翻译下列词组:rangup,turnedup,stood outup,gotup.

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rang up是什么意思
rang up是什么意思 rang up在线翻译 rang up什么意思 rang up的意思 rang up的翻译 rang up的解释 rang up的发音 rang up的同义词 rang up的反义词
rang uprang up 双语例句1. I stood there with my hand on a box of HiHo crackers trying to remember if I rang it up or not.&&&&我站在那里,手上拿着一包HiHo的薄脆饼干,正在犹豫是否应该在摁下铃。2. When I was making chocolate tea, my younger cousin sister Li gave me a call, when we was calling, suddenly there was a thunder and the fire-flag was happened after the thunder, meet such situation, so I hang up the phone ASAP, one student can't control himself to laugh at me, maybe he was laugh at my funny action, after several seconds, my phone rang again, it was her again, the student told me please answer it in a short time, she told me out work earier for rainny on the phone, just several seconds, I hang up at once.&&&&当我正在制作巧克力奶茶的时候,小表妹丽打来了电话,我们正在通话时,突然的一个响雷和紧接着的闪电让我马上挂掉了电话。有一个同学禁不住笑出了声,也许他是在笑我的滑稽动作吧。3. 3. A very agitated woman rang up her docter, and a servant answered that the docter was out.&&&&一个非常着急的妇女给她的医生打电话,仆人说医生不在家。4. Sunshi and Tin being the one, Sun Wu has been learning to follow his uncle Tian Rang Ju Art of War, and National Clan Wu Jiu (played by Lee Tae-) Coates of basil grew up together, Sun Wu and Wu Jiu both admiration basil, but the basil is only a soft spot for Sun Wu.&&&&孙氏和田氏本为一家,孙武一直跟随叔叔田穰苴学习兵法,与国氏的无咎高氏的紫苏从小一起长大,孙武和无咎都倾慕紫苏,可是紫苏只对孙武情有独钟。5. Suddenly, the door bell rang, the two fright to jump up, looked at each other, know what to do.&&&&突然,门铃响了,两人吓得跳起来,面面相觑,不知所措。6. But sin c e th e por ter a gr e ed wi th him, she rang up her dau gh ter and a sk e d for her help in w h at she des c ri bed a s a littl e spot o f bo th er.&&&&但既然那看门人同意同他,她打电话她的女儿并且请求她的帮助在---里什么她描述为一小的少量的麻烦。7. There was one time, when we were just about to start our lunch, an emergency telephone call rang up, mom hang up the call, got dressed to get ready to go out, she was even too busy to think of the meal, then rushed to her work. Till my bedtime on that night, mom was still not home yet.&&&&有一次中午,她刚做好饭,我们一家人正高高兴兴地准备吃饭,突然讨厌的电话铃响了,妈妈接过电话,顾不上吃饭,马上换上衣服,赶到单位去了,直到晚上我上床休息时妈妈还没回家。8. 8. I picked up the telephone and rang her number.&&&&我拿起了电话拨她的号码。9. rang up是什么意思9. Well, my phone just rang and I answered it, and somebody hung up.&&&&嗯,我的电话刚刚响了,我接起后,有人给挂了。10. A Mr Black rang you up just now.&&&&桓雒叫布莱克的人刚才给你打过电话。11. A call rang me up at about 11 pm. it was my son who congratulations me on my birthday and told me that he was so busy with his Guita training that he couldn't call me earlier.&&&&&&大约晚上11点我被电话铃叫醒,是儿子祝贺我生日的,说他忙着练吉他,没早打电话给我-------生命里有这两个男人真的很福气,他们完全把我点亮了!12. I was caught up in the conversation with Mrs. Jones when she rang.&&&&&&我和琼斯夫人谈得正起劲,这时她打来了电话。13. 13. Results Twenty patients were followed up at an average 30 months rang from 19 to 34 months.&&&&&&结果 20 例患者在术后平均30个月时接受随访。14. He rang me up from America.&&&&&&他从美国给我打电话。15. I do not know nonlocal brother are what state at present, the Olympic Games rang down the curtain, I can be retreated without the road however, you had encountered my similar awkwardness, go up not to go, the feeling of refuse to come down, how do you walk over, still hope to show just a little.&&&&&&我不知道外地的兄弟们目前是什么状况,奥运都落幕了,我却无路可退,你们有没有遇见过我类似的尴尬,上不去,下不来的感觉,你们都是怎么走过来的,还希望指点一二。16. 16. Also included in the price of the cruise is theatre entertainment that rang es from stand-up comedy to full show revues that rival those found in Las Vegas.&&&&&&也包含在价格邮轮是剧院娱乐不等的立场,喜剧,以充分显示 revues 竞争对手,这些发现在拉斯维加斯。17. While you were out, a young man rang up inquiring for you.&&&&&&你外出时,有一位青年男子打电话找你。18. Jiu of Jiang of word of De of Yong Zui careless Gen is to help Ni De website raise a search to lead Qing rank, occurrence Zai of webpage of De of Rang Ni website searchs the search that bring Qing to written guarantee fruit De is used up but position of the De before Neng leans, obtain Dian of Jiao Hao De to attack Lv He to change Lv from Er.&&&&&&用最草根的话讲就是帮助你的网站提高搜索引擎排名,让你网站的网页出现在搜索引擎搜索结果的尽可能靠前的位置,从而获得较好的点击率和转化率。19. As the cry was repeated several times, she ran to tell the manager who promptly rang up the fire-brigade.&&&&&&由於这种喊叫声重复了几次,她跑去报告经理,经理当即给消防队挂了电话。20. Early one morning the sub-inspector at a police station the other end of the town rang me up on the phone and said that an elephant was ravaging the bazaar. Would I please come and do something about it?&&&&&&这天一大早,我被城区另一头派出所巡警打来的电话闹醒,他说有头大象在集市上闹事儿,问我能不能过去看看,采取点措施什么的。rang up 单语例句1. " Everyone sees how beautiful they are and they want to be like them, " he said as he rang up sales at his cash register.2. Gao Changhai rang people up and duped them into believing that their children had been caught selling drugs.3. Jin rang up his parents on that fateful day only after coming out of a hospital where he was treated for his injury.4. But these nations ended up spending more than their income and rang up huge current account deficits.5. I rang up again to tell the cops about the whereabouts of the two guys before they gave me the slip.rang up在线翻译rang up是什么意思,rang up在线翻译,rang up什么意思,rang up的意思,rang up的翻译,rang up的解释,rang up的发音,rang up的同义词,rang up的反义词,rang up的例句,rang up的相关词组,rang up意思是什么,rang up怎么翻译,单词rang up是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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That night Iris rang up Jack again.
Nonetheless, when government officials rang up to ask what would be the potential impact of an AIG bankruptcy on Goldman, Mr.
Having now disposed his forces, he rang up the local police station and asked them to send up extra policemen to guard the factory.
So I rang up the most likely vendor, RSA, the security division of EMC.
<, which sells software that enables cell phones to access the Internet, rang up 891% .
It rang up total sales just short of 100 billion dollars, and that's just over three months.
- 来自原声例句
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The Chinese-German Dialogue Forum, established in 2005, was initiated by the Prime Ministers of the two countries with annual meetings held in China and Germany alternately. After 8 years' development, it has become an important platform for high-level unofficial exchanges and made significant contribution in deepening mutual understanding and enhancing mutual-trust.
The forum will be held in Chengdu this year, attracting delegates from the political, economic, cultural, academic fields and the media from the two countries. They will share perspectives on prospects of the bilateral relationship and have an in-depth discussion on further promoting China-Germany cooperation.
As two countries with great significance in the world, China and Germany should conduct dialogues and cooperation in various fields and join hands to address our common challenges. It is also of great significance for world economic development, peace and stability. Chengdu is the economic, financial and logistics center in southwest China. It plays a leading role in the opening-up of inland China. Hosting such high-level international forum will definitely promote its international reputation and facilitate the communication and cooperation between West China and the rest of the world.
A grand event that celebrates 33 years of Montpellier-Chengdu sisterhood and the 50th anniversary of Sino-F a unique opportunity to watch players from all across the world pushing their physical and psychological
a wonderful journey where sparks of passiona are reignited and the aspiration of a healthy lifestyle rekindled. 2014 FISE(Festival ofInternational Sports Extreme) China, gives you the privilege to witness the rewriting of the history of adventures. It is the ultimate sports feast you cannot miss.Either broaden your horizons with interactions and engagement with energetic young people from home and abroad or seize the valuable chance to have a taste of the enthusiasm and hotness only can be found in Chengdu -- the most vibrant city in West China, will leave you an ever-lasting beautiful memory.In the festival,You will experience endless excitements,embrace the charm of Mother Nature and
enjoy the life full of vigor e and open the door to a land of peace and joy, free your body and mind and find the long-lost serenity in the pleasing greeneries where you can hear your own e and cheer for the world champion.2014 FISE China -- the biggest event for extreme sports is waiting for you, Chengdu is waiting for you !
There are a significant rise in the number and variety of disaster happening worldwide. Many countries are vulnerable to wide variety of disasters.
This forum gives the opportunity for domestic and international researchers to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes related to disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction. The main objectives of the forum are to work within the framework, to provide an international platform for review of available and relevant policies on disaster relief and post-di to share innovative experienc to strengthen international and inter-regional cooperation and neworking in this field. To achieve the objectives, our association focuses on public disaster relief awareness education.
The forum presents different projects conducted by our association to create and enhance its network for academic and technical exchange, promote information services and support our initiatives in 2014. Our association has mobilized multiple resources and deployed modes of actions to achieve its objectives.
Get ready for another adrenaline-pumping experience. FISE, the biggest action sports event in the world, presents its 2014 world series. The FISE World China will deliver one of the most exciting action sports events in Chengdu for 3 days between 24th and 26th October. The upcoming event will feature different competitions: bmx, mountain bike and skateboard, pro & and will bring together the best riders in the world. Some big names and decorated athletes in the sports will compete at this event. The competition is open to juniors and amateurs too. Ambitious young players, we invite you to join the game to show the world what you’ve got, to feel free and excel yourselves, and to receive a well-deserved standing ovation. And great news for spectators, the event is free and open to the public. So join us for all the action and the heartbeat and the roar. FISE World China @ Chengdu. Be there and be thrilled.
Tai Chi, an internal Chinese martial art, is a vital concept in Chinese cultural history. It is a philosophy from Chinese Confucianism and Taoist. Tai Chi Chuan, which is meant to be in harmony with Tai Chi philosophy, is a combination of Tai Chi and Chuan or Tai Chi Fist. Tai chi chuan contains Chinese the two kinds of denomination philosophy, dialectic of YIN and YANG, yin-yang and five elements as well as theory of channels and collaterals in Chinese traditional culture. Medical research has found evidence that Tai Chi is helpful for improving balance and for general psychological health, and that it is associated with general health benefits in older people. Besides, it produces great effect with minimal effort.
The Tai Chi Chuan Championship Contest in Chengdu, held by International Wushu Federation, is a significance way to promote Tai Chi culture, Chengdu local culture and Chinese culture. More countries and people can have a taste of charm of China take this opportunity and know more and understand deeper about China and Chinese culture.
Panda Cup International Youth Football Championship, held jointly by Chinese Football Association and the People's Government of Chengdu, aims to promote the sporting communication among countries. The host city, Chengdu, with its swift growth, enjoys great international reputation.
This championship inspires teenagers, which are a vital part of the construction of a country, to cultivate their strong will and improve their athletic skill to devote to the development of sports industries of their countries. China will seize on this opportunity to learn from its competitors and to gain experience for the enhancement of its football. Bonds among countries can also be strengthened through this contest.
The active atmosphere enables spectators to pick up certain knowledge of sports and feel the great spirit. Extraordinary performance is worth enjoying in the contests of skill among youth from different countries. The year 2014 will see the vigor of Chengdu and the vitality of youth. What's more, it indicates the greater international clout of Chengdu and the surprising and rapid growth of Chinese football.
The past eight consecutive years has witnessed the smooth progress of China-Germany Dialogue Forum which provides a high-level unofficial platform for the two countries to carry out reciprocal cooperation and forge bilateral partnership in reform and development. The ceremonious forum will grace Chengdu this year, the subjects of which covering a wide range of fields such as economy, social system, innovation of education and so forth. The delegates from the two countries are committed to
injecting new impetus into the ties between the two countries and to figuring out constructive proposals to fix some global problems confronting almost every country now. Grabbing the spotlight with great honor, Chengdu, a city in Southwest China with prominence economically, politically as well as culturally, will surely benefit a great deal from this forum. By holding such forum, Chengdu is being increasingly internationalized, attracting more and more opportunities of development, thus boosting its reputation and competitiveness around the world. Undoubtedly, the collaboration of the two countries on tackling the sticky global issues, will exert significant impact on the world peace and human progress.
Be ready for the breathtaking adventure in Chengdu. Have an electrifying experience in Gaoxin Zone, Chengdu. Take part in exciting action sports, 2014 FISE China. Originating in Montepellier France, witnessing its 16-year pedigree, FISE has been developed into the second largest extreme action sports event. The spectacular action sports event, to be hold in American Extreme Park, Chengdu, aims to strengthen nations' bond and cooperation as well as to smooth our communication. It will last three days between 24th and 26th October. Ambitious amateurs or professionals, coming from 30 countries are welcomed to take part in the extreme sports-BMX, dirt jump, and rollerblade to show your splendid performance. The event noy only accords with the olympic spirit‘higher,faster,stronger’ but also explains the wish of human beings of returning nature and protecting environment, so there is no doubt that this grand feast has been honored with‘Future Sports Activities’.
The Festival International Sports Extreme(FISE),originating from Montpellier,will come to Chengdu!With the development of the relations between two cities.Chengdu is made to stand out from other 18 metropolis and obtain this unique chance to hold FISE during 24th-28th of October.As the sister city of Montpellier,Chengdu will deepen the bilateral exchanges about sports field.Through the event,all of the people will be affected by a desire of the protection of the environment;it even aims to return to the basics.
At the appointed time,FISE will attract attention of large number of the people around the world,especially teenagers.In addition,60competitors ,which come from the far reaches of globe,will take part in FISE.
Come on!You can witness extreme sports live,which include BMX,mountain cycling and roller skating.
Come on!How exciting it is to have this experience.Chengdu,noted as a convention and exhibition city,waits for you to appreciate it.
Never miss this sports feast!
Triathlon World Cup will be held on May 10 in Jintang,Chengdu.This is a demanding sport that focuses mainly on the spirits of persistence,bravery and optimism.The concept of Triathlon,quite rich in its content,includes three very different pursuits--swimming,cycling and running,which could be the real lead of our physical exercise. Filled with banners in the streets,Jintang county is the second city to give wide publicity to this match all over the country. With sufficient preparation made by Jintang,it would be a fierce sports feast that you cannot miss.The race will respond to our passion with inspiration and refresh your understanding of sports.Triathlon World Cup may offer an accelerant
for the citizens to follow through on their goals and become less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit their performances in that competitors have learned much to struggle against adversity.We welcome ambitious players to release enthusiasm,to show your ambition and to transcend yourself.And for citizens,we look forward to your participation and your warm-hearted encouragement for athletes. Come rain or shine,Jintang Triathlon World Cup waits for you!
It has great importance for China to have further cooperation with ASEAN.With the development of China,a number of countries find the potential chance to make fortune in China.Therefore,building the International relationship with ASEAN is a good choice for China to enlarge its position.Meanwhile,cooperating with ASEAN means a lot for the south of China,which not only enlarge the development of market,but strong the communication between China and the members of ASEAN.What's more,we hope that we can sit together and have a hear-to-heart talk
aboout the disaster,the economy,the research and so on,so we can undertake the burden together and make things more easy.We would strive our best to
maximize our interest.It is widely accepted that China is a developing country.That's exactly that China need right now--communication and cooperation.And china,the friendly country,is willing to welcome different nations with honest attitude to set up more partnership.
The Festival International Sports Extreme(FISE),traced back in 1997,was
originated from Montpelier,France.As the second extreme sports meeting,FISE is welcomed by people all over the world,especially teenagers.In the last deccade,FISE even attracts millions of people.Do you ever want to experience the excitement of extreme sports?Do you ever imagine to make friends with people who are willing to challenge themsleves and full of determination?Here comes an awesome news for all of you:you'd have the chance to appreciate the inspiring extreme sports meeting in chengdu!As the sister city of montpellier,chengdu was invitied to hold FISE from Oct.21 to Oct.24 this year.It is the first time that FISE comes to China.What's more,the extreme sports in FISE which include BMX,moutain cycling and roller skating are super thrilling.And,one more good news:FISE would be totally free!We are waiting for you!
Are you ever sick of being stuck in a rut?Are you envious of the thrilling experiences?Do you desire to challenge your extreme limitation?FISE,an international extreme sports feast,will debut in Chengdu this year.Dating back to Montpellier,France in 1997,FISE has well received by a large amount of sports enthusiasts from all over the world.The sports event will last 3 days between 24th and 26th October.The event is open to the public for free.Anyone who takes an interest in this competition
is welcomed to participate in whether you are professional or not.Not only can you win the big reward,but also you release the heavy pressure and make friends with whom are keen on the extreme sports.Challenge yourself and the world will be under your feet.The final destination of the world tour——we are waiting for you in Chengdu.
Have you ever experienced the thrill of bungee jumping?Have you ever tasted the excitement of mountain biking?If never, now there comes a not-to-miss chance --- the China game of the FISE Internationl Extreme Sports Concert will be hold in Chengdu from October 24th to 26th.Established by the French company,FISE,in 1997,this concert has now thrived to be the largest sports concert in Europe.And this is the first for it to have a world tour.After a sequence of rigorous checks and the thorough consideration of the sponsor,Chengdu had stood out from other five cities,which perfectly reveals Chengdu's fast development during the modern times and the particular charm of its unique traditional culture.This concert has attracted a group of world-class players from 30 countries and areas to give performance of BMX,indoor skating,skateboarding and mountain biking.This concert confirms Chengdu's competitiveness in China as well as in the world,and also presents us the great achievement China and France has made during the communication of culture and sports.
Festival International sports extreme, originated in Montpellier, France, established by the Hurricane Extreme Sports Company, and blessed with a history of 16 years so far since 1997, is the world’s
second extreme sports event. With the cooperation between Chengdu and Montpellier increasingly intimating , and to deepen the friendly communication in sports’ area, government of Montpellier invited that of Chengdu to bid for the
18 cities, including Bahrain, Valencia, Kuala Lumpur, Nanjing, Shanghai , have bidden for it but only two cities will host the game, Chengdu being one of them. The CEO of the company Herve and the manager Pascal have signed the contract of
FISE in Chengdu.
Chengdu FISE of China will be held in the American Extreme Sports Park in High-tech Zone, Chengdu Sichuan. At that time, 60 athletes from 30 countries will attend in the event. This year’s FISE will hold BMX cycling,dirt jumping,and in-line skating. FISE not only show the Swifter, Higher, Stronger of Olympic spirt, which present the persuit of surpassing myself in physical extreme, but also the aspiration of backing to nature and protecting the environment. So it is honored as the future sports worldwide.
Strong trusting relationships that bridge culture, custom and race require an appreciation and acceptance of similarity and differences together with commitment over time. This workshop explores the development of a long term relationship that is based on a commitment to facilitating change and turning our respective countries into Organic nations. This mutual endeavor is based on trust.
The workshop is reflective in style, identifying and drawing on the essential lessons over two decades and in particular the last six years. It expresses a story that explores successes of the past and introduces current endeavors, joint ventures, projects and trade relationships.
A central theme to the workshop and the success of our strategic work has been the focus on ‘respectful relationships’. It will explore how adaptation from ‘Kiwi’ and ‘Asian’ culture has been able builds visions and commercial ventures confidently and share some key indicators of this success.
People why to breathtaking,stimulate of does extreme sport infatuate thus?Extreme sport why can become popular with the world ,so popular?Extreme sport why can be sized of tremenous influence power and rallying point ?Not merely in order to gain a thropy but to surpass,challenge ourselves and develop our potential to the fullest extent.Have you ever not take part in a extreme sport for lacking a chance.if ever,don't be sad.The Festival International Sport Extreme(FISE)comes to Chengdu,Sichuan.The FISE ,the second biggest extreme sports in the world,which originated from Monteplier(a famous city in France) in 1997.It's said that it has a long history up to 16 years,will be held in the America Extreme Park of High-Tech zone of Chengdu,Sichuan,from 24th to 28th,October.On that occasion,there will be more than sixty athletes from thirty countries join this closely fought game.The FISE which include mountain biking,BMX,rollerblade.You can scatter freely your perspiration and enjoy the sense of cheerfulness and success when you leap over a hurdle in this intensive contest.The FISE not only represent the olympic spirits of "Higher,Faster,Stronger"but also embody the wonderful dream of coming back to nature,protecting the environment.It's open to all people in different age.Whether you are a sporeman or not,all of you
can participate in us.If you are thirst for it,quickly holding out your hands to us.We are waiting for you in Chengdu.
The annual professional road bicycle race,Tour of China,have been held in one of its station,Cheng Du,in Sep.2014.The event is the only national brand which reach the highest level of international cycling events.The competition has a great influence on people's life.Bicycle,a convenient means of transportation ,has been very popular in China.Why are bicycles so commonly used in China? During rush hours ,particularly in big cities ,you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in pared with cars,bicycles have many advantages.Firstly,they are not as expensive as cars and almost every family can
afford it.Secondly,riding bicycle is a healthy way to exercise.Thirdly,bicycles can save energy and does not cause any pollution to environment.The competition is benificial to popularising bicycles in China.People can ride bicycles to their working places,to schools,to shopping centers and so on.In a word,bicycles play an important role in people's life.I hope more and more people can ride bicycles in order to make our planet better and cleaner.
In the past decade, China has witnessed a rapid development in the field of international education, which is strongly pushed by local government and by various organizations. Through designing, introducing and operating a range of international programs, courses and activities in schools in China and we had made magnificent progress and accumulated rich experience. In light of this, aiming to expand and further the advancement of international education, we has decided to invite five principals from American high schools to China and to hold a high profile seminar with local education experts, scholars, principals of local schools and local educational officials to communicate and exchange ideas and experiences regarding international education cooperation and academic management.
This time, we have invited 5 high school principals of the United States and several honored and well-known education experts of China to visit Chengdu for the seminar. We sincerely and warmly invite representatives to attend the seminar and address the audience, discussing and communicating in regards to the educational cooperation and development between China and U.S high schools.
With Extreme Sports moving into the mainstream, do you have any knowledge of the Festival International Sports Extreme? If not, you are likely to be out of date. The FISE, founded in Montpellier, France in 1997 and then became the second largest Extreme Sports Events all over the world, will be held in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province from October 24-26, 2014 with more than 30 countries, 60 international athletes participating, for the increasing intimate ties and deeper cooperation between Chengdu and Montpellier. And the FISE which includes a number of sports categories, such as BMX(Bicycle Motocross), skateboard, roller and to name just a few not only pursues the excess of the physical limits of oneself and the spirit,"Swifter, Higher, Stronger", of the Olympic Games, but also shows the interaction between nature and human, for instance, recovering the simple and coming to the nature, protecting the environment, etc and is considered to be the"Athletic Sports in the Future".
When venture is the future, FISE is not the fancy anymore. The world is brewing a new beginning in Festival International Sports Extreme in Chengdu, Do not just let it go. Today is a worderful day,is a perfect time to prove yourself ,to be a participant in the future sports.The Festival International Sports Extreme in Chengdu is also a miniature of eternity, trust me, you will be the next winner!
The Chinese-German Dialogue Forum was established in light of consensus of two leaders of each country.And the meeting will be held once a year,in Germany or in China annually.In the past 8 years,the forum has been became a significant platform for upper-class and non-official communication between two countries.Furthermore,the forum tremendously contributes to deepen mutual understanding and reinforce mutual trust.Moreover,many proposals and suggestions which have great reference value have been assembled.There is no doubt that the forum yields a particular influence on promoting deeper bilateral development.Therefore,both sides of two countries pay more attention to it.The forum will be held in Chengdu this year.As a land of abundance,Chengdu will witness the progress of the forum,magnetizing elites of all walks of life from China and Germany.
Chengdu,the capital city of Southwest China,the host of this forum in 2014,will take this opportunity to play a leading role.And we can firmly believe that Chengdu will have a completely new look to challenge further difficulties.We can imagine the blueprint of Chengdu enjoying great popularity among people all around the world.
The FISE(Festival International Sports Extreme) ,first held in 1997 in Montpellier, France,
is the second biggest International Extreme Sports Festival. Over the past 16 years, it has drawn a lot of competitors and spectators. As to celebrate the bond between Montpellier and Chengdu, this year, the FISE, which gathers the greatest riders around the world for the competitions in BMX, Mountain Bike, and Rollerblade, will be organized by the Chengdu government, and this city will mark the very fist time of FISE being held overseas.
is not only one of the most dynamic locations in China, but also a city well-experienced in holding both national and international events. The debut of FISE
in Chengdu is definitely going to be an ideal platform to share adventurous spirit among the people from all over the world.
The event will take place in Oct 24-26. If you hope to take part in it, both pro and
if you just want to feel the breathtaking vibe, no entrance fee is charged. Be prepared for this exhilarating extreme sports festival!
In recent years, Chengdu has been designated as the first national Pilot Zone for the Comprehensive Reform in Urban-rural Coordinated and Balanced Development of Education jointly built by the Ministry of Education.
This seminar will discuss Chengdu’s role in implementing the 1+2+3+4+6 mix of strategies and policies for the development of education, which comprise 1 target, 2 keynotes, 3 focuses, 4 systems, and 6 critical paths, aiming at establishing modern education in middle and western China. It is committed to achieving quality education and balanced development of education in urban-rural areas, and providing students with equal access. Efforts will be pooled from schools, families and the society as a whole to further reform education system, improve public services and create a life-long learning environment. Investments will be increased, advanced technologies be introduced, and a safe and healthy learning environment be created, to promote the internationalization of education in Chengdu.


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