who _____ (not,know) damingtianxia?

A层Starter Module 1 Unit 1【课前预习】 一、能够读熟下列单词:hello, morning, afternoon, evening, class, name, goodbye, class, miss 二、理解 Hello. Good morning/ afternoon/(evening)的意思 三、课本 S2-S3 页内容,尤其活动一中图片对应对话的顺序,看懂弄懂。 四、将预习中遇到的难点记录: (一)单词发音: (二)语句认读: (三)句意理解: (四)知识困惑: 【课堂活动】一、导入(一)课堂开始问候: T:Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls/ class! My name’s _______. S: Good morning/afternoon, teacher!(小学都学过,应该驾轻就熟)中国是礼仪之邦, 见面总得打招呼,那么请同学们说说中国的见面打招呼怎样?(引导学生)让学生回 答:若 S1:你好!S2:吃了吗?S3:上哪儿?S4:忙什么?…这些和西方完全不一样。 中国人往往问的带个人隐私,而西方则不同。具体看下面的活动。 二、 听力训练 听活动 1 对话,完成下列小题: 1. ---______, class. My name’s Miss Zhou. ---_____________, Miss Zhou. 2. --- Good afternoon, Class. --- ___________, Miss Zhou. 3. --- _________, class. --- Goodbye, Miss Zhou. 三、理解 Hello. Good morning/ afternoon. Goodbye. 小组活动讨论交流。 四、重难点突破 (一)处理预习中遇到的难点 Class 意为:班级。在这里指全班同学们 将课堂中学生发音问题提取,提醒:音在学习中的重要性。引入语音学习必要重 要性,先从字母音开始入手 (二)语音: 1. 活动 5 听录音,注意字母发音。12. 活动 6 学唱字母歌。 3. 字母:英语单词是由字母构成的,字母是书写的最小单位。英语字母共有 26 个,其中 5 个是元音字母即 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Un,21 个是辅音字母,就是这 26 个字母构 成了数以万计的英语单词。 4. 音素:人说话的声音是由若干单个的音组成的,即使是一个很短的字、词也是 由一定的读音组成的。英语把组成一个读音的最小单位叫音素。 音标:音标是记录音素的符号。英语音标就是记载英语字母和单词读音的符号。 英语国际音标共 48 个音素.其中元音音素 20 个,辅音音素 28 个。 本单元重点音素学习: /e?/ name, /:/ afternoon, Carla /a?/ Mike, bye, /??/ hello, /?:/morning,/U:/ afternoon用掐头法学习 Ff, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ss, Xx 这 6 个辅音字母在单词中的读音/f/,/?/,/m/, /n/,/s/,/ ks /。 four /f? :/ food /fu:d/ foot/f? t/ fox/f? ks/ egg/eg/ love/l?v/ some/s?m/ let/let/ night/na? t/ moon/mu:n/ six/s?ks/ net/net/五、朗读 活动 1 达到理解掌握运用 六、.综合运用 完成活动 3。读熟对话运用,表演对话。拓展:在现实中运用所学,与伙伴对话。 七、当堂达标 (一)补全对话 ---Hello. --- ______. ---______. ---Good morning. --- Good afternoon. --- ___________. --- _________. --- Goodbye. (二)字母 英语单词是由字母构成的,字母是书写的最小单位。英语字母共有_____个,其中 ______个是元音字母即_____________,_______个是辅音字母,就是这 26 个字母构成 了数以万计的英语单词。 【作业】 熟读对话,练习发音。练习 26 个字母书写。 Starter Module 1 Unit 2【课前预习】 一、能够读熟下列单词:please, sorry, can, spell, thank fine, how. 二、能够理解下列句子的意思: (一)What’s your name? I’m …. (二)Can you spell it, please? Thank you. (三)How are you? Fine, thank you. How are you?Fine, thanks. 三、课本 S4-S5 页内容看懂弄懂。 四、将预习中遇到的难点记录: (一)单词发音: (二)语句认读: (三)句意理解: (四)知识困惑: 【课堂活动】 一、导入 T:Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls/ class! S: Good morning/afternoon, teacher! T: My name’s _______. And what’s your name?(指向一位学生) S:___________. T: Can you spell?(可能学生一头雾水,用汉语提示,即将汉语拼音对应英文拼出) Ok,let’s go for Unit 2 二、听力训练 听活动 1 对话,完成下列小题: 1. Good morning. ______ Chen Zhong. _________, Mr Chen. 2. What’s ___________, please? I’m Lingling. 3. _____ you spell it? 4. ______ are you? ______. 三、理解Hi, Hello, Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. How are you?(Fine, thank you.) Thank you.(二)语音: 点播课堂中学生语音问题,复习:/e?/,/:/,/a?/指导学习:/a?/ how,/θ/ thank用去尾法学习 Bb, Cc, Dd, Jj, Kk,Pp, Tt, Vv, Zz,这 9 个辅音字母在单词中的发音,/b/,/s/,/d/,/d?/,/ k/,/p/,/ t/,/v/,/z/。Bob bike 五、朗读rice popbed teajeep fiveThanks. How are you? Can you spell it?(小组活动交流) 四、重难点突破(一)打招呼:Hi, Hello, Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. How are you?(Fine, thank you.) (拓展:How is he?He is fine. How is she? She is fine. ) Can you spell it? (你会拼吗?)2(一)读熟活动 1 对话。 (二)休闲英语歌:Hi, hello, How are you?I’m fine. I’m fine.(提供 MP3 文件) 六、综合运用 完成课本活 3,4 和 5, 七、当堂达标 (一)写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 ___ B ____ ____ F____ ____ G____ ___ E ____ ____ f____ ____ d _____ (二)单项选择 ( )1.― Good morning! ― __________ ! A.Hi B.Hello C. Good morning ( ) 2.― Good afternoon, Dale! ― _________ ! A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening ( ) 3.― Hi, Beth! ― _____ ! A.Hello B.Hi, Ben C.Morning, Tom ( ) 4.早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:D_____‖ A.Hello! B.How are you? C.Good morning, Miss/Mr… ( ) 5.下面字母中占三格的是 _______。 A.g B.h C.f 【作业】 学唱 How are you ? 歌曲 四、重难点突破Starter Module 1 Unit 3【课前预习】 1.能够读熟下列单词:please, sorry, can, spell, thank fine, how. 2.能够理解下列句子的意思: ① This is …. ②Nice to meet you. ③ It’s time to go now ④See you tomorrow. 3. 课本 S6-S7 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4.将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 播放 How are you ? 歌曲。引入介绍:This is …. This is my friend. 二、听力训练 听活动 1 对话,完成下列小题: 1. This is Miss Zhou. ______ my teacher. 2. Miss Zhou, this is my _______. 3. ______ name’s Tony. 4. Hello, Tony, nice to ________. 5. It’s ______ to go now. 三、理解 1. This is …. 2. Nice to meet you. 3. It’s time to go now 4. See you tomorrow. 5.This is ….用于介绍D这是……‖ 6. Her/ His/ My name is… (她的/ 他的/我的) 名字是……31.This is ….用于介绍D这是……‖ 难点:Is this your mother?回答:为 Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.) 2. Her/ His/ My name is….(她的/ 他的/我的) 名字是…… 3. Nice to meet you. 回答:Nice to meet you,too. D见到你很高兴‖ 即 A: Nice to meet you B: Nice to meet you, too. 4. See you tomorrow. 明天见。回答:See you tomorrow/See you. 即 A: See you tomorrow. B: See you tomorrow/See you. 5. 语音: 用汉语拼音对比法学习 Gg, Hh, Yy, Ww, Rr 这 5 个辅音字母的发音, /g/, / h/, / j/,/ w/,/ r/。 bag how yes wear red ruler 五、朗读 Practice the dialogue(对话) 六、综合运用 1. 演对话 2. 编对话,运用所学表达 七、当堂达标 完成活动 3 和 7 【三】作业 读熟对话,熟练运用。Starter Module 2 Unit 1【一】课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:open, your, sit, down, listen, draw, put , up, stand, close. 2.能够理解下列句子: ① Stand up. ②Sit down.③ Put up your hand.④Close your book. 3. 课本 S8-S9 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4. 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 本单元为祈使句课堂指令单元,相信大家都预习了,直接进行课本学习。运用师 生互问,起立坐下来导入。 二、听力训练 Listen and match. 1. Put up a. your book. 2. Open b. down. 3. Stand c. up. 4. Sit d. your hand. 三、理解 祈使句 四、重难点突破 1. 祈使句。 2. 语音学习: ①Go over the knowledge and find the new rules: 15 个辅音字母在单词中发音规律是不变的: 它们是:Ff, Ll, Mm, Nn, Bb, Dd, Jj, Kk,Pp, Tt, Vv, Zz, Hh, Ww, Rr ② 5 个辅音字母在单词中发音是有变化的:Cc, Gg, Qq, Xx, Ss ③ 半元音 Yy 的发音有变化。 Go on to learn the new rules: T: Teach them to find the rules and try to remember the rules. Ss: Study in groups and try to remember the rules. ① 字母 Cc 的发音规律: 在何时 发音 例词 在字母 “e”, “i”, “y”前 /s/ face/ /, nice/ /, Lucy/ / 不在字母“e”, “i”, “y”前 /k / cake/ /, cup/ /, class / / ② . 字母 Gg 的发音规律: 在何时 发音 例词 在字母 “e”, “i”, “y”前 / /或/ / age/ /, get/ /, gift / / gym/ /, foggy/ / 不在字母“e”, “i”, “y”前 / / game/ /, go/ /, gum/ / 五、朗读 课本 S8-S9 页的内容。4六、综合运用 伙伴之间互换角色演练。 七、当堂达标 【三】作业Starter Module 2 Unit 2【一】课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:number, here, one-ten10 个数字, telephone, (caught, fish, alive, then, let again). 2.能够理解下列句子: ①What class are you in?. I’m in Class ____. ②What’s your telephone number? It’s …/ My number is…. 3. 课本 S10-S11 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 1. 师生相互问好,同时复习上节课内容。且提问 Are you a new student? What class are you in? 二、听力训练 听活动 4,填空。 1. What’s your telephone _______? 2. It’s seven _________________. 3. My number is nine ___________. 4. My number is four ______________. 三、理解 1.What class are you in?. I’m in Class ____. 2. What’s your telephone number? It’s …/ My number is…. 四、重难点突破 1. What class are you in?. I’m in Class ____. 2. What’s your telephone number? It’s …/ My number is…. 学习元音 8 个双元音:对应例词:ear, hear,there,hair, 长元音 tour, cake, eye, I, boy, toy, go, how, now, 五、朗读 短元音 1. Read 活动 4. 2. listen and chant. ㈠ One, two, three, four, five fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten again. ㈡ One, two, three, four Five, six, seven, eight Once I caught a Then I let it go双元音② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑:/:/ / ?/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ /?:/ /?/ /a?/ /e?/ /a?/ / ?:/ /?/ /??/ /??/ /i:/ /?/ /U:/ /?/ /e/ /?/【二】课堂活动 一、导入 教师自问自答: What’s my name? My name is …. How old am I? I’m …. 你呢?What’s your name? How old are you? 二、听力训练 1.Match.活动 3 三、理解 1. What’s your name?I open the door. My name is Kate.2. How old are you? I’m …. 3. How many … are there? 四、重难点突破 1.How old are you? I’m ….(How old is he/ she? He/ She is ….) 2.How many … are there? 3.语音:12 个单元音:长元音 短元音 /:/ / ?/ /e?/ /?:/ /?/ /a?/ /e?/ /a?/ / ?:/ /?/ /??/ /??/ /i:/ /?/ /U:/ /?/ /e/ /?/六、综合运用 课堂秀:表演对话。 七、当堂达标 1. 完成活动 5,6, 7,8 【三】作业 根据本课内容,与伙伴自编对话。Starter Module 2 Unit 3【一】课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:how, old, eleven-twenty. 2.能够理解下列句子子: ①What’s your name? ②How old are you? I’m …. 3. 课本 S12-S13 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音:5双元音/??/ /??/五、朗读 ①What’s your name? ② How old are you? I’m …. 两个特殊问句 六、综合运用 对话练习。 七、当堂达标【三】作业Starter Module 3 Unit 1【一】 课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:English, blackboard, book, pen, pencil, write, spell, dog, cat, flower, bird. 2.能够理解下列句子:① . What’s this in English? ② . Write it on the blackboard.③ . How do you spellit?Unit 2【一】 课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:help, of course, sorry, know, say, again, welcome, basketball, panda, computer, monkey, chicken, blackboard. 2.能够理解下列句子: ① . Can you help me, please? ②. Of course. ③. How do you spell …? ④. I don’tknow. 4. ---Thank you. --- You’re welcome.3 课本 S14-S15 页内容,尤其活动一中图片对应对话的顺序,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 教师拿着不透明的包:用英语问 What’s in the bag? Guess(猜)然后从里面拿出一样 并问:What’s this in English?引导学生。 二、听力训练 1. What’s this _________? ________ a book. 2. ______ it on the blackboard. 3. How _______ spell D pencil‖? 三、理解 1. What’s this in English? 2. Write it on the blackboard. 3. How do you spell it? 四、重难点突破问这是什么?What’s this in English? It’s … How do you spell it? 例如:What’s this in English? It’s a book. How do you spell it? B-O-O-K. 语音:3 课本 S16-S17 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 生活学习中难免遇到一些困难, 需要求助, 试看英语中的小小表达。 进入今天 Unit 2 Can you help me, please?你能帮我吗? 二、听力训练 听对话,填空 1. ______ you help me, please? Yes, ___________. 2. ______ do you spell desk? D-E-SK. 3. _____ you. You’re ______. 三、理解 1. Can you help me, please? 2. Of course. 3. How do you spell …? 3. I don’t know.4. ---Thank you. --- You’re welcome.五、朗读 活动 1 对话。 六、综合运用 对话演练活动 2 七、当堂达标 【三】作业 自编对话四、重难点突破 1. Can you help me, please? 2. Of course. 3. How do you spell …? 3. I don’t know. 4. ---Thank you. --- You’re welcome. (That’s all right.) 5. 语音: 五、朗读 活动 1 对话 六、综合运用Starter Module 36演练对话,活动 5 七、当堂达标 活动 6 【三】作业 练习书写:活动 6 内容活动 7 【三】作业 活动 6.Starter Module 3 Unit 3【一】 课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:colour, black, white, blue, green, yellow, red, brown, orange, telephone, door, window. 2.能够理解下列句子:① . What colour is it? It’s …. 3 课本 S18-S19 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 我们的生活丰富多彩,缤纷绚丽。那怎样用英语询问颜色和回答呢?进入 Unit3. 二、听力训练 听录音,写出相关颜色的单词。 1. _______2. ______ 3. ______ 4. _______ 5. ________6. ______ 7. _____ 8.______ 三、理解 What colour (非 What’s ) is it? 四、重难点突破 解决遇到的难点 语音: 五、朗读 读熟 S18 页内容。 六、综合运用 问答活动 5,用上本课句型。What colour is the …? It’s 七、当堂达标7Starter Module 4 Unit 1【一】 课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:everyday, life, today, Sunday---Saturday, tomorrow. 2.能够理解下列句子:① . What day is it? It’s …. 3 课本 S20-S21 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① 单词发音: ② 语句认读: ③ 句意理解: ④ 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 今天星期几?用英语怎样问答?大家想知道吗?好,学习 Unit1 二、听力训练 听对话填空: _______ morning, class. What ____ is it today?It’s _______ . Tomorrow is ____________. 三、理解 What day 问句,everyday 用法 四、重难点突破 everyday 与 every day 的区别everyday adj. 每天的, 日常的, 平常的, 平凡的. 这是形容词,用于修饰作用。 如: My everyday shoes, not my best ones 我平常穿的鞋,不是最好的 This is an everyday dress. 这是一套便服。 every day 名词短语,多用作时间状语。 如: She goes to work every day. 她每天都去上班。五、朗读 Activity1 对话 六、综合运用 活动 2 对话,互问互答,将所有的星期包括在内。 七、当堂达标 【三】作业 1.练习书写并写会 Sunday-Saturday7 个单词。 2.对话读熟会用。六、综合运用 活动 6 七、当堂达标 活动 5 Listen and write 【三】作业 活动 5 内容书写。Starter Module 4 Unit 3【一】 课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:favourite, sport, basketball, football, swimming, table, tennis, play, school, too. 2.能够理解下列句子:① . What’s your favourtie sport? It’s …./ My favourite sport is ….② Let’s play football after school.③ Let’s go swimming on Wednesday. 3 课本 S24-S25 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① ② ③ ④ 单词发音: 语句认读: 句意理解: 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 What’s the weather like? What day is it today?口语练习,What’s your favourite day ? What’s your favourite colour? 引入 What’s your favourite sport? 二、听力训练 Listen and number 三、理解 ① . What’s your favourtie sport? It’s …./ My favourite sport is ….② Let’s play football after school.③ Let’s go swimming on Wednesday. 四、重难点突破 Let’s play football. Let’s go swimming. Let 的用法 介词 on 的用法:on Wednesday 五、朗读Starter Module 4 Unit 2【一】 课前预习 1.能够读熟下列单词:weather, spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold. 2.能够理解下列句子:① . What’s the weather like? It’s …. 3 课本 S22-S23 页内容,看懂弄懂。 4 将预习中遇到的难点记录: ① ② ③ ④ 单词发音: 语句认读: 句意理解: 知识困惑: 【二】课堂活动 一、导入 口语练习, 复习上课内容, What day ; 引入 What’s the weather like? It’s hot/ cool. Go for Unit 2. 二、听力训练 Listen and match : 活动二 三、理解What’s the weather like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter? It’s ….四、重难点突破What’s the weather like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter in Xi’an/ Beijing…? It’s …. 具体例句一一练习。五、朗读 S22 页内容8 活动 3 六、综合运用 活动 4,5 活动 6 七、当堂达标 活动 7 【三】作业 对话书写读熟Module 1 Unit 1【课前预习】 一、根据汉语提示写出下列短语。 1. 来自 4. 我们的朋友 2. 你的老师 5. 欢迎来到…… 3.我的学生们 6. 七年级四班 3. 十二岁二、汉译英。根据汉语提示完成句子。9 1. 见到您很高兴。 2. 我来自中国,我是中国人。1. Listen to the dialogue 3 and answer the questions below. (You can listen to it once.) (1) How many people are there in the dialogue? (2) Who are they? Write their names.3. 你来自英国,你是英国人。 2. Listen to the dialogue 3 and fill the blanks with the proper words you hear. (You can listen to 4. 他来自美国,他是美国人。 5. 她几岁了?她十二岁。 6. 你来自何地?我来自北京。 7. 你呢? 8. 我在七年级四班。 【课堂活动】 一、学习目标 (一) 知识目标:能够使用下列单词和句型 China/C America/A England/E hi/ he, what about…? How old…? Welcome to… (二)能力目标:会询问他人信息或进行自我介绍。 (三)情感态度和价值观:学会交流,广交朋友。 二、导入 Introduce myself to all the classmates one by one. You can use the information below. (一) My name is…./ I am …. (二) I am … years old. (三) I am from … (四) …is my friend./… are my friends. 三、听力训练 (一)小听力。 (Listening and vocabulary) 1. Listen and check (√) the number of speakers. 2. Listen again and check (√) the words you hear. (二)大听力。10it twice.) A: Hello, my name is LiFang. I’m your (1). Wuhan. What’s your name? B: My name is WangLingling. A: Nice to meet you, Lingling. (3). B: I’m from Beijing. I’m Chinese. A: How (4). are you? you? years old. ? . I’m Tony Smith. , too? B: I’m thirteen years old. A: Good. Hello, what (5). A: Thanks. Hello, are you from (7). D: No, I’m not. I’m from (8). A: Nice to meet you, Tony. Hi, are you (9). B: Tony and Betty are our friends. A: Good. Welcome to Class 4 (10). ( ) (1) Ms. Li is from Wuhan. ( ) (2) Lingling is twelve years old. ( ) (3) Daming is thirteen years old. ( ) (4) Tony is not in Class 4. ( ) (5) Betty is from America. 四、理解 (一)Work in pairs. Choose the correct answer. 1. ―Is Daming from Beijing? 2. ―Is Lingling from Beijing? 3. ―Is Tony from America? ―Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t. ―Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. ―Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t. 7. 3. Listen to the dialogue 3, and check (√) the true sentences. (You can listen to it once.) C: Hello, Ms Li. My name is Li Daming and I’m from Beijing, too. I’m (6). are you from? and you’re my students. I’m Chinese. I’m (2).E: No, I’m not. I’m American and my name is Betty King. 4. ―Is Betty English? 5. ―Are you from China?―Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. ―Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. America Chinese England grade studentWang Lingling Li Daming Tony Smith Betty King 7. Betty is from (3) 1. 2. 3. 4. (二) Introduce yourself and your friend to all the classmates. 1. 2. 八、当堂达标 (一)用 be 的适当形式填空。 1. I 2. You 3. 4. They 5. He ( ) 1. Tony ( ) 2. ― ―Nice to meet you, too. A. Hi! B. Nice to meet you. C. How are you? . ( ) 3. Daming is China and he is a teacher. a student. you English? No, we don’t. students. from England and he twelve years old. English. / /(二)Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.Model: Hello, this is Ms. Li. She is a teacher. She is from Wuhan. She is Chinese. .Betty, Tony, Daming and Lingling are (1) and Tony is from (4) 五、重难点突破 (一)Nice to meet you.见到您很高兴。其答语为: (二)be from=come from 来自。 Where are you from? I’m from Beijing. eg. (三)How old…? 多大年龄? How old are you? I’m twelve years old. eg. (四)I’m Chinese. 我是中国人。 be+表示D哪国人‖的形容词,表示D是哪国人‖。 You’re English and I’m American. eg.in Class 4 (2). Daming and Lingling are (5)(五)Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7. 欢迎来到七年级四班。 Welcome(sb.)to +地点,意为D欢迎(某人)到某地‖。 Welcome you to our school. eg. Class 4 Grade 7 七年级四班;in Class 4 Grade 7 在七年级四班。 eg. 六、朗读 (一)Read aloud the dialogue again and again, then read in role. (二)Pronunciation―Listen and repeat. 七、综合运用 (一)Read the dialogue. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue and introduce them. You can choose one of them. Name Li Fang11(二)单项选择。 A. is B. am C. areAge /FromClass /Chinese/English/AmericanJobA. from, Chinese B. of, Chinese C. from, china ( ) 4. ―are you? C. How old―I’m thirteen years old. A. How many B. How much ( ) 5. I am Class 1 Grade 7. A. in B. on C. to (三)根据汉语完成句子。 1. 见到您很高兴。 2. 王玲来自中国,她是中国人。 3. 我来自英国,我是英国人。 4. 你几岁了?我十二岁。 5. 她来自何地?我来自美国。 【作业】 (一)趣味阅读 Where's the father? Two brothers are looking at some beautiful paintings. &Look,& says the elder brother. &How nice these paintings are!& &Yes,& says the younger, &but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?& The elder brother thinks for a moment and then says, &Obviously he is painting the pictures.& (二)写一篇文章介绍你和你的朋友。 (包括姓名、年龄、来自何处、哪国人、班级等项目。 )Module 1 Unit 2【课前预习】 一、根据汉语提示写出下列短语。 1. …的省会、首都 4. 名字122. 一个非常大的城市 5. 姓 6. 我的英语名字3. 一个小城市 7. 在我的班级 二、汉译英。根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 北京市中国的首都。 2. 这是玲玲。 3. 上海市个非常的的城市。 4. 汤尼是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。 5. 见到你们大家不错。 【课堂活动】 学习目标 1. 知识目标: 能够应用下列单词和短语 everyone, all, capital, city, but, very, big, small, first name, last name 2. 能力目标:会进行自我介绍或介绍他人。 3. 情感态度和价值观:学会交流,广交朋友,认识中西方文化(姓名)的不同。 一、导入 Let’s show. Ask and answer according to the information below. A: Hello, my name is … What’s your name? B: Nice to meet you, … My name is … A: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? B: I’m from … A: I’m from … too. How old are you? B: I’m … years old. 二、阅读理解 (一) Read the passage and check (√) the true sentences. ( ) 1. Henry is Daming’s English name. ( ) 2. Lingling’s English name is Linda. ( ) 3. Daming is twelve years old. ( ) 4. Wang Hui is from Beijing. ( ) 5. Tony is twelve years old. ( ) 6. Tony is from the capital of England.13(二) Check the false according to the Task I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (三) Read the passage and underline the correct words. Smith is Tony’s (1) first/last name, and Tony is his (2) first/last name. He’s from Cambridge. In Tony’s class, Tony and Lingling are thirteen years old and (3) everyone/Daming is (4) twelve/thirteen years old. Lingling is Daming’s (5) student/friend. IV. Read and complete the table. What’s his/her name? How old is he/she? Where is he/she from? 三、重难点突破 1. everyone 用作代词,意为D人人,每个人‖,若用作主语,谓语动词用___数。如: Everyone is here. eg. 2. Beijing is the capital of China. the capital of … ……的首都、省会。 Ji’nan is the capital of Shandong. eg. of 用作无生命物体的所有格。the legs of the desk. 桌子的腿。 3. This is Linging. 这是玲玲。 介绍某人用DThis is …‖结构。如: This is Tom, my friend. 4. Good to see you. 很高兴见到你。 类似表达还有: Nice to see you./Glad to see you./Happy to see you. 等。 5. Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. but 用作连词,意为D但是‖,表示转折。 He is five years old, but he is very tall. 6. Shanghai is a very big city. very 用作副词,意为D非常、十分‖,它修饰形容词。 Daming 13 / Shanghai Tony 如:a very good boy a very small room 7. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. 托尼是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。 first name 意为D__‖,也称为 given name;last name 也称为 family name,意为D__‖。 外国人名 与中国人名不同,外国人名在__,姓在__;中国人姓在__,名在__。如: Jim Green 吉姆?格林 Jim 为 first name 或 Green 为 last name 或 family name。 Yang Liwei 杨利伟 ______ 为 last name 或 family name;____为 first name 或 given name。 8. It’s nice to meet you all. 该句为DIt +is+形容词+to do sth.‖结构,意为D做……是怎样的‖,其中 it 为形式主语,真正主语 为后面的 to do sth.。如:It’s nice to have a friend. eg. all 用作代词,意为D三者及以上中的全体‖。They are all from Beijing. 他们都来自北京。 eg. 四、朗读 大声朗读并复述短文。 五、综合运用 (一) Write sentences about yourself. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (二) Join the sentences in activity I with and 1. 2. 3. 4. (三) Make some pictures about your friends and write sentences. You can do them like activity 5 on page 5. 六、当堂达标 (一)单项选择。 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (14picturepicturepicturepicture) 1.is my good friend, and C. He; his is first and the in Class Four?father is a doctor. is last.A. H he B. He; he ) 2. In English, the ) 3.一Are ) 4.一What's her ) 5.― ) 6.― ) 7. ) 8.―A. family name B. given name C. family name 一Yes, I am. A. I B. he C. you ? 一Lingling. ―Shanghai. ―Yes, . A. name B. class C. number is she from? A. Where B. Who C. What you Lin Feng's teacher? is a nice girl. A. Is, I am B. Are, he is C. Are, I am name is Tina. A. Her, She B. He, Her C. She, Her D. His, His ? ―He is twelve years old. my class. Lingling is a good girl. . A. How is Sam B. Where is Sam C. How old is Sam ) 9. Wang Ling is ) 10. Darning is a good boy, A. and B. with ) 11. Jack is C. and , and I am A. in B. at C. from D. on A. an English, an Chinese B. English, Chinese C. England, Chinese ( ( ) 12. We’re in A. class two ) 13.―What's your . B. class 2 C. Class Two name?songs. This is Lucy. She’s from America and she’s American. But she’s in China and she’s in my class. Her father is a policeman. She can speak English. We are good friends. ( ) 1. Daming is ( ) 2. Lucy is Daming’s ( ) 3. ( ) 4. Lucy can ( ) 5. Lucy’s father is a can ride a bike. A. Daming B. Lucy C. Daming’s sister D. Miss Yang . . A. play football B. swim C. speak English D. sing A. teacher B. doctor C. student D. a policeman . . A. Chinese B. English C. American D. China A. teacher B. mother C. friend D. sister―Green. you can call me Mr. Green. A. family B. given C. first ( ( ) 14. Beijing is the capital A. in B. from C. of ) 15. is good to meet you all. A. This B. That C. It (二)阅读表达。根据短文内容,完成下列句子。 This is a Chinese boy. His name is Li Lei. He is eleven years old. He is in Xinhua Middle Schoo1. He is in Class 4, Grade 5. He has a friend. Her name is Amy. Amy is an American girl. She is twelve years old. She is in Xinhua Middle School, too. But she isn't in Li Lei’s class. She is in Class 5, Grade 5. Miss Wang is Li Lei’s English teacher. She is thirty years old. She is a good teacher. Mr. Zhou is Amy's-Chinese teacher. He is thirty-three years old. He is a good teacher, too. 1. Li Lei is from 2. Li Lei and Amy are 3. Mr. Zhou and Miss Wang are good 4. Amy is from 5. Amy is 【作业】 (一) 趣味阅读。 Who Is the Laziest 谁最懒 Father: Well, Tom, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest in your class? Tom: I don't know, father. Father: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who sits in the class and only watches how other people work? Tom: Our teacher, father. (二) 主题阅读。阅读下列短文,选择正确答案。 My name’s Daming. I’m from China and I’m Chinese. I’m a student in Yucai Middle School and I’m in Class One, Grade Seven. I have a sister. She’s a doctor and she can swim. I’m twelve years old. I can play football and ride a bike. Miss Yang is my English teacher. She’s friendly to us. She can sing many English15China.. in the same class. . . years old.Module 2 My family Unit 1 Is this your mum?【课前预习】 一、根据音标拼读单词,并说出其汉语意思。 1./ a:nt/ 6./’pe?r?nt/ 11./’h?zb?nd/ 二、写出下列关于位置的词或词组: 1. 左边_________ 2.在左边___________ 3.右边________ 4.在右边__________ 5.紧靠着,紧挨着_________ 6.前面_______ 7.在……前面____________ 三、熟读下列句子: (一)-CIs this your family/ sister? --Yes, it is . (二)-CAre these your grandparents? --- Yes, they are. (三)-CWho are the boy and the girl? ---They are Paul’s son and daughter. 四、预学热身:你认识你的家人了吗? Work in pairs ,and talk about this family tree with your partner Eg: A:This is my grandfather, this is my grand mother. B: This is my uncle and this is my aunt. These are my cousins. 2./k?zn/ 7./’sist?/ 3./d?:t?/ 8./’??kl/ 4./’f?mli/ 5./fa:? ?/ 10./’wum?n/family treegrandfather祖父grandmother brother兄弟祖母grandfather grandmother外祖父 外祖母9./’f?ut?u/auntunclefather 父亲 sister姐 ;妹mother 母亲叔叔 ;伯伯 ;舅舅 ; 姨; 姑父 ;姨夫 伯母 ; 婶母 ; cousin 舅母 ; daughter 堂(表)兄(弟); 姑母 女儿 堂 (表 )姐 (妹 )daughter女儿son儿子【课堂活动】 一、学习目标 (一)知识目标: 1. 能 够 使 用 下 列 单 词 : aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, family, grandfather/mother, parent, sister ,uncle, who, woman , husband. 2. 会使用表示位置关系的词或短语:left,on the left, right, on the right, next, next to Front, in the front of 3. 能够使用下列人称代词、指示代词和句型 this is…. , that is… ,these are …. ; Those are…. I am…; He/ She/ It is …. They /We are… (二)能力目标:会用所学知识谈论家庭成员的有关信息。 (三)情感目标:养成关爱家人、朋友的良好品质。 二、学习过程 (一)导入 方法一:Listen to an English song --- I love my family 在愉快的歌声中和学生们谈论家庭成员,从而进入今天所学的内容。 方法二:Show our photos ! 教师首先拿出自己的全家福,向同学们进行介绍 T: Good morning class, I have a photo to show you , look! You can see many people in this photo , do you know who are they?This is my father, this is my mother, and these are my cousins, this is my daughter , this is my husband, haha , you can see, I have a big family ,right?16 Now, please take out your photos and show them to us, tell us who are the people in your photos , OK? 学生们纷纷拿出自己的全家福照片向同学介绍自己的家人, 也可以找出一至两名同学到讲台上 来向同学们介绍自己的家人。教师对学生们的表现适时进行表扬总结,并过渡到 Tony’s family photo。 (二)Talk about Tony’s family photo T: Please look at the photo of Tony’s family , how many people are there in the photo? S: There are 13 people in the photo T: Yes, that’s right. Now please work in pairs and talk about the photo with your deskmates. (三)听力训练 1.小听力:Listen and check in activity 1 the people Tony mentions. 2.大听力: (1)Listen to the dialogue for the first time and fill in the blanks Lingling: Is this your family? Tony: Yes, it is . Lingling: What a big family! ______ your sister? Tony: Yes, it is , ______ name is Linda.. Lingling: ________ your grandarents? Tony: Yes, they are. My mum’s parents are on the _____ , and my dad’s parents are on the________. Lingling: I see. Who’s this? Tony:That’s my dad. Lingling: Is this your mum? Tony: Yes, The woman ______ her is my dad’s sister, my aunt Liz. Lingling: Is this her husband? Tony: No ,that’s her brother, my uncle Paul. Lingling: Who are the boy and the girl ________ of Paul? Tony: _______ are Paul’s son and daughter, my cousins. Mike and Helen. (2)Choose the correct answer. ①Linda is Tony’s sister/ cousin. ②Liz is Tony’s mother/aunt. ③Paul is Tony’s dad/ uncle ④Mike is Tony’s cousin/brother. (3)理解对话:Underline the correct words. Tony has a big family , In the photo his father’s parents are on the left/ right and his mother’s parents are on the left / right. Mike and Helen are Tony’s cousins and they’re in front of / next to Paul. Paul is Liz’s husband/ brother. (四)重难点突破171. 关于指示代词 this, that, these, those 的用法问题。This/that 为_________(单数/复数)指示代 词,these / those 为_________(单数/复数)指示代词。 在用法上 This/that 后面的谓语动词/be 动词用--------(单数/复数) These/those 后面的谓语动 词/be 动词用_______数形式。 2. Is this your mum? 这是你的妈妈吗? (P9) DIs this / that …?‖常用于询问对方D这/ 那是……吗?‖,回答时常用DYes, it is‖或DNo, it isn’t‖。 回答主语是 this 或 that 的疑问句时,常用 it 来代替 this 或 that,以避免重复。同样,回答主语 为 these 或 those 的疑问句时,常用 they 来代替。 ―Are these your photos? ―Yes, they are. 3.What a big family! 真是一个大家庭啊! (P9) family 家庭 family 若强调一个整体, 谓语动词用单数; 若强调家庭中的每一个成员, 谓语动词用复数形式。如:My family ____ a big one. 我们家是一个大家庭。 His family ______ very friendly. family, home 和 house (1) family 意为D家,家庭,家人‖,着重指由家庭成员组成的社会基本结构――家庭 或家庭中的每个成员,如:I love my family. 我爱我家。 The whole family will spend their holiday in Hainan. 全家将在海南度假。 (2) home 意为D家,家园‖,指与家人共同居住的地方,强调家庭成员居住的环境和氛 围,不可以用来指人。如:I have to stay at home alone tonight. 今晚,我不得不一人呆在 家里。 (3) house 意为D房子, 房屋‖, 侧重指住所, 即建筑物,如: There are many trees in front of my house. 我家前面有许多树。 His house is in Shanghai. 他住在上海。 4.表示位置关系的一些词或词组:on the left/right ; beside 等。 (五)听后读 1.Read the dialogue four times and then work with your deskmates and read in role. 2. Read the following sentence patterns over and over again ,and understand how to use them in the daily dialogues. ----Is this your family? ----Yes, it is . ----Are these your grandparents? ----Yes, they are. ----Who’s this? ----That’s my dad. ----Those are Paul’s son and daughter. ----My dad’s parents are on the left. (六)综合运用1.看图,在横线上填入适当的单词完成短文。 This is/These are Lucy’s father. They are/ He is a taxi. These are /This is his taxi. (1)These are/ This is Hardy’s grandparents. They are/ He is factory workers. That is/ Those are their factory. (2)This is / These are Mr Ai. He’s / I’m a teacher. Those/That students are/ is in his/her plete the conversation with the words in the box. He , she , they , my Hi, I’m Mike. I have a big family. There are eight people in my family. Alan is my (1) _________. Betty is my grandmother. I have two (2) _________. They are Lisa and Grace. My (3) _________ your , thereis Alice. And my (4) _________ is John. I have a (5) _________. Her name is Linda.2.在熟读对话和句型之后,让学生们找出自己准备好的全家福照片,两人一组进行对话,针对 照片中的人物进行问答。 _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (七)当堂检测 1. 用 be 动词的适当形式填空: (1)______ this your family? (2)_______ these your grandparents? (3)My mum’s parents ______ on the left. (4)The woman next to her _____my dad’s sister. (5)Who______the boy and the girl in front of Paul? (6)Those_______ Paul’s son and daughter, my cousins. 2 .连词成句。 (1) family, what, big, a , _____________________________________! (2)parents, mum’s ,on the left, his, are __________________________________________ (3)are, who, in front of , the boy and the girl, Paul _____________________________________________________? (4)a, has, family, small, Linda ___________________________________________________ (5)your , are, these, parents __________________________________________? 3.Choose the correct words.18Ms Li: Are those your parents in that picture, Betty? Betty: Yes, they are. I’m_______ daughter._______ father is a doctor and my mother is a factory manager. Ms Li: Is ______ father a policeman , Daming? Daming: Yes,______ is . Ms Li: Is your mother a policewoman? Daming: No, she________.______’s a nurse. Tony: My father is a hotel manager,and my mother is an English teacher. _______are from England. Ms Li: Where are _______ parents from Lingling? 5.翻译句子 (1)这是你的妹妹吗? _________________________________________ (2)那是我的祖父母。_____________________________________ (3)汤姆在吉姆的前边。______________________________ (4)大明的爸爸在左边。__________________________________ (5)Mike 是 Tony’s 表哥。_______________________________英语小常识:关于英语国家的亲属称谓问题英语的亲属以家庭为中心,一代人为一个称谓板块,只区别男性、女性,却忽视配偶双方因性 别不同而出现的称谓差异。 显得男女平等。 如: 英文Dgrandparents, grandfather,grandmother‖而中文D祖 辈、爷爷、奶奶,外公,外婆‖,再如,父母同辈中的称谓:英文Duncle‖和Daunt‖,而中文D伯伯,叔 叔,舅舅;姑妈、姨妈等‖;还有,英文中表示下辈的 nephew, niece 是不分侄、外甥的,表示同辈 的 cousin 不分堂表、性别。 Module 2 Unit 2【课前预习】 一、根据音标拼读单词,并大声说出其汉语意思: 1. /b?s/ 5. /h?u’tel/ 9. /’dra?v?/ 2. /’ste???n/ 6. /pe’li:s/ 10. /’m?n? d? ?/ 3. /? ?uz/ 7. /’θ??t?/ 11. /n? :s/ 4. /’h?sp?tl/ 8. /’?kt?/ 12. /d??b/This is my father, he is a/an… --What’s your father’s job? --He’s a/an… 能力目标: 1. 能够在阅读中抓关键信息。 2. 能够利用所学知识谈论家人的职业、工作。 一、导入: Show students some pictures:13. /se?m/ 14. /’d?kt?/ 15. /f :m/ 16. /’w?:k?/ 17. /??p/ 18. /? e?/ 二、同学们这一单元我们会谈论工作、职业、以及工作场所,那么,你能写出与这些方面相关 的一些单词吗,试试看吧! 1. 表示职业的单词:_____________________________________________ 2. 表示工作场所的单词:________________________________________ 三、大声朗读下列句子: 1. These are Betty’s parents. 2. This is Tony’s mother. 3. My father is an actor. 4. She’s an English teacher at a school. 5. He’s a hotel manager. 6. My father’s job is at a police station. 7. What’s your father’s job? He’s a driver. 四、翻译句子: 1. 你是做什么工作的?__________________________ 2. 这位是 Tony 的父亲。_________________________ 3. 我来自美国。___________________________ 4. 我妈妈是位英语老师。___________________________ 5. 你会讲英语吗?___________________________ 6. 这是我的英语老师,这些是我的父母亲。___________________________ 【课堂活动】 学习目标: 知识目标: 1. 能够记住并会使用下列单词: station, hospital, hotel , police, theatre, actor, driver, manager, nurse, policeman, an/a, job, same, doctor, farm ,worker, shop , its, their 2. 能够使用下列句型:These are my… My mother is a/an…19T: This is my brother. He is a teacher in Beijing University. Now, I have some other pictures ,please work in pair of two and talk about the pictures using the following sentence patterns: This is my … , He/ she is a/an … These are …, They are… 一、 阅读理解 1.Read the short passage for the first time and try to find out the answers to the followin questions: (1)Where is Betty King from? ________________________________ (2)What are Betty’s parents jobs?__________________________________ (3)Is Tony’s mother a hotel manager?_____________________________ (4)Where does Li Daming come from? ____________________________________ (5)What’s Wang Lingling’s father’s job?____________________________ 2.Read the passage a second time and complete the chart. Betty Father or Mothe r ma nager act eatre nurs e th Daming Tony Lingling Bus driver二、 重难点突破: 1. She is an English teacher at a school.20My father’s job is at a police station. She and Daming’s mother are at the same hospital. My father is a bus driver in Beijing. At 和 in 是介词, 后面可以接表示地点的名词, 在用法上, at 指的是____________ 的地方, in 指的是____________ 的地方。 2. My father is an actor. My mother is an English teacher at a school. He is a hotel manager. My father is a bus driver. 思考:名词前面的冠词何时用 an,何时用 a? 3. 思考: 英语中什么时候应该首字母大写?试着进行小组讨论,写出你的答案。 _____________________________________________________________________ 4. 思考: 询问某人的工作除了用DWhat’s sb’s job?‖之外,还可以有哪些表达方式? _________________________________________________________________________ 三、 朗读 1.大声朗读活动三的小短文,在朗读的过程中仔细体会这篇短文的写作特点, 2.熟读下列句子: (1)These are my parents. (2)My father is an actor. (3)My mother is the manager of a theatre. (4)This is my mother. She’s an English teacher at a school. (5)My father’s job is at a police station . 四、 综合运用: 1. Work in pair of two ,answer and answer the following questions. (1)What’s your father’s name? (2)What’s your father’s job? (3)What’s your mother’s name ? (4)What’s your mother’s job? 2. Now ,Please turn to P12, activity 1 , look at the pictures and talk about the families. eg. This is Lily’s family. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her grandfather is a farmer 五、 当堂达标: 1. Match the jobs with the work places. factory worker office manager university student factory secretary school teacher hotel 2.正确书写下面的句子。 (1) he can draw a Chinese picture (2) that English girl is very beautiful (3) these are english books (4) my friend lily is from America (5) she is thirteen years old and she is in four class 3.翻译下面的句子或短语: 1)一名演员___________ 2)一名英语教师______________________ 3)一个宾馆经理 ___________________________ 4)这是我的妈妈。 _________________________________________ 5)这些是我的朋友。 _____________________________________ 6)我的爸爸是工人。 _______________________________ 7)你叔叔的工作是什么? ____________________________________ 4. 句型转换: (1) What is your father’s job? ( 同义句) ______ ______ ________ _______ _______ ? (2) Her mother works in a station. ( 划线部分提问) ______ _______ her mother _______? (3) Daming can play football. ( 改为否定句) ____________________________________________ (4) Can she play the piano ? ( 作肯定回答) _____, _____ _____. (5)Sarah is eleven years old. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ Sarah? 六、 拓展阅读: A I love horse-riding I’m Sue. I’m 14 and I live in England. My father works in a horse-riding school. I’ve been riding since I was six. I go horse-riding every Saturday. Now I can ride quite well . I spend all Saturday at the riding school. I help to get the horses ready. I help the new students. I feed the horses and give them water when the lessons are over. I also brush them and clean all the equipment. I do this because I like it . I also get to ride for free. When you start riding a horse , it’s very difficult! The first thing you learn is how to get onto a horse . Then you have to learn how to move up and down at the same time as the horse. If you don’t do this , it is very uncomfortable for you and the horse! At first you learn to walk the horse around. Then you learn to go faster. When your teacher thinks you are good enough, you learn to jump. Not everyone wants to learn to jump. Some people just want to learn to ride for the exercise. But I like jumping. It is exciting!WORD BANK quite: adv.. 相当 spend v. 花费 feed v. 喂养,饲养 over adj. 完结的,结束的 brush v.(用刷子,笤帚)刷, 扫 equipment n. 设备,器材 for free 免费地 difficult adj 困难的 fast adv. 快地, 迅速地 enough adv. 足够地 jump v. 跳跃 want v. 要,想要 exercise n. 训练 exciting adj. 令 人 兴 奋 或 激 动的Answer the following questions: 1. Why can Sue ride very well?2. What does Sue do at the riding shool on Saturdays?3. Is it difficult or easy to ride a horse?B 趣味阅读: Whose son is the greatest ?(谁的儿子最伟大?) The mothers of four priests (神职人员)got together and were discussing their sons. &My son is a monsignor (牧师) ,& said the first proud woman. &When he enters a room, people say, 'Hello, Monsignor.'& The second mother went on, &My son is a bishop(主教). When he enters a room, people say, 'Hello, Your Excellency(主教阁下).'& &My son is a cardinal (红衣主教) .& continued the next one. &When he enters a room, people say, 'Hello, Your Eminence.'& The fourth mother thought for a moment. &My son is six-foot-ten and weighs 300 pounds,& she said, &When he enters a room, people say, 'Oh, my God.'& 作业: 写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的家庭成员,以及他们的工作/职业。 _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________21 Module 3Unit 1第一部分 学习要求: 【学习目标】: 1.知识和技能目标: (1) 话题:通过本课的学习了解并学会使用 there be 句式 (2)语音:能识别并正确朗读/ ? / /a:/ /?/ /?:/ (3) 词汇: 学会正确使用本单元单词, there, forty-six, computer, map, dictionary, wall, library, picture, television, right, fifteen, sixty, seventeen,eighteen, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, any (4)语法:①there be 句型 ②方位介词用法 (5)功能:介绍学校的设施。 2.技能目标 : (1) 听懂有关学习介绍的简短对话,提高学生实际应用能力。 (2) 能利用 there be 句型介绍自己的班级和学校;流利地说出本模块的生词、短 语。 (3) 能阅读包含 there be 句型的有关学校介绍的简单文章。进行简单的阅读技 能训练。 (4) 能用 there be 句型写出简短的介绍教室和学校的句子 3.情感、态度和价值观目标:培养学生热爱学校,热爱自己家园的意识。参加各种 英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立正确的语言学习观。 【学习重点】: there be 句型表示存在的肯定,疑问与否定形式 【学习难点】:1. 数词与名词连用时,名词的单复数的使用。 2. 掌握 there be 句型。 3. 描述自己的班级和学校,能用恰当地道的英语进行写作练习。 【学法指导】: 1.课前通过自学单词和预习课文,解决学案中的问题。 2.课上通过合作探究、展示交流,解决重难点。 3.课后自我总结归纳。 第二部分 学习过程: 【课前预习导学】 一、根据汉语写单词并在课文中划出这些单词: 名词(n.) 计算机____ 家具____ 地图___________ 图片___________ 电视机___________ 墙___________ 世界_________大量;许多_________ 数词 (num.)22三十___________四十 ___________五十___________六十__________ 七十___________八十___________九十___________ 其他 任何一个,一些________ 许多,很多(adj.)_______真正地,非常___________ 【课堂学习研讨】 (一)预习展示交流 (二)导入:Listen to a piece of music about numbers to ask students To know the numbers from one to ten. List two new words: Indian boys and Indian girls (三)听力练习 I. Listening Listen and choose the right pictures. 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety (Activity 2) II. Listen and tell true or false. There are thirty students in Linda’s class.( There is a map of the world in Linda’s class.( ) ) ) Type of mapThere are computers on everyone’s desk.( ) There is a map of the world in Daming’s classroom.( III.Listen and complete the table: Class Number of students Linda’s class Daming’s class Pictures(四)Read and understand the dialogue, if you have any questions, discuss them. (五)重难点 1. Key phrases: really big thirty students desk at the front of 2. Key sentences: in my class a lot of furniture on the teacher’sa map of the world on our walls 1)What’s your classroom in England like? 2) There are thirty students in my class.. 3) Is there a lot of furniture?? 4) ―Are there any pictures on the classroom walls? ―Yes, there are. 5) ---Is there a map of the world? ---No, there isn’t. 6) ―How many students are there in your class in Beijing? ―There are forty students, twenty boys and twenty girls. (六)Read after the recorder and try to remember them. (七) Look and say Look at Picture 1 and the teacher show how to answer the general interrogative sentence. Is there a blackboard in the classroom? Yes, there is . 1. Ss answer the questions in the following pictures. 2. Look at the picture and the teacher show how to answer the special question. 3. Ss answer the questions in the following pictures. (八)Make a survey Work in pairs. Write about your classroom. Use numbers. How many… desks televisions Stud ents blackboards pictures23computers (九) 当堂检测 I. 单项选择 单项选择(5 分钟,10 分) ( )1. There _______ 42 students in my class. A. is B. have C. am D. are ( )2. _______ there a nearest(最近的) hospital here, please? A. Have B. Are C. Is D. Has ( )3. There _______ any computers in my classroom. A. is B. are C. isn’t D. aren’t ( )4. ―Is there a library in your school? ― ________ . A. Yes, there is B. No, there is C. Yes, there are D. No, there aren’t ( )5. How many _______ are there in your school? A. library B. libraries C. a library D. the library II. 根据要求完成句子。 完成句子(5 分钟,10 分) 1. 在汤姆的班上有 50 名学生。 ______ ______ 50 students in _______ class. 2. 杯子里有水吗? _______ there _______ _______ in the glass? 3. 我们学校没有图书馆。 There _______ any _______ in our school. 4. 讲桌上有一台电脑。 There _______ a _______ on the _______ desk. 5. 我们教室里有一块黑板,二十二张课桌。 _______ _______ a blackboard and _______ desks in our classroom. (十) Homework: 用 How many----, There are, Is there , Are there----写一篇你理想中的教室(50-100 字). _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________Numbers Module 3Unit 2第一部分 学习要求: 【学习目标】: 知识与技能: 语音:[ Λ ] [ a: ][ ? ] [ ?:] 词汇:building hall library science lab behind middle near with office 语法:1.Is / Are there …?― Yes / No, there … Where is / are …? ― It’s … / They’re … 2. Prepositions of place. 话题:以学校为话题。 功能:用 Is / Are there…及表位置的介词,介绍学校的设施。 技能:能听懂有关学校介绍的简短对话。 向全班介绍班内人员组成和学校内的设施。 能阅读包含 There is / are 的有关学校的对话。 能使用 There is / are 写出介绍学校的句子。 能利用 There is / are 介绍自己的学校。 过程与方法:1. Interactive approach. 2. To improve Ss reading skills and get them to talk and practice writing by imitating. 情感态度价值观:培养热爱学校的情感。 教学重点:1. 词汇:building hall library science lab behind middle near with office 2. Is / Are there … Where is / are …? 3. Prepositions of place. 4.To describe the classroom using the words and DThere be‖ structure correctly. 教学难点:使用所学句型写出介绍自己学校的短文。 教学方法:1. Interactive approach. 2. To improve Ss reading skills and get them to talk and practice writing by imitating. 学习方法: 自主学习,合作学习 学法指导: 1.课前通过自学单词和预习课文,解决学案中的问题。 2.课上通过合作探究、展示交流,解决重难点。 3.课后自我总结归纳。 第二部分 学习过程: 【课前预习导学】: (一)根据汉语写单词并在课文中划出这些单词或短语: 名词(n.)24建筑物___________ 大厅,会堂___________ 大门 ___________ 图书馆__________ 实验室___________ 房间,屋子___________ ( 介词(prep.) 在……后面___________在……之间 ___________接近,靠近___________ 与……一起 ________ 为了_______ (二)拍摄学校建筑物的照片,保存在教室的电脑中。 【课堂学习研讨】 (一)预习展示交流 (二)导入:教师展示学校图书馆的照片。 Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions. T: What is this building? S:It’s a library. T: Where is the library? S:It’s in my school. T:How can I get to the library? S: It’s on the left of the playground. (三)阅读训练 I. Look and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.dining sports hallgatebuilding ( 4 ) What’s in the library? (四)Read and understand the passage. If you have any questions, discuss them. (五)重难点 1. Key phrases: a map of our school six buildings a classroom building a sports hall near the school gate 2. Key sentences: ascience building in the middle of on the left of between ----and ---- on the right of in front ofbehind the library1) In the middle of the school is a big playground. 2) The library is on the left of the playground near the school gate. 3) Behind the library, on the left are the school offices. Science lab library playground II. Read Betty’s words, and write her classmates’ names on their desks.(activity 2) III.Listen and answer Listen the passage and answer the questions. 1.How many buildings are there in the school? 2.What’s in the library? IV. Read and label Read the passage and label the map of the school using the following words and phrases of the places. library, school offices, classroom building, dining hall, sports hall, science building V. Read and answer Read the passage again and answer the questions. (1)How many classrooms are there in the classroom building? (2)Where are the computer rooms and science labs? (3)What’s on the right of the library?25office4) Between the building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty four classrooms. 5) In front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front of that is for science. (六)Read after the recorder and try to remember them. Retell the passage according to the picture in Activity 3. (七) Writing: 根据图片,写出 classroom building,library 和 sports hall 的位置。(八)当堂检测 A. Translate these phrases into English. 一张地图 ____________六座楼____________ 一座教学楼____________ ____________ 科技馆____________ 在图书馆后面____________ 在……右边____________ 体育大厅 B.完成句子。 1. 在学校中间是个大操场。 ____________ the school is a big playground. 2. 图书馆在操场左边,大门口附近。 The library is ______________of the playground _______ the school gate. 3. 办公室在学校左边,图书馆后面。 ________ the library, __________ are the school offices. 4. 在办公楼和餐厅之间,是教学楼。 _______ the office building ________the dining hall is the classroom building _______twenty four classrooms. C. 按要求改写句子。 1. There are six buildings in our school (变为一般疑问句并做否定回答) _________________________________ 2. In the middle of the school is a big playground __________________________________ 3. The school offices are in front of the playground. (划线部分提问) ________________________________ 4. The school library is at the back of the science building. (改为同义句) The science building is ________ the school library. (九) Homework: 1. Draw a map of your school and introduce the buildings to your classmates. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________26II. 拓展阅读 A This is our classroom. It’s a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls (墙) are white. There is a map of China on the back (后面的) wall. There is a big desk. It’s for the teacher. There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk. They are for our teacher. She is a good teacher. We like her. There are forty small desks and chairs in the classroom. They are for us students. 1. This is our ______. A. library B. school C. classroom D. family 2. ______ are white. A. The chairs B. The desks C. The blackboard D. The walls 3. ______ is on the back wall. A. A map of China B. A map of the world (世界) C. A picture of our classroom D. A picture of our school 4. ______ are on the teacher’s desk. A. Some flowers B. Some pictures C. Some books D. Some maps of China 5. There are ______ students in our class. A. 14 B. 40 C. 30 D. 20 B Hello, everyone! This is my new school. Look at the tall building. There are fifty-two classes in it. There is a computer and a television in a classroom. The library is next to the tall building. There are many books in it. We like reading storybooks there. The gym is behind the library. We often play games and swim there. The offices are next to the gym. There are thirty offices in that building. There are three science labs in it, too. The offices are in front of the dining hall. My new school is very big and I like it. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) ( )1. My new school has fifty-two classes. ( )2. The library is next to the offices. ( )3. We like reading storybooks in the classroom. ( )4. There are two science labs in the school. ( )5. The dining hall is behind the offices.(改为同义句) Module 4Unit 1【学习目标】 一、知识目标 能够使用下列单词和短语: food,drink,candy,fruit,meat,vegetable,apple,bean, beef,carrot,chicken,chocolate,coffee,cola,juice,milk,potato,tea,tomato,water, go shopping,some,much,kind 等。 二、能力目标 (一)能听懂包含食品的对话和短文,培养学生从材料中获取有效信息的能力。 (二)能流利地谈论健康食品与非健康食品。 三、情感目标:健康饮食,健康生活。 【教学重难点】 一、have/has got 的用法。 二、some/any 的用法。 (三)名词可数与不可数,可数名词的单数与复数。 【课前预习】 单词预习【课堂活动】 一、导入 (一)Read and write the name of the food and drink in the pictures.27(二)Label the food in the pictures with the words from the box. candy, fruit, meat, vegetables, drink (三)Show your song and then lead in D have/has got…‖ 二、听力训练 (一)小听力 1. Listen and check (√) the food and drink Betty and her mother have got. apples beans beef carrots chicken coffee cola juice milk oranges potatoes tea tomatoes water 2.听后说(Work in pairs. 自由组合或者小组竞争。 ) (二)大听力 1. Listen and answer the questions. (1)Have they got lots of apples? (2)Has Tony’s mum got any coffee? (3)Have they got any oranges? (4)Have they got any chicken? (5)Has Tony got any Cola? (6)Is too much chocolate good for our healthy? 2. Listen again and complete the table. Thing Tony’s family has Thing Tony’s family hasn’t got got at home at home Fo od Dri nk 三、理解对话内容 Read and understand the meaning of the dialogue. If you have any questions, discuss them in groups. 四、重难点突破 (一)Healthy food 健康的饮食 healthy 是以 health 为词根派生出的形容词。 我们以名词 health 为词根, 可以派生出 形容词 healthy, 副词 healthily, 也可以在形容词 healthy 之前加前缀-un, 构成反义词 unhealthy,意为D不健康的‖。 他祖父身体健康。____________________________________________ 我们必须健康地饮食。____________________________________________ 可乐是一种不健康的饮料吗?____________________________________________ ( 二 ) Too much chocolate isn’t good for you. 的 意 思 是 : _________________________ too much 意思是D太多‖,用来修饰不可数名词, 例如:I have got too much homework to do today. Eg. _________________________________________________________________ too many 意思也是D太多‖,用来修饰可数名词复数形式, 如:There are too many people in the room. Eg. _________________________________________________________________ ( 三 ) be good for 的 意 思 是 D_________________‖ , 它 的 反 义 词 组 是 __________________ 如: Watching too much TV isn’t good for you.电视看得太多对你不好。 Smoking is bad for your health.吸烟有害你的健康。 Eg. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (四)All right… 好的……这里的 all right 表示同意别人所说的事情。 ― I think you should start now. 我认为你应该现在开始了。 ― ___________________. 好的。 all right 可以有多种含义,用于多种场合。 Tom, you will lock the door, _________________? 汤姆,你来锁门,好吗? (五) some 和 any 既可以修饰______________又可以修饰_______________, some 常用在___________中, 而 any 则常用在_____________________中。 所以, some 和 any 的区别在于: some 和 any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、 疑问句还是否定句中, 与名词 的可数与否无关。 如:some books 一些书, some boys 一些男孩, some water 一些水,some tea 一些茶叶, I can’t see ______________water. Do you have__________________ friends at school? They have got ________________ milk.28They haven’t got ____________melons. We have got _____________ oranges and_____________ apples. ( 六 ) 名 词 通 常 分 为 _____________ 和 _________________ , 不 可 数 名 词 没 有 __________;可数名词分为___________和____________. 表示_________时,前面通常 加不定冠词 a 或 an, 表示两个或两个以上的数量时,通常用_____________。 观察下列单词的复数形式,总结名词复数形式的变化规则。 1.apples oranges onions melons carrots ___________________________________________________ 2.tomatoes potatoes classes boxes watches ____________________________________________________ 3.libraries candies families cities ___________________________________________________ 4.wolf-wolves leaf-leaves knife-knives life-lives ________________________________________________ 5.不规则变化: _______________________________________________ (七)根据对话,总结 have/has got 的用法 Dhave/has got‖句型表示_______________________ 肯定句:_______________________________________ 否定句:_________________________________________ 一般疑问句:___________________________________________ 简略回答:__________________________________________________ 考虑 have/has got 与 there be 的区别.(可以讨论。 ) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 你能说说 have/has got 与 have/has 的区别吗?(小组讨论,教师点拨。 ) . ______________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 五、朗读 1. Read the passage after the recorder。 2. 在小组内进行 pairwork,分别扮演 Tony and Tony’s father,每组派代表表演 对话。 六、综合运用(先利用本模块的话题练习,然后再把思维拓展开) Work in pairs. Make a shopping list. Student A: Make a list of things you haven’t got. Student B: Make a list of things you’ve got. Make a dialogue according to Tony and his father’s dialogue. 七、当堂达标 (一)归类下面的名词,并给可数名词加上复数形式。 apple beef candy carrot chicken Coke fish hamburger ice cream melon milk noodle onion orange pork potato rice tomato 不 可 数 名 词 ____________________________________________________________ 可 数 名 词 及 复 数 形 式 ______________________________________________________ (二)翻译下列词组: 1. 一些胡萝卜 ____________ 2. 三个西红柿 _____________ 3. 一些桔汁 ____________ 4. 十二个甜瓜 _____________ 5. 五个土豆 ____________ 6. 一些面条 _____________ (三)选择正确的答案 ( )1. Have you got ______ oranges?. A any B some C. an D. a ( )2 . I have got a _____ . A. juice B. chicken C. bread D. hamburger ( )3 . Have you got any ________in your cup? A. water B. waters C. juices D. milks ( )4 . There _______some rice here. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t ( )5. ―What’s your favorite drink?―It’s _______. A. beef B. noodles C. melon D. milk ( )6. Have you got ____ fruit? A. some B. any C. a D. an ( )7. There is ________ milk in the bottle. A. an B. a C. some D. any ( )8. ―Have you got any juice? ---__________. A . Yes, we have got any juice. B. Yes, we have got some juice. C. No, we haven’t got some juice. D. No, we haven’t got a juice. ( ) 9. C Have you got _____ juice? -- Yes, we’ve got _____ juice. We haven’t got _____ milk. A. any B. any C. some D. any ( ) 10. I want to eat some ______.29juice : :A. beef B. beefs C. milks D. waters (四)翻译下列句子: 1. 你们有橘子汁吗?_______________________________________ 2. 我们有一些牛肉和鸡肉。____________________________ 3. 他们没有香蕉和橘子。________________________________________ 4. 我 们 没 有 水 果 了 , 让 我 们 去 买 些 吧 ________________________________________ 5. 买 些 土 豆 怎 样 _______________________________________________________ 6. 吃 太 多 巧 克 力 对 你 不 好 __________________________________________________ (五)按要求改写下列句子: 1. They have got some water.(改为否定句) 2. They have got some onions.(改为一般疑问句) 3. Have they got any melons? (做肯定和否定回答) 4. He has a lovely dog.(改为复数形式) 5. She has got some flowers.(改为否定句) 6. I have got a big desk in my room. (改为同义句) 【作业】 1. 参考本节课学习的内容,自编 Rap. 2. 从书上或者网上搜集与食品有关的谚语。 3. 自己设计一份健康食谱,并写写怎样做到健康生活、开心学习。 4. 能拼读 Module4unit2 词汇。。 ? 。 Module 4Unit 2【学习目标】 一、知识目标: (一)记住并会使用下列表示食物的单词:healthy, delicious, bread, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodle, rice… (二) 能够应用下列重点交际用语: What is your favourite food and drink? Meat is healthy but too much meat is not good for children. 二、能力目标: (一)能阅读有关食品健康方面的短文并找出相关信息。 (二) 能谈论健康与不健康食品。 (三) 能灵活运用Dbut‖连接两个简单句。 三、情感目标: 通过阅读有关食品健康的短文,捕捉关于健康饮食的信息,培养健康饮食的意识。 【课前预习】 Write down the names of some food and drink . (At least 20) Vegetables:_____________________________________________________ Fruit:__________________________________________________________ Drink: ________________________________________________________ 【课堂活动】 一、 导入 (一) Look at the pictures. Label the food and drink.(二)Ask and answer: T: What’s your favourite food? S1: My favourite food is fish. T: Is it healthy? S1: Yes, it is. T: What’s your favourite drink? S2: My favourite drink is cola. T: Is it healthy? S2: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. … T: Do you want to know which food and drink are healthy? 二、阅读理解 (一) Read the passage and complete the table: Healthy food and drink Unhealthy food and drink(二)Read the passage again and answer the questions: 1. Is too much meat good for children? 2. Which food is good for our eyes? 3. Which food is good for our teeth?30 4. When you are tired, which food is good for you? 5. What should we eat to stay healthy? (三)Read and understand the meaning of the passage. If you have any questions, discuss them in groups. 三、重难点突破 (一) Cola and candy are very sweet… 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用_________(单数/复数)形式,但如果有两个不可 数名词,并且用 and 连接,谓语动词要用_________(单数/复数)形式。 如:Rice _______my favourite food. Orange and Cola ________my favourite drinks. 你 知 道 的 食 品 饮 料 可 数 名 词 有 _____________________ 不 可 数 名 词 有 ____________________ (二)healthy 是_______词,意思是_______,反义词是________,名词是________ 翻 译 : 保 持 健 康 ________________ 健 康 食 品 _____________ 不 健 康 食 品 ____________ 身体健康_____________ (三)What’s your favourite food and drink? favourite 是形容词,意思是 __________ ,用来询问对方最喜爱的 …… 可以用句型 __________


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