i,m so t[ ]because i went to bed lateonly yesterdayy

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<'s Most Popular List of Idioms and Phrases
&Send Me The GoEnglish Weekly Preview of English Idioms&
"What do you know? You are just a babe in the woods."
"Working here is no bed of roses."
"He's just a big fish in a small pond."
"He's just a big frog in a small pond"
"This photo, taken from an airplane, gives you a bird's eye view."
"Spending a week in the psychiatric hospital was a bitter pill to swallow, but Jake really needed to do it."
"When I first lost that job, I was upset. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise."
"I love having this new student in my class. His positive attitude is a breath of fresh air."
"I have to give a speech tomorrow, and I am a bundle of nerves."
"My uncle Bob is a real card."
"Jane called. She will be late for this morning's meeting." Reply: "Case in point. We really cannot rely on her."
"Are you sure you are not Don Johnson?" Reply: "Really, I am not. It must be a case of mistaken identity."
"What would you like me to make for dinner?" Reply: "Let's have sushi, for a change of pace."
"I just got back from Florida." Reply: "That must have been a change of scenery."
"Did you meet Bill's son at the picnic yesterday? He's just like Bill!" Reply: "He's a chip off the old block."
"He lost his game this morning, and now he has a chip on his shoulder."
"Stop copying my answers. You copycat!" (rude)
"I love this restaurant. It is a cut above."
"I don't want you going over to that house. It is a den of iniquity."
"I cleaned your car for you, and it was a devil of a job."
"Have you spoken with Jean before? Isn't she a diamond in the rough."
"Becoming a movie star was a dream come true."
"Are you a Dodgers' fan?" Reply: "No, I don't like baseball."
"How is it that you left home with 20 dollars but you come home with nothing? A fool and his money are easily parted!"
"I knew they would lose. It was a foregone conclusion."
"Hey buddy, how's it going? You look good. I love your jacket. Do you think you can give me a ride home?" Reply: "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
"She told the teacher what I did, but that's a game that two can play."
"Did you have a good time at the party?" Reply: "It was a gas."
"Do you think he has a chance to win?" Reply: "He doesn't have a ghost of a chance."
"I always knew that we would get married. It was a given."
"If the president dies, who becomes the new president?" Reply: "The vice president. He's a heartbeat away from the presidency."
"If the president dies, who becomes the new president?" Reply: "The vice president. He's a heartbeat away from the presidency."
"You know, the 'do-do'. It's a kind of a bird."
"I slept in my car last night, so I have a kink in my neck."
"That guy is a gangster? Are you sure?" Reply: "Of course I'm sure. It's a known fact."
"You don't mind taking care of that dog?" Reply: "It is a labor of love."
"I thought for sure we would lose but we made one last ditch effort and tied the game."
"That is a leading question. I am not going to answer it."
"He was born wealthy, and he has never done a lick of work in his life."
"Are you hungry?" Reply: "A little bit. You?"
"My uncle Bob fails at everything he does. He is a lost cause."
"He's the one who took the money. I saw him." Reply: "That's a pack of lies!"
"I don't want to work with him. He's a pain in the neck."
"You've heard of Jack Nicklaus, right? He's a past master at golf."
"You need to stop wasting money. A penny saved is a penny earned."
"Can you finish your homework in ten minutes?" Reply: "It will be a piece of cake."
"I heard you guys are going to play a joke on Jim. I want a piece of the action."
"I was walking down Broad Street when suddenly I heard this piercing scream."
"My mother is a pillar of strength."
"I've always had this pipe dream to start my own coffee shop."
"After renting for all these years, I really want a place to call my own."
"Bob Jenkins will be announcing this game. He does the play-by-play."
"Everything we did that evening was a prelude to a kiss."
"At the ripe old age of 45, I feel like I am just starting my life."
"On election day you could feel a ripple of excitement."
"Why don't you get married and have a family?" Reply: "A rolling stone gathers no moss."
"I don't invite people to my home unless I know them well, as a rule of thumb."
"We were really falling apart, but that goal gave us a shot in the arm."
"Students, lets have a show of hands from everyone who would like to go to the museum."
"They took away all of my responsibilities, then the fired me. It was a real slap in the face."
"He should be in jail for what he did, but he got off with just a slap on the wrist."
"Oops, I did not mean to tell you that. It was a slip of the tongue."
"You have a standing offer to join us for dinner whenever you like."
"He got cancer, and it was a struggle to the death."
"Did you see those two people cutting in front of us in line just now? Let's cut in front of them and give them a taste of their own medicine!"
"I thought you would like to lead the meeting tomorrow." Reply: "Thank you for the vote of confidence."
"Here's a word to the wise: Do not go down that street at night."
"I am your father. You must abide by my words."
"What that police officer did to save her life was above and beyond the call of duty."
"Are you a very good tennis player?" Reply: "I'm above average."
"In this case, no one person is above suspicion. Not even the president."
"Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips?" Reply: "No. The time we have spent apart has been good for us. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"As soon as you get the package, please call me to acknowledge receipt."
"We will have a 10 percent pay cut across the board."
"Clean yourself up. Don't expect me to act as your maid."
"What are you acting so high and mighty about."
"I want you kids to stop fooling around and act your age."
"Here is how the game works: I give you a word, then you act it out."
"First he drives into my car. Then, to add insult to injury he says I'm parked in the wrong spot."
"I'm not one of your college friends. Address me as your father."
"Do you recommend that I talk with the boss?" Reply: "I would advise against it."
"Sorry, we don't see patients after hours."
"Did you tell her what you wanted her to do?" Reply: "Yes, but it was after the fact."
"My software project is ahead of schedule."
"The game starts at seven. Shall we meet ahead of time?"
"How is your grandfather doing?" Reply: "He is alive and kicking."
"That new manager threatened to fire me again, but I know he won't do it. He's all bark and no bite."
"Don't you look nice all dressed up."
"Would you like to go to the show?" Reply: "I'm all for it."
"Did you hear they broke up?" Reply: "It is probably all for the best. They were not getting along well."
"Are there any more cookies?" Reply: "All gone."
"Can you read these instructions?" Reply: "No. It's all Greek to me."
"Be careful. I want you home all in one piece."
"I'm going to tell you about your uncle, but let's keep this all in the family."
"We can't fight against each other. We need to work together. We're all in the same boat!"
"All kidding aside, I really do like her."
"The baby was up crying all night long."
"It used to be they occasionally fired a missile. Now it's all out war."
"Is the game still on?" Reply: "No, it's all over."
"Do you remember Berlin? This is the same thing all over again."
"Are you all set for the big game?"
"Have you seen Karen? She is all skin and bones."
"Are you ready?" Reply: "All systems are go."
"John promised he would be here." Reply: "He is all talk and no action."
"Do you like this scarf? It is all the rage."
"How much money is missing?" Reply: "All told, 300 dollars."
"If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an about face and walk in the other direction."
"How much did you pay for that watch?" Answer: "An arm and a leg."
"Tell your brother that I have an axe to grind with him!"
"The young lovers walked though the park, arm in arm."
"The bank robber has escaped. He is armed and dangerous."
"Don't think you can fool me so easily: I have been around the block."
"We are open around the clock."
"As an aside: Is anyone hungry?"
"Don't go out drinking with Henry. He'll get you as drunk as a skunk."
"You would be worried if your life were at stake."
"Are you hiring new people?" Reply: "Not at the present time."
"Are you going to buy the ABC company?" Reply: "No. Not at this juncture."
"Can you help me to solve this problem? I'm at wit's end."
"What fun could it be playing tennis? They just hit the ball back and forth all day."
"If I were you, I would back down. It is not worth fighting about."
"We just can't wait to move back east."
"John, where have you been? It is good to see you back in circulation."
"I told my mom we were at the baseball game last night. Back my up."
"I guess I made her angry. She told me to back off and leave her alone."
"We don't have them in your size today. But I would be glad to back order them for you."
"Who did you bet on in the superbowl?" Reply: "Arizona." Answer: "Ouch. You backed the wrong horse."
"We have had back to back losses and we need to play better."
"After all that work, they decided not to hire me." Reply: "Back to square one."
"I've heard it is the worst place to go to school." Reply: "It's not as bad as all that."
"My brother and I haven't spoken since childhood. There is a lot of bad blood between us."
"You are one of my best friends. I would never bad mouth you."
"He got thrown in jail for drunk driving, but his father bailed him out."
"I thought I was buying a new watch." Reply: "It looks like they gave you the bait and switch."
"I am in medical school now, so that's my ball and chain."
"I will be there. You can bank on it."
"If you are looking for someone to lend you money, don't talk to me. You're barking up the wrong tree."
"There she stood by the window, bathed in light."
"A big rain storm is coming. We need to batten down the hatches."
"I really don't mind where we go. I'll let you two battle it out."
"If you lose one more point, it's curtains for you."
"Is it true that you mother has cancer?" Reply: "Yes, she has been sick for three months."
"Is that so?" Reply: "Yes it is."
"Do you have any ketchup left?" Reply: "We are swimming in it."
"People say I am the spitting image of my mother."
"You're no good at cards." Reply: "I am too."
"Does it bother you that the toilet stops working like that?" Reply: "No, I'm used to it."
"I really do feel bad it happened." Reply: "Don't worry. She won't bear a grudge."
"Did your meeting bear fruit?"
"Would you like to order dinner?" Reply: "Bear in mind that I do not speak French."
"Bear with me for a moment as I write that down."
"I'd like to talk with you again about what happened." Reply: "Oh, come on. Let's not beat a dead horse."
"I don't see anyone beating a path to your door."
"Did he ask you to marry him?" Reply: "No, but he has been beating around the bush."
"She was the star of our school's tennis team, and I still beat her." Reply: "You beat her at her own game."
"Enjoy your freedom! Before you know it, you'll be married and settling down with children."
"You think I am old? I beg to differ."
"My grandfather wears black socks with his shorts." Reply: "He is so behind the times."
"Those two went to the boss, and they did it behind my back."
"I know we've talked about this already, and I hate to belabor the point, but I still don't think you are understanding me."
"We bent over backwards to help him, and he never even thanked us!"
"Here is my final paper. Sorry it is so late." Reply: "Better late than never."
"Should I bring my umbrella?" Reply: "Better safe than sorry." Answer: "Okay. I'll go get it."
"I'm sorry you had a bad day, but you don't have to bite my head off."
"I wanted to tell her what I really thought of her dress, but I just bit my tongue."
"I thought I could finish this report within a month, but I bit off more than I could chew."
"Hurry mom, I really have to go to the bathroom." Reply: "We won't be there for another 20 minutes. Bite the bullet."
"When Brian found out that his company was hiding the truth, he blew the whistle."
"Is Deb still talking about the deal she made?" Reply: "Yes, she's blowing her own trumpet."
"Steve is in our office and he just found out about the deal." Reply: "I can hear him blowing his top."
"They broke in to my apartment when I was gone, and they took everything!"
"Whoever wins inFlorida will have enough votes to break the tie."
"Sell that stock now, while you are still breaking even."
"No one in our family has ever married a foreigner. You are breaking new ground."
"You really should not be buying this ring. You are breaking the bank."
"This was an awful party until John showed up and broke the ice."
"It is the goal of every great reporter to break the news."
"I go to work every day to bring home the bacon."
"You work a lot of hours at this job." Reply: "I have to. I am bringing home the bacon."
"Taking care of my grandfather is really bringing home the importance of good health care."
"There you are again Schmidt, bringing up the rear."
"Are you going to brush up on your Spanish before you go to Mexico?"
"Buck up. It will be okay."
"My brother is bugging me."
"Do you really mean that? or are you just building me up?"
"I saw you with Jane at the supermarket." Reply: "Yes, we just bumped into each other."
"Would you like to go to a party tonight?" Reply: "I can't. I'm way too tired. I've been burning the candle at both ends all week."
"I could see the light in your window last night. It looks like you have been burning the midnight oil."
"If I call a meeting for Thursday, will you be there?"
"You can call him a nice guy if you want to but I am cal that guy is a jerk.
"It's time to go home. Let's call it a day."
"You guys are going to another bar? Not me. I'm calling it a night."
"How did your party go?" Reply: "Oh. We had to call it off."
"I already gave you your money. Call the dogs off."
"Everyone quiet down so we can call this meeting to order."
"Everyone be quiet. I'm going to call the roll."
"I'm calling the shots here. You will do what I say."
"I thought you had a date tonight?" Reply: "I did, but we called it off."
"You are a jerk!" Reply: "You don't have to call me names."
"They say they will fire me if I skip work today, but I am calling their bluff."
"He was going to take me to the park, but it rained, so I got a rain check."
"This car only cost me $500. Can you imagine?"
"Sing with us!" Reply: "Sorry. You wouldn't want me to. I can't carry a tune."
"Did you hear that Williams got fired?" Reply: "Yes. He couldn't cut the mustard."
"Your teacher is frustrated. She says she can't do anything with you."
"When she said that, I couldn't help but laugh."
"You are a good tennis player. But you can't hold a candle to my sister."
"I'm looking at your computer program right now, but I can't make heads or tails out of it."
"When she said that, I couldn't help laughing."
"I love this photo of you and your friends in cap and gown."
"Did you hear about the farmhouse murders?" Reply: "Who could be capable of such a thing?"
"You cleaned everything. Even the dog." Reply: "Yes. I got kind of carried away."
"Please, you must not tell anyone what happened." Reply: "I will carry your secret to my grave."
"Please, you must not tell anyone what happened." Reply: "I will carry it to the grave."
"If anything ever happens to me, I want you to carry on without me."
"What I say carries weight around here."
"It is okay to make jokes during class, but you are carrying it a bit too far."
"Sorry but there is nowhere to eat here. It is cash and carry."
"You kids were going to take those cookies, weren't you?" Reply: "Yes, we were caught in the act."
"Do you need to talk so loudly? You're causing a stir."
Police officer says: "Sir, I want you to cease and desist from what you are doing."
"I thought you didn't like her?" Reply: "Well, I changed my mind."
"She always said she would never get married, but now she's the one getting married." Reply: "She has changed her tune."
"Everyone is done eating. Would you like to clear the table?"
"You've been living here for two months and you still don't have a job. We need to clear the air."
"Look who's climbing on the bandwagon."
"You ate that piece of cake I was saving, didn't you? Come clean."
"I'm glad you brought your knife." Reply: "Yes, it really comes in handy."
"I was upset that I was transfered to the other unit. But I am coming to terms with it."
"We have had three weeks to write this paper. Now we are coming to the crunch."
"I don't know what I will get for my birthday, but I am crossing my fingers that it will be a bicycle."
"We came so close. Really. We almost won that game!" Reply: "There's no use crying over spilled milk."
"Mom, Dad! Can you come to my room? I think there is something under my bed!" Reply: "Son, you just go back to bed, and stop crying wolf."
"They cut a lot of corners when they built this house. Now have so many problems to fix."
"I bought this stock at 50 dollars a share, and it is down to 40. I am going to cut my losses."
"Is Jean around the office?" Reply: "Yes, she has been darting in and out all day."
"Talking to the boss like that, you are digging your own grave."
"You want me to fire her for you? Hey, do your own dirty work."
"Right now I am doing some errands, but I can meet you in a few hours."
"My brother has always been like that. He does his own thing."
"Hey, I did my part."
"I would like to take a break." Reply: "Now is a good time. Do so."
"I want to stay up. I am not tired." Reply: "Do as you are told and go to bed right now."
"Who cuts the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner at your house?" Reply: "My father does the honors."
"I can't stop the water from coming out." Reply: "Turn that switch over there, and that will do the job."
"My motorcycle is not running well." Reply: "Try replacing the oil. That might do the trick."
"We hired her to clean our house once a week and she has done wonders."
"John is an excellent lawyer. He always does his homework."
"There are five minutes left in this game. John, it is time for you to do your stuff."
"On his last day on the job he got in a huge fight with his boss." Answer: "Why would he want to go burning his bridges like that? Someday he might want to work there again."
"Do you think that Bill is going to offer you a promotion this month?" Reply: "I won't count my chickens until they have hatched."
"My father is a v he never puts all of his eggs in one basket."
"Hey! First we attach it, then we put on the chains. Don't put the cart before the horse."
"You have been down on me all day!"
"These are my friends from down south."
"You want me to drink this whole thing?" Reply: "That's right. Down the hatch!"
"Where does your grandmother live?" Reply: "She's just down the street."
"What happened to your plans for tonight?" Reply: "Down the tubes."
"Your brother is great. He's so down to earth."
"What a close race." Reply: "It's down to the wire."
"I can't come to work today. I'm down with the flu."
"I've wanted to start yoga for months. I've just been dragging my feet."
"Sales have been slow and we had to let go th drastic times call for drastic measures."
"Do you remember how to say that word in Spanish?" Reply: "I'm drawing a blank."
"Ouch! I cut myself." Reply: "Let me see. Did it draw blood?"
"He dresses like that because he likes to draw attention."
"Twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money. You drive a hard bargain."
"The boss came in and dropped a real brick. He said they are planning to close our office."
"I dated an actress in New York who was constantly dropping names." Reply: "Oh no, I can't stand name-dropping."
"Did you see Jean last night?" Reply: "Yeah. She was as drunk as a skunk."
"We've been having quite a
dry spell it hasn't rained in over two weeks."
"All of his life, my grandfather went to bed early and got up with the sun." Reply: "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."
"You did a lot of work today." Reply: "I'm just earning my keep."
"Hey, look who is washing the dishes." Reply: "I have to earn my keep."
"Ease off on the breaks a little. You're pushing down too hard."
"Ease up on your mother. She's had a hard day."
"We should dig a garden in the back yard. That would be great." Reply: "Easier said than done."
"At this time of year, fresh fruit is not easy to come by."
"I've been cooking way too often. Tonight, let's eat a meal out."
"Hey, I'm sorry to have to eat and run, but I have a meeting in 10 minutes."
"How was lunch?" Reply: "Great. I ate like a horse."
"What she said this morning has really been eating away at me."
"I looked all over my apartment for your earring." Reply: "Did you check every nook and cranny?"
"Every time I turn around, she is watching me."
"Wow, your suitcase is huge. What do you have in there? Everything but the kitchen sink?"
"Everything's coming up roses!" (from a famous song sung by Ethel Mermin)
"If anyone has to leave early, feel free to excuse yourself."
"My wife and I are expecting our first child." Reply: "Congratulations!"
"This year I want the company party to be fantastic. Expense is no object."
"People must have been curious when they found out." Reply: "No, they just explained it away."
"Please listen. I am trying to explain myself."
"I would like to express my anger about what happened last night."
"I want that couch, but I really cannot afford it." Reply: "We will extend you credit."
"I would like to extend my sympathy for the recent death of your mother." Reply: "I appreciate that very much."
"We are two hours late and mom is waiting for us." Reply: "It is time to face the music."
"Peter is getting two candies but I am only getting one!" Answer: "You had two candies earlier today, fair and fair alike."
"You cheated!" Reply: "I did not! I beat you fair and square."
"Ryan is getting out of the car here, so the front seat is fair game."
"Peter may seem like your best friend today, but you will find that he is a fair weather friend."
"At a very young age, John fell in with the drug crowd."
"How did your first day of class go?" Reply: "I fell flat on my face."
"We have only been dating for a week, but I am really falling for you."
"You ask the boss, she loves you." Reply: "No way. I fell from grace with her a long time ago."
"Where's Janice?" Reply: "She fell ill over the weekend."
"Those two have been living together for too long. They don't speak a word to each other." Reply: "Familiarity breeds contempt."
"Why are you taking off your shirt?" Reply: "Because I feel like it."
"After the presentation, we are going to field questions."
"You didn't figure on that, did you?"
"Stop trying to figure me out."
"Who can fill me in on what happened last night?"
"If you are taking Bill Johnson's job, you have big shoes to fill."
"Put some water in this pot for me, and fill it to the brim."
"Sometimes we listen to my music, and sometimes we listen to her music. We have found a happy medium."
"Why do you find fault with everything I do?"
"Could you find it in your heart to give me a dollar?"
"You may feel lost at first, but you will find your way around."
"When Jane went to India instead of enrolling in college, she said she wanted to find herself."
"The judge found him guilty of murder."
"At the end of a long trial, he was found innocent."
"I told him not to stand in the doorway, but he wouldn't listen, so he found out the hard way."
"Hey! That's my Five dollar bill you have there." Reply: "Finder's keepers, losers weepers."
"I've only been at this job for a few months. I'm just finding my feet."
"How are you feeling today, Veronica?" Reply: "Just fine and dandy, thank you."
"Have you ever fired a gun?"
"What a great game tonight. We were firing on all cylinders."
"You keep asking where I was last night. What are you fishing for?"
"I tried many different things when I was young, but I'm older now and more fixed in my ways."
"That was a great paper you wrote. Was it just a flash in the pan? or are you going to be able to do it again and again?"
"Come on, I really want to buy that car. Please, float me a loan."
"My dad was a doctor, and I am following in his footsteps."
"She is a swimsuit model, for crying out loud. Of course they are going to stare at her."
"Sometimes he doesn't sleep for days on end."
"I think we can get in to that concert for free."
"Did you know that wolves mate for life?"
"And for no good reason, she walked out the door."
"How long are we going to do it this way?" Reply: "For the time being."
"The boss's daughter may be pretty, but remember that she is forbidden fruit."
"What do you think about Joan?" Reply: "I don't know. I haven't formed an opinion about her, yet."
"Sorry, but we are fresh out of tomatoes."
"You have a nice accent. Are you from overseas?"
"I was covered in dust, from tip to toe."
"The two of us were walking home alone when they ganged up on us. There were at least six of them."
"It is a long drive so be sure to gas up before you go."
"My wife has a lawyer gathering a case against me right now."
"My dad wants to go skiing when he gets to town, so gear yourself up for it."
"My grandfather's was generous to a fault. He gave away all of his money." Reply: "But he did help a lot of people."
"Our dog is big and looks frightening, but she is as gentle as a lamb."
"Tomorrow is Jan's last day at work, and we are giving her a big send off."
"I hit my leg on the table and it gave me this charley horse."
"How are you feeling? You don't look so good." Reply: "Yes, I need to get a check up."
"I saw my doctor, and he gave me a clean bill of health."
"Have you seen that new nurse? I really have a crush on her."
"Are you sure she isn't bothered about something? She just gave me a dirty look."
"How is your art class coming along." Reply: "Good. I'm starting to get a feel for painting."
"Are you still here? Why don't you get a life?"
"It is only two weeks since his operation, but your father is getting around very well."
"I asked him to stop wasting time and get at the heart of the matter."
"I was very sick yesterday, but I have gotten over it."
"I'll have your biggest hamburger, with the works."
"Quick- there is a
let's give him the slip!"
"That judge really gave that guy the third degree, didn't she?"
"It looks like my plan to kill the weeds in the garden has failed. Back to the drawing board."
"Oh- not you again!" Reply: "Hey, why don't you go fly a kite<?"
"When does the new policy go into effect?"
"Sorry about all of the empty pizza boxes. We went on a binge."
"It is okay to make jokes. But don't go overboard."
"How could he kill someone, and then go scot free?"
"Have you seen the price of milk lately? It has gone sky high."
"Who are you going to invite to the big dance." Reply: "We're going stag."
"Is your brother still getting in trouble with the police." Reply: "No. He went straight."
"Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to go against the grain?"
"The Bears have a good team this year, but do you think they can go all the way?"
"Did you like the show?" Reply: "Sure! I got a bang out of it."
"She was so angry today. She really got a bee in her bonnet."
"Did your grandfather enjoy my kids." Reply: "Yes! He said he really got a charge out of them."
"I was just thinking to call you, then the phone rang and it was you calling me." Reply: "Great minds think alike."
"That was hands down the best movie I have seen all year."
"Should I go straight at this intersection?" Reply: "No. Hang a left."
"You're lucky to have Laura as a girlfriend. Hang on to her."
"When you tell a story, Jean hangs on your every word."
"I really like hanging out with you."
"Doesn't it bother you to have someone like that hanging on to your coattails?"
"Did you see? She almost got hit by that bus." Reply: "That was a close call."
"Jane doesn't have a clue about the surprise party we are planning for her."
"When Anne finds out, she'll have a conniption fit."
"Would you like to play goalie today?" Reply: "Sure, I'll have a go at it."
"My brother has an excellent command of the German language."
"Your son has a good head on his shoulders."
"My grandmother has a green thumb. You should see her garden."
"What time is it?" Answer: "I have no idea."
"Did you memorize the speech?" Reply: "I''ve got it down pat."
"Didn't Bob say he was coming?" Reply: "Yes, He backed out."
"Did the pilot die in the crash?" Reply: "No. He bailed out, and lived."
"Dan got a black eye at school today." Reply: "Did he get in a fight?" Answer: "Yes."
"He was running so fast that when he jumped and got hit he went head over heels."
"This is a high school dance and I am 25 years old. I don't belong here."
"Why is that dog eating that stick?" Reply: "He's hungry, I guess."
"I would give my right arm for a car like that."
"He was going to take me to the park, but it rained, so he gave me a rain check."
"Would you like to hear what I did today." Reply: "I'm all ears."
"Do you want to see a movie?" Reply: "I'm game."
"Have a good day, you guys. I'm off." Reply: "Goodbye."
"Today I was promoted to head of the department! And they decided to raise my pay!" Answer: "Wow! Icing on the cake!"
"My mother taught me that children should
idle hands are the devil's tools!"
"You think Tiger Woods should change his golf swing? Are you kidding? If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
"First the car broke down, and now I can't find my keys! If it's not one thing, it's another!"
"When did you change teams?" Reply: "Hey: If you can't beat them, join them."
"I wanted this job at first, but now I don't know if I can handle it." Reply: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
"Take this 20 dollars. Use it in a pinch."
"We walked home in a drunken stupor."
"Are you happy to be there?" Reply: "In a word: Yes."
"I am in awe of you."
"I am your mother. How could you act in defiance of me?!"
"Losing your house in a fire..
you must feel awful." Reply: "I am still in denial."
"If you have any serious health problems, please write them out in detail."
"Did that octopus just change color?" Reply: "Yes. He's in disguise."
"What a crazy party. Everyone was dressed in drag."
"I can't wait until our vacation." Reply: "Son, you focus on your studies. Summer will be here in due time."
"Did you say that just to hurt me?" Reply: "No. I meant that in earnest."
"Living in the big city, my brother is in his element."
"Go ahead and le I'll help you out if you get in over your head."
"Excuse me, waitress. Is the shrimp in season?"
"Sorry, the senator cannot be interrupted right now. Congress is in session."
"Hey, do you know where my skis are?" Reply: "They are in the basement, in storage."
"With a car like this, you'll be driving in style."
"My father is in surgery right now for a tumor on his neck." Reply: "I hope it goes well."
"I was just in the act of going to the bathroom, when you knocked on the door."
"Did he say yes or no?" Reply: "He answered in the affirmative."
" Did you understand question number three?" Answer: "Not at all, I was totally in the dark."
"You never really know for sure what you will do in the heat of the moment."
"You can start working full-time as soon as you get your license. In the meantime, you are welcome to start training."
"You are 30 minutes late and I have been standing here waiting for you in the middle of nowhere."
"Now he's a professional basketball player." Reply: "He's in the money."
"When aDon't worry. I will be there in the near future."
"When you are the mayor of a large city, you live your life in the public eye."
"You're not going to wear that, are you?" Reply:
"Hey, why don't you get out of my hair?"
"Yes, it was such a beautiful place." Reply: "You described it so well. I can picture it in my mind's eye."
"In my opinion, you should go to college."
"You should have seen her in her prime."
"What do you do in your spare time?"
"I've been in this business for 30 years. I know it in and out."
"Did you hear what what she did? That really burns me up."
"I told them the truth about what happened, but it fell on deaf ears."
"H it wasn't my fault!" Answer: "It takes two to tango."
"Hey, it's funny seeing you here." Reply: "It's a small world."
"Who do you think will win this election?" Answer: "Its anyone's call."
"We are just ready to start the meeting, and here you are." Reply: "Johnny on the spot."
"If we join forces, nothing can stop us."
"Let's all join hands and say a prayer before we eat."
"Our car was broken into, and the radio was stolen." Reply: "Join the club. Five cars were broken into last night, including mine."
"I would jump at the chance to work at that company."
"What happened to the guy who stole all that money?" Reply: "They arrested him, but he jumped bail."
"What do I have to do to get a date with you? Jump through a hoop?"
"Why haven't you opened your restaurant yet?" Reply: "They have us jumping through hoops to get the license."
"They are never going to let me move over to the other unit." Reply: "You are jumping to conclusions."
"My grandfather jumped on the bandwagon and got himself an email account."
"Why are you doing that?" Reply: "Just because."
"No matter what happens, I want you to keep a stiff upper lip."
"Would you keep an eye on my son for me while I am gone?" Reply: "Sure."
"You can work with him if you want, but I would keep him at arms length."
"I don't trust him because I don't know what he's feeling. He always keeps a straight face."
"They always want to pay me for the work I do at the hospital, but I will never accept their money. I do it because it is a labor of love." #"Labor" is work that we do and we don't always care for our work, but a labor of love is labor we do because we love dong it, or we do it for someone we love.
"Bob wasn't able to come today?" Reply: "No. He's laid up in bed."
"Could you lend me your ear for a minute? I need to talk with you about something."
"It is getting dark outside, and we can't see the tennis balls anymore. Let's call it quits."
"Bob didn't want anyone to know he was sick, but his wife let the cat out of the bag."
"He and his sister are like two peas in a pod."
"This shirt you gave me is not my favorite brand." Reply: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! That was the best they had."
"If you leave your glass on the edge of the table like that, you are looking for trouble."
"We are on a five game losing streak." Reply: "Losing five games in a row is not good."
"I got so angry yesterday. I completely lost my head."
"I'm not good at cooking because I am too afraid of making a mistake."
"Give me there is method to my madness."
"She's not happy, so she wants the rest of us to suffer too!" Reply: "Misery loves company."
"Why are you buying such expensive presents? Money does not grow on trees, you know!"
"You will find a way to do it. When you have to, you do." Reply: "Necessity is the mother of invention."
Hamlet by William S Polonius speaking: "Neither a borrower, nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend"} @"Could you lend me twenty dollars?" Answer: "Sorry,
neither a borrower nor a lender be."
"I got off the bus in West Seattle, turned around, and you were there. I've never been so lucky."
"You are going to bed right now. No ifs, ands or buts about it."
"To play at that level, you are going to have to practice all of the time, you know." Reply: "No pain, no gain."
"What's wrong with him?" Answer: "His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party."
"Do you think you will be able to finish your report by five o'clock today?" Answer: "Not a chance. I'll be busy in meetings all day."
"With this rain today, our baseball game has been off again, on again."
"Do you play tennis much?" Reply: "Off and on. It depends on the weather."
"The race is just about ready to begin.. and now: They're off and running."
"See that guy? He's an off duty policeman."
"The race started, and you were off like a shot."
"We can play anywhere we like, except my father's office. That's off limits."
"Tomorrow is our first meeting with this client so let's not get off on the wrong foot."
"I've decided I'm going to fight him." Reply: "Are you off your rocker? He'll kill you!"
"We should go fishing." Reply: "We can't. Fishing is off season."
"Bob, could you come up here and make a few remarks off the cuff."
"We've caught you again, but this time you won't get off the hook so easily!"
"Off the record, I think he's guilty."
"I know this is off the subject, but does anyone want to order some food? I'm hungry."
"I love your grandfather's house. It's as old as the hills."
"Don't you talk to me like that. I'm old enough to be your father."
"Keith can show you how to do it. He's an old hat."
"Let's have a pizza for dinner." Reply: "I can't. I'm on a diet."
"Do you know John Roberts?" Reply: "Well, I know him. But we are not on a first name basis."
"They went to Hawaii, on a lark." Reply: "Wow. They must be rich."
"Isn't your brother in the army?" Reply: "He is, but he is not on active duty."
"I don't want to go ahead with this project unless everyone is on board."
"We have an emergency. Do you know which doctor is on call tonight?"
"Did you hear that Jean is getting married?" Reply: "Yes. She's been on cloud nine all week."
"I've been on edge all week, with this trouble at work."
"Bob has been on his own since his wife died two years ago."
"Where did you leave your plane ticket?" Reply: "It's on my person."
"Did they fix your motorcycle?" Reply: "Not yet. We are waiting for the tires. They are on order."
"Which school do you prefer?" Answer: "I don' I'm on the fence."
"Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is
on the same page."
"Our old family dog is on her last leg (meaning tired, near death).
"That tennis match is still on my mind."
"In ice hockey you have to be agressive and stay on your toes."
"Come on, let's play one more game of pool for the road."
"Why is it so hard to find this book?" Reply: "It is out of print."
"I would like an ice cream, please." Reply: "Sorry, but the ice cream machine is out of service."
"I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even harder!" Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."
"I often feel out of my element when traveling in a non-English speaking country."
"Did you get that last question on the test?" Reply: "No, it was over my head."
"Face it, Dad. You're over the hill."
"Don't fight with him. He can really pack a punch."
"I was so sorry to to learn that your grandfather passed away."
"If you drink and drive, you will pay the price."
"We've worked so hard to save money that if we took a vacation now it would be
penny-wise, pound-foolish."
"Look at that shirt you are wearing! Did you buy that back in the '80s?!" Answer: "Hey, you're n people who live in glass houses should not throw stones!"
"The coffee machine is broken again." Reply: "I didn't touch it, so don't pin it on me."
"See how fast you are getting better at the piano? Practice makes perfect."
"You keep telling me how to hit the ball. Why don't you practice what you preach?"
"I agr you are preaching to the choir."
"You do like that girl, don't you?" Answer: "No! I don't! Not at all! Why do you think so?" Reply: "You protest too much." #"Protest too much" comes from Hamlet by William S the Queen speaking: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Note: people do not usually use the word "methinks" when they are speaking English today.) To "protest too much" is to insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what you are saying.
"L your shoes are untied... Ha! Just pulling your leg."
"This week the division manager will be in town. I want each of you to putting your best foot forward."
"Last night I was telling a joke, and I really put my foot in my mouth. I had no idea I was talking about Rob's wife."
"Have you two boys been out raising cain again?"
"Our most important client will be in town tomorrow, so let's all roll out the red carpet and take him out to dinner."
"Are you still working on that same painting?" Answer: "Hey! Rome was not built in one day!"
"That taxi ride was a bit round
about, don't you think?"
"Hey- do you remember that time you were giving a speech and you dropped your laptop computer?" Answer: "Oh please, let's not rub salt in old wounds!"
"She shot first, and she ran the table, so I never had a chance."
"I got a 100 on my test!" Reply: "Really? Same here!"
"It was a horrible day. But at least I met you." Reply: "That was the saving grace."
"She started playing the piano whe now it is like second nature to her."
"That restaurant last night was really second rate." Reply: "Oh, that's too bad."
"What's wrong with your grandfather?" Reply: "He feel down, and now he is seeing double."
"I had my heart set on getting into Harvard."
"Nice suit! How much did that set you back?"
"What set him on fire?" Reply: "I don't know. He's been this way all morning."
"You seem to think that everyone is against you. I want to set you straight..."
"The party is starting in ten minutes. Shake a leg!"
"I asked her if she could stay late, and she bawled me out."
"I met your teacher. He speaks highly of you."
"Two players were having a shouting match, so we had to stop the game."
"I thought Jenny was my best friend. Now I find she has sided against me."
"In that war, America sided with England."
"Here is your credit card back, sir. And I just need you to sign on the dotted line."
"What year did Michael Jordan sign on with the Bulls?"
"Do you mind if I sit in on your class?"
"So which movie would you like to see?" Reply: "I'm still sitting
on the fence."
"Let's play another game." Reply: "I'm going to sit this one out."
"How was the concert?" Reply: "Great. The kids were able to sit through the whole thing."
"After I read my paper for the class. That is when everyone sat up and took notice."
"How was our patient last night. The nurses sat up with him all night."
"If we can win next week's match, we will be sitting pretty."
"I say she's a stewardess. She says she's a flight attendant. It's six of one, a half-dozen of the other."
"How did you know they would come?" Reply: "I don't know. I just have a sixth sense."
"He's a very popular senator but he will never
he has too many skeletons in the closet."
"Have you seen Jennifer, lately?" Reply: "Yes, she is all skin and bones."
"I have you slated for tomorrow at 8AM. Is that time okay for you?"
"I won't be at the early meeting tomorrow. I'm sleeping in."
"How was last night?" Reply: "Fine. I slept like a baby."
"Would you hurry up and get ready? You are as slow as molasses in January."
"So long. See you guys tomorrow."
"The election is split down the middle with no clear winner at the moment."
"Did you hear that Jim and Judy split up?"
"I told him we were going to the zoo." Reply: "Did he believe you?" Answer: "He swallowed it hook, line and sinker."
"Sure, I'd love to go to a movie tonight. Do you mind if my brother tags along?"
"Did you see how much our stock price dropped?" Reply: "Yes, I really took a bath."
"Take a look at that car. Isn't it beautiful?"
"Have you seen my watch?" Reply: "I haven't seen it, but I will take a look for it around my house."
"Every day after lunch my grandfather takes a nap."
"We were planning to go to the park, but it rained, so we took a rain check."
"I took two sleeping pills but they haven't taken effect."
"I take exception to what you said last night."
"John totally attacked her during that presentation, but she just took it on the chin."
"I was walking the dog and he just took off on me."
"Nice job on the presentation, Bill." Second person: "Yes, Bill. I really take my hat off to you."
"The president will take office on January 20th, at noon."
"Do you really believe that?" Reply: "I am going to take him at his word."
"There is not much going on right now. It would be a good time to take your break."
"You are going to be late. Why are you taking your time?"
"When did that take place?" Reply: "Yesterday."
"Don't buy a car there. They will take you to the cleaners."
"This new gal at the office is doing so well, now that Terry has taken her under her wings."
"That was a tough situation. Thanks for taking the bull by the horns."
"When you meet my cousin, don't pay too much attention to what he says. He talks a lot of turkey."
"He sure does love his little girl." Reply: "She's the apple of his eye."
"The seller has offered us the house for $250,000; the ball is in our court. What should we do?"
"You will have more and better jobs in your career. This company is not the be all and end all."
"You can either get up early tomorrow and get a lot of work done, or you can stay out late tonight and have fun with your friends, but you can't have the best of both worlds."
"Are you worried that he might be too strong?" Reply: "No, I'm not. He may be big, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall."
"We have no money left. That is the bottom line."
"I thought I would be able to write that article in two hours, but it ended up taking me five. The devil was in the details."
"I always come early to work. The early bird catches the worm!"
"I would prefer to do things differently, but in this situation, the ends justify the means."
"I have always wanted to write a novel, but I can never decide on a topic." Reply: "The first step is always the hardest."
"Jim just saw a beautiful girl he wants to meet." Reply: "The game is afoot."
"I wish our house were as big as theirs." Reply: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
"Its hard to say if what we did was the right thing. The jury is still out on it."
"Should we do it or not?" Answer: "First let's look at the pros and cons."
"Really, I never meant to hurt anybody..." Reply: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"For people who work hard at this company, the sky's the limit."
"Every time that baby cries, they just run around and give him whatever he wants." Reply: "The squeaky wheel gets the oil."
"Every time that baby cries, they just run around and give him whatever he wants." Reply: "The squeeky wheel gets the oil."
"That she and I were both at that busstop on that day and met like that.. the stars were all lined up."
"You broke a lot of rules and we tried to ignore it. But stealing money from us was the straw that broke the camel's back. We're sending you home to your parents."
"At that point, the writing was on the wall; we all knew the company was going out of business."
"It feels so good to be home." Reply: "There's no place like home."
"How did they like the spaghetti I made?" Reply: "They ate it up."
"After my grandfather died, my mom and her brother had a falling out."
"I was just trying to say what I thought, and they jumped all over me."
"How could you talk about your mother that way? She thinks the world of you!"
"You two go on ahead without me. I don't want to be the
third wheel."
"What a crazy party that was. My grandfather was three sheets to the wind."
"I am still angry about what my manager did yesterday!" Answer: "It is be
to err is human, to forgive divine."
"That woman fought tooth and nail during the war to protect her children."
"Oh there you go again, tooting your own horn."
"I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day."
"We invited them to dinner but they just turned up their nose at us."
"Come on, we can figure out a way to do this! Two heads are better than one."
"That boy pushed me yesterday and I am going to get him back today!" Answer: "No you are not! Two wrongs do not make a right."
"What are those kids doing smoking cigarettes? They are under age."
"Everyone at the office has been under the gun since this new manager arrived."
"You are up against a tough team. How do you feel about that?"
"You see those kids on the corner? They're up to no good."
"If he calls you, let me know. And vice versa: If he calls me, I'll tell you."
"She may be dating Peter now, but I am waiting in the wings."
"You can tell him not to do it, but you are just wasting your breath. He will do it anyway."
"What is your job here?" Reply: "Actually, I wear more than one hat.."
"She is kind of player who never hides how she's feeling. One look at her and you know if she's winning or losing." Reply: "She wears her heart on her sleeve."
"We are planning to go to the beach this weekend, weather permitting."
"When do you find the time to work on your book?" Reply: "In the wee hours of the night."
"We need to find which programs are wasting more money, and weed them out."
"You should definitely go visit my parents. They will welcome you with open arms"
"Is your uncle rich?" Reply: "Well, let's just say he is well off."
"Our country club caters to the well to do."
"Your grandfather was born before the war?" Reply: "Yes, he's well up in years."
"Bob may be a little bit wet behind the ears, but he'll make a great salesman someday."
"Let's not bring John to the party. He is such a wet blanket."
"You have been working in the yard all weekend
"So what have you been up to lately?"
"He lied to his girlfriend for years. Now she is lying to him." Reply: "What comes around goes around."
"For someone te be as successful as you are, I want to know: What makes you tick?"
"Don't tell your
what he doesn't know won't hurt him."
"The turkey is ruined. What's done is done. Let's just go out to dinner and forget about it."
"Hey you are 20 minutes late. What's keeping you?"
"Hi bob. What's new?"
"What's the good of fixing it if it is just going to break again, anyway?"
"What's up, Jay?" Reply: "Not much."
"What's with Bob?" Reply: "His wife left him." Answer: "Oh, that's too bad. I could tell something was bothering him."
"My brother likes to wheel and deal. That's just how he is. He sold his first company when he was 23."
"It hadn't rained for over two months. Now it has started raining and it has been raining for a week
straight." Reply: "When it rains, it pours."
"Do you think you will ever work at that company again?" Reply: "When pigs fly!"
"Just do it now, so you don't have to do it on the weekend. Why put of 'till tomorrow what you can do today?"
"How was your business trip?" Answer: "Great- they wined and dined us all week."
"I'll have a double cheeseburger with everything on it."
"I'm sorry I can' I've got my back up against the wall.&quot
"Are you going to watch the game tomorrow?" Answer: "Without a doubt!"
"How did you hear about this party?" Reply: "Word of mouth."
"Let's go to the gym and work out."
"Don't worry. It will work out all right."
"I didn't win this election, but still I feel that things will work out for the best."
"Can you meet with me on Wednesday?" Reply: "I am quite busy Wednesday, but this is important. I can work you in."
"I heard your brother was robbed." Reply: "Yes, and they worked him over before they took his wallet."
"If you can't pay for your meal, you'll have to work it off washing dishes."
"Year after year, you say you are going to move."
"Do they close for the winter?" Reply: "No, they're open year round."
"He has been the mayor of this town for ten years running."
"The law says that even if the light are green, drivers must yield the right of way to pedestrians."
"The kids wanted to stay up late, and I caved in. Now I can't get them to bed."
"Are you going to tell him what you think?" Reply: "You bet your boots I am."
"Are you guys going to win?" Reply: "You can bet on it."
"I told her exactly what to do, but she didn't listen to me." Reply: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."
"Great tennis match. That was exhausting." Reply: "You can say that again."
"Public relations is a tough job. I have to be all things to all people."
"He dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?" Reply: "You can't judge a book by its cover."
"Jen is quite upset that she did not get the job." Reply: "Well, you can't please everyone."
"I have been trying to teach my dad to use the computer, but he is never going to get it." Reply: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
"I love living in this city, but it is rather polluted." Reply: "You have to take the good with the bad."
"He has been treating other people like that for years. Now it happens to him." Reply: "You reap what you sow."
"I would really appreciate it if you introduce me to him... You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."
"I am in the mood for pizza. Are you?"
"I'm in the mood to play tennis." Reply: "Let's play."
"You don't want to sing this song?" Reply: "I'm not into it right now."
"It was a long day, and I'm really zonked out. Let's just go to bed."
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