what are youwater?

What the water are you?---中文意思
你乜What are you going to do for the water Festival, Peter?
扫描下载二维码好几百年不water了……众怪们what are you d_华为p1吧_百度贴吧
好几百年不water了……众怪们what are you d收藏
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或what the water are you
港式英文 会 侨 0750人行道 - powere... ...
: 你算老几 = How senior are you?
你系乜水 = What the water are you?
你边度架 = Where are you come from? ...
What are you going to do for the water Festival, Peter?
Each person's life is a glass of water when I want to know what the future will hold, will have to see what you are drinking water in Riga?
There’s always a ‘fear factor’ when people are in the water and you never really know what is nearby you under the surface, where you can’t see.
当人们在水里时,心理总会有一个‘恐惧因素’。 因为在水里看不到,你就无法确定你附近到底有什么东西。
Mighty IBM (nyse: IBM - news - people ) is attempting to price IT services the way water and electricity are--pay for what you use.
People who get into hot water may be quick to say they are sorry but the real question is what are you going to do about it?
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!What Are the Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon-Infused Water? | Healthy Eating | SF Gate
What Are the Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon-Infused Water?
Lemon slices
Lemons can do much more than just flavor your water. These little yellow fruits have numerous health benefits. Infusing water with lemon is done by placing sliced lemons into drinking water and allowing the mixture to steep, or sit. Squeezing the lemon to release juice into the water before steeping will help to increase the flavor and healing properties. Lemon-infused water may lower your chances of developing diseases like cancer, slow weight gain and even prevent the common cold. Lemons could keep you out of the doctor's office and feeling better.
pH Regulation
The citric acid found in lemons helps to maintain proper body pH. Every cell in your body is made up of mostly water. If the pH of body fluids is alkaline, or basic, and between 7.35 and 7.45, your body systems run normally. Foods like red meat, dairy products and sugar tend to make your body more acidic. However, the citric acid found in lemons helps to maintain body pH within the ideal range, which is beneficial in preventing cancer, heart disease, fatigue, weight gain and a variety of other health issues.
Kidney Health
The citric acid in lemons helps to keep kidneys healthy. Kidneys are vital to maintaining proper hydration, regulating blood pressure and excreting wastes from the body. If kidney stones are present, the organ is not functioning well. Kidney stones are most often formed when the waste products calcium oxalate and uric acid crystallize. Citric acid found in lemons prevents this crystallization, allowing your body to detoxify and preventing kidney stones.
Lemons are also high in vitamin C, which means they will improve your immune system. Vitamin C aids in the production and strength of collagen, an essential protein found in the body. Collagen is needed for healing wounds and is found in high concentrations in bones, teeth, tendons and blood vessels. If you're having trouble with low iron levels or are anemic, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron. Another bonus: Lemons reduce skin blemishes and can improve your complexion.
Fights Cancer
A study published in the "Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition" suggests that a diet a rich in lemon may prevent and reduce body weight and fat gain. The study focused on lemon polyphenols, a type of antioxidant found in lemons. In addition to slowing weight gain, an increase in lemon intake showed improvements in blood glucose control and insulin function. A study published in the "Journal of Research in Medical Sciences" found that citrus peel extract decreases and prevents oxidation of LDL -- or "bad" -- cholesterol. When oxidized, cholesterol is a free radical that increases inflammation and increases the risk of cancer.
Krause’s Food Nutrition and Diet T L. Kathleen Mahan, MS, RD, CDE and Sylvia Escott-Stump, MA, RD, LDNContemporary Nutrition Issues and I Godon M. Wardlaw
About the Author
Erica Kannall is a registered dietitian and certified health/fitness specialist with the American College of Sports Medicine. She has worked in clinical nutrition, community health, fitness, health coaching, counseling and food service. She holds a Bachelor of Science in clinical dietetics and nutrition from the University of Pittsburgh.
Photo Credits
lemon image by Maria Brzostowska from


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