race out博鳌是什么意思思?

race是什么意思 race在线翻译 race什么意思 race的意思 race的翻译 race的解释 race的发音 race的同义词 race的反义词 race的例句 race的相关词组
race英 [re?s] 美 [res] &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:race 基本解释名词赛跑; 民族; 人种; 竞争动词参加比赛; 使比赛; 快速移动; 剧烈跳动race 相关例句及物动词1. The taxi-driver raced me to the airport.&&&&出租车司机驾车将我飞速送到机场。不及物动词1. Some twenty bikes will race for the prize.&&&&约有二十辆脚踏车参加赛车争夺奖品。2. He raced along the road on his bike.&&&&他骑自行车沿着这条路疾驶。3. I'm racing my horse on Saturday.&&&&我星期六参加赛马。名词1. He ran a race with me.&&&&他同我赛跑。2. The British are a sea-going race.&&&&英国人是个航海的民族。race 情景对话Two - word Verbs-(成语动词)A:Hi, Mary, how are you doing?&&&&&&喂,玛丽,你好吗?B:Fine. What happended to you yesterday? I didn&#39;t see you in class.&&&&&&很好。昨天你出了什么事?我在课堂上没有见到你。A:Oh, I overslept as usual. What went on anyway?&&&&&&啊,像往常一样睡过头了,难道有什么事?B:We heard about two-word verbs.&&&&&&我们学了一些成语动词。A:What&#39;s a two-word verb?&&&&&&什么成语动词?B:Things like drop in, go over, get out, fill up. Listen to these two sentences: citation will run in the third race Mr.Lee will run in to see you tomorrow. Can you tell which run in is the two-word verb?&&&&&&像drop in, go over, get out, fill up这些词。听听下面这两句话:Citation will run in the third race Mr。Lee will run in to see you tomorrow。 这两句中都有run in,你能说出哪一个是成语动词吗?race 网络解释1. 跑:因为这个城市的主要活动和什么公路赛跑(race)是在这个街道上举行E.很多古ROME的人贮存的该种石料现在才可以用来雕塑. (KEY)<<<<<A:某地( N地?)驯化羊和牛大概是在某某年代,有证据,16世纪??的某壁画上画了他们做奶酪( cheese )的情景,2. 赛跑:多人模式的主要玩法分成基本的对战、堡垒战和赛跑(Race)三种,前面两种模式的目标是铲除所有敌军,赛跑则是要指挥虫虫,尽快抵达场景指定的目标点. 游戏内建随机地图产生器,规则也能自由设定,让玩家调整成自己喜欢的配置.3. 3. race:rapid amplif cdna末端快速扩增4. race:remote access t 用户设备的远程接入race 双语例句1. 1. A yet, notwithstanding, by the right use of this ordinance, the g race&&&&洗礼的功效并不是在洗礼那一刻注定55。虽然如此,若这个圣礼施行的合2. 2. The three wooden race elders deeply respect to me one bow, floating to depart.&&&&三位木族长老又对我深深地敬一躬,飘然离去。3. 3. Is the United States Du Pont | Laird | race° three major brand distributors in China.&&&&是美国杜邦|莱尔德|赛伯邦三大品牌在中国地区经销商。4. The most massive of these young stars race through their evolution in a few million years and explode as supernovas.&&&&质量最大的年轻恒星会在几百万年的时间里飞快地演化完毕,并以超新星的形式爆发。5. A member of the Caucasoid race.&&&&属于高加索人种的人。6. Understanding of the way across the river in this competition, the possibility of 0804 class of students in the shortest time to complete the race, won the championship.&&&&在这场默契的过河比赛中,信管0804班的同学以最短的时间完成了比赛,夺得冠军。7. West branch of early Germanic tribe of people (Anglo race, Saxon, Jutes and the Frisian ethnic tribe) emigrated to England, English is the language of the change from their inherited.&&&&早期日耳曼人西支部落(盎格鲁族、撒克逊族、朱特族和弗里西族)移民到英格兰,英语就是从他们的语言中变化继承下来。8. Omen on the two circles before the race is only one way to eliminate the other party will be able to preserve their own.&&&&摆在天魔两界的种族面前的只有一条路,消灭对方就能保全自己。9. It is the fundamental fact of religion, and religion is a universal phenomenon of the human race.&&&&这是基本事实的宗教,宗教是一种普遍现象的人类。10. Proud first place winner Leo Vidar Bjornsson in the center with second place Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson on the left (holding his dressed for race boys) and happy third place winner Gudbjorn Grimsson on the right.&&&&骄傲的第一名狮子座子维达尔布扬松在第二位的哈夫斯坦索瓦尔松就在中心的左边,幸福的第三位获奖者Gudbjorn格里姆松在右边。11. Deanna Baroni For the BARONI another series, its attitude by is lively, the epidemic primarily, likes the brand which the changeable race group is unable to resist.&&&&&&Deanna Baroni 为 BARONI 的另一支系列,其作风以活泼、流行性为主,是喜好多变的族群无法抵抗的品牌。12. The whole lot race down towards the alley and as they reach it, one bloodied and badly beaten survivor of the previous twenty crawls out of the alley and waves frantically at them.&&&&&&整个一帮利物浦人都冲了过来,到了街区里,发现了一个前面的20个爪牙中的幸存者,他浑身血淋林,严重受伤,只剩一口气,疯狂的向他们挥手:回去!13. Madison, 45 min of race and more: 25, 15, 10, 6, 4, 2 points&&&&&&45分钟或以上的美式接力赛:25,15,10,6,4,2分14. race在线翻译14. Goes back after the father, they then all gradually have taught theirmeeting Wugong I, the father is the warrior, the mother is the master, therefore I study am they two syntheses, but this stipulation is theperson race does not permit, 族规 has decides: Every having a son, only may teach warrior W Lives female, only can teach masterWugong.&&&&&&和父亲回去后,他们便把他们所会的武功都逐步的教给了我,父亲是武士,母亲是法师,所以我学的是他们两个的综合,而这个规定是人族所不允许的,族规有定:凡生男者,只可传授武士武功;生女者,只能传授法师武功。15. 15. In 400 girls'relay race Wu Yan ran at the head of the team.&&&&&&在女子400米接力赛中,吴燕跑在最前面。16. How fast he runs in the relay race!&&&&&&他在接力赛中跑得多快!17. We have a very well equipped bodybuilding gymnasium with all the latest apparatus, such as pull weights and race apparatus.&&&&&&接:我们有健身娱乐中心,有设施完善的健身房,里面有最新的运动器械,如拉力器械和自行车机等。18. race的近义词18. I believe environmental protection is in the best interests of the human race.&&&&&&我相信环保事业是为了人类最大的利益。19. A race`s most uncomfortable aspect and one that needs to be done before and during the competition.&&&&&&在这场竞赛中的最不舒服的方面,一个需要被之前和期间进行竞争。20. With the power of the pros behind you, you will be ready to take on any race.&&&&&&与电力的利弊之后,你将准备采取的任何比赛。race 词典解释1. (速度)比赛;竞赛&&&&A race is a competition to see who is the fastest, for example in running, swimming, or driving.&&&&e.g. The women's race was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.&&&&&&&&&&&女子赛跑的冠军被美国人帕蒂·休·普卢默夺得。2. 参赛;与…比赛&&&&If you race, you take part in a race.&&&&e.g. In the 10 years I raced in Europe, 30 drivers were killed...&&&&&&&&&&&在我10年的欧洲赛车生涯中,有30名车手丧生。&&&&e.g. They may even have raced each other — but not regularly.&&&&&&&&&&&他们甚至可能曾经相互比试过,只不过不是经常性的。3. 赛马会&&&&The races are a series of horse races that are held in a particular place on a particular day. People go to watch and to bet on which horse will win.&&&&e.g. The high point of this trip was a day at the races.&&&&&&&&&&&此行的高潮是去看赛马会的那一天。4. 竞争;角逐&&&&A race is a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for power or control.&&&&e.g. The race for the White House begins in earnest today...&&&&&&&&&&&入主白宫的角逐今天正式开始。&&&&e.g. The race is on to build up membership fast.&&&&&&&&&&&举办这次竞赛是为了迅速招募成员。5. 人种;种族&&&&A race is one of the major groups which human beings can be divided into according to their physical features, such as the colour of their skin.&&&&e.g. The College welcomes students of all races, faiths, and nationalities...&&&&&&&&&&&学院欢迎所有的学生,无论其种族、宗教信仰和国籍是什么。&&&&e.g. Discrimination by employers on the grounds of race and nationality was illegal.&&&&&&&&&&&雇主以种族或国籍为由歧视员工是非法的。6. 赶奔;疾走&&&&If you race somewhere, you go there as quickly as possible.&&&&e.g. He raced across town to the State House building...&&&&&&&&&&&他快速穿过市区赶往州议会大厦。&&&&e.g. The hares raced away out of sight.&&&&&&&&&&&野兔飞奔而去,很快就看不见了。7. (向某种状态或位置)急速发展,快速移动&&&&If something races towards a particular state or position, it moves very fast towards that state or position.&&&&e.g. Do they realize we are racing towards complete economic collapse?...&&&&&&&&&&&他们意识到我们的经济马上要彻底崩溃了吗?&&&&e.g. American economic growth raced ahead.&&&&&&&&&&&美国的经济飞速增长。8. 使(动物或车辆)参赛&&&&If you race a vehicle or animal, you prepare it for races and make it take part in races.&&&&e.g. He still raced sports cars as often as he could.&&&&&&&&&&&他仍然尽可能经常地参加赛车比赛。9. (尤指在面临困难或危险时大脑)飞速运转&&&&If your mind races, or if thoughts race through your mind, you think very fast about something, especially when you are in a difficult or dangerous situation.&&&&e.g. I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing...&&&&&&&&&&&我确保自己听上去很镇定,但脑筋却飞快地转着。&&&&e.g. Already her mind was racing ahead to the hundred and one things she had to do...&&&&&&&&&&&她的脑子已经急速地转动起来,思考自己必须做的那一大堆事。10. (心脏因兴奋或害怕)快速搏动,剧烈跳动&&&&If your heart races, it beats very quickly because you are excited or afraid.&&&&e.g. Her heart raced uncontrollably.&&&&&&&&&&&她控制不住地心跳加速。11. see also: 12. 与时间赛跑;争分夺秒&&&&&&You describe a situation as a race against time when you have to work very fast in order to do something before a particular time, or before another thing happens.&&&&&&e.g. An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was a race against time.&&&&&&&&&&&&&一名空军发言人说这次营救行动是在和时间赛跑。race 单语例句1. For each stage of the race, a yellow paint mark was stamped on the buttocks of the leading race horses.2. Poor countries have been driven out of the race and are unable to buy enough food.3. If life is a journey instead of a race to reach a destination, then you should value the four years by all means.4. " They could be violating the Race Discrimination Ordinance simply by name calling, " Tang cautioned.5. Going into Monday's action, the Dodgers led the NL wild card race by a game over the Phillies.6. Berry's competitors in the race for favorite female action star are Kate Beckinsale and Uma Thurman.7. Judge Wang Yan said he was impressed by this year's race.8. In the Amazing Food Race, teams discover the hutong of Beijing by way of interesting culinary challenges.9. However during Tuesday's race time the temperature was just 11 C, making a record attempt impossible.10. Race organizers had no idea the event would be removed from the calendar, and the official website is still advertising tickets for next year.&#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;race 英英释义noun1. a canal for a current of water&&&&Synonym: 2. a contest of speed&&&&e.g. the race is to the swift3. any competition&&&&e.g. the race for the presidency4. people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock&&&&e.g. some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings5. (biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species&&&&usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species&&&&Synonym: 6. the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller&&&&Synonym: &#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;verb1. compete in a race&&&&e.g. he is running the Marathon this year&&&&&&&&&&&let's race and see who gets there first&&&&Synonym: 2. move fast&&&&e.g. He rushed down the hall to receive his guests&&&&&&&&&&&The cars raced down the street&&&&Synonym: 3. cause to move fast or to rush or race&&&&e.g. The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze&&&&Synonym: 4. to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others&&&&e.g. We are racing to find a cure for AIDSrace是什么意思,race在线翻译,race什么意思,race的意思,race的翻译,race的解释,race的发音,race的同义词,race的反义词,race的例句,race的相关词组,race意思是什么,race怎么翻译,单词race是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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v. 耗尽;抛弃,放弃
And so Richard is learning a grammar of race even while he tries to work out how to use language as a source of power in his family.
In order to save one type of race, you wipe out the other.
And this universality was given expression in Dante's famous treatise, De Monarchia, of monarchy, that set out a model for a universal Christian state, based on the unity and oneness of the human race under a Christian ruler.
- 来自原声例句
过去式: raced
过去分词: raced
现在分词: racing
1. They may even have raced each other & but not regularly.
2. He raced ahead up into the bush, barking and snarling.
3. In the 10 years I raced in Europe, 30 drivers were killed.
4. Bits and pieces of the past raced through her mind.
5. He still raced sports cars as often as he could.
6. American economic growth raced ahead.
7. The hares raced away out of sight.
8. Her heart raced uncontrollably.
9. A police car raced past with its siren wailing.
10. Doctors raced against the clock to save his life.
11. Journalists who were tipped off about the incident raced to the scene.
12. The motorcycle raced along the street at lightning speed.
13. He raced his bicycle against a motorcar.
14. Some medieval towns raced donkeys or buffaloes.
15. We raced the sick woman to hospital.
我们迅速将那位生病的妇女送往医院.相关文章最新文章Pure & Simple
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