Burj Dubai, the world's tallestdrew skyscraperr, was built

Burj Dubai, the tallest building in the world, opens just two months after debt crisis | Daily Mail Online
The world's tallest skyscraper opens in a blaze of glory... and it's been renamed after Arab ruler who bailed out Dubai with $25bn
12:19 GMT, 5 January 2010
Dubai opened the world's tallest skyscraper in a glitzy ceremony this evening that was meant to put a brave face on crushing debt woes.The ?1billion tower reaches 2,717 ft, 200 storeys into the sky, exceeding the next highest structure by some 1,000 ft.Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum renamed the tower Burj Khalifa after the president of the United Arab Emirates and the ruler of the neighbouring emirate of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan.
Abu Dhabi has facilitated $25 billion in bailout funds for Dubai in the past year, fuelling expectations that Dubai will make concessions or cede some of its commercial power to its wealthier neighbour.Concerns about Dubai's $100-billion debt pile, which has made Dubai's stock exchange one of the world's worst performing, overshadowed both the ceremony and boasts by the builder, Emaar Propertie, that the Burj heralds a new dawn.
Blast off: More than 6,000 guests watched as the world's tallest skyscraper was officially opened with a spectacular fireworks display 'The worry for Dubai is that the event will be remembered as a second bout of hubris,' said David Butter, regional director for Middle East and North Africa at Economist Intelligence Unit.The first bout was in November, 2008, two months after the collapse of Lehman Bros, when Dubai spent $24 million on the opening ceremony of the Atlantis Hotel, an event that did more to highlight a taste for extravagance than assuage fears that the economic crisis was not being taken seriously.Emaar says property prices have now stabilised, confounding wider expectations for stress in the sector.'You have to ask, "why we are building all this?" To bring quality of life and a smile to people and I think we should continue to do that,' said Mohamed Alabbar, chairman of Emaar, the Arab world's largest listed developer.'Crises come and go,' Alabbar said. 'We build for years to come ... We must have hope and optimism.'
A number of the higher floors - up to the 160th - have been designated
as office space, while there is a restaurant on the 122nd floor and a
gym, with an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, on the 123rd floor -
some 1,440 feet off the ground
The complex of
apartments, offices, shops, restaurants, a mosque, gym, nightclub and
Giorgio Armani-designed hotel, was designed to the brief that residents
need never leave.
Everything they could possibly need is supposedly provided.
The hotel takes up the first eight
floors with suites on the 38th and 39th. Residential apartments go up
to the 108th floor – at about 1,300 feet.
A number of the higher floors – up
to the 160th – have been designated as office space, while there is a
restaurant on the 122nd floor and a gym, with an indoor and outdoor
swimming pool, on the 123rd floor – some 1,440 feet off the ground.
On the 124th floor is the world's
highest observation deck. The Burj Dubai is also intending to host the
world's highest nightclub – on the 143rd floor.
Spectacular: Even though many of the building's 200 storeys are unfinished, organisers are celebrating the launch with
an arsenal of fireworks
Officials insist the tower is no white elephant. It is still the 'jewel in the gulf', a spokesman said.'It is the tallest building in the
world and the first of its kind,' he said. 'From inside it looks like
a Porsche if you want to talk about luxury.'
Thousands are said to have been rushed in over the weekend in a desperate push to complete the job.And in response to the increasing terrorist threat throughout the world - such as those on the World Trade Center, the bombings in London and the attempted detonation of an explosive on a plane in Detroit on Christmas Day - the Burj has in-built 'refuge floors', situated at 25 to 30 storey intervals
that are more fire resistant and have separate air supplies in case of emergency. Greg Sang, Emaar's director of projects, said:'It's a lot more robust. A plane won't be able to slice through the Burj like it did through the steel columns of the World Trade Center.'
Guests watched in awe at the opening ceremony, which took place despite the building not yet being finished inside
The Burj was designed to show off Dubai's new wealth and industrial might
Over the last three decades Dubai
has witnessed a massive surge in cash. Developers backed by new money
invested heavily - turning the once struggling desert city into a
sprawling metropolis of lights and plush buildings. The city is now dealing with a real
estate crash as the borrowed money needed to make the Dubai dream come
true continues dries up. While
development still surged forward at the Burj Khalifa, it was made
possible only by gigantic billion dollar bailouts from rich United Arab
Emirates cousin Abu Dhabi.
on the day of its official completion, interested parties face further
problems. All of the apartments are said to have been sold but its
still a mystery who will eventually move in. There is also said to be
little interest in new Dubai office space. Developers still say that
their vision will come true.
But as the city celebrates, the building is mainly vacant and could leave officials red-faced on Monday. Even though many of the building's 200 stories are unfinished, organisers are celebrating the launch with
an arsenal of fireworks.
Half a mile high: the tower was tarted at the height of the economic boom and built by some 12,000 labourers
The shadow of Burj Khalifa is seen from floor 124 of the Burj, the supertall skyscraper during a media tour in Dubai
employee, who asked to remain anonymous, said: 'The inauguration
ceremony is to tell the world that we have finished it. 'What has been done is meeting the
individual customer's needs. We have met the contracted agreement.
Since it started it has continued at one floor being built every week.
dates are not confirmed yet but at present we will hand over the
residence suites on March 22, the Armani Residences on January 17 and
the corporate suites on March 1.'
Investors took little heart from
today's opening with Emaar shares closing down 3.4 pe rcent, pulling
Dubai's broader index 2.6 per cent lower.
'This is the culmination of Dubai's momentum and not just Emaar's,' said Saud Masud, UBS head of research.
'It is probably the end of Dubai
mega projects for the next several years as the emirate tries to
rationalise its resources and looks to build the economy again in some
way or another.'
In a sign Dubai is trying to meet
its obligations, DP World, a subsidiary of state-owned holding company
Dubai World, said it had paid obligations tied to a sukuk and a bond
issue on time
Dubai sent shockwaves through global
markets on November 25 when it said it would request a standstill on
billions of dollars of debts linked to state-held holding firm Dubai
World and its property units Limitless and Nakheel, developer of three
palm-shaped islands.
Dubai World is expected to pitch a
formal standstill proposal on its debt payments to creditors this
month, while it comes up with a restructuring plan.
Besides an observation deck on its 124th floor affording 360-degree views of the entire city, Burj Khalifa is home to the world's first Armani Hotel, luxury offices and residences
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Copy link to paste in your messageburj...khalifa - 必应 词典网络哈利法塔;哈里发塔;迪拜哈利法塔1.哈利法塔哈利法塔 (BURJ KHALIFA) 原名是迪拜塔(BURJ DUBAI). 于 日开始动工, 并于日的一个盛大的烟花背景下开幕.
…|2.哈里发塔在哈里发塔 (Burj Khalifa) 第 124 层的观景台眺望杜拜市区,周遭的摩天大厦顿变成掌中的模型,辽阔的景致,眼睛也能舒压深呼吸大气。|3.迪拜哈利法塔这座大楼是由建造迪拜哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)的工程人员设计,哈利法塔高达828米,是目前世界上最高的建筑。人们是在2011年底开 …|4.迪拜塔位于迪拜新地标迪拜塔(Burj Khalifa)的11层,酒店正对着迪拜喷泉(Dubai Fountain),可进入迪拜塔的观景台。时尚感十足,可谓现 …|5.哈里法塔你可於全球最高的哈里法塔(Burj Khalifa) 122楼的At. mosphere餐厅,在离地1,350尺的高空,享用特色fine dining之余,更能饱览杜拜壮阔...|6.杜拜哈利法塔中东杜拜哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)花了5年多的时间,以828公尺成为目前全世界最高的摩天大楼。但中国建筑师和工程人员们估算,它们 …|7.杜拜塔就是上杜拜塔(Burj Khalifa)(也叫哈里发塔)观景台看风景杜拜塔的正下方就紧连著号称全世界第六大的购物中心 杜拜购物中心 这边就是...|8.杜拜哈里发塔高的杜拜哈里发塔(Burj Khalifa),高度是水星城市大楼的2.5倍,达828公尺。|更多释义收起释义例句释义:全部,哈利法塔,哈里发塔,迪拜哈利法塔类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.Burj Khalifa stands
currently the
the Burj Khalifa
observation deck reportedly
next to rise
Khalifa 5.
Burj Khalifa the
Burj Khalifa
Khalifa in Dubai
of the 8.'
leapfrogging, , isn't
Burj Khalifa9.The newly
Burj Khalifa is
准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典A first look inside Burj Dubai, the tallest skyscraper in the world, as it nears completion
Towering high above the Dubai skyline, Burj Dubai, the world's tallest
man-made construction, edges closer to completion
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The living wonder, a pure work of art, the tallest building, and an engineering genius is what Burj Dubai represents to the world. Apart from being a symbol of progress and prosperity in the Middles East.
First we have the Empire State Building in America, Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia, Taipe 101, CN Towers in Canada and now Burj Khalifa as the newest tallest towers in the world. It only goes to say that progress is inevitable all over the world.
Burj Dubai is a sign that the country visions will slowly be realized and that this project is only the beginning of many things in Dubai. The building is famous not just because it is the tallest but also of how it was created and what can be found in it.
Tourist who will be flocking to the tower will be assured of their safety as the building underwent over 40 wind tests to make certain that the building would be able to withstand pressure from outside at the height of the tower.
Burj Dubai image
Furthermore, aside from the durability and stability of the structure of the Burj Dubai building, interior design of the building is another factor that makes it one of kind. From the stainless steel, glass, Venetian stucco walls, flooring, stone flooring, handmade rugs all added to the allure of the building.
The different features of the building make it also a wonderful tower to visit, as this will include a hotel and residences. The concourse level 8, 38 and 39 level will house the famed Armani Hotel Dubai, while level 9 -16 is exclusively for a lavish one and two bedroom of the Armani Residences.
Moreover, the floor from 45 – 108 are reserved for private super luxury residences. The corporate suite is on the remaining floors, with the exception of the level 122 that house the tower restaurant and level 124 for the public observatory.
The lucky owners of the private room will not be disrupted by the public visiting the observatory and restaurant as their will be another lobby designed just for them. The sky lobbies are found on the 43, 76 and 123 levels and this also features the fitness facilities and Jacuzzis on 43 and 76.
Recreation room and swimming pools are also available for hire not just for the regular residence but for anyone who wants to use the facilities. Burj Dubai has other facilities such as library for the Residents, Gourmet Market, Convenience store, valet parking are what you can get from the most prestigious tower of today.
Burj Dubai tower is worth visiting if you want to see the whole of Dubai as well as the nearby country. Burj Khalifa – the tower that you should not fail to visit while you are in the shopping Mecca of the Middle East.
Burj Dubai crane
Burj Dubai crane
This foto was taken from top of the highest building on the world Burj Dubai 801 m.当前位置:
>>> The people of Dubai have extended their reach-into the sky...
The people of Dubai have extended their reach-into the sky. In January, the world’s tallest building opened there. The skyscraper, called the Burj Khalifa, is 162 stories high, with 60-mile views from the top of the tower. At 2,717 feet, the structure stands more than 1,000 feet taller than the last tallest building, the Taipei 101 in Taiwan. After five years of construction, the Buji Khalifa opened with a party. But now the tower is getting down to business. The skyscraper has 37 floors of office space and 1,000 apartment. It will house the world’s largest mall. The owners hope that eventually more than 12,000 people will live and work in the 6 million square feet inside the building. The Burj Khalifa was originally named the Burj Dubai, or Dubai Tower, after the region where it was built. Dubai is a sheikdom (酋长国) which is part of the United Arab Emirates. Recently, Dubai needed a loan. Sheik Khalifa, President of the United Arab Emirates and sheik of neighboring Abu Dhabi, helped out. Burj Dubai was renamed Burj Khalifa in his honor. The towering structure has broken a number of records besides the record for height. It has the world’s highest swimming pool, on the 123rd floor. It also has the world’s highest outdoor observation deck: Visitors can stand in the open air 124 stories above ground. Fifty-four elevators race up and down, going as fast as 40 miles an hour. Should the elevators stop working, 3,000 stairs go from top to bottom. And when it’s time to clean the windows, 36 workers will spend about three months washing them. Reaching half a mile into the sky, the Burj Khalifa soars over even the world’s other highest skyscrapers. Its height outstrips the Taipei 101 by 60 stories. It stands more than 1,100 feet taller than China’s Shanghai World Financial Center. And Dubai’s new tower dwarfs one of the most famous skyscrapers of all: it stands more than twice as high as the Empire State Building in New York City, the world’s tallest building for more than 40 years.小题1:How tall is the Taipei 101?& (no more than 2 words)&&&&&&& (2 marks)小题2:Why was Dubai Tower changed into the Buji Khalifa?& (no more than 12 words)&&&&&& (3 marks)小题3:What’s the main idea of the fourth paragraph?&&&&&&&& (no more than 9 words)&&&&&&& (2 marks)小题4:Please give a suitable title to this passage.&&&&&&&&& (no more than 10 words)&&&&&& (3 marks)
小题1:1,717 feet.小题2:Because Sheik Khalifa gave Dubai help in money. Because Sheik Khalifa helped out when it needed a loan.To honor Sheik Khalifa who helped out when it needed a loan.In honor of Sheik Khalifa who helped out when it needed money.小题3:The Buji Khalifa/ The towering structure has broken a number of records.小题4:(本题三个关键信息点:the Buji Khalifa, the tallest building, in the world)The Buji Khalifa-the tallest building in the world. Introduction to the world’s tallest building: the Buji Khalifa.试题分析:文章介绍现在世界上最高的塔:Buji Khalifa。包括它的高度,结构,里面的设施,容纳的人,还有名字的由来,除了高度,迪拜搭也在其他很多方面打破了记录。小题1:计算题:从第一段的句子:At 2,717 feet, the structure stands more than 1,000 feet taller than the last tallest building, the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.可知Taipei101塔高17feet,小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:Recently, Dubai needed a loan. Sheik Khalifa, President of the United Arab Emirates and sheik of neighboring Abu Dhabi, helped out. Burj Dubai was renamed Burj Khalifa in his honor.可知指因为Sheik Khalifa, 给了迪拜经济上的支持,所以他们把名字改成Buji Khalifa。Because Sheik Khalifa gave Dubai help in money.&& Because Sheik Khalifa helped out when it needed a loan. To honor Sheik Khalifa who helped out when it needed a loan. In honor of Sheik Khalifa who helped out when it needed money.小题3:段落大意题:从第四段的句子:The towering structure has broken a number of records besides the record for height可知这段讲的是Buji Khalifa打破了好几项世界纪录:.The Buji Khalifa/ The towering structure has broken a number of records.小题4:标题确定题:因为这篇文章讲的是现在世界上最高的塔the Buji Khalifa, 所以本题三个关键信息点是:the Buji Khalifa, the tallest building, in the world,标题可以确定为: The Buji Khalifa-the tallest building in the world.或Introduction to the world’s tallest building: the Buji Khalifa.
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用单词首尾字母组成一个新词的英语构词法叫做首尾字母缩略法。这种形式的英语构词生成的新词,读音主要有两种形式,即各字母分别读音;作为一个单词读音。 如:Foreign Language Teaching Agency→FLTA上海外教网 &&&&&&& Testing of English as a Foreign Language→TOEFL托福 &&&&&&& Teach English as a Foreign Language→TEFL &&&&&&& Teach English as a Second Language→TESL &&&&&&& Graduate Record Examination→GRE美国研究生入学考试 缩写的几种类型:
1、单词缩写应省略在辅音之后,元音之前:英文单词缩写一般以辅音结尾,而不以元音结尾。如American省略为Am,而不省略为Ame或Amer,Medicine或Medical缩写为Med,European缩写为Eur等。但Science例外,缩写为Sci,可能是因为元音I之后又是元音E的缘故。缩写刊名每个词首字母必须大写,而不可全部都用大写或小写。2、压缩字母法:仅个别单词采用压缩字母方式缩写。如:Japanese缩写为Jpn而不是Jan&&&&&&& National应缩写为Natl而不是Nat经常有读者将Japanese写成Jan是参考文献著录中常见的错误。如:Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology,应缩写为JpnJOphthalmol,National Cancer Institute Research Report缩写为NatlCancerInstResRep。而Nat是Nature和Natural的缩写,如:NatureMedicine, Naturebiotechnology分别缩写为NatMed, NatBiotechnol。另外CN是中国的国别代码,期刊缩写刊名中,ChinaChinese不得缩写为CN,而应缩写为Chin.采用压缩写法是为了避免与其他常用缩写混淆。如:Japanese不能缩写为Jan,可能是Jan是January的固定缩写形式,National缩写为Natl而不缩写为Nat,可能是Nat是Nature和Natural的缩写。 3、学科名称缩写:刊名中学科名称缩写很常见,因而了解学科名缩写规则非常必要。凡以-ogy结尾的单词,一律将词尾-ogy去掉,如Cardiology缩写为Cariol,Biology缩写为Biol,以-ics结尾的学科名词,缩写时将-ics或连同其前面若干字母略去。如:Physics缩写为Phys。以-try结尾的词,缩写时将-try连同前面若干字母略去。如:chemistry缩写为Chem。其中也包括其他形容词的缩写。 4、刊名中常用词和特殊单词的缩写:期刊名中有些常用单词可以缩写为一个字母。如:Journal缩写为J&&&&&&& Quarterly缩写为Q&&&&&&& Royal缩写为R&&&&&&&&New缩写为N&&&&&&& South缩写为S 5、刊名首字母组合:有些杂志名称缩写采用首字母组合,而且已被固定下来,一般都是国际上有较大影响的期刊,并得到国际上众多索引性检索工具的认同。如:The Journal of American Medical Association缩写为JAMA,&British Medical Journal缩写为BMJ等。 6、国家名称的缩写:刊名中国家名称的缩写分为两种情况。如国家名称为单个词汇,缩写时常略去词尾或词的后部分若干字母。如:American缩写为Am&&&&&&& British缩写为Br&&&&&&& Chinese缩写为Chin而国家名称由多个词组组成时,常取每个词的首字母,如United States of America 缩写为USA或US。 7、虚词一律省略:有许多虚词,如the, of, for, and, on, from, to等,在缩写时均省去。如:Journal of chemistry缩写为J chem&&&&&& Archives of Medical Research缩写为Arch Med Res
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