
  急求各位高人帮我翻译下边这篇短文,明天早上我有急用,着急啊。。谢谢大家了。。  Department stores in need of Christmas cheer   Elizabeth Knight  November 19, 2010 .   There is a lot riding on Santa this year in department store land. If his sack is half empty there will be a lot of disappointed retail investors wondering what has happened to the expected shopping recovery.  Investors would be well within their rights to start to blame store management if consumers continue to avoid spending.  For the past year retailers have been blaming their poor comparative store sales numbers on the government stimulus packages that boosted last year's figures.  But the quarterly sales figures released over the past week by both Myer and David Jones are the first batch that can no longer be excused by the stimulus comparison. The higher end department stores will now have to fess up over why shoppers are not spending in their shops.  In the case of Myer, the October quarter sales went backwards, and after a boost in the period David Jones received from the opening of the new Melbourne city store, its sales numbers were also down. This begs the question of why these stores are struggling. For that matter the same questions could reasonably be levelled at two of the three discount department stores. The recent release of their sales figures showed that while Kmart's sales were improving, both Big W and Target were under pressure.  The more worrying issue for department stores is that the broader retail picture is improving and the general economic environment is perfectly pitched for positive retail sales.  In the first instance, interest rates are not running at particularly high levels. The Reserve Bank of Australia has been gradually moving rates up (and the banks have exceeded these rises). But from a historical perspective interest rates are not that high. In addition our income growth is improving as salaries are moving up, and unemployment is particularly low. Personal credit (mostly credit cards) expanded by 4.9 per cent in September.  From a retailer's perspective this should be the sweet spot. If department stores cannot entice shoppers to spend in this environment one would have to ask why. We have the money, our jobs are secure, our pay packets are expanding and the economy is growing.  The simple answer is that Australian consumers ARE spending - total retail sales in the September quarter grew by 4.1 per cent.  The issue for the department stores is that most of this appears to be directed towards food, not many consumer durables, and not in their stores.  There is also a couple of additional random facts that feed into the equation. The first is that we are spending more online than ever before. Not only are many goods cheaper but the strong Australian dollar is enticing consumers to look for offshore bargains.  The other interesting piece in this puzzle is that consumer confidence remains weak - this feeds into a reluctance to buy big-ticket items.  Consumer confidence has plummeted again over the past couple of weeks thanks to the interest rate rise, according to a Roy Morgan poll released yesterday.  The fall has been driven by Australians having less confidence in all components of the survey - particularly now being a ''good time to buy'' major household items.  This probably also reflects a hangover from the financial crisis stimulus payments. All those flat screen televisions that were bought with the government handout has reduced demand for these products.  This is despite the fact that the strong dollar has made consumer electrical equipment particularly cheap. The lack of demand and the falling price of these goods also feeds into the poor department store sales numbers. It also hits the sales of companies like Harvey Norman, Dick Smith and JB Hi-Fi.  But there are pockets of strength. Computer games are powering along and the market for Apple products is particularly strong.  It seems that department stores are not offering a compelling product offer right now - sufficiently so that consumers are tending to divert their spending in other directions. A move towards online shopping - even for apparel - is becoming a sleeper for department stores and one that they are belatedly starting to address. But a renewed look at the retail offer is clearly needed. It needs to evolve in better step with spending patterns.  Having said all this investors are now banking on the fact that Christmas will start to bring customers back into department stores. It is their peak season and while David Jones, for example, is making no optimistic projections about a bumper Christmas it will no doubt be counting on this December to break the department store drought. Despite the sluggish sales numbers reported by David Jones yesterday, the company's share price received a welcome boost - up 18¢ to $4.67.  It reaffirmed its full-year 2011 profit guidance of an increase of between 5 per cent and 10 per cent in profit after tax. Myer is quoting the same profit guidance.  The share prices of most of the retail sector reflect the subdued sales prospects - so at the very least most of them are not overpriced.  If they have a strong Christmas and some momentum is restored then this could kick-start a recovery. But retail is tricky.  The department stores should already be feeling strong demand. If the consumer has changed its spending spots then department stores will have to catch up.  还有赏析&.  评价这篇文章
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人们按照传统习惯,每年从农历腊月二十三日起到年三十的“迎春日”期间,忙于打扫卫生,采品,准备年货。 春节最高潮的时刻,是年三十除夕夜,离家在外的人们都回到家与亲人团聚,高高兴兴地一起吃团圆饭,所以除夕夜又叫团圆夜。
人们按照传统习惯,每年从农历腊月二十三日起到年三十的“迎春日”期间,忙于打扫卫生,采品,准备年货。 春节最高潮的时刻,是年三十除夕夜,离家在外的人们都回到家与亲人团聚,高高兴兴地一起吃团圆饭,所以除夕夜又叫团圆夜。
Being 相关信息ese, the Spring Festival, often known as the Chinese new year, is the most important holiday among all Chinese traditional holidays. The Spring Festival is defined as the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It was originated in Shang dynasty, from ritual festivals at the start and the end of the lunar year, worshiping gods and ancestors. Since then it has been practiced for several millennia.
The coming of the Spring fes...
Being 相关信息ese, the Spring Festival, often known as the Chinese new year, is the most important holiday among all Chinese traditional holidays. The Spring Festival is defined as the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It was originated in Shang dynasty, from ritual festivals at the start and the end of the lunar year, worshiping gods and ancestors. Since then it has been practiced for several millennia.
The coming of the Spring festival also represent the arrival of the spring season and a new cycle of planting ad harvesting. People have endured the long winter and are already wishing for the warm and blossoming season. Filled with joy, it is very natural for this festival to be greatly welcomed.
According to Chinese traditions, the last eight days of the lunar year will be devoted for welcoming the Spring festival and season. People will clean and decorate their houses, purchase gifts and holiday essentials. The climax
of the festival will be the night of the last day of the year, or ChuXi night. It is a time when everyone in the family, no matter how far abroad they were, will return home, and have the reunion dinner together, which gave this special night another name,the night of reunion.
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