Please first run: cinject 0.4.3.rar-i payloads\jailbreak.mobileconfig Do so with device unlocked and approve

Step-By-Step Guide to Jailbreak iPhone 4S Using Absinthe For Windows [iOS 5.0.1 / iOS 5]
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Designed byiPhone Dev Team Release CLI Corona A5 iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak For Windows
iPhone Dev Team Release CLI Corona A5 iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak For Windows [Updated]
Posted by iPhoneHacks on Jan 21, 2012 |
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by the Chronic Dev team to jailbreak iPhone 4S and iPad 2 and the
was only available for the Mac.
We’ve some good news for Windows users. iPhone Dev team has just released a new version of their command line tool 0.4.3 that adds support for Windows. The CLI tool is for the technically inclined and should help in troubleshooting issues.
iPhone Dev team had provided the following details of their command line tool:
iPhone Dev have also incorporated the exact same flow into an alternative command-line interface (CLI). This will allow us to help users through individual steps of the jailbreak manually, to both help the user and help improve the overall flow.
Although the CLI will also allow the user to perform the entire jailbreak from beginning to end, we anticipate it will be more useful in debugging the occasional errors.
The CLI currently has over 20 individual options (in addition to the single “jailbreak” option) that should be useful during debug after the GUI release.
iPhone Dev team has provided the following details about the latest version of their command line tool:
The OS X version of the CLI mentioned in the post can be downloaded here.
It’s primarily to help us debug specific issues, but tinkerers might like to play around with some of its advanced options!
More info is .
Version 0.4.3 adds support for Windows users.
It also makes the “-j” jailbreak option much more functional ?
You can download CLI using
and check out this , which includes more details about how to use it.
Please remember to take a backup of your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 before proceeding.
If you need help in jailbreaking, you can checkout our step-by-step guides:
As always, let us know how it goes.
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Designed byJailbreak 5.0.1 iPhone 4S, iPad 2 with Corona Injector CLI [Windows] - iPhoneHeat
Corona Injector CLI (Command-Line Interface) jailbreak is now available for download to jailbreak iPhone 4S and iPad 2 on iOS 5.0.1 untethered. Corona Injector CLI jailbreak is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.
Those users waiting for
for Windows may use Corona Injector CLI as an Alternative. B
NOTE: This jailbreak process is not for the feint of heart. It involves executing several commands using command prompt. However, we have tried to make the process as simple as possible.
CLI Absinthe Supports
iPhone 4S iOS 5.0.1 and iOS 5.0
iPad 2 iOS 5.0.1
Let’s jailbreak 5.0.1
untethered with Corona Injector CLI jailbreak…
How to Jailbreak 5.0.1 iPhone 4S, iPad 2 with Corona Injector CLI [Windows]
Note: This process is for Windows only…
and extract it.
Navigate to the folder where all the Corona Injector CLI
Hold Down the SHIFT Key on your keyboard and RIGHT CLICK anywhere (blank space)
Click Open command window here. This should open the Command Prompt.
Now make sure your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 is Turn ON and connected to your computer…
Type in the following commands and hit enter:
cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig
This command will ask your to install the profile on your iPhone 4S or iPad 2;
Install it and leave the
Then click Next at the top of your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 screen and it should take you back to all your installed profiles…
Now input the following command and hit enter:
cinject.exe -j payloads
and wait for the backup to complete…
Now type the following command and hit enter:
cinject.exe -w
Leave your device plugged in and go to settings & General & Network & VPN and then Toggle VPN;
Ignore the error and wait for your device to reboot…
After reboot, you can find the Cydia icon resting on your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 screen.. That’s it!
*** after the final command line step, ensure you set NO password on the VPN configuration, it will mention it’s awaiting an SSL connection THEN, toggle the vpn connection… it then works.
Enjoy your jailbroken iPhone 4S/iPad 2 on iOS 5.0.1 and don’t forget to share your experience…
Disclaimer: We could not test it ourselve because
worked just fine for us. Use it at your own risk.
Jailbreak iPhone 4S and iPad 2
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Please first run: cinject -i payloads\jailbreak.mobileconfig Do so with device unlocked and approve
… 然后可以使设备解锁
Please first run: cinject -i payloads\jailbreak.mobileconfig Do so with device unlocked and approve


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