George Xu, and his 35 years of experience, running, racing ultra marathons and coaching people in &intelligent movement&. He has taught thousands of people the ChiRunning and ChiWalking techniques with profound results. About Katherine Dreyer, Co-Founder of:
Katherine Dreyer combines 25 years experience publishing information about health and fitness with nearly 20 years of study of Eastern philosophy and practices. She was president of New Hope Communications, the leading communications company for the natural health business, from 1991 - 1995.& She helped launch and was vice president , a natural health web site. Katherine spent the first 10 years of her career in marketing in New York, working for several top advertising firms, as well as Time Warner's HBO Video.Katherine left Time Warner and New York City for Boulder, CO and New Hope Communications in 1989. In 1999 it was Katherine who convinced Danny that ChiRunning was worthy of their focus and attention. As she says, &As soon as I heard how people were responding to Danny's classes, I knew that it was important that this information get out to more people.&As co-founders of ChiLiving, Inc., Katherine and Danny have spent the last seven years writing the ChiWalking and ChiRunning books and newsletter,& producing the DVD's and other materials and teaching classes and Instructor Training Courses throughout the country and now abroad. They live with their daughter, Journey, in Asheville, NC.ChiRunning combines the inner focus and flow of T'ai Chi with the power and energy of running to create a revolutionary running form and philosophy that takes the pounding, pain, and potential damage out of the sport of running. The ChiRunning program increases mental clarity and focus, enhances the joy of running, and turns running into a safe and effective lifelong program for health, fitness, and well-being.More than 24 million people in the U.S. alone run, however 65% of runners in the U.S., 15.6 million people, will have to stop running at least once during the year due to injury. Millions more quit or avoid running because of injury or the fear of causing long-term damage. Yet,& there have been few new ideas or fresh approaches to running and injury prevention. The symptoms are being treated, but the problem has not been solved - until now.The ChiRunning program offers a real solution to the high rate of injury that plagues the sport of running.There are countless books, courses, and classes on how to improve your golf swing, your tennis game, and your cycling technique, but none teaching how to run properly. The ChiRunning program fills this void by teaching people bio-mechanically correct running form that is in line with the laws of physics and with the ancient principles of movement found in T'ai Chi. ChiRunning technique is based on the same principles and orientation as Yoga, Pilates, and T'ai Chi: worki integ and focused on overall and long term performance and well-being.Whether you're an injured runner, a beginner runner, a marathon runner, a triathlete, or someone who runs to stay fit, ChiRunning has helped thousands improve their technique, reduce injury and achieve personal goals. ChiRunning& helps reduce and eliminate: shin splints, IT band syndrome, hamstring injury, plantar faciitus, hip problems and the most famous running injury of all: knee injury. Conditioning your mind can be just as important as conditioning your body. ChiRunning can be a meditative practice that focuses your mind, lifts your spirits and opens the flow of chi in your life. In the ChiRunning book you'll find information about: race training, trail running, interval training, and endurance running as well as diet and nutrition for peak performance. The ChiRunning program virtually changes the landscape of the sport of running and makes running accessible and appealing to people who have stopped running due to injury, who are intimidated by the difficulty and potential danger of running, who want to have a competitive edge, and for those who seek a spiritual component in their fitness program. & Chi is the life giving energy that unites body, mind and spirit. Everyone has Chi. When you die, your Chi is no longer there.It is a lifetime (or many lifetimes) of study to understand, develop and direct one&s Chi as the Masters do. However, great strides can be made to increase and direct one&s Chi with simple exercises and practices. It is always worth the effort. It is amazing how well our body responds to proper care even if we&ve neglected it or been abusive for a long time. This is part of the function of Chi.When your Chi is strong, balanced, flowing and focused you exude energy and good health. Good health and strong, balanced Chi are almost one and the same. In Chinese Medicine one of the causes of ill health is the stagnation or blockage of Chi.In the best-selling Between Heaven and Earth, A Guide to Chinese Medicine, authors Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold write,"That which animates life is called Qi. The concept of Qi is absolutely at the heart of Chinese Medicine. Life is defined by Qi even though it is impossible to grasp, measure, quantify, see or isolate. Immaterial yet essential, the material world is formed by it. An invisible force known only by its effects, Qi is recognized indirectly by what it fosters, generates and protects.Matter is Qi taking shape. Mountains forming, forests growing, rivers streaming, and creatures proliferating are all manifestations of Qi. In the human being, all functions of the body and mind are manifestations of Qi: sensing, cogitating, feeling, digesting, stirring, and propagating. Qi begets movement and heat. It is the fundamental mystery and miracle."In T&ai Chi, ChiRunning and ChiWalking some of the goals are to increase the amount of Chi, to learn to focus your Chi and to make sure your Chi does not get blocked or stagnant.Master George Xu, my T&ai Chi teacher, is always trying to get me to focus on my dantien, my center and to have my Chi then come from that place and move into my limbs to create movement. Why? Because Chi is stronger than muscles and movement that comes from Chi is more deeply powerful.More powerful than muscles? In the West, muscles are almost akin to a god. We worship muscles and what they represent. Covers of magazines and TV commercials extol rock hard abs and buns of steel. What is stronger than rock and steel?In T&ai Chi we quickly learn that muscles are no match for the power of Chi. In ChiRunning and ChiWalking, we see that the power of Chi takes you much further and faster than vulnerable muscles whose duration are very short lived.Your dantian is the best home for your Chi and the best place for you to focus your energy so that you can come form a balanced, whole place in yourself. Your dantien is just below your navel and several inches in toward your spine. In ChiRunning and ChiWalking we encourage all movement, all action, all choices to come from this center, that deep place in yourself that is home to your greatest potential and power. Taken From Chi Running Website: & In brief, you should know the following about Dean Jackson: My choice is to live through Conscious Movement which was established in June of 2010 and has been responsible for providing me with the clarity to live a life of service, health, wealth & well being&ever since.
My specialty is in the area nutrition & fitness/practice (When you approach anything with the mindset of a practice, you either improve your skill or yourself).
My goal is to combine these two important elements of life into a safe & effective lifelong holistic practice. But I see myself as "more process orientated than goal orientated".At present, our web site is still under construction. We are making an effort to present you with our entire spectrum of offers as soon as possible. We feel that everything grows incremently through it's own developmental stages, from less to more or small to big, where nothing happens before it's time.
Also&you should know the following about us in that our company was established in 2009 and has been responsible for providing outstanding training and advice on ChiRunning & ChiWalking ever since.
Another&one of&our passions&is also&in the area&of our Holistic approach to Nutrition which combines a Vegan 14 day diet challenge for those who are ready and up for it, and&also&our&3 day Chi Vision Quest challenge which gives our clients the benefits of an unbreakable bond between the human and natural world.
Our regular customers particularly value our holistic approach to both Running/Walking & Nutrition which in turn heals the Planet and most importantly Ourselves.
At this point we can still provide you with information regarding ChiRunning & ChiWalking. The emphasis of our site is on walking and running with Chi. If this topic is certainly of interest to you.
Keep checking in with&this site later for more updates and upcoming events & thank you:-}
Our business is located&in Vancouver. In the meantime you can reach&me at 604-889-7751. We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can also contact&me at&my e-mail address:
If you are not familiar with our company and this is your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you!
We also do ChiRunning & ChiWalking workshops in Vancouver,&throughout the province of BC and abroad&throughout the my love
【Edwin】贾老板Justin Timberlake联袂T.I演唱My Love超清现场
My Love 西城男孩(westlife)
《廊桥遗梦》插曲Nothings gonna change my love for you此情永不移
Glenn Medeiros格莱恩.梅德罗斯于1970年6月生于美国夏威夷,是一位偶像型的创作歌手,他初试啼声之作"Nothing`s Gonna Change My Love For You″,是翻唱自黑人歌手George Benson乔治.本森的作品,但此隽咏抒情的好歌是梅德罗斯唱红的,此曲最高爬到了全美单曲排行榜第12位,但在海外的英国,法国和德国都拿到了冠军,这首歌在台湾也是红遍大街小巷。《廊桥遗梦》英文片名《The Bridges of Madison County》(《麦迪逊之桥》),94年华纳兄弟公司出品,导演兼男主演克林特·伊斯特伍德,女主演梅丽尔·斯特里普。该影片是根据美国作家罗伯特·詹姆斯·沃勒的小说改编。小说中卡洛琳和麦克姐弟两人都面临者家庭离异的困扰,这时母亲弗朗西斯卡去世的消息把他们招回了童年时生活的乡村。在母新留下的一封长信中他们了解了母亲深埋在心底的一段感情秘密...罗伯特·金凯是《国家地理》杂志的摄影师,他终日驾着一辆旧车浪迹天涯,他来到了弗朗西斯卡所住的乡村?要拍摄爱荷华州麦迪逊郡的遮篷桥即廊桥 ,他请弗朗西斯卡带路,于是,他们相识了。在闲聊中,两人互相讲起了自己的婚姻和家庭:罗伯特与前妻离异,而弗朗西斯卡伴着丈夫和一儿一女过着单调而清寂的乡村生活,缺乏激情,整日浑浑噩噩……两颗寂寞的心仿佛找到了依靠,他们在弗朗西斯卡的家中共进晚餐,在轻柔的音乐舞曲中,他们情不自禁地相拥共舞,最后一起走进了卧室……在这短暂的四天中,他们有了一段刻骨铭心的爱情。罗伯特要再次出发了,他要弗朗西斯卡和他一起走,然而弗朗西斯卡却不愿因为自己而使整个家庭陷入不完整的境地,同时她也不愿放弃对家庭的责任,两人只好痛苦地分手了。罗伯特走后,弗朗西斯卡把这段爱情深深地埋在心底,从未对任何人说过。在1982年3月,弗朗西斯卡收到一本名为"四日"的摄影集,并得知了罗伯特的死讯。1989年,弗朗西斯卡也过世了,她在遗嘱中要求子女们将她的骨灰撒在麦迪逊桥畔。卡洛琳和迈克都被母亲的感情故事和对家庭的责任心所感动,他们同情并理解自己的母亲。同时,他们也开始珍视各自目前的家庭,放弃了草率离婚的打算。本片是一九九五年最具影响力的十部影片之一;美国百部经典名片之一;一部内涵深刻的社会伦理片;一段柏拉图式的经典爱情....通过对婚外恋情的探讨和对中年人心理情感的体现细腻地揭示了中年人的伦理价值取向与情感平衡观念。影片向我们描述了一段柏拉图式的经典爱情,再现了一段真挚的情感纠葛,是一部社会化和本地化思维很强的力作,之所以让人震惊,大概是它提出了爱情的本质问题之一——人们对于爱情的态度。在影片里,冲动而浪漫的爱情对传统观念进行了激烈的冲击,然而女主人公最终还是放弃了这段爱情,甘于在日后的平淡生活中靠回味来回忆这次情爱,这一切仿佛道出了人们生活中的真谛:爱情不管怎样,都是有责任和义务的,每个人都不可能在爱情中自私地只为了自己;生活本来就是平凡的,所有的亮色和亮点不过是其中的点缀,是可望而不可及的。它揭示出了中年人的伦理价值观——当爱情与传统伦理道德相抵触的时候,人们到底应该怎样选择?是选择自由的爱情,还是选择对家庭的责任?《廊桥遗梦》出色的艺术表现力引起了众多中年观众的共鸣,也促使他们认真地对待自己的感情。克林特·伊斯特伍德和梅丽尔·斯特里普这两位资深演员在片中的表现也都十分出色,他们对情绪的把握十分到位,为影片增添了无穷的魅力。古老的廊桥,孤独的远游客。两颗中年人的心渐渐贴近,撞出火花,寻觅已久的灵魂找到了永恒的归宿。这段不了的情缘,因世事的羁绊而无奈分离。年复一年的缠绵思念,漂泊感伤的流浪情怀?刻骨铭心,凄婉绝伦……“这样的事……永不再来。”这首歌也是吕方 “求你讲清楚”英文原曲
Make You Feel My Love 皇家艾伯特演奏厅现场版
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si my love|ca si khoi my|ca si phuong my chi
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[MV]少女时代_All my Love is for you
《Goodbye my love》Super Junior-M 29
2月8日,万众瞩目的2013年辽视春晚正式播出,来自两岸三地的众歌手纷纷加盟晚会。火爆亚洲的韩国天团Super Junior-M则是带来一首《Goodbye my love》,劲歌热舞瞬间点燃了全场的热情。
【猴姆独家】史上最牛合唱团深情唱Make You Feel My Love超清mv
【猴姆独家】泪奔!缅怀Cory Monteith!史上最牛合唱团成员瑞秋深情翻唱Bob Dylan/Adele经典情歌Make You Feel My Love超清mv大首播!
萨克斯 此情永不移 Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
小林香织 阿杰萨克斯《此情永不移》(Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You)
[皇后乐队]Queen - Love of My Life[Live][超清]
[皇后乐队]Queen - Love of My Life[Live]
Love of my life you've hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
#You don't know it#
#That's all right#
Love of my life don't leave me
You've taken my love you now desert me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
You will remember
When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you. I still love you~!
I still love you~!I still love you~~!Yeah~~~~!!
Ooh~! hurry back,hurry back~!
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
Love of my life
Love of my life~~~!
All My Love Is For You Music Lovers现场版
英国达人秀:Sam《Make You Feel My Love》中文字幕.flv
“小尼坤”于逸驰深情演唱西城经典《my love》
Make You Feel My Love
傈僳歌舞 (緬甸抹谷) YI, MY KHO M THAE SI
傈僳族歌曲[S?; MY SI..d]
无数的祝福 燃亮起希望
无限的力量 支撑起梦想   
Victoria's Secret - I Love My Man's Body
【Edwin】2006年 Justin Timberlake献唱My Love和Lovestoned
Thanks For More!
[千頌伊來自星星的你]紅唇妝My Love From The Star
?Shot and Edited by Queenie Chan
MORE Blog:
Queenie's Instagram: iloveqq
YouTube MsQueenieChan Channel(生活頻道)
YouTube MyDearQQ Channel (國語頻道)
Queenie's 土豆:
Queenie's YouKu :
All My Love Is For You
囚鸟 田馥甄To My Love音乐会
囚鸟 田馥甄To My Love音乐会
my love 西域男孩(现场版珍藏)
my love 西域男孩(现场版珍藏)
Westlife 西城男孩 - My Love MV 中英字幕【高清】
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[DVD]130918 少女时代日本二巡 All My Love is For You
I lay my love on you Westlife
新浪微博:@变成回忆新不了 →【/bchyxbl】有好歌推荐下,谢谢!!!
Kris Thomas深情翻唱Saving All My Love for You
Declan Galbraith - Love Of My Life (live)
love of my life, you hurt me,
you broken my heart, and now you leave me.
love of my life can't you see,
bring it back bring it back,
don't take it away from me,
because you don't know what it means to me.
love of my life don't leave me,
you've taken my heart now desert me,
love of my life can't you see,
bring it back bring it back,
don't take it away from me,
because you don't know what it means to me.
you will remember when this is blown over,
and everythings all by the way,
when i grow older,
i will be there at your side,
to remind you how i still love you
i still love you.
back, hurry back,
please bring it back home to me
because you don't know what it means to me.
love of my life,
love of my life.
Saving All My Love For You
李承哲&南优铉&温流&灿多&张贤胜《My Love》131229 SBS歌谣大战
Make You Feel My Love iTunes音乐节现场版
方大同-Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You MV
【猴姆独家】内牛满面!韩国15岁吉他正太郑成河深情吉他弹奏Make You Feel My Love
【猴姆独家】内牛满面!韩国15岁吉他正太郑成河Sungha Jung深情吉他弹奏Adele经典热单Make You Feel My Love!听得我的心都要融化了。
方大同--Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
维多利亚的秘密广告:love my Body.
My Love 英国伦敦 2010年Where We Are演唱会现场版
My Destiny
[MV] Lyn (?) - My Destiny(My Love From the Star)
Hebe田馥甄To My Love音乐会 - 魔鬼中的天使
Hebe田馥甄To My Love音乐会 - 魔鬼中的天使
【LHJ】西城男孩-My Love 超清经典MV【中英字幕】
西城男孩-My Love 超清MV
经典情歌对唱:Tonight I celebrate my love for you
一首缠绵极致的对唱情歌,一首早就耳熟能详的老歌。一个成熟的男人,一个成熟的女人,庆祝着彼此的爱,用彼此的身体,还有灵魂,环抱拥有着整个的世界,抖落满地的音符,都演绎着一个词——“缠绵”。缠绵的身体,缠绵的心情,缠绵的感觉,缠绵的思绪,缠绵的夜色,缠绵的一切……很少有英文歌曲能如此深情款款并一直抚摸到你内心最柔软的地方。Peabo Bryson1951年出生在美国南卡罗来纳州, 两次格莱美奖得主,以唱舒缓的民谣和为迪斯尼卡通电影配乐而著名。1983年,与蓝调歌后Roberta Flack合作《Tonight I celebrate my love》成为名曲;1992年,因和席琳迪翁合作《Beauty And The Beast(美女与野兽)》一曲而获格莱美奖。《Beauty And The Beast》旋律优美,非常动听;1993年,因与Regina Belle合作迪斯尼电影《Aladdin(阿拉丁)》主题曲《A Whole New World(全新世界)》而又捧获格莱美奖。《A Whole New World》流行于全世界,成为世界名曲。Peabo Bryson的嗓音浑厚有力,诠释歌曲独具匠心,不论是旋律优美的抒情曲,或是热情奔放的舞曲,他唱来总能峰回路转,一气呵成。成为很多人的偏爱。Roberta Flack是美国老牌黑人女歌手,在美国歌坛被奉为前辈级歌后,在70年代,她的歌声几乎家喻户晓,红透世界。她的曲风为带有流行色彩的“轻柔爵士”,嗓音厚实,略带沙哑,高亢嘹亮,中气十足,同时也蕴藏多变的真假声技巧,像“Killing me softly with his song”(轻歌销魂)等经典名曲,就是由她首唱而传遍世界的。现在,Roberta Flack虽然隐退歌坛,但像麦当娜、惠特尼.休斯顿等后生巨星,均曾经拜她为师,学习唱功。她的招牌名曲《Killing Me Softly With His Song》于1973年初进榜,四周后登上冠军位置,并蝉联五周。同时,歌曲拿下当年格来美的三项大奖,包括最佳年度单曲,最佳女歌手以及奖给两位创作人的年度最佳歌曲奖。 ;《Tonight I Celebrate My Love》更是历久弥新的经典二重唱,Roberta和同是唱将级的Peabo Bryson配合相得益彰,两把靓嗓唱出温暖情意。尽管时光在身边静静流逝,但至少在Roberta的歌声中我们可以暂时去忘记。有时候不得不承认自己老了,现在90后听的新歌都不知道叫什么名字,也不再能享受那种喧闹。就这样静静地听着这首歌,思念着爱的人,某一刻,心是满足的。那种愿意为所爱奉献一生的感动顷刻可见。
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