请问一下为甚么在Excuse me for breaking newsin,____have some news for you.中,空格里要填but而不是yet

  1.What are the two speakers talking about?()
  A. A film .
  B. A book.
  C. A record.
  2.Why will the man go to Edinburgh?()
  A. To drive the woman there.
  B. To have a meeting in Glasgow.
  C. To meet some important people.
  3.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?()
  A. Relatives.
  B. Former neighbors.
  C. Neighbors.
  4.What does the man think of the English language education in China?()
  A. Bad.
  B. Good.
  C. Just-so-so.
  5.Where are the two speakers having dinner?()
  A. In the woman’s house.
  B. In the man’s house.
  C. In a fast food restaurant.
  6.What was the weather like in summer?()
  A. It was bad.
  B. It was nice.
  C. It wasn’t very nice.
  7.What were the two people talking about?()
  A. The weather in Paris.
  B. The weather in China.
  C. The weather in some place we don’t know.
  8.How did the woman like the weather in autumn there?()
  A. She did like it.
  B. She didn’t like it at all.
  C. She thought it was terrible.
  9.Who is going to move tomorrow?()
  A. The man’s brother.
  B. The woman’s brother.
  C. The man
  10.Who is going to play baseball?()
  A. The man.
  B. The woman.
  C. No one.
  11.What will the man do?()
  A. He will go to play baseball.
  B. He will go to paint the old house.
  C. He will go to help with the packing.
  12.What’s the woman going to do on Wednesday morning?()
  A. She’s expecting Mr Hu.
  B. She’s inspecting a factory.
  C. She’s packing and leaving a factory.
  13.The woman is going to be very busy.()
  A. on Friday, Saturday as well as Thursday.
  B. on both Friday and Saturday.
  C. in Sydney.
  14.What is the woman going to do on Friday?()
  A. To travel by air.
  B. To enjoy herself in the open air.
  C. To go to a fair.
  15.Why did the girl ask her father so many questions?()
  A. She wanted to go to Beijing.
  B. She wanted to take part in the competition.
  C. She wanted to get some information about the competition.
  16.Where is the finishing point?()
  A. Tian’ anmen Square.
  B. Chang’ an Avenue.
  C. Chaoyang Park.
  17.How many runners have entered for it?()
  A. Over 15 000.
  B. About 500.
  C. About 1 500.
  18.What is the man talking about?()
  A. He wants to book some tickets.
  B. He asks when the concert will start.
  C. He asks if the concert is popular.
  19.When will the concert be on?()
  A. At 8:00 on Sunday night.
  B. B. On the night of September 4th.
  C. C. On the night of September 14th.
  20.When will the man get to the theatre?()
  A. By 7:30 pm.
  B. By 8:00 pm.
  C. By 9:00 pm.
  21. ― Why do they all speak ? I can’t hear clearly what they are saying.()
  ―Neither can I. We should ask them to speak.
  A. in return
  B. out of turn
  C. in turn
  D. by return
  22.―The workers all the old houses in that area.()
  ―So a new schoolthere?
  A. was set up
  B. will stand
  C. appeared
  D. will be built
  23―Alice is taking part in the 10,000-metre race. Look! There she is.
  ―I think she willafter the race.
  A. have tired B. give out
  C. give up D. be tiring
  24.―Mike, do you know where Mr. Black lives?()
  ―Itell you, but I don’t know, either.
  A. I’ will
  B. S could
  C. I could
  D. I don’ will
  25. ―Goodbye, Mr. Wang. I greatlyall your help.()
  ―Goodbye, Mr. Davis. I’m looking forward to your visitChina again.
  A. to B./
  C. on D. in
  26.―Mary, I’m leaving for London tomorrow.()
  ―Please send meof your safe arrival.
  A. a note B. word
  C. a notice D. knowledge
  27.―That manto be a thief.()
  ―Yes. He’s saidthe direction of Shanghai.
  A. to flee in
  B. fleeing towards
  C. to be fleeing in
  D. having fled to
  28. Paul Turner wasin the maths examination yesterday.()
  A. caught cheating
  B. found to cheat
  C. seen cheat
  D. noticed cheated
  29.―I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.()
  A. Cheers B. Good luck
  C. Come on D. Congratulations
  30.Excuse me for breaking in, I have some news for you.()
  A. so B. and
  C. but D. yet
  31.―You haven’t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?()
  ―I’m sorry Ianything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you.
  A. wasn’t saying B. don’t day
  C. won’t say
  D. didn’t day
  32. The mother didn’t knowto blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.()
  A. who B. when
  C. how D. what
  33.―Is John coming by train?()
  ―He should, but henot. He likes driving his car.
  A. must B. can
  C. need D. may
  34. There are few electronic applicationsto raise fears regarding future employment chances than computers.()
  A. likely B. more likely
  C. possibly D. more possibly
  35.Who canme a ball-pen?()
  A. to write
  B. to be written
  C. to write with
  D. writing with
(05/24 10:56)(05/24 10:54)(05/24 10:51)(05/24 10:48)(05/24 10:45)(05/24 10:40)(05/24 10:36)(05/24 10:31)(05/24 10:09)
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‘Excuse me for breaking in, ______ I have some news for you.
but和yet 是连词,可等同使用,但也有区别??yet与and连用,构成and yet,但but却无此用法;在“Excuse me/I’m sorry/I hope you don’t mind…but”中,只用but,不用yet??因为在表示对照或对立时,but较为轻松自然;而yet却较为强烈,常出人意料;though作并列连词时,只能引导分句且其前须加逗号??例:I’ll try to come, though I don’t think I shall manage it.
&&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&&&&& 新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其中新概念二以其文章的短小精悍,语句的幽默诙谐,语法的全面而系统,历来被公认为是最适合大多数中学朋友课外学习的资料之一。其实,新概念二的意义不仅局限于扩充英语知识和开阔眼界,它不该只被当作额外的学习资料。就我这几年对新概念二和中学同步英语的教学研究和经验,我认为新概念二应该是每个中学生朋友必学的,它是中学英语教材的补充和提升!从现实和应试的角度来说,真正的学好和掌握新概念二可以帮助你高考提高十分的档次。&& &&&& &高考提高十分&实在是诱人。但是我们怎样才能在新概念二中挖掘出这宝贵的十分呢。我们不妨从近五年的英语高考试卷中找到这把挖宝的铲子。我们先从新概念二对高考英语作用最直接的部分着手&英语知识运用部分。我曾经对高中的英语教材和近五年的英语高考试卷结合研究,总结出了高中语法50条,新概念二恰恰囊括了这五十条。这是宏观的概述,我们从微观的方面验证。纵观这五年试卷,每次必考的语法点是定语从句、动词时态、冠词、情态动词。定语从句是高中语法的重点和难点。新概念二从第28课 NO PARKING开始出现了定语从句。第28课本身就是一篇很幽默的文章,而且里面还包含了几个古希腊神话留传下来的单词。28课出现的定语从句是以关系代词为主,到了后面的55课 NOT A GOLD MINE再次集中的出现了定语从句,这一次是以关系副词为主。28课和55课出现的是限制性定语从句,而36课 ACROSS THE CHANNEL中出现的是非限制性定语从句。在第三单元的各篇文章中定语从句也反复出现。其实定语从句本身比较好理解,运用在高考中,其考点一在于到底是选关系副词还是关系代词:&& &&&& The film brought the hours back to me_________ I was taken good care of in that far-away village. [2001年全国卷第22题]&& &&&& A. until B. that C. when D. where 正确答案: C&& &&&& 解析:这道题的解题关键在于选择关系词.先行词很明显是the hours,但是到底是选择关系代词还是关系副词呢?那就要看先行词在从句中充当的成分了.显然,在从句中, the hours做的是时间状语,即:我被照料得很好的时候.所以应该选择表示时间的关系副词when.& &&&&& 考点二在于非限制性定语从句,要选择相适应的关系词:&& &&&& Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy.[2000年全国卷第17题]&& &&&& A.who B.which C.this D.what 正确答案: B&& &&&& 解析:这是一个非限制性定语从句.涉及到定语从句,我们首先找先行词,然后找相应的关系词.这个句子的特殊在于它的先行词其实是个句子,即: Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,在从句中充当主语的作用.选项中which可以代替句子.this和what都不是引导定语从句的关系词;who是关系代词,但是它代替的是人物.&& &&&& 动词时态一直是贯穿于整个新概念二的,而且每个时态都有专题和相应的复习课文。冠词其实是非常基础的语法点,但是基础的东西同学反而可能掌握不牢。新二的第一个单元从第6课开始就逐步的在KEY STUCTURES中出现了冠词的各个点和相应的习题,而到了第三单元和第四单元再次出现了冠词的复习篇。冠词的考点在于一、要不要用定冠词;二、到底是用定冠词还是不定冠词。&& &&&& The warmth of_________sweater will of course be determined by the sort of_________wool used. [2001年全国卷第22题]&& &&&& A. the B./ C. /; the D. /; / 正确答案: B&& &&&& 解析:这道题符合前面所讲的不用定冠词和用定冠词的第7种情况。Sweater是物质名词,所以前面不用定冠词,而且也是个名词所有格。而wool后面有个过去分词used修饰,那么它就是特指所用的wool,所以要用定冠词。&& &&&& The sign reads &In case of fire, break the glass and push red button.& [2003年全国卷第26题]&& &&&& A.不填;aB.不填;theC. theD.a;a 正确答案: B&& &&&& 解析:这道题前面是个所有格形式,所以不用定冠词,而且在in case of的固定结构,后面都直接加名词。后面是特指的红按扭,所以要用定冠词。&& &&&& 情态动词语法点的出现是从第二单元开始的,集中的几篇文章分别是第19课、41课、65课。情态动词应该是每位考生要拿全分的题目。&& &&&& --Are you coming to Jeff's party?&& &&&& --I'm not sure . I ________go to the concert instead.[2000年全国卷第15题]&& &&&& A.must B.would C.should D.might 正确答案:D&& &&&& 解析: 此题的解题关键在于&I'm not sure&.这句话表明了说话者不太确定的态度.所以后面应该选择相应的含有&不确定&的情态动词.根据上面对各个情态动词的分析,might最符合题意.&& &&&& Isn' t that Ann's husband over there?&& &&&& - No, it _______ be him -I'm sure he doesn't wear glasses. [2004年全国卷第29题]&& &&&& A. can't B. must not C. won't D. may not 正确答案:A&& &&&& 解析: 此题很简单,就是表示&不可能&的推测,所以选择A&& &&&& 状语从句和非谓语结构在这五年的高考卷出现的频率也比较高。从第二单元的后面开始,状语从句和非谓语结构在新概念二的课文中出现的频率也很高。其中学好第49课,对高考中出现的非谓语结构(不定式、现在分词和过去分词)题目就不会觉得难了。&& &&&& ______such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.&& &&&& [2001年全国卷第34题]&& &&&& A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 正确答案:A&& &&&& 解析:这道题目有点复杂。这个句子的主句是it may now be too late to clean up the river.所以前面那部分就不能再是一个完整的句子,要么就是从句的形式,要么就是非谓语结构。根据四个答案,显然这采用的是非谓语结构。C选项可以排除,前面的部分没有表示目的或结果。到底是选择现在分词还是过去分词呢?很多同学会选择过去分词,因为他们会认为河流是被污染的,有被动的含义,所以是过去分词。但是,整个句子的主句采用了由it引导的形式主语结构,用主动的形式表示被动。所以前面部分不在考虑主动被动了,而是时态。前面部分有个already,所以现在分词所表示的动作是发生在主句动作前的,所以应该选择现在分词的完成形式。这些分析是在新二课堂上能学到的。&& &&&& 比较级、名词性从句、倒装句、被动、强调句在这五年高考试卷中出现的频率其次。比较级在新二的第8课就比较集中的出现;学好了第10课就能把被动掌握好;倒装句从第36课和38课集的课文中可以全面接触;强调句出现在第58课。名词性从句从第二单元就开始逐渐出现了。&& &&&& Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ___ she was getting. [2004年全国卷第33题]&& &&&& A. heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest 正确答案:A&& &&&& 解析:这道题从时态上可以推出来。Mary一直在称体重,也就是来了解自己的体重变化。因为体重在变化,也就是总是会比上次称的要重些,所以选A。形容词的比较级考得比较隐讳。&& &&&& Why don&t you put the meat in the fridge? It willfresh for several days.[2003年全国卷第30题]&& &&&& A.be stayed B.stayC.be stayingD.have stayed 正确答案:B&& &&&& 解析:这道题比较简单,只要记住有一些特殊的用主动的形式来表示被动,比如stay&& &&&& The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once with each other. [2003年全国卷第34题]&& &&&& A.they had quarreledB.they have quarreled&& &&&& C.have they quarreled D.had they quarreled 正确答案: C&& &&&& 解析:这道题是典型的倒装句型。后面的分句是以否定词never开头,所以要部分倒装,将助动词提前,时态保持与前面的分句一致。&& &&&& 其实除了语法点外,我们从新二当中还能学到不少常见的词组和动词与介词的搭配。第22课、54课、70课所总结的数个动词和介词的搭配如果中学生朋友全部记牢了可以受益你整个英语学习生涯。我们再来看这五年高考卷中的一些词汇题。&& &&&& I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some _______. [2000年全国卷第7题]&& &&&& A.at last B. in case C.once again D.in time正确答案: B&& &&&& in case这个词组我们在第74课能学到。&& &&&& Excuse me for breaking in, ________I have some news for you. [2002年全国卷第22题]&& &&&& A. so B. and C. but D. yet 正确答案: C&& &&&& 这道题考的是关于并列句的连接词的选择,我们在第25课的学习中就能全面掌握了。&& &&&& You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _______the books when you' ve finished with them. [2004年全国卷第32题]&& &&&& A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off 正确答案: C&& &&&& 这几个词组我们在第27课都接触到了,其实我们在第27课几乎把所有关于put的词组都辨析过了,解这道题丝毫没问题。&& &&&& 总而言之,扎扎实实把新二学好,搞定高考英语的英语知识运用这一大题是很轻松的。而在你学习和阅读新二的每篇课文同时,你既增加了词汇又锻炼了阅读能力,这些将间接作用于高考的阅读题。综上所述,学好新二,高考英语提高十分就不再是神话了。&& &&&& (廖瑾,南京新东方学校优秀教师,英语文学学士,高中即过托福。中学听说主讲老师。听说项目和教材研发负责人。上课风格清新活泼,知识点诠释独特到位,善于与学生交流,已帮助不少学生走出英语学习的误区。&& &&&&& 相关链接:&&& &&&& &&&& &
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2014年12月2特殊高考招生信息发布2014年1月3高考招生简章发布 2015年4月4考前填报高考志愿 2015年5月5高考考试 日-9日6考后填志愿,录取启动 2015年6月-8月
&2013 BaiduExcuse me for breaking in,()I have some news for you. A so B,and C,but D,yet_百度知道
Excuse me for breaking in,()I have some news for you. A so B,and C,but D,yet
Excuse me for breaking in,()I have some news for you.A so B,and C,but D,yet
如果是A的话与意思不符,B的话就应该没有“,”,C的but有“只因为, 可是只有”的意思,所以选C


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