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高中英语新课标外研版选修8 优秀资料词汇详解(Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe)
  知识感悟  一、词汇详解  1.conquest n.[U] 征服;赢得n.[C] 战果;胜利果实  【典型例句】  The French conquest was in 1066.  法兰西征服(英格兰)发生在1066年。  One of the great achievements of the modern science and technology is the conquest of space.  现代科学技术的一项伟大成就是对太空的征服。  They extended their conquests to Britain.  他们把战果扩大到英国。  【相关链接】  (1)有关短语  physical (mental) conquest of disease 身体(精神)对疾病的征服  the conquest of liberty 争得自由  man's conquests over nature 人类征服自然  effect the conquest of 实现对......的征服  make the conquest of peace by arms 以武力实现和平  (2)词形变化  conquer vi. 征服;占领;克服;改正(恶习等)  vt获胜;赢得;击败例如:  The French conquered England in 1066.  1066年法国人征服了英格兰。  The country has never been conquered by foreign invaders.  这个国家从未被外国侵略者所征服。  Annie tried,failed,and then conquered.  安妮经过尝试,失败最后取得了胜利。  conqueror n.征服者;胜利者例如:  The conquerors marched into the defeated country.  征服者挺进战败国。  2.send back送回;退还  【典型例句】  The book will be sent back next Monday.  这本书将于下周一送回。  They sent the manuscript back without comment.  他们把稿子退回来,没有附什么意见。  【相关链接】  (1)send after 派人追赶或寻找例如:  Nobody told him to leave.Send after him and bring him back.  没有人叫他走。派人去把他叫回来。  (2)send away驱逐;开除;使离去;送走例如:  She sent her son away for the summer vacation in the countryside.  她打发儿子到农村去过暑假。  (3)send for派人去请;派人去叫;派人去拿例如:  The child is running a high fever.We must send for a doctor at once.  孩子在发高烧。我们必须马上派人去请医生。  (4)send in递送;呈送;提交例如:  Have you sent in your application?  你的申请书送上去了吗?  (5)send out放出;发送例如:  The sun sends out light and warmth.  太阳放出光和热。  (6)send up使向上;使上升;把......向上送;呈递例如:  His application has been sent up for approval.  他的申请已经送上去审批。  (7)send along迅速派遣或发送;使快速前进例如:  We'll send Comrade Li along to collect opinions.  我们很快就会派李同志去收集意见。  (8)send away for写信去要;函索例如:  Joe sent away for a free almanac.  乔写信去要一份免费赠阅的年历。  (9)send down使下降;勒令......停学;把......开除出学校例如:  Comrade Wang sent me down to see what had happened here in the mine.  王同志派我下来看看矿井下发生了什么事。  (10)send forth发出;送出;散发;使流出;长出例如:  Trees send forth new leaves in spring.  春天里树木长出新叶。  (11)send off开除;为......送行;派遣;邮寄例如:  His father sent him off to his uncle's.  他父亲打发他到叔父家去。  (12)send over派遣;发送例如:  He was sent over to England.  他被派往英国。  (13)send word通知;以任何方式传送消息例如:  Send me word of your arrival.  你到的时候通知我一声。  3.be accustomed to习惯于......  【典型例句】  I am not accustomed to walking long distances.  我不习惯于长距离的步行。  The young man soon became accustomed to hard work.  那青年很快就习惯于辛苦的工作了。  He was accustomed to sleep for an hour after his lunch.  他习惯于在午餐后睡一个小时。  【知识小结】  be accustomed to"习惯于......",to为介词,后接名词或者动名词作宾语。  【相关链接】  (1)accustom vt.使习惯于例如:  I can accustom myself to cold weather.  我能习惯于冷天气。  (2)be/get used to...习惯于......熟悉......例如:  The work was difficult until I became used to it.  工作起先很困难,后来我就习惯了。  He is used to taking cold baths in winter.  他已习惯在冬天洗冷水澡。  He comes from India and isn't used to the cold weather.  他是印度人,不习惯这寒冷的天气。  4.take off 脱掉;休假;模仿;学......的样;起飞  【典型例句】  The aeroplane takes off at 10∶45.飞机十点四十五分起飞。  Everyone laughed when Mary took off the angry farmer.  玛丽学着农场主生气的样子,大家都笑了。  He came in and took off his coat.他走了进来,脱掉大衣。  I am going to take a week off next month.下个月我要休假一周。  He likes to take his teacher off.  他喜欢模仿他的老师。  【相关链接】  take短语归纳:  take after与......相似  take apart 拆开(机器等)  take away 拿走;夺去  take down 取下;记下;拆卸  take for 认为;误认为  take on承担;呈现;开始雇用  take off 脱下(衣帽等);起飞  take to 开始;对......产生好感;形成的习惯  take over 占据;接任(职位)  take out 拿出;去掉;扣除  take back 收回(说错的话);使回忆起  take in 接受;接纳;吸收;包括;领会;理解;欺骗  5.worth adj.值;相等于......的价值;值得......的;有......的价值的;拥有......价值的财产  【典型例句】  What is it worth?(或How much is it worth?)这值多少钱?  It's not worth the paper it's printed on.  它(文章等)的价值抵不上用来印它的纸张。  The rarer it is,the more it is worth.物以稀为贵。  It's worth seeing/hearing/reading.值得一看/一听/一读。  【知识小结】  worth (adj.)一般接动名词形式,或接表示"钱"及相当于"代价"的名词,也可接代词it。worth作表语时,其后必须接名词或动名词主动态,而不能单独作表语。例如:  My bike is worth repairing.我的自行车值得修理。  It's worth the time and effort we devoted to it.  我们把时间和精力用于此事是值得的。  【相关链接】  辨析worth/worthy/worthwhile:  (1)worthy (adj.)后面常接"of+名词"或"of+动名词被动语态(或不定式的被动语态)"结构,不可单独作表语。作定语时,表示"有价值的""值得尊敬的"。例如:  He's a worthy model worker.他是个名副其实的模范工人。  The question is worthy of being considered.这个问题值得考虑。  They are not worthy to be chosen.他们不值得被选中。  (2)worthwhile (adj.)像worthy那样,既可以作表语,也可以作定语。它表示某事因为重要、有趣或受益大而值得去花时间、钱财努力去做好,一般作"值得的""值得做的""有意义的"讲。用作表语时,可以后接动名词或动词不定式。例如:  These results are not worthwhile.这样的结果不值得。  6.in spite of 尽管  【典型例句】  In spite of all his efforts,he failed in the exam.  尽管他很努力,但是还没有通过考试。  They kept going in spite of their fears.他们不顾害怕继续前进。  【知识小结】  in spite of引导让步状语,可置于句中和句首。  【相关链接】  (1)另外和in spite of 意思一样的还有 despite。例如:  Despite his serious illness,he attended the conference.  尽管病得很严重,他还是参加了会议。  (2)引导让步状语引导词还有although,though,even if,even though,while,as,whether...or...,no matter+疑问词和疑问句+ever等。例如:  Even if it rained heavily,we still marched on.  即使大雨倾盆,我们还是继续前进。  He remains modest despite his achievements.  他尽管有成绩仍然很谦虚。  While I like the color of the hat,I do not like its shape.  我虽然喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但却不喜欢它的样式。  7.be likely to/that  【典型例句】  It's likely to rain.有可能下雨。  It's likely that I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.  很可能明天我要去上海。  Tony is likely to win.托尼很可能取胜。  It isn't likely that I should accept such an offer as that.  要我接受这样的建议是不大可能的。  You're likely to have forgotten about it.  你可能已经把它忘记了。  【知识小结】  be likely to(可能)短语中的likely为形容词,除了接在主语后面之外,有些时候去掉be动词,跟在名词后作后置定语。be likely that-clause也常考查。  【相关链接】  辨析likely/possible/probable:  (1)likely 是表语形容词,作"很可能"讲,常接不定式短语;构成be likely to do sth.,主语可以是人,也可以是物,但不可用句型It is likely for sb.to do sth.,而应用It is likely that...。  (2)possible是表语形容词,强调客观存在的可能性,但含有可能性很小的意味,常用的句型为:It is possible to do sth.;It is possible for sb.to do sth.以及It is possible that...。如果用表示人的词作主语时,possible后面的不定式动作的逻辑宾语应是句子的主语。  (3)probable是形容词,常作表语,强调有根据、合理性,表示有很大可能性,它的主语不能用表示人的词,也不能跟不定式;常用It is probable that...句型。  (4)在表示可能性时,likely 和probable语气相当肯定,都作"有可能的"讲,两者均比possible的语气强,而且可能性程度也比possible大。例如:  It's possible but not probable or likely that she'll come here next week.  8.in favor of赞同;支持  【典型例句】  I am in favour of your suggestion.我支持你的建议。  I am in favour of going to the theatre.我赞成去看戏。  【相关链接】  (1)有关短语  be in/out of favour with得宠/失宠  favor sb. 喜欢某人  ask a favor of a person请某人帮忙,求助于某人  favor sb. with sth.给某人......恩惠  do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙  by favor of 烦请......便交(请转交)  (2)派生词  favourable adj.喜爱的;赞成的例如:  Given favourable conditions,this cherry tree will grow very rapidly.  如果给它适宜的条件,这棵樱桃树会长得很快。  9.intention n.用意;目的;意图  【典型例句】  His intention is to be a teacher.他的目标是当一名教师。  He went to Paris with the intention of learning French.  他去巴黎,目的是学法语。  It is my intention to go for a tour.我想要去旅行。  Have you any intention of going there?你打算到那儿去吗?  【相关链接】  good (bad) intentions 好(坏)的意图  by deliberate intention 故意地  with the intention of doing sth.怀着做某事的目的  with good intentions 好心好意地  be quite without intention 完全是无意的  carry out one's intention 实现目的  change one's intention 改变计划  cherish an intention of doing sth.怀有做某事的打算  conceal (disguise) one's intention 掩盖自己的意图  have no intention of doing something 无意做某事  make known one's intention 表明意图  10.put aside丢弃;不顾;不考虑;留下......供将来用  【典型例句】  You'd better put some money aside every month.你最好每个月存起点钱来。  Instead of putting aside their old clothes,the couple altered them for their children's use.  这对夫妇没有把旧衣服丢弃,而是把它们改给孩子们穿。  Putting aside their difficulties the workers tried one method after another and at last obtained the expected results.  工人们不顾困难,试了一个又一个的方法,最后终于得到了预期的结果。  【相关链接】  由put构成的短语:  put back 时钟向后拨;放回原处;拖延  put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉  put down 写下;记下;控制  put forward 提出  put off 延期;推迟  put on 假装;增加;上演(戏剧)  put out 熄灭;使忧虑;扑灭;出版  put through 接通电话  put up 举起;张开(伞);张贴;为......提供食宿  put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦  二、句型剖析  1.be to do 打算(将要)做......  【典型例句】  His theory was to change the views to the universe.  他的理论势必要改变人类对于宇宙的看法。  They are to pay a visit to the teacher together at 10∶00 a.m.tomorrow.  他们约定明天上午十点钟一起去看这位老师。  What are we to do next?我们下一步应该怎么做?  If I were to tell you that I killed him,would you believe me?  要是我告诉你我杀了他,你会相信我吗?  【知识小结】  be to do可表示以下几个意义:  (1)注定要发生或不可避免要发生;  (2)将来计划要做的事情;  (3)应该、必须。表示劝谏或命令;  (4)用在叙述将来的非真实条件句中。  【相关链接】  一般将来时的用法以及表达方式:  (1)在表示"带有意愿色彩的将来"时常用will。  (2)在"询问对方是否愿意或者表示客气的命令"时用will。多用第二人称。  (3)表示"建议或者征求对方意见"时,可用shall,多用第一人称。  (4)表示"拟定或者计划中发生的行为或职责、义务"用be to do。  (5)表示"即将发生"用be about to,不使用表将来的时间状语。  (6)表示"安排或者计划好的将来的行为",可用go,come,leave,start,arrive,return等动词的现在进行时表示一般将来时。  2.no more than...只是;只有;不过;仅仅  【典型例句】  The park is no more than one kilometre from our school.We can walk there.公园离我们学校只有一千米,我们可以走路去。  He is no more than a teacher in a middle school.  他只是一名中学老师。  His whole school education added up to no more than one year.  他全部的学校教育时间加起来不超过一年。  He is no more than a puppet.他只是一个傀儡。  He has no more than five dollars on him.他身上仅有5美元。  【知识小结】  no more than+基数词,意思是"不过;仅仅;只有",相当于only,表示"只这么多",有少的含义;加名词(短语)时则表示程度,意思是"只是"。  【相关链接】  辨析more than/more...than/no more than/not more than/no more...than/not more...than  (1)more than的意思是"比......更多"。例如:  You should sleep more than you do.  你应该多睡一些。  (2)more...than 这种结构是对于不同的人或物的同一性质或方面的比较。常见的用法有  1)比......更(形容词和副词的比较级)。例如:  He works more and better than he used to.  他比过去工作得更多更好。  2)与其说......不如说......例如:  I was more sorry than angry at what happened.  与其说我对所发生的事感到气愤,不如说感到遗憾。  (3)no more than详见典型例句及知识小结栏目。  (4)not more than+基数词,意思是"至多,不超过(也许还不到)",相当于at most,只是一般地指出数量或程度,没有多或少的感情色彩。例如:  Not more than twelve students have seen the film.  至多十二个同学看过这部电影。(也许还不到)  (5)no more...than 的意思是"同......一样不......",两件事物比较时,否定两方面。例如:  He is no more a farmer than a worker.  =He is neither a farmer nor a worker.他既不是农民,也不是工人。  (6)not more...than 的意思是"比不上......,不及......",在两件事物比较时,二者都有某种特性,但程度不同,其中一件比不上另一件,但两者都是肯定的。例如:  I'm not more busy than you.=I'm less busy than you.  我没有你那么忙。  3.other than除了;只能是;不同于  【典型例句】  There's nobody here other than me.  除了我这儿谁也没有。  I have not studied foreign languages other than English.  除了英语外,我没学过其他外语。  I can't do other than accept.我只能接受。  I cannot be other than I am.  我只能是我现在这样子。  It's nothing other than the usual difficulty.  这只不过是通常有的那种困难。  The truth is quite other than what you think.  事实真相和你想的完全不同。  【知识小结】  other than有两个考点需要注意:一是它的位置,除了可以置于句中之外,前置于句首也常见;二是前后结构的一致。  【相关链接】  "除了......"的表达有other than等。  (1)except表示"从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分",表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。besides表示"除了......之外,还有......",指"在整体中加入一部分",表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。  (2)except for主要有三层含义:  表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,起部分修正主要意思的作用。例如:  Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes.  表示非同类事物进行比较。例如:  The street is empty except for several cars.  置于句首,表达except的含义。例如:  Except for this,everything is in order.  except for后接名(代)词,可以转移为except+从句或其他介词短语。  (3)but含义与except相同,都表示递减的概念,二者在多数情况下可以互换。例如:  No one but I (=except me) knows it.  No one knows it but me (=except me).  (4)other than含义与except/but相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分,后接名词、代词或不定式。例如:  In that case,there is nothing you can do other than wait.  三、语法解读  名词性从句  1.引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:  连接词:that,whether,if (不充当从句的任何成分)  连接代词:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which  连接副词:when,where,how,why  2.不可省略的连词:  (1)介词后的连词  (2)引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略。例如:  That she was chosen made us very happy.  We heard the news that our team had won.  3.名词性从句注意事项:  (1)从句的语序为陈述句;(2)连词that不充当任何成分;(3)what总是要充当主语、表语、宾语等。  4.if和whether 的区别:  whether与if (是否)为从属连词,在引导名词性从句时,有时可以换用,有时不能,它们在用法上的区别如下:  (1)引导宾语从句 whether和if可以互换,whether后可以直接跟not,if后不能直接跟or not,但由whether和if引导的宾语从句末尾都可以加or not。例如:  I don't know whether or not he is coming.我不知道他是否会来。  =I don't know whether/if he is coming or not.  (2)whether引导的从句置于句首时,whether不用if替换。例如:  Whether she likes the book or not,I can't tell.我不知道她是否喜欢这本书。  (3)whether和if引导主语从句,都可以置于句尾,用it作形式主语置于句首。whether引导的主语从句也可直接置于句首,但if从句不行。例如:  It is still uncertain whether/if he is coming.他是否会来还不一定。  Whether we need it is a different matter.  我们是否需要却是另外一回事。  (4)whether可以引导同位语从句和介词宾语从句,if不能。例如:  The question whether we go or not has not been decided yet.  我们去还是不去的问题尚未决定。例如:  It depends on whether he likes it.这要看他是否喜欢它。  (5)引导表语从句,通常用whether,较少用if。例如:  This question is whether we can get enough money.  问题是我们能否搞到足够的钱。  (6)whether可以用在不定式之前,if不能。例如:  The question is whether to go by train or by plane.  问题是坐火车去还是乘飞机去。  (7)作discuss 的宾语只能用whether。例如:  We are discussing whether we will hold a meeting this weekend.  我们正讨论是否在下周开会。  5.主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。  (1)主语从句:主语从句可以直接放在句首;也可用it作形式主语,而将从句放在句末。  常见的用it作形式主语的复合结构:  It is +名词+that 从句:It is a fact(a pity,a shame,no wonder,good news...)that...  It is+形容词+that从句:It is necessary(strange,important,wonderful,possible,likely,...)that...  It is +过去分词+that从句:It is said (reported,decided,believed,...)that...  It +不及物动词+that 从句:It seems (happened,doesn't matter,has turned out,...)that...例如:  What you need is more practice.  Who will go makes no difference.  How this happened is not clear.  Why he did that wasn't quite clear.  Whoever comes will be welcome.(whoever在名词性从句中相当于anyone who)  Whatever she did was right.(whatever 在名词性从句中相当于anything that)  It is possible that I may not be able to come.(it是形式主语,真正的主语是画线部分)  That we need more equipment is quite obvious.  (2)表语从句:用作表语的从句叫表语从句。它位于连系动词(如be,seem,remain等)后。例如:  The question is whether we should accept their invitation.  This is why we put off the meeting.(why表结果)  The reason for his absence was that he was ill.  as if 引导的表语从句有时可用虚拟语气,表示可能性小。例如:  He acted as if he hadn't eaten for a long time.  表示建议、命令、要求一类的表语从句要用虚拟语气。例如:  My suggestion is that you should practise reading English every day.  (3)宾语从句:在动词suggest,order,demand,require等表示建议、命令、要求的宾语从句要用虚拟语气(宾语从句的谓语用"should+动词原形",should 可省略。)  I suggested that you (should)start right now.  如果宾语从句后有宾语补足语,要用形式宾语it,而将从句放到补足语后面。例如:  I thought it strange that he didn't pass the exam.  在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词后的宾语从句中,如果从句谓语是否定含义,则不用否定形式,而将主句谓语动词think等变为否定形式(否定前移)。例如:  I don't think you are right.我想你是不对的。  在think,believe,imagine,suppose,guess,hope 等动词以及I'm afraid等后,可用so代替一个肯定的宾语从句,还可用not代替一个否定的宾语从句。例如:  Do you believe it will clear up?I believe so.(I don't believe so./ I believe not.)  作介词的宾语。例如:  Did she say anything about how we should do the work?  that 引导的宾语从句只有在except,in,but,besides 等少数介词后偶尔用到。例如:  Your article is good except that it is too long.  有时在介词和其宾语从句的中间加形式宾语it。例如:  I'll see to it that everything is ready.我将负责把一切准备好。  作形容词的宾语。例如:  I'm afraid that I have made a mistake.  doubt 用于肯定句中,宾语从句可以用if 或whether 引导。例如:  I doubt if (whether)you will come for a visit tomorrow.  doubt 用于否定句或疑问句中,宾语从句用 that 引导。例如:  He doesn't doubt that his mother will give him a ride home for sure.  (4)同位语从句:同位语从句跟在一个名词后(如fact,idea,news,hope,belief,thought,doubt, proof,belief 等),对其作进一步解释。例如:  He can't answer the question how he got the money.  The news that they won the match is true.(同位语从句,news 和从句没有逻辑关系,that 不可省略)  The news that you told us yesterday is true.(定语从句,news 是told 的逻辑宾语,that可省略)  随堂演练  完成句子  (1)The________of one's passion is one symbol of a strongminded man.(能够战胜感情是一个意志坚强的人的一个象征。)  (2)A long time ago,the tiny country of Switzerland was________ ________ by Austria.(很久以前,瑞士这个小国被奥地利侵占。)  (3)Little was seen of the crying from the people_______but only the laughs of the _______to be heard in history.(在历史上很少有人去关注被征服者的哭泣,而听到的只是征服者的笑声。)  翻译短语和句子  (4)complete the conquest of the country  ____________________________________  (5)make a conquest of a lady  ____________________________________  (6)He has conquered her respect.  ____________________________________  (7)To conquer or to die.  ____________________________________  (8)too strong to be conquered  ____________________________________  答案: (1)conquest
(4)完成对这个国家的征服 (5)得到一位女士的爱情
(7)不成功便成仁。 (8)不可战胜的;无敌的  介副词填空  (1)He wants to_______send for some books.(他想写信去要一些书。)  (2)He sent _______his resignation long ago.(他很早以前就提交了辞职书。)  (3)I sent him_______because I was tired of his idle chatter.(我把他赶走,因为他那无聊的扯谈使我厌烦。)  (4)Have you sent_______Lesley's birthday present?(你把雷斯莉的生日礼物寄走了吗?)  (5)I've sent_______him and hope he'll get the message.(我已派人去找他了,希望他会得到这个信息。)  (6)There was in nature another element which sent_______radioactivity.(在自然界里存在着另一种具有放射性的元素。)  (7)We'll send the books_______to you tomorrow.(我们明天会把书给你送去。)  (8)The goods are to be sent_______before the end of this month.(该批货物要在本月底以前迅速发出。)  (9)The report has been sent_______to the committee.(这份报告已经送回给委员会。)  (10)The teacher sent_____for us to meet him at the station.(老师带信让我们在火车站接他。)  (11)The manager sent_______ his secretary.(经理派人去找秘书来。)  (12)Many countries have sent_______ man-made satellites to circle the earth.(许多国家发射了人造卫星围绕地球飞行。)  (13)The storm sent the temperature_______.(暴风雨使温度下降了。)  答案: (1)away
(13)down  考考你  除了be accustomed to,be used to两个短语后接doing之外,你还能想起其他的哪一些来?翻译下列短语并试着造句。  (1)object to  翻译:____________________________  造句: ____________________________  答案: 反对We objected to leaving in such a hurry.  (2)stick to  翻译: ____________________________  造句: ____________________________  答案: 坚持He will stick to doing whatever she likes.  (3)be opposed to  翻译: ____________________________  造句: ____________________________  答案: 反对She was opposed to going abroad.  (4)get down to  翻译: ____________________________  造句: ____________________________  答案:着手Now let's get down to working.  (5)devote oneself to  翻译: ____________________________  造句: ____________________________  答案: 献身于He has devoted himself to teaching since he graduated from the college in 1962.  介副词填空  (1)He would neither apologize nor take_______ what he had said.  (2)I am sorry,I took you_______ your brother.  (3)She took _______the speech in short hand.  (4)He took the machine _______to clean and oil the parts.  (5)Try to take _______your mother who is an honest hardworking woman.  (6)The salesman finds it easy to take _______old ladies.  (7)When he retired,his eldest son took_______ the farm.  (8)I'm sorry to have taken_______ so much of your valuable time.  (9)I think this list takes _______everybody.  (10)I took _______smoking ten years ago.  答案: (1)back
(3)down (4)apar (5)after (6)in (7)over (8)up
(9)in (10)to  选词填空  (worth/worthy/worthwhile)  (1)Helping old people is ______a activity.  (2)The used car is still ______$2000.  (3)He said he was not______ to accept such honor.  (4)Hangzhou is a beautiful place,it is______ to go there.  (5)The school has graduated many ______young people.  (6)Is the exhibition ______a visit?  答案: (1)worthwhile
(6)worth  单项选择  (7)He sometimes asked himself whether it was______.  A.worth of the effect  B.worth the effect  C.worthy the effect  D.worthwhile the effect  提示:worth此处表示"价值,值得"。  答案:B  (8)I feel such gatherings______.  A.are not worth to attend  B.do not worth attending  C.are not worthwhile attending  D.are not worth attending them  提示:固定用法。be worthwhile doing sth.意为"值得干某事"。  答案:C  单项选择  (1)He always did well at school ______having to do part-time jobs every now and then.  A.in spite of
B.instead of  C.in case of
D.in favor of  提示:in spite of是"尽管;不顾"的意思;instead of为"代替"之意;in case of"以防;万一";in favor of有"赞成;支持;有利于"等意。选项A适合语境。  答案:A  (2) ______the timely rain,the farmer had a good harvest.  A.Though
B.In spite of  C.Thanks to
D.Thank to  提示:thanks to 表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常译为"幸亏......;多亏了......"。thanks to 跟名词连用,是一个介词短语,在句中作原因状语,放在句首或句末。表示"由于,多亏了(某人帮助等)"。  答案:C  翻译句子  (3)尽管下着大雪,他还是开车去了城里。  __________________________________________  答案:In spite of heavy snow,he drove downtown.  单项选择  (1)It is______ that I might be of some use in that part of work.  A.possible
B.likely  C.probable
D.possibly  提示:题干中的might表示的语气不肯定,与possible吻合。  答案:A  (2)Mr.Tompson was going to give us a lecture on how to give up smoking,but since the weather is foggy and rainy,he is not______to come today.  A.possible
B.likely  C.probable
D.probably  提示:likely此处作形容词用,意为"可能的"。作表语时它的主语是人,事,物或it。  答案:B  (3)My brother is______ to come back this evening.  A.possible
B.probable  C.likely
D.perhaps  提示:be likely to do sth."很有可能做某事",主语可以是人或事物。而be possible/probable to 虽然也表示"有可能",但主语只能是事物。  答案:C  (4)He's______working in Germany as a representative of a Chinese company.  A.lately
B.recently  C.presently
D.likely  提示:句意是:他目前作为中国公司的代表在德国工作。lately和recently都表示"最近",要与现在完成时连用;presently意为"目前",likely"可能的"。  答案:C  英汉互译  (1)Will you favor us with a song?  ____________________________________  (2)能否请你帮我个忙?  ____________________________________  (3)你偏爱哪个颜色?  ____________________________________  (4)He did all he could to win her favor.  ____________________________________  (5)He is favorable to the scheme.  ____________________________________  (6)那可能对你有利。  ____________________________________  答案: (1)请唱一首歌给我们听好吗?  (2)Could you do me a favor?  (3)Which color do you favor?  (4)他尽其所能去赢得她的好感。  (5)他对该计划表示赞成。  (6)That might be in your favor.  单项选择  (1)She felt offended at my remarks,but it wasn't my______ to hurt her.  A.implication
B.indication  C.intention
D.invasion  提示:可能无意中伤害了她,但那并非是我的本意。根据句意,选项C正确。  答案:C  完成句子  (2)My mother acquainted her___________ (我的意图).  (3)He has___________ (没有......的打算)marrying yet.  (4)I have___________ (极想)giving up my claim to the throne.  (5)I began reading___________ (有意)finishing the book,but I never did.  答案: (2)with my intention
(3)no intention of
(4)every intention of
(5)with the intention of  介副词填空  (1)He put______ a very good suggestion at the meeting.  (2)Don't put______until tomorrow what can be done today.  (3)The manager had to put his work______ for a time for an urgent accident.  (4)She's byshe puts it______ in order to gain attention.  (5)That woman,as a housewife,has a lot to put______.  (6)The boy put the food ______in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.  (7)Please put the book______where it was.  (8)Your call has been put ______.  (9)It's time that the government put______interest rates.  答案: (1)forward
(5)up with
(7)back (8)through (9)down  单项选择  (1)The novels written by the author sell best,but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he ______in the literary (文学的)world.  A.was playing
B.was to play  C.had played
D.played  提示:句意是:这位作家的小说卖得很好,但是在五年以前,没有人会预料到他在文学界会起那么大的作用。此句用be to do表示注定要发生的事。  答案:B  (2)I feel it is your husband who______for the spoiled child.  A.is to blame
B.is going to blame  C.is to be blamed
D.should blame  提示:强调主语your husband。is to be blamed表示将要发生的事,与语意不符。  答案:A  (3)I______swim when I saw a sign written by the police.  A.was about to
B.would  C.was going to
D.was to  提示:be about to do...(suddenly)when...正要去做......,这时(突然)......  答案:A  选词填空  more(...)than,no more (...)than,not more...than填空。  (1)Mr.Li is____________he is also a famous scientist.  (2)As I had____________six dollars with me,I couldn't afford the new jacket then.  (3)He had to work at the age of ____________twelve.  (4)There were____________ten chairs in the room.However,the number of the children is twelve.  (5)If you tell your father what you've done,he'll be ____________angry.  (6)-What did you think of this novel?  - I was disappointed to find it _______interesting_______that one.  (7)-Is the flower beautiful?  -Yes,but I think it is_______beautiful_______the one I bought yesterday.  答案: (1)more than
(2)no more than
(3)not more than(4)no more than (5)more than
(6)than(7)than  单项选择  (8)That company was_____willing to provide us with what we needed,which made us excited.  A.no more than
B.more than  C.no other than
D.much too  提示:no more than "仅仅,一样不";more than "不只是,不仅仅";no other than "不是别的,正是";much too "太......"。所以选项B符合语境逻辑。  答案:B  单项选择  (1)I like watching TV _______to the cinema.  A.more than to go
B.than going  C.more than going
D.rather than to go  提示:than 除构成固定短语外就要与比较级搭配,不会单独出现;rather than+动词原形。  答案:C  (2)This crop does not do well in soils______the one for which it has been specially developed.  A.outside
B.other than  C.beyond
D.rather than  提示:outside prep.在......外边;rather than 而不是(肯定前者,否定后者)。 beyond prep.超出......的范围;other than 不同于,而非,当它与否定词no或not出现在同一个句子中时表示"除......之外"。  答案:B  (3)In no country_______Britain,it has been said,can on experience four seasons in the course of a single day.  A.other than
B.more than  C.better than
D.rather than  提示:句意:据说只有英国一天能经历四季(的气候变化)。  答案:A  (4)I think your sister is old enough to know_______ to spend all her money on fancy goods.  A.other than
B.better than  C.rather than
D.more than  提示:know better than 明白事理而不至于做......。  答案:B  (5)I got the story from Tom and_______people who had worked with him.  A.every other
B.many others  C.some other
D.other than  提示:首先要排除B项。every other是"每隔一个"的意思;some other是"一些别的"的意思;other than意思是"而不是"。根据关键词and和with him,应选 C。  答案:C  单项选择  (1)The Foreign Minister said,"_______our hope that the two sides will work towards peace."  A.This is
B.There is  C.That is
D.It is  提示:it作形式主语,指代后面的that从句。句意是:外交部长说:"双方为和平而努力是我们的希望。"  答案:D  (2)A modern city has been set up in_______was a waste land ten years ago.  A.what
B.which  C.that
D.where  提示:in为介词,后面应为宾语结构,what相当于the place that既含有介词in的宾语the place,又有宾语the place的定语从句的引导词that,that在定语从句中作主语。而选项B、C只能引导定语从句,没有先行词;选项D为关系副词,不能在从句中作主语,故选A项。  答案:A  (3)You're saying that everyone should be equal,and this is_______I disagree.  A.why
B.where  C.what
D.how  提示:四个选择中只有C项不合语法结构,如选此项应改为this is what I disagree with,因为disagree为不及物动词。如选A项,意思为:这是我不同意的原因;D项意思为"这就是我怎么不同意的"。  答案:B  (4)Along with the letter was his promise_______he would visit me this coming Christmas.  A.which
B.that  C.what
D.whether  提示:that从句是对promise的解释、说明,不存在修饰作用,为同位语从句,故选B项。如选A项,应作定语从句,起修饰作用。  答案:B  (5)I think Father would like to know_______I've been up to so far,so I decide to send him a quick note.  A.which
D.how  提示:宾语从句中be up to为谓语动词,意为"从事......,干......",而句子缺少宾语,因此排除B、D项;选项A表示在某范围内的选择,不合语境。C项what相当于the thing that。  答案:C  (6)We can't figure out_______quite a number of insects,birds,and animals are dying out.  A.that
D.when  提示:根据从句的结构,我们可以看出:虽然句子结构完整,但主句意思不明确,从而排除A、B项;再看从句的时态是进行时,时间已明确,因此选项D也予以排除。选C项,意思是:我们还不明白大量昆虫、鸟类和动物灭绝的原因。  答案:C  (7)The news has spread all over the country_____the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.  A.that
D.what  提示:that引导同位语从句,在句中不作任何成分,只起到引导作用,不可省略,同位语从句主要解释、说明先行词the news的内容。  答案:A  (8) _______is more or less advanced can pass the test.  A.Anyone
B.Who  C.No matter who
D.Whoever  提示:本句意为:差不多智力好的都能通过考试。whoever引导主语从句,whoever相当于anyone who,C项只能引导状语从句。  答案:D  (9)Hearing his words,I couldn't decide_______or remain.  A.whether to go abroad
B.if I go abroad  C.if to go abroad
D.to go abroad  提示:本题主要考查if与whether的用法区别。(1)if不能位于句首引导主语从句。(2)介词后面只能用whether。(3)不定式前面只能用whether。  答案:A  (10)I know nothing about her but_______she is from Canada.  A.how
D.why  提示:本句题干意思为:我只知道她是加拿大人,别的一无所知。that作but的宾语,指代后面整句话的意思,如选A、B、D项,题干应改为...she came from Canada。  答案:C  (11)Sarah hopes to become a friend of ______shares her interest.  A.anyone
B.whomever  C.whoever
D.no matter who  提示:本句意为:沙拉希望与她有共同兴趣爱好的人交朋友。whoever shares her interest相当于anyone who shares her interest,在从句中作主语,故选whoever而非whomever。  答案:C  (12)I don't know______ he doesn't like the book you referred to yesterday.  A.whether
B.if  C.how
D.that  提示:理解句意是解题的关键,本句意为:我不知道他不喜欢你昨天提起的那本书。选项A、B、C皆不合句意关系。  答案:D  (13)-Do you know ______Mr Black's address is?  -He may live at No.18 or No.19 of Bridge Street.I'm not sure of______.  A.which
B.which  C.what
D.where  提示:what Mr Black's address is=where Mr Black lives类似的表达还有what's the age/height/length/weight等;前面还提到No.18 or No.19,有范围限制,故which指代No.18或No.19。  答案:A  翻译句子  (14)他们要求我立刻走。(require)  ____________________________________  (15)他建议我们早点动身。(insist)  ____________________________________  (16)我宁愿你明天来。(would rather)  ____________________________________  答案: 14.They require that I go at once.  15.He suggested that we should leave early.  16.I would rather you come tomorrow.  课文浓缩  下面的一段文章为课文原文的浓缩,仔细阅读,根据原文章内容将其补充完整,并尽量背诵。  Ever since Neil Armstrong first set______on the Moon back on 21st July,1969,people have become______to the idea of space travel.All three astronauts made it safely back to Earth,using a______computer that was much less______than the ones used by the average school students today.There were several more journeys______space over the next few years but the single spaceships were very______as they could not______ ______more than once.People were no longer so______about a space travel programme that was costing the United States 10 million dollars a day.That was until the______of the space shuttle-a spacecraft that could be used for______
journeys.The first shuttle flight into space was the Columbia.The______of this flight was to test the new shuttle system,to go safely up into______and to return to the Earth for a safe______.This was the start of a new______of space travel.  By the time the Challenger took off in 1986,the world seemed to have lost its____and_____at the amazing achievement of people going up into space.But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people tuned in to______the take-off on TV.Sadly the Challenger had exploded in mid-air.It happened so quickly and everyone was in a______of shock.In spite of all our advanced technology,the world is still only at the very beginning of its______into space.  答案:.voyage


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