谁能发给我《the mythbeauty myth》这文章的中文翻译啊?

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文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&翻译下面的文章:_百度知道谁可以帮我翻译一下这文章?翻成中文~_百度知道谁能帮我把一段中文翻译成英文啊!谢谢啦!_百度知道美貌与智慧并存只是一个传说吗?Is Beauty Plus Brains A Mere Myth?Can someone be beautiful and brainy at the same time? Or is it that models or people who are physically attractive are not usually that smart? Does being more beautiful make you brainier, or does brainy make you any less beautiful?有没有人可以集美貌与智慧于一身呢? 外表美丽的模特抑或其他人通常不聪明吗?是美丽容貌使你更聪明,还是智慧使你缺少美丽的容颜?According a recent research conducted in US and UK, physically attractive men and women are much smarter than regular people. It goes on to say that attractive women have an IQ that is 11.4 points higher than average-looking women. I don’t buy that argument, because I feel their intelligence is because of them as a people, not because of the pretty faces.根据最近的一份研究表明, 在美国和英国,外表美丽的男性和女性们比一般人更聪明一点。而且,漂亮女性的智商比一般女性高11.4分。我并不认同这个观点,我认为他们的智慧只与人相关,而与漂亮面孔没有关系。We have all seen fantastic-looking women say the dumbest things. We have all heard Miss Universe contestants failing to answer questions that even five-year olds can. However, there are myriad of examples that prove that as a concept, beauty and brains can go hand in hand.我们都看过漂亮女人说一些愚蠢的事情。经常听到一些环球小姐的参赛者回答不出连五岁小孩都会得问题。不过,也有很多例子表明,美丽与智慧可以并存。1. Natalie Portman1. 娜塔丽·波特曼She is a Harvard graduate. That’s right , Harvard! Has contributed to scientific journals and even given a lecture on terrorism at Columbia. Wow! And she looks spectacular, doesn’t she, and a phenomenal actress to top it.她是哈佛毕业生,没错,哈佛!曾经为科学期刊工作甚至还在哥伦比亚大学发表过关于恐怖主义的演讲。哇! 她看起来很不一般,不是么?当然她最突出的身份还是女演员。2. Famke Janssen2. 范姆克·詹森The X-men hottie graduate from Columbia in English literature and also fluent in Dutch, German, English and French. Now that’s a combination that is hard to beat.这位主演《X战警》的辣妹毕业于哥伦比亚大学英语文化专业,并且她的荷兰语,德语,英语和法语也同样很流利。真是无懈可击啊。3. Kate Beckinsale3. 凯特·贝金赛尔This Vampire-butt-kicking beauty is not just a pretty face. She graduated from Oxford. When she was younger, she also won the W. H. Smith Young Writers award for her creative writing. She speaks French and Russian. Man, is she talented.这位吸血鬼的主演可不是个脸蛋儿漂亮的花瓶。她毕业于牛津大学。年轻时,她还因个人创作荣获 W. H. 史密斯青年作家奖。凯特会讲法语和俄语。伙计,她很有才吧?4. Maggie Gyllenhal4. 玛吉·吉伦哈尔She is a graduate in literature and Eastern religions from Columbia. And who can forget the fantastic movies she has done, from the critically acclaimed ‘Secretary' to 'Sherrybaby’ to the cute baker in ‘Stranger than Fiction’. Not just that, she is also highly active in human rights, civil liberty, and anti-poverty crusades. That’s a thinking man’s star, eh!她毕业于哥伦比亚大学文学与东方宗教专业。她演过的影片角色,从《秘书》、《雪莉宝贝》到《笔下求生》中的可爱糕点师,都深入人心。不仅如此,玛吉积极投身人权、民权自由以及反贫困运动中,堪称是一位有思想的明星!5. Emma Watson5. 艾玛·沃森The innocent-looking wizard from Harry Potter is currently attending Brown University, studying European women's history and drama. She will go on to Oxford for a year post Brown. The beautiful Emma who stole a million hearts with her portrayal of Hermoine Granger, is also a very smart cook。这位《哈利波特》里的天真无邪的小巫师目前正就读于布朗大学,学习欧洲女性历史与戏剧。此后她将去牛津大学学习一年。美丽的艾玛因为出色扮演赫敏-格兰杰而赢得无数人的钦慕,而且她还是个很聪明厨子。6. Jennifer Connelly6. 詹妮弗·康奈利The actress who has mesmerized us all through all these years went to not one, but two Ivy League schools, Yale and then later to Stanford。这位深入人心的迷人演员毕业于两所常青藤院校——先是耶鲁大学后来去了斯坦福大学。7. Danica McKellar7. 丹妮卡 麦凯拉The cute, fringe-haired beauty from ‘The Wonder Years’, has co-authored a math theorem. Now who would have thought that? Kevin Arnold was one lucky boy to have Winnie Cooper as his girlfriend. He left many others fuming with envy。这位《纯真年代》里的可爱刘海儿美女曾与人合著一个数学定理,可现在谁还记得这个?人们只记得那部电影中凯文·阿诺德幸运的赢得了温妮·库珀的芳心,让别人只能在一旁嫉妒。There are many other such examples of women who have proved that they have the killer mix of beauty and brains. So it is a clear possibility. However, I am of the opinion that just like having a degree won't make one any brainer, having a pretty face doesn't automatically mean being smart either. Every person has their own take on what they consider beautiful and/or intelligent. Some might call Einstein brainer than newton, while some might say that Emma Watson is prettier than Natalie Portman. However, while brain power can be measured through proven tests beauty can't. so when magazines rate hot women, it is simply based on popular opinion其实还有很多女性可以证明自己是美貌与智慧的完全组合。所以这种可能性很显然,不过,我还是那个智慧与美丽互不影响观点的支持者之一。每个人都有他 评定美丽与智慧的标尺。一些人会认为爱迪生比牛顿聪明,还有人认为艾玛比娜塔莉·波特曼更漂亮。智慧可以用测验来检测,然而美丽却不能,所以当杂志评选热 辣美女时,基本上是根据她的受欢迎程度来决定的。Both beauty and brains depend on the genes that are passed on to us. The other things that contribute towards building brains and a healthy image of ourselves include, the kind of books we read, social circle, people we respect and follow, ideas and thoughts that have been fed to us and the ones we develop by ourselves, music we listen to, art we appreciate, opportunities we get, encouragement we receive from our loved ones, and most of all, personal motivation. All in all, beauty and brains can go hand in hand, or could have nothing to do with each other. It all depends from person to person。美貌和智慧都受遗传基因的影响。除此之外,对于塑造一个智慧和健康的形象有利的因素还包括:阅读的书籍的种类、社交圈子、钦佩的人和榜样、被灌输的 及个人形成的思想观念、所听的音乐、喜欢的艺术、遇到的契机、来自爱人的鼓励,而且,最重要的是,自我的动力。总而言之,美貌与智慧可以兼得,而且彼此之 间可能互不影响。一切都得看个人具体情况。英语美文(beautify_english) 
有图有字~妈妈再也不用担心我记不住了~食物类piece of cake小菜一碟The math test w第1封:写给你假如人生不曾相遇,我还是那个我,偶尔做做梦,然后,开始日复一日的奔波,淹没在这喧嚣的城市里。我你说得挺对,但我就不听你的有一种修养,叫看透但不说透Many people have become the slaves of time and tide, fThat's Why You Go Away, MLTR很经典的一首歌,描述了失去恋人后不能愈合心灵的创伤,歌曲感染力太强,让人听了不自觉陷入歌者的悲伤中去。在人生游戏中,总会感觉自己总在经历失败。你并不是一个人。人生就是一个巨大的谜题,充满了起起伏伏。如果你觉得你经历的失败多余成功,偶尔感受一点严厉之爱也许会有帮助。所以我们总结了会帮助你成长的10个残酷事实。文 / 冯唐很多了不起和钱一点关系都没有。比如曾经有一个诗人,有天晚上起来撒尿,见月伤心,写了二十个字:“床原来,猪是看不到天空的你知道鲨鱼一次怀孕需要4年,长颈鹿只睡俩小时,而猪是看不到天空的吗?文 / 赵星作者公众号:一直特立独行的猫01 越长大 越无能前几天跟一个香港的前辈吃饭,他突然问我:“是不是From today, forget a person or something that troubles西班牙有一句谚语:“如果常常流泪,就不能看见星光。”我很喜欢这句话,所以即使要哭,也只在下午小哭一下,夜间要去看星,是没有时间哭的。再说,我还要去采果子呢。其实都知道该活得令自己满意。只是我们都明白的某些道理,在现实里消磨了不少;某些对抗焦虑时以为可达的通路,却没有真实地落地,安慰到我们。然而摄影师林海音做到了,她拿起相机,活成自己喜欢的样子。There has never been the best in the world but only th什么样的前任,是绝对可以复合的?文 / 欧·亨利托尔斯·钱德勒先生在他那间在过道上隔成的卧室里熨晚礼服。一只熨斗烧在小煤气炉上,另一只熨斗拿我们中的很多人,花了十几年甚至二十几年的时间在学校里学习、接受教育,到底是为什么?知识、名声、乐趣,还是为了When we were young, the most frustrating thing is to d冯小刚的新片《我不是潘金莲》未播先火,刚刚斩获第64届圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节最高荣誉“金贝壳奖”,范冰冰也凭借“1、别低估任何人。 ————收敛自己的脾气,经常要保持沉默,因为冲动会做下让自己无法挽回的事情。  2、你没对呀,我就是要花你的钱我卖了北京的房子移居大理后......Everyone has too many reasons to die but still wants t1988年4月,24岁的哥伦比亚大学哲学系博士霍华德金森对121名自称非常幸福的人进行调查,得出这个世界上有两个人适不适合,吃顿饭就知道了来源:知乎@艳阳天里吃大葱01说一句很有内涵的诗句一懒众衫小02你听过的第一个3D环绕音乐是什么?丢手绢03每个人都孤单,所以朋友圈刷了一遍又一遍有多少女人的心在夜晚男人的鼾声中渐渐变硬,从此连一点一点的热都不再渴望。嗨,大家好!你们今天过得怎么样?  我现在和弗吉尼亚州阿林顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起,全国各地也有If 如果by Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when去接近那些充满正能量的人英语极客,传授不为人知的《右脑心法》,并通过右脑强化训练,最终在一年之内讲一口流利的英语…… “还有谁……想Everyone is playacting one after another in his or her.身边无数“经验人士”告诉我们,爱情走了两年,死期就到了,甚至专家用数据告诉我们,爱情的保鲜期是十八个月。虽然石康:不奋斗的姑娘我不爱文 / 周冲作者公众号:周冲的影像声色01我的母亲老了。而我,也即将老去。还在年轻一点的时候,她和我说起更年我拼命努力,不是为了同你坐在一起喝咖啡我一直都觉得,爱情里最美妙的时刻,就是在遇见对方之初,怦然心动的抑郁症是一条黑狗,咬死了无数天才。关于抑郁症,无论是谁,都可能被这条黑狗侵扰,不存在什么万能灵.你必须有一个不可动摇的第一Many times, kind-hearted advices will only make us medMeg Jay发现,这一黄金时期能对人的未来情感、幸福甚至世界有着转折性影响。20岁,要努力增加自身In this journey, I have met so many people and missed人生是选择的总和人生最大的错误,是不断担心会犯错Fight SongRachel PlattenLike a small boat on the ocean我知道你性子急,爱吃醋,还有点肥嘟嘟……可是,那又怎样?我就喜欢这样的你。吴淡如:你忍耐,他受损beautify_english美丽的英语美文故事、耐人寻味的英语语法详解,捧腹大笑的双语笑话,还有更多精彩的英语口语交流。每日英语美文,让英语学习成为一种好习惯。热门文章最新文章beautify_english美丽的英语美文故事、耐人寻味的英语语法详解,捧腹大笑的双语笑话,还有更多精彩的英语口语交流。每日英语美文,让英语学习成为一种好习惯。


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