
dictate的发音: 英音 [ dik'teit ] ; 美音 [ dik'teit ] dictate的在线翻译: 动词解释:1.大声讲或读;口授 2.支配;摆布;决定 3.任意指使某人;向某人发号施令 及物动词解释: 1.指示;指定;指令 n. 其他读音:['dikteit] 1.命令,规定,要求
Napoleon was a dictator.
dictate a letter.
controlled dictation
To decree,dictate,or order.
Take sb's dictation
They demonstrated for the ouster of the dictator
I wrote it from his dictation.
The pupil write at the teacher's dictation.
The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.
Write down every word the teacher dictates.
rule as a dictator
a guiding principle
an authoritative rule
say out loud for the purpose of recording
issue commands or orders for
近义词:眸子 - 目、肉眼、眼睛
ㄇㄡˊ ㄗㄧˇ
◎ 眸子 m&uzi[eye] 同&眸&。本指瞳人,泛指眼睛
ㄇㄡˊ ㄗㄧˇ
瞳人。亦泛指眼睛。《列子·仲尼》:“矢注眸子而眶不睫。”《孟子·离娄上》:“存乎人者,莫良於眸子,眸子不能掩其恶。” 朱熹 集注:“眸子,目瞳子也。” 唐
韩愈 《赠张十八助教》诗:“喜君眸子重清朗,携手城南歷旧游。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“﹝ 周朴园 ﹞眼眶下陷,眸子却闪闪地放着光彩。”
与眸子的近义词相关内容:From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the general meaning of "synonym".
For its use in biology, see .
This article needs additional citations for . Please help
by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2014)
Synonym list in
on a clay tablet,
period. Ref: .
A synonym (also metonym and poecilonym) is a word with the same or similar meaning of another word. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. The word comes from
syn () ("with") and onoma () ("name"). An example of synonyms are the words begin and commence. Likewise, if we talk about a long time or an extended time, long and extended become synonyms. In the figurative sense, two words are often said to be synonymous if they have the same connotation:
...a widespread impression that ...
was synonymous with immorality...
Synonyms can be any
(such as , , ,
or ), as long as both words belong to the same part of speech. Down Below are more examples of English synonyms:
buy and purchase
big and large
quickly and speedily
on and upon
Note that synonyms are defined with respect to cer for instance, pupil as the aperture in the iris of the eye is not synonymous with student. Such like, he expired means the same as he died, yet my passport has expired cannot be replaced by my passport has died.
In English, many synonyms emerged in the , after the . While 's new ruling class spoke , the lower classes continued to speak
(Anglo-Saxon). Thus, today we have synonyms like the Norman-derived people, liberty and archer, and the Saxon-derived folk, freedom and bowman. For more examples, see the .
claim that no synonyms have exactly the same meaning (in all contexts or social levels of language) because , , phonic qualities, ambiguous meanings, usage, etc. make them unique. Different words that are similar in meaning usually differ for a reason: feline is more formal than cat; long and extended are only synonyms in one usage and not in others (for example, a long arm is not the same as an extended arm). Synonyms are also a source of .
The purpose of a
is to offer the user a listing of simi these are often, but not always, synonyms.
are words with opposite or nearly opposite meanings. For example: hot
cold, large
small, thick
thin, synonym
are words that refer to, respectively, a general category and a specific instance of that category. For example, vehicle is a hypernym of car, and car is a hyponym of vehicle.
are words that have the same pronunciation, but different meanings. For example, witch and which are homophones in most accents (because they are pronounced the same).
are words that have the same spelling, but have different pronunciations. For example, one can record a song or keep a record of documents.
are words that have the same pronunciation and spelling, but have different meanings. For example, rose (a type of flower) and rose (past tense of rise) are homonyms.
, the gratuitous use of a synonym in prose
. Macmillan. 1991. p. 370.  .
in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
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