
方便我跟踪?是通过什么快递寄出的,我还有收到我的Visa letter? 最好能够告诉我该快递的快递号,请问你们是否已经把我的Visa letter 寄出来了到现在为止
Best can tell me this express delivery of number, if you have your excuse me to send out your Visa? What is the express mail, I have received my VisaUntil now, convenient I tracking
Visa letter=签证函 的意思
Until now, I have received my Visa letter, I would like to ask whether you have the Visa letter I sent to the? What is sent through the Express? The best I can tell its express courier, to facilitate tracking ME. Thanks .
Up to now,I still haven't received my Visa letter.I am wondering whether you've delivered my letter.And which express company did you deliver my letter by?You'd better tell me the tracking NO. for me to check it conveniently.Thank you.
Until now, I haven't received my Visa Letter, I would like to ask whether you have sent it or not? Which express delivery did you use? It's better you could tell me the No. of the express in order for me to track. Thanks.
Till now, I haven't received my visa letter. Would you please tell me whether you posted my visa letter or not. If yes, which express mail were you use? Can you tell me tracking munber for me to check? Thanks!
Up to now,I haven't recieved my Visa letter yet,Have you ever sent my Visa letter to me?And which express delivery sent it?I will appreciate it alot if you can tell me the Courier No.,which can make it easier for me to follow it.Many thanks!
dir sir/madam:so far i havent got the Visa letter yet,i was just wondering whether u sent me the letter? if it has been sent please tell me that how did u send it and please inform me the detail about the delivery of my Visa letter as ur convenience in this case i can check it out easily.
译文:So far, I have not received my Visa letter. I wonder whether you have sent it or not. If yes, what kind of express delivery have you adopted? You'd better tell me the express serial number delivery for the convenience of my track. Thanks.
up to now, i have not receive my visa letter yet, have you send it to me already or not? if yes, could you please let me know which courier for the sending and what is the tracking unmber.thanks for your attention.
原文:到现在为止,我还有收到我的Visa letter,请问你们是否已经把我的Visa letter 寄出来了?是通过什么快递寄出的? 最好能够告诉我该快递的快递号,方便我跟踪。谢谢译文:Until now, I have received my Visa letter, I would like to ask whether you have the Visa letter I sent to the? What is sent through the Express? The best I can tell its express courier, to facilitate tracking I. Thanks.
So far I have not received my Visa letter. I wonder if you have delivered my Visa letter and, if you have, what is the name of the carrier you have chosen. It will be greatly appreciated if you can give me the reference number so that I can track it. Thank you.
Dear Sir / MadamUp till now, I haven't received my visa letter, I wonder if you have sent the visa letter, and what's the express company ? You'd better to let me know the courier number for me to track it. Thanks in advance & best regards!原样发过去就ok了
我仔细看过上面每一个人的翻译,都不够专业(我指的是书面信函)首先,开头应该写 Dear Sirs ,因为你不清楚看到你邮件的人是男是女,所以用Sirs 非常正规 。其次....
签证函 绝对没错 相信我
Until now, I haven't received my Visa Letter, I would like to ask whether you have sent it or not? Which express delivery did you use? It's better you could tell me the No. of the express in order for me to track. Thanks. Visa letter=签证函 的意思
Until now, I have received my Visa letter, I would like to ask whether you have the Visa letter I sent to the? What is sent through the Express? The best I can tell its express courier, to facilitate tracking I. Thanks!
原文:到现在为止,我还有收到我的Visa letter,请问你们是否已经把我的Visa letter 寄出来了?是通过什么快递寄出的? 最好能够告诉我该快递的快递号,方便我跟踪。谢谢译文:Until now, I have received my Visa letter, I would like to ask whether you have the Visa letter I sent to the? What is sent through the Express? The best I can tell its express courier, to facilitate tracking I. Thanks. 100%正确
&我还有收到...&还是 “我还没有收到...& ?
Until now,I haven't got my Visa letter.I wonder if you have sent my Visa letter to me?.And which express company did you deliver my letter by? I hope you can tell me the express serial number delivery for the convenience of my track. Thanks.
I haven't received my Visa letter so far. I want to know if you have sent my visa letter and by which express. you'd better tell me the express number so that I can track it. Thanks.
Until now, I have received my Visa letter, I would like to ask whether you have the Visa letter I sent to the? What is sent through the Express? The best I can tell its express courier, to facilitate tracking I. Thanks 就是这样
Dear Sirs so far i havent got the Visa letter yet,i was just wondering whether u sent me the letter? if it has been sent please tell me that how did u send it and please inform me the detail about the delivery of my Visa letter as ur convenience in this case i can check it out easily. Thanks in advance & best regards!
“我还有收到我的Visa letter”这里写错了吧,是“还没有收到”吧?这是俺自己翻译的~~至少比google翻译的强些,没语病~~~I haven't received my Visa letter till now . I would like to ask whether you have sent out my
Visa letter ,and
Express did you choose ? In order to facilitate tracking ,I'd like to know the
tracking NO. Thanks.
Up to now, I haven't received my Visa letter. So I wonder that if you have sent my Visa letter out. If so, could you tell me which express delivery company were you rely on? I think it's better for you to tell me the express delivery number, that will help me. Thank you.希望对你有帮助:)
By the mutual agreement between the parties hereto,proceeds in accordance with the terms of this Contract, in which case the amount recovered under said insurance policy shall be applied to the reconstruction of the VESSEL damaged,provided the Parties hereto shall have agreed in writing as to such reasonable postponement of the Delivery Date and adjustment of other terms of this contract including the Contract Price as may be necessary for the completion of such reconstruction.
handwriting 是handwrite的现在分词
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'日语~帮忙翻译一句话:每种样品要两个是吗?
—— quanhuijing
—— kimi_c
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—— tyouken8410
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相关其他知识点请大家帮忙翻译一句话[关于die line的解释] - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 请大家帮忙翻译一句话[关于die line的解释]
UID 403445
阅读权限 25
请大家帮忙翻译一句话[关于die line的解释]
can you send me the die lines for the outer carton in a colour box ?
这个句子是一位客人发来邮件中的一句,我们公司做的是五金机械类产品,这里的die lines 是什么意思呢?我怕自己理解的不对,会误解客人的意思.
[ 本帖最后由 Abery 于
22:13 编辑 ]
UID 358993
阅读权限 40
UID 208600
福步币 11 块
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(一步一罪化 一步一蓮華)
UID 172523
积分 10769
福步币 173 块
阅读权限 80
所谓package dieline,是指包装彩盒的的彩盒切割线(主要是尺寸和开口方向),有个这个,客人可以根据package dieline设计图案film.基本是是这样
UID 397031
积分 180394
福步币 6306 块
阅读权限 150
来自 Zhongshan
:victory: LS de hao
(M&s Teddy Baby 点点)
UID 373858
积分 80204
帖子 22637
福步币 537 块
阅读权限 150
要是说用在包装盒子印刷方面的话就是:die line(啤线)的意思
Garment Sales
积分 20007
福步币 1423 块
阅读权限 150
平常叫的technical drawing, 多般是啤线图,简单地说,dieline就是包装盒子的切割线(大家应该有这种概念,一张硬纸上有虚线或者什么的,按照标识剪剪折折就弄成了一个盒子)标有尺寸等,客户可以根据这个做出最终的产品
UID 403445
阅读权限 25
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