Beijing Ruyi Businescts hotel beijing, is it ok?

Star rating
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Aug 8 - Aug 9
hotel options
Ctrip rating
The Ctrip rating system is based primarily on Ctrip member comments. We also use the National Tourism Bureau's scale, which awards one to five stars based on quality, amenities, service, reputation and customer satisfaction. Finally, we rely on reviews provided by our own group of travel specialists. In our ratings, we seek fairness, objectivity and accuracy. The ratings have no commercial purpose and are not used when negotiating prices with member hotels.
6 diamonds: highly recommended 5-star hotels
5 diamonds: recommended 5-star hotels and highly recommended 4-star hotels
4 diamonds: recommended 4-star hotels and highly recommended 3-star hotels
3 diamonds: recommended 3-star hotels and highly recommended 2-star hotels
2 diamonds: recommended 2-star hotels and highly recommended 1-star hotels
1 diamond: recommended 1-star hotels
A half-diamond indicates hotels between any two diamond levels
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ProcessingStar rating
Updating your results.
Aug 8 - Aug 9
hotel options
Ctrip rating
The Ctrip rating system is based primarily on Ctrip member comments. We also use the National Tourism Bureau's scale, which awards one to five stars based on quality, amenities, service, reputation and customer satisfaction. Finally, we rely on reviews provided by our own group of travel specialists. In our ratings, we seek fairness, objectivity and accuracy. The ratings have no commercial purpose and are not used when negotiating prices with member hotels.
6 diamonds: highly recommended 5-star hotels
5 diamonds: recommended 5-star hotels and highly recommended 4-star hotels
4 diamonds: recommended 4-star hotels and highly recommended 3-star hotels
3 diamonds: recommended 3-star hotels and highly recommended 2-star hotels
2 diamonds: recommended 2-star hotels and highly recommended 1-star hotels
1 diamond: recommended 1-star hotels
A half-diamond indicates hotels between any two diamond levels
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ProcessingStar rating
Updating your results.
Aug 8 - Aug 9
hotel options
Ctrip rating
The Ctrip rating system is based primarily on Ctrip member comments. We also use the National Tourism Bureau's scale, which awards one to five stars based on quality, amenities, service, reputation and customer satisfaction. Finally, we rely on reviews provided by our own group of travel specialists. In our ratings, we seek fairness, objectivity and accuracy. The ratings have no commercial purpose and are not used when negotiating prices with member hotels.
6 diamonds: highly recommended 5-star hotels
5 diamonds: recommended 5-star hotels and highly recommended 4-star hotels
4 diamonds: recommended 4-star hotels and highly recommended 3-star hotels
3 diamonds: recommended 3-star hotels and highly recommended 2-star hotels
2 diamonds: recommended 2-star hotels and highly recommended 1-star hotels
1 diamond: recommended 1-star hotels
A half-diamond indicates hotels between any two diamond levels
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ProcessingGroup Hotels
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