not deceived ,no secret, no lie, there is no end帮我中文翻译有声下吧ysx8。

End of the World Secret
great temple will be entirely destroyed so that not one stone will be left
upon another. Then the Jews will fall by the edge of the sword, and be
led away as captives into all the gentile nations. Jerusalem will be trodden
underfoot until the age of the gentiles is completely fulfilled.' (Luke
21:6 & 24)&
"If mankind does not repent, and the
sins of the human race continue to increase in number and severity, the
Eternal Father will inflict a terrible chastisement on all humanity. It
will be a tribulation worse than the deluge &of Noah>, such
as no one has ever seen before. Fire shall fall
from heaven that will annihilate a great part of humanity. The
survivors will find themselves so desolate that ... the only consolation
that will remain will be &prayer> and the SIGN&
left by &Christ himself>."& -- The VATICAN APPROVED
prophetic message given at
"These are the ones who have survived
the Great Tribulation.
The one who sits on the throne will shelter them. The
sun, nor any flame nor heat shall ever strike, or scorch them again.
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (Rev. 7: 14-17)
"The day of wrath is coming to root
out the sinners from the earth. On that day, the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give her light." (Is.13:10)
"At the very time when they are saying:
"peace and security" - then shall sudden destruction come upon them all
- and there will be no escape! But you Brethren,
will not be in darkness, lest that day overtake you as a thief."&
(1 Thes.5:3)
'End of the Age of the Gentiles'
will be trodden underfoot until the age of the Gentiles is completely fulfilled."
Jesus Christ:
Luke: 21:24
"That will
be a day dark with cloud, the end of an epoch for the nations."
Ezekiel 30:3&
"God did not spare the natural
branches, (the Jews), from the consequences of their unbelief, nor will
he spare you. Do not forget that God is severe - as well as kind. He was
severe to the Jews who chose to disbelieve while he showed great compassion
to you, but only for as long as he chooses! Otherwise, you will find yourselves
cut off too, and then the Jews ... will be grafted back in your place."&
(St. Paul to the Romans: 11:23)
"Think of how much the gentile world
has benefited from the fall and defection of the Jews! Now, think of how
greatly the world will benefit from the conversion of them all!"
(Romans 11:12)
"Because of the sins of unbelief of
the Jews, the fullness of salvation was passed to the G however,
because of the loss of the faith and the sins of the Gentile nations, it
will come to pass that the Jews will be restored unto the salvation of
God"& -- St. Jerome
"St. Paul says that after the fullness
of the gospel has been given to the Gentiles, and the fulfillment of the
age of their inheritance of redemption is complete, then the Jews also
will be converted by the power of God himself, and all of Israel will enter
into the fulness of Christian salvation."&
- St. John Chrysostom on Romans 11:11.&
The prophet Daniel asked the angel:
will be the outcome of the greatest tribulation that has ever been since
the beginning of the world, or ever will ever be ?"& But the angel
answered him: "No!& Go on your way! Those
words are to remain secret and sealed right up until the very time of the
end! "& (Dan 12:9)&
This article reveals the meaning of these secret words. This is one of
the greatest mysteries of scriptural prophecy. This is possible to understand
only now,& BECAUSE ONLY NOW has the world actually finally
the 'time of the end'. The
world now faces: "the fulfillment of the age of the gentiles". This
will be the outcome of 'the greatest tribulation that has ever been
since the beginning of the world or ever will be."& (Dan 12:1;
Matt.24:21)& But is this the end of the world
The great tribulation is at
hand - but this is not the end of the world. Scripture is absolutely clear
that during the greatest tribulation of all time, the 'elect' - "everyone
who is found written in the book of life will survive!" (Dan.12:1;
Joel 2:32) There is no question about this!& "If those days had
not been shortened - no one would have survived! But, those days will be
shortened for the sake of the elect." (Matt. 24:22) In absolute contrast
to this, during the very final plagues at the end the world during the
persecutions of& the antichrist:& the 'elect',
written in the book of life' are singled out to be put to death!'&
(Rev.13:15; Rev.14:9)&
'Those written in the book of life',
"the elect" - will survive the Great Tribulation!& BUT
- to the exact opposite: "the elect", "everyone who will not worship
the image of the beast, or take his mark, will be put to death!"
Today, the world is suffering the beginning of the labor pains predicted
by St. Paul, (1 Thes. 5:3) which immediately precede the Great Tribulation!
Great Tribulation itself will end of the 'age of the gentiles'. Thus the
'age of the gentiles will be completely fulfilled.' (Luke 21:6 & 24)
Christ warned mankind about the awful
mystery that faces the world. "Those days will be exactly like the days
before the flood of Noah. No one will be expecting anything, right up until
the very day!" (Matt. 24:44) "That day will be sprung on every person
living on the face of the earth like a trap!"& (Luke 21:34)&
The supernatural nature of this secret has remained secret and sealed
until now. Only now has mankind actually entered the period of:
time of the end."& This is not the end of the world!&
Rather, mankind is facing the greatest period of distress since nations
first the greatest tribulation that has ever been
since the beginning of the world, or ever will be!& This tribulation
will mark the 'end of the age of gentiles', the conversion of the
Jews, and finally the completion of the coming
of Christ's spiritual kingdom on earth. (Luke 21:24; Rev. 18:20)
"That day will
not overtake you, brethren, as a thief".& (I
Thes. 5:4)
Just before Christ left this world for
the final time and ascended into heaven in the sight of his apostles, they
asked him: "Lord, has the time come? Are you going to restore the
Kingdom of the world to Israel now?" He sternly answered them:
is not for you to know that time or that date, for that time has been decided
by the authority of the Father." (Acts 1:7) Rather, Christ had
warned them earlier that: The Great Temple must be entirely destroyed,
that there will not be one stone left upon another", and the Jews
"must be scattered unto every pagan country, and Jerusalem must be trodden
underfoot by pagans, until the age of the gentiles is completely over."
(Luke 21:6 & 24) "But, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant
of this mystery: the Jews are not cut off for ever!" (Romans
11:22 & 25) "If God has grafted you, who are the unnatural branches
onto the olive tree, how much more easily can he graft them back onto the
tree from which they came?" (Romans 11:24) "Think of how
much the gentile world has benefited from the fall and defection of the
Jews! Now, think of how greatly the world will benefit by the conversion
of them all!" (Romans 11:12) "When that day comes I will
pour out my Spirit on all mankind!" (Joel 2:28)
Christians have almost felt protected
by a false assumption that the antichrist must come before the GREAT
TRIBULATION of the end times. (Dan.
12:1; Matt 24:21) But, they have wrongly assumed that the
greatest tribulation which has ever been since the beginning of the world
or ever will be again, consists only in the persecutions
of the antichrist. The reality is that the period of distress unparalleled
since nations first came into existence faces the world now! It is this
tribulation which shall mark the end of the "age of the gentiles".
The greatest tribulation of all time
will precede the reign of the antichrist! (Rev.6:17)
day will be sprung on every person living on the face of the earth like
a trap!" (Luke 21:34) This great tribulation will consist
in a celestial cataclysm which will cause men's hearts to fail them
in fear, and by the eruption of a war which will have consequences
of unprecedented global devastation. Our own civilization now, as it is,
faces: "the period of distress unparalleled since nations first came
into existence". (Dan 12:1) It will be a baptism of fire for
those who survive it. (Rev.7:17, Zech.13:9) "If those days were
not shortened - no one would have survived, but that time will be shortened
for the sake of the elect." (Matt.24:22)
"It will be a day dark with cloud,
end of an epoch for the nations."
(Ezek.30:3) "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into
blood before the great Day of the Lord.& But whosoever calls upon
the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Joel 2:31, or Joel 3:4)
"Immediately after the tribulation
of those days, the sun will darkened and the moon will not give her light
and the Sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the heavens." (Matt.24:29;
Joel 2:10) The great tribulation will conclude in a great darkness over
the whole earth, and finally by the great SIGN
of the cross in the heavens, which will be seen as a portent by every survivor
in the whole world. "The only consolation that will remain for the survivors
will be &prayer> and the SIGN
left by &Christ himself>." ()
After this chastisement the world will
be granted a period of peace. which will include the final outpouring of
the Holy Spirit, and the conversion of the Jews. This will be the completion
of the coming of Christ's spiritual kingdom on earth. "When these
things begin to happen, stand erect and hold your heads high, for your
redemption is at hand!"
21:28) Know then "that the kingdom of God is near." (Luke
21:31) "Think of how much the gentile world has benefited from the
fall and defection of the Jews! Now, think of how greatly the world
will benefit by the conversion of them all!" (Romans 11:12)
that day comes, a fountain shall be opened, and I shall rid the country
of the spirit of impurity." (Zech.13:1)
It will be in the final age, after the
great tribulation and the redemption of Israel, when the final false
prophet will arise, who is the antichrist.& He will at first come
to the Jews themselves as the true Messiah of Conquest, which they had
expected for so long. Then, in a similar way, he shall deceive the whole
world.& The very final plagues, (Rev.
Chap:16), and the persecutions of the antichrist, will only occur after
the greatest tribulation than has ever been. The supernatural deceptions
of the antichrist will be the final trial for Church, and the final
test of Israel. This will only occur immediately
before the final coming of Christ and the Last Judgment at the end of the
"The End of the Epoch for
the Nations." (Ezek.30:3)
We are now living in the 'age of
the Gentiles'.& It is
clear that there must be an end to this epoch. The age to follow
greatest tribulation which has ever been since the beginning of the world,
or ever will be, must include the conversion of God's
chosen people, Israel. They will be admitted to Christian salvation,
and will be grafted back onto the vine. (Romans 11:24-26) This
is clearly prophesied by Saint Paul, in his epistle to the Romans: Chapter
11; vs 11-32. The conversion of the Jews must occur before the end
of the world. This will complete of the supernatural coming of the
perfection of Christ's kingdom on earth. "Think of how much the gentile
world has benefited from the fall and defection of the Jews! Now think
of how much more the world will benefit by the conversion of them all!"
(Romans 11:12)
The conversion of the Jews will only occur
the greatest tribulation that has ever been or ever will be. (Dan.12:9)
tribulation is the marker of the "end of the age of the gentiles".
conversion of the Jews will cause the supernatural completion of the coming
of Christ's kingdom on earth. (Rev.19:7)& Perhaps, the miraculous
conversion of the Jews will occur because of what the nation of the Hebrew
people will see themselves - when the great portent of the cross
appears in the sky.
While the rest of the whole world will
see only an awesome portent in the heavens of a huge cross radiating great
lights: "They will look upon him whom him who they have pierced,
and they will grieve over him as for an only child, and as an entire people
they will weep for him as for a first born son." (Zechariah 12:10)
Thus, the Jews, who in the hardness of their hearts, demanded such a great
sign from Christ, when he walked among them, will finally be given to see
such a great portent as an entire nation. In the darkness that will cover
the earth after the greatest tribulation of all time, the Jews will see
this great sign of the crucified Christ, as it is prophesied in Zechariah.
They will then be filled with divine enlightenment. The greatest
tribulation that has ever been, or ever will be, shall end the 'age
of the gentiles', (Luke 21:24), but it will begin the final epoch,
which will include an outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28, or
3:1), the triumph of the saints, (Rev.18:20), and the final conversion
of the Jews. (Romans 11:26)
What Faces
the World Now?
The world is on the brink of the fall of
modern civilization. In the Bible, this is termed The Fall of Babylon
the Great (Rev. 18:20). Every hour the world is moving closer to the
of the age of the gentiles." "It will be a day dark with cloud, the end
of an epoch for the nations." (Ezek.30:3) The world must pass through
the completion of the horrific prophecies of . The old testament prophets clearly
foretell a tribulation of fire which faces this decadent modern civilization.
of darkness and gloom, day of cloud and blackness. A vast and mighty host
is assembled, such has never been seen before, such as never will be again
to the remotes ages. Before it, after it the flame consumes."
(Joel 2:2) Even John the Baptist spoke of this day: "I baptize you
with water, but the one who will come after me will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit, and with fire." (Luke 3:16) "The day of wrath
is coming to root out the sinners from the earth. On that day, the sun
will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light." (Is.13:10)
day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap! It will come down on everyone
living on the face of the earth!" (Luke 21:35)
after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the
moon will not give her light. The sign of the son of man will appear in
the heavens." (Matt. 24:30) The sign of the the Son
of Man, is the great portent of the cross in the heavens.
This event is clearly prophesied by one
of the only true messages ever given to the world: "If the sins of
mankind increase in number and in severity, the Eternal Father will punish
the world with a chastisement worse than the deluge &of Noah>. A great
fire such as has never been seen before will fall from the sky and destroy
a great part of humanity. The only consolation of the survivors will be
[prayer] and the Sign that [Christ] shall leave." --From the officially
Church approved message given at .
The Book of Revelation refers to the survivors
of this tribulation is in this way: "I saw a great multitude, and
I asked the angel who are these? He answered: these are the ones who have
the Great Tribulation. The one who sits on the throne will shelter them.
sun, or any flame or heat shall not strike or scorch them again, and
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (Rev. 7: 14-17)
The Hidden Mystery
"Does not the whole Church expect Christ
to come and reign over all the earth and to judge the living and the dead?&
But, no one knows exactly how, or in what manner, or when this will come
to pass. However, we do know that God, whose thoughts are further
from ours than heaven is from earth, will come at a time and in a
manner least expected, even by the most scholarly of men and those
most versed in Holy Scripture. We believe that towards the end of time,
and sooner than we expect, God will fill many with the Holy Spirit, and
he will set up the spiritual Kingdom of Jesus Christ upon the RUINS
of this modern, corrupt civilization, which is the great earthly Babylon.'
(see Rev.18:20)& [: #58 & #59]
Through the final outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on the Church after the Great Tribulation, Christ will come,
supernaturally. He will come spiritually, through the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit and the final conversion of the Jews. It is this supernatural
which will complete the final redemption of His Mystical Body, the Church
"When that day comes, a fountain shall be opened, and I shall
rid the country of the spirit of impurity."
It will barely last one generation before the completion of ALL of the
rest of Biblical prophecy. "I tell you solemnly, before this generation
has passed away all these things will take place." (Matt.24:35)
words of Christ also specifically refer to his final coming and to the
end of the world.
"The day of wrath is coming to root
out the sinners from the earth. On that day, the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give her light." (Is.13:10)
"After that great and terrible day,
and the darkening of the sun and moon, I will pour out my spirit on all
mankind." (Joel 2:28)
The Proof of the Secret
This mystery has been made clear only now,
because "these words were to remain secret, and sealed, until the
the time of the end." (Dan.12:9) It has been assumed that this
Tribulation primarily consisted in the persecutions of the antichrist,
but this is a mistake! The scriptures are explicit:
at the time
of the Greatest Tribulation that has ever been, or ever will be, those
written in the book of life will survive! (Dan 12:2)&
[The various Bible translations use these words: King James, Revised, NIV:
Jerusalem, New Jerusalem:
Revised Standard, New American Standard:
will escape, Douay
Rheims: will be saved.] Jesus himself says: "those
days will be shortened for sake of those who are chosen." (Matt.
24:22) On the other hand, in complete contrast to this, all
the translations are very clear that during the persecutions of antichrist,
as many as who refuse to pay him homage, or to accept his mark, will be
killed.& The antichrist: "will cause anyone who refuses
to worship the image of the beast, or to take his mark, to be put to death."
(Rev. 15:15).
There is a distinct scriptural contrast
between these two periods! In 'the tribulation greater than has
ever been, or ever will be: those written in the book of life will be spared,
... will escape, ... will be delivered, ... will be saved!' But,
during the persecutions of the antichrist, those written in the book of
life will not be "spared", or "delivered" or "saved"; rather,
they specifically will be put to death!& It is a mark of special
favor and predestination to survive the period of the Great Tribulation,
while it is a mark of special predestination to be granted the glorious
crown of martyrdom, by choosing to die for Christ, and for refusing to
take the mark of the beast. (Rev.14:9)
God's Great Diversion
God permitted this misconception about
the time of the antichrist, because it created a "great diversion."&
In spite of all the present theories Jesus gave a stern warning:
tell you solemnly: the master will come at an hour the SERVANTS
do not expect, and at an hour THEY do not know!" (Matt:
24:50) Christians have been fooled in their supposed "understanding"
of the end times. The reason the blinders have now come off
is only because the tribulation is actually now at hand and the secrets
of the scrolls are open.& Christ is coming
like a thief - but not in the way the world expected.
His coming like a thief
will consist in, (1), the sudden cataclysmic global chastisement
of the human race. This is 'the great day of the anger of the Lamb."
(Rev.6:16)& After this, the evidence of his coming
will be the great portent of the sign of the cross in the heavens left
in his wake. This surprise "coming" will conclude in, (2),
final supernatural, spiritual redemption of his mystical body, the Church
on earth. Thus, Christ's coming will come "like a thief",
through the miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the perfection of
his Church, and by the admittance of the Hebrews to salvation through Christ.
(Romans 11:26)
Thus, Christ will come like a thief
through his Church, which will be perfectly sanctified and 'redeemed'
by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and by the conversion of the Jews.
of how much the gentile world has benefited from the fall and defection
of the Jews! Now think of how much more the world will benefit by the conversion
of them all!" (Romans 11:12) It is this spiritual
like a thief" which has been reserved as a great mystery for these
last days. (Rev.11:15)& With the blinders off, it is clear is that
this day will take the world suddenly, almost by complete surprise. It
will be fulfilled before the end of the year 2005. It will probably begin
this very year. Even today we see the effect of Michael the Archangel as
he begins to stand up, as he prophesied to do in the Book of Daniel before
the Great Tribulation. The Church and the world now feel the onset of his
unmistakable power. Only fools now choose to remain dead in their sins,
for the justice of God comes quickly upon the world. Now, men must turn
in faith to infinite mercy of almighty God. Even in his terrible justice,
he is in fact showing himself to be infinitely merciful. If he acts, it
is only so that even more souls are not lost to eternal damnation.
"That day will be sprung on you suddenly,
like a trap! It will come down on everyone living on the face of the earth!"
(Luke 1:35) Those days will be exactly like it was at the time of
Noah, no one will be expecting anything - everyone will be eating and drinking,
and giving and taking in marriage right up until the very day when the
flood came and swept them all away." (Matt.24:39)
"There will come upon the world a
period of distress unparalleled since nations first came into existence."
(Dan 12:1) "No one will be expecting anything ... right up until
the very day!" (Matt.24:39) "Just when they are saying, "peace
and security" sudden destruction will come upon them, in the manner of
the labor pains of a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape."
(1 Thes.5:3) This tribulation will be even more cataclysmic than the flood
of Noah. Most importantly, there is no arrival of the antichrist
to prepare the world for it's sudden impact. It will be the a swift visitation
of judgment from God, which will come like a thief.
On his way up Mount Calvary, carrying his
cross, Christ issued this dreadful threat: "Do not weep for me, but
for yourselves and for your children, for the days are coming when they
will say: "blessed (fortunate) are the barren wombs, and the breasts that
do not nurse ... then they will say to the mountains and the hills 'fall
on us!" ...& "the whole population of earth will flee into the mountains,
saying: fall on us and hide us for the great day of the anger of the lamb
has come and who can survive it??" (Luke 23:30; Rev. 6:15)&
This threat clearly points to our present generation, which regards the
"barren womb" as "blessed" and so promotes the murder of hundreds of millions
of it's own innocent children through universally accepted murder of children,
within their mother's wombs.
This Mystery as it is
Mentioned in Scripture
Revelation, Chapter 10:
This is the mystery which was sealed up
as a secret, within the "little scroll" of the "Seven
Thunders" in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 10:1-10).& No one
can know exactly what is concealed but it most certainly
culminates in the triumph of Christ's mercy in this world. (Rev. 11:15)
These mysteries include a sudden war and astronomic cataclysm, and the
unexpected divine intervention, which will remain a mystery
is fulfilled!& Within these "Thunders" is concealed
the warning issued by Christ to his own friends and servants:
tell you solemnly: the master will come at an hour the servants
do not expect, and at an hour they do not know." (Matt. 24:50)
These events will dramatically change the course of human history. They
will conclude with the destruction of this corrupt and apostate modern
civilization, and will finally result in a triumph for the saints, for
the Church, and by the conversion of the Jews.
"Then, I saw another powerful angel
coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a r
his face was like the sun, and his legs were pillars of fire. In his hand
he had a s he put his right foot in the sea and his
left foot on the land. He shouted so loud that it was like a lion roaring!
As he did this, seven awesome claps of thunder resounded from heaven. I
was preparing to write down the meaning of the seven thunders, but a voice
from heaven stopped me! It said: "Seal up the meaning of the seven thunders!
Do not write them down!" Then, the angel that I had seen standing in the
sea and on the land, raised his right hand to heaven, and swore by the
One who lives for ever and ever, who made the heavens and the earth and
all that they contain:
"The time of waiting is over! When
the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, THE SECRET INTENTION OF GOD
be fulfilled, just as he announced in the Good News told to
his servants the prophets." (Rev.
Then I was told to take the scroll
out of the hand of the angel standing in the sea and on the land. He said:
"Take the scroll and eat it. In your mouth it will be as sweet as honey,
but it will be bitter in your stomach." So I took the scroll from the angels
hand and swallowed it. It was as sweet as honey in my mouth, but after
I had eaten it my stomach turned sour." (Rev. 10:1-10)
The "Secret Intention
"When the seventh angel sounds his
trumpet, THE SECRET INTENTION OF GOD will be fulfilled, just as
he announced in the Good News told to his servants the prophets." (Rev.
To understand this most mysterious of scriptural
passages, it is essential to realize that it is the immediate consequence
of passages of Revelation, Chapter's 8 and 9. These chapters describe the
earth shattering plagues of Seven Trumpets. The first four of these "Trumpets"&
describe the effects of only one cataclysmic event in four different aspects.
They describe the cataclysmic devastation of the earth by a "great
mountain all on fire, which burns up a third of the land, and is then cast
into the sea" as a "huge star that fell from the sky." The fourth
trumpet, is simply the description of the partial darkening of the atmosphere,
which result from the massive vapor cloud resulting from impact of this
asteroid which will collide with the earth through the ocean.& (Rev.8:8)
This terrifying event is most certainly
the very same event predicted by Christ: "men's hearts will fail them
in fear of what is threatening the earth, for the powers of heaven will
be shaken." (Luke 23:30). It is specifically mentioned in the Book
of Revelation: "The whole population of the world, rich and poor, will
flee into the mountains, saying: the great day of the anger of the Lamb
has come and who can survive it?" (Rev.6:15) For mankind, this will
not yet be the end of the tribulation! Woe! Woe! Woe! To the people
of the world when 6th angel sounds his trumpet! Another cataclysm
will follow very shortly after the cataclysm of this asteroid: "The
world will suffer two chastisements: one will come from the heavens, the
other from the earth. The last chastisement will be followed by three days
of total darkness. Those who are truly wicked, secret as well as known,
will perish throughout the earth during that universal darkness, with the
exception of a few, whom God will convert soon afterward." (Prophecy
of St. Anna Maria T 1830) (This reference to the final annihilation
of the wicked most certainly does NOT refer to God fearing Moslems, or
to any other survivors of good will - Christians or otherwise.)
This "great mountain all on fire"
is certainly a completely unexpected asteroid, which will arrive with almost
no warning whatsoever! The world will have perhaps only several days of
warning. It is great day of the Anger of the Lamb! The plagues which
almost immediately follow this unexpected asteroid may describe the effects
of a horrific nuclear war. (Rev. 9:18) Few people realize exactly why the
Soviets and the Americans agreed, in 1960, to a complete cessation of testing
nuclear weapons in the upper atmosphere. This was called the Atmospheric
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. They realized that powerful explosions of nuclear
fusion in the upper atmosphere, (not nuclear fission), could result in
igniting the hydrogen in the upper atmosphere itself in a catastrophic
nuclear fusion reaction& This was later proven by Rand McNally Jr.
to be absolutely possible, who theorized that the actual result would much
like a nuclear tornado of the atmosphere itself which would occur, not
on a world-wide, but on a continental level. This dangerous possibility
is called a thermo-nuclear dynamo. The Soviets and American both realized
that testing nuclear weapons in the upper atmosphere could result in the
annihilation of the earth itself - or at least, a great part of it. It
may be just such a thing that will conclude the "greatest period
of distress that has ever been since the beginning of the world, or ever
will be again after that" (Matt.24:21) "If those days were not
shortened no one would have survived. But they will be shortened for the
sake of the elect." The chastisements prophesied by these seven trumpets
have been over looked by scholars as if they were symbolic or metaphorical.
The plagues described by these seven trumpets are terribly literal. They
face the world now!
Of the comet, the Lord says: "men's
hearts will fail them in fear of what is threatening the earth, for the
powers of heaven will be shaken." (Luke 21:26) The continental
tidal waves forecast by impending impact will cause: "nations of
the earth to literally die of fright as they await what menaces the world
- undone by terror of the ocean and it's waves." (Luke 21:25) "The
whole population of the world, rich and poor, will flee into the mountains,
saying: the great day of the Lords anger has come and who can survive it?"
(Rev.6:15) In the chaos following this event, mankind may begin to destroy
itself by a nuclear holocaust which will prove even more destructive than
the comet. Of this nuclear war, Our Lord said: "If those day's were
not shortened - no one would have survived - but that time will be shortened
for the sake of the elect." (Matt. 24:22) Thus, there shall be
survivors of these two cataclysms of fire: "These are the ones who
have survived the Great Tribulation. The one who sits on the throne
will shelter them. The sun, or any flame or heat shall not strike or
scorch them again, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
(Rev. 7: 14-17)
There may perhaps be several astounding
mysterious divine interventions which will save the world from total destruction:
days will be shortened for sake of the elect, for if they were not shortened
no one would have survived." (Matt.24:22) These mysteries are presented
by an angel with the rainbow above his head . (This 'rainbow' is a reference
to the God's covenant with men to never again completely annihilate life
on earth.) The events, and the divine interventions sealed up as secrets
within the scroll of the seven thunders, is the greatest mystery of the
Bible. Exactly WHAT they will consist in cannot be clearly known, but they
certainly refer to "thoughts above our thoughts".
tell you solemnly: the master will come at an hour the servants do not
expect, and at an hour they do not know." (Matt. 24:50)
We know that there are great, unexpected
mysteries to come, for when the prophet Daniel asks about the outcome
of the great tribulation, the angel tells him: "go on your way,
these words are to remain secret, and sealed until the time of the end."
(Dan. 12:9)&& If the ending of the Great Tribulation IS
in fact the FINAL RETURN of CHRIST ... then the passage: "these
words are to remain secret and sealed until the time of the end"
are no mystery at all. But, the prophet Daniel makes it clear that this
period of "Great Tribulation" is NOT the final end of the world!
The words of scripture must be fulfilled: "the end can not come until
the Jews enter in, and the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of
our God, and of his Christ." (Romans 11:25, Rev. 11:15)
The "Secret Intention of God" and the "Seven
Sealed Thunders" are a mystery, because the incredible events they contain
that have NOT been anticipated. The Great Tribulation, and the Lord's
unexpected intervention will NOT be telegraphed to the world by the takeover
of the antichrist!& Every student of scripture knows that
the reign of the antichrist has a very specific time limit. If the
timing of the Great Tribulation& refers ONLY to the period
before the Lord's final return, at the end of the reign of antichrist:
most certainly, when the plagues of the antichrist finally arrive, Christians
will be longing for coming of the Lord. They will literally be counting
down the days! This is hardly: "an hour the servants are
NOT expecting." To the contrary, the moment the antichrist begins
his reign, the servants of Lord will know exactly to the
day when the Lord will "return to slay him with the breath of His
mouth at his glorious appearance." (2 Thes.2:6)
The Confusion which Concealed
the Secret
Herein lies the mysterious inconsistency
between the words of Christ: "I assure you, the Son of Man is coming
at an hour you do not expect" (Matt. 24:44) and the words of St.
Paul: "&The 'Final Coming' > of the Lord can NOT come before the
great apostasy and the appearance of the &antichrist>, whom the Lord
will slay with the breath of his mouth at the glorious appearance of his
coming." (2 Thes.2:4) But, both of these scriptural passages
These two passages contain a seemingly
irreconcilable mystery. How can the "Son of Man come at an hour the
servants are not expecting" - when the servants KNOW that the
coming of the Lord will occur almost immediately after the reign of the
antichrist? What is concealed, is that it is the cataclysmic Great Tribulation
which will come "like a thief". This tribulation will be followed by
a completely unexpected Divine Intervention - which will include the complete
darkening of the heavens and the great portent of the cross which will
be seen in the heavens. This global tribulation, and the divine intervention
of the Sign of the Cross in the sky which follows, is surely part of the
intention of God"& (Rev. 10:7). If the out come of this tribulation
results in the conversion of the Jews, and the complete fulfillment of
earthly Kingdom come, it will perfectly fulfill the Lord's
reference to His "coming like a thief in the night", at "an hour
His servants do not expect" - without compromising the absolute
certainty that the Lord Jesus will return after the reign of the antichrist.
Christians have wrongly assumed that
the great tribulation consists solely in the persecutions, and the plagues
of the antichrist. Certainly, the period of the antichrist, will
be a great tribulation for many, and it will consist in the horrendous
persecutions, and the stunning divine plagues described in the Sixteenth
Chapter of the Book of Revelation. But those tremendous final plagues,
and the persecution of the antichrist will not be any real surprise to
Christians. It is the Lord -- not the antichrist -- who will come like
a thief in the night!
At first, the antichrist will be known
privately to be a prodigy.& He may, in fact, be already be born. He
is destined to grow up within the newly converted Jewish nation. Publicly,
he will be first be welcomed as a man of valor with profound wisdom and
virtue. Later, he will publicly contradict the doctrine of salvation through
Christ, and will lead many astray. By amazing miraculous power, he will
assume a divine-like, messianic esteem:& first within Israel, then
throughout the whole world. He will insinuate himself to be the
true messiah. At some point, he will enforce some financial means,
by which the whole world will feel forced to accept his financial system,
it's very nature will explicitly give him divine homage.
Tradition is very clear about this fact:
the Antichrist will first come as a& personality exclusively from
within Israel. He will be no obvious, illusive fraud like the Maitreya.
Nor will he be some "Bill Gates" type of personality. He will, in fact,
act very much like Christ himself acted. He will even in some way resemble
Jesus Christ, physically: with the exception that he will be familiar with
both war and valor. Initially, he will seem to be endowed with great wisdom
and compassion. "He will resemble the lamb." (Rev.13:11)
The moslem nations, in fact, await - "Jesus - the messiah" - who will come
to "destroy the "cross", and refute the article of faith
about the "divinity of Christ" - which they regard as "antichrist".
Finally, he will demand apostasy from the
Christian faith, and will perform unbelievable miraculous which will make
his religious demands seem to come from the Almighty God himself.&
He will work such astounding false miracles that the very elect will be
deceived, if this were possible. He will lay claim to the divine right
of kingship over the world as the true messiah. Jesus specifically addresses
the Jews when He says: "I came in the name of my Father, and yet
you did not accept me. But, there will be another who will come in his
own name, and you will accept him". (John 5:43) Thus, the antichrist
will firstly be publicly acknowledged, and accepted as the messiah by the
Jewish nation itself, whose new found faith in Jesus Christ will then be
severely tested - as will the faith of the whole world.
But, now, we are still speaking of the
of the Lord.& It is not the day of the antichrist, which
shall come like a thief! The Lord shall "visit" the world
suddenly and unexpectedly! By a surprise intervention, he shall manifest
his divine power in the midst of the cataclysm of the asteroid, and the
horrific events to follow. These cataclysms, before the rise of the antichrist,
will be "the period of distress unparalleled since nations first
came into existence." (Dan. 12:1) While it is very true that the
persecutions of the antichrist will consist of great tribulations for Christian
people, the Great Tribulation per se does not refer to the time
of the antichrist.
It is the world of today that must be spiritually
prepared, for "these days are exactly like the time of Noah: everyone
is eating, and drinking and giving and taking in marriage, no one is&
expecting anything, - nor will they, right up until the very day!"
(Matt 24:39) The antichrist will come in the post cataclysmic age. He will
come to the generation recovering from the "greatest tribulation
that has ever been...or ever will be" The fact that the world will
continue AFTER this great tribulation is illustrated by the words: "or
ever will be" (Matt 24:22) It is in the generation "after", that
the antichrist will come. "The Lord will (later) slay him
with the breath of his mouth at the glorious appearance of his coming."
(2 Thes.2:7)
After the cataclysmic impact of the
asteroid, and the devastating effects of nuclear war, the earth will be
covered in a supernatural darkness which will be a veil for:
The Completion of the
"The day of wrath is coming to root
out the sinners from the earth. On that day, the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give her light." (Is.13:10)
"It will be a day dark with cloud,
the end of an epoch for the nations." (Ezek.30:3)
"Immediately after the distress of
those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light.
The sign of the son of man will appear in the heavens." (Matt.
"The time of waiting is over: the
secret intention of God will be fulfilled." (Rev. 10:7)
"The sun and moon grow dark, and
the earth quakes on the great and terrible day of the Lord ... but wait!
Perhaps even yet he will turn away and relent? Who knows if he will not
leave a blessing in his passing?" (Joel 2:10-14)
"Then the earth quivered and quaked,
and the foundations of the heavens trembled. He bent the heavens and came
down, a dark cloud under his feet. Darkness he made a veil to surround
him, a dense cloud enshrouded him." (2 Sam.22:12)
"Then I will gather
together many men of every language. They will come to witness my glory.
I will give these a sign to bring back, so that they may convert the survivors
of the nations." (Is. 66:18)
"After that great and
terrible day, and the darkening of the sun and moon, I will pour out my
spirit on all mankind." (Joel 2:28-31, or 3:1-4)
These mysteries can can ONLY be
properly understood when one realizes that the Twenty Fourth chapter of
Matthew, and the Twenty First chapter of Luke, do NOT describe ONLY
ONE period, but SEVERAL!& Both of these Gospel passages
are crafted blendings which refer to several very distinct periods. The
first period refers to the future Destruction of Jerusalem by the
Romans in 70 AD.& The second period refers to SUDDEN GREAT TRIBULATION
. The FINAL period refers to the conquest of the antichrist.
Scholars have overlooked that there
is a significant time lapse in Matthew between the appearance of the the
Sign of the Son of Man (the cross) .. and the final coming
of Christ at the end of the world! What appears to be the immediate
COMING of Christ, is NOT in fact immediate. What the scripture
is, that "the sign of the Cross in the heavens will immediately follow
the tribulation of those days." Though in the Gospel of Matthew,
the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens seems to be immediately
followed by the parousia, the actual reference to the parousia, i.e.: "then
they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven" (Matt. 24:30,
Luke 21:27) is simply a statement of fact - but it does not necessarily
describe an immediate chronology - or the final coming of Christ to judge
the living and the dead. e.g.: Then, (30 years later), they
will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven. (See: Luke
21: 27, Matthew 24:30, and Thes.2:8)
Further Proof of this
If anyone scoffs at this, or doubts it,
let him look carefully at the passages of Luke, Chapter 21, verses 20-27.
The early Church fathers clearly understood that the first part of this
passage (Luke 21:20-24) applied specifically to the invasion and the desolation
of Jerusalem by the forces of the Roman General Titus, under the rule of
the emperor Vespasian in 70 AD. At that time great wrath did
come upon Jerusalem, it WAS surrounded by armies, and Jerusalem
was WAS laid desolate. It's great Temple was destroyed, the people
who stayed within the walls of Jerusalem were reduced to cannibalism, and
were annihilated. Finally, the Great Temple was burned to the ground amidst
the noise of a most terrible shrieking-wail by the remaining Jews, and
finally the city of Jerusalem was utterly destroyed. As Christ had predicted,
it's great temple was torn down so that there was barely one stone remaining
upon another at that holy spot. Then, the surviving Jews were scattered
unto every corner of the earth, just as Jesus, in the gospel of Luke predicts.
What is more, Jerusalem HAS been trodden
under-foot by pagans for nearly 2000 years - even to this very day. But,
that is changing now! In fact, current events point clearly to apocalyptic
events which must take place in the middle east & At the conclusion of this, the "age of gentiles
will be completely over." (Luke 21:26)
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 21, clearly
contains two meanings. It continues, in verses 25-27: "and
then they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven...",
if the desolation of Jerusalem is immediately followed by the
final coming of Christ, which did not happen!& Really,
the passage is a prophetic scriptural blending of times and ages of the
world. These two events, written almost in the same sentence, occur in
times that are separated by thousands of years! These two events, prophesied
by Christ, are millennia apart! It is possible that again Jerusalem
will be surrounded by armies, before men die of fright at the clamor of
the oceans, when the very powers of heaven will be shaken.
In this exact same shrouded and
mysterious context, Matthew 24:29-30, implies that the Second
Coming of Christ will occur immediately after the sign of the cross in
the sky: but again, this is not the case! Just as the prediction
of the Roman armies surrounding and destroying Jerusalem was not immediately
followed by the Second Coming (Luke 21:20-24): neither do the events
described by Matthew concerning the Great Tribulation, mean that Christ's
Second Coming will occur immediately after the sign of the cross in the
sky. In fact, Matthew uses the very same identical words that Luke
uses: "and then they shall see the Son of Man coming on the
clouds of heaven with great power and glory" (Matt. 24:30).
These two passages are prophecies of future
events, but in neither case do they indicate that the final coming of Christ
is immediate. In each case, the scenario's which precede the apparent
final coming of Christ are different, and the actual outcomes are not clear.
This is exactly what the angel indicated to the prophet Daniel, when Daniel
asked: 'but what will be the outcome of the Great Tribulation?'&
'No,' replied the angel, 'you go on your way, that is to remain
secret and sealed right up until the very time of the end'. (Dan
The reader need only to look at both of
the Gospel passages to see their great similarity.& In reality, the
confusion that these two passage create, permit the fulfillment of the
secret intention of God. (Rev.10:7)& This is the mystery concealed
within the secrets of the seven thunders. "Seal up the meaning of
the seven thunders. Do not write them down! The time of waiting is over!
When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, the secret intention of God
will be fulfilled, just as he announced in the Good News told to his servants
the prophets." (Rev.10:7)
This mystery is that the Great Tribulation
will be "shortened lest no one would have survived", and
that God will miraculously accomplish the conversion of the Jews, and set
up his spiritual kingdom upon the ruins of this Great Babylon for a brief
period of time, before the final coming of the antichrist. (Rev. 11:15,
Rev. 18:20, and Rev 19:7). This spiritual reign shall be the time prophesied
in Joel, after the darkening of the sun and moon, when the God says: "Then,
I shall pour out my spirit on all mankind." (Joel 2:28 or 3:1)
Babylon the Great
'Babylon the Great' is this wealthy,
worldly, immoral, corrupt, apostate, formerly Christian civilization
which we now live. It is the fabulously wealthy Christian civilization
of the first Great Apostasy "drunk on the blood of the Martyrs".
(II Thes.2:3) These Christian nations have become, as it were, a "Great
Harlot" (Rev.17:2), 'which has corrupted the whole world.'
(Rev. 17:5)& If one studies Ezekiel, Chapter 16, it becomes clear
that God chooses an identical metaphor to describe the nation of Israel.
The people of Israel also apostatized from the laws of God, to embrace
practices of idolatries and fornication. In Ezekiel, Chapter 16,
the prophet describes how God raised Israel into a beautiful woman, adorned
her in silk and precious stones, and placed a splendid crown upon her head.
But, she becomes a great harlot. The metaphorical parallel of the apostate
Israel, to an apostate Christianity is obvious. This passage even predicts
the future apostasy of Christianity. "Those who quote proverbs will
use this proverb against you: 'Like Mother, like daughter'." (Ezek.16:44)
IS that daughter!
In the same way that God portrays Israel
in Ezekiel 16, he portrays Christianity in Revelation Chapter 17.&
Both are his chosen people who have abandoned his laws to become great
harlots: dressed in silk or scarlet, adorned with precious stones. The
Christian nations, the formerly 'Christian Civilization'
has definitely become a corrupt and powerful influence of scandal, immorality
to the whole world, which make it 'Babylon the Great'. This corrupt
Christian civilization has literally 'intoxicated the whole world
with the spirit of fornication with it's tantalizing, decadent allure.'
(Rev.18:3) The nations of Christianity have scandalized the whole world!
They have indeed led the whole world astray! (Rev.18:3)
Babylon the
Great is no particular Christian Church. It is Christian culture as
a whole. It is seated on Rome, only because the Roman
Church is the mother of all Christianity. It is definitely NOT symbolic
or the Roman Catholic religion, but rather of all apostate Christian culture.
Both Catholics and Protestants, share the guilt of participating
in the sins of this scandalous, decadent civilization. True Christians
should take no part in the immoralities of this corrupt culture - or they
will soon have it's punishments to bear in full rigor! (Rev.18:4)
In many ways, the West IS exactly
the horrid moral influence which the Arab countries claim it to be. There
are not massive Gay Pride parades in every city of the Moslem nations,
or in the atheistic Chinese cultures. These are NOT Babylon the Great -
but they are symbolized as the "Beast" that will burn Babylon to
the ground. (Rev.17:16) "God will use them to fulfill his purpose."
(Rev.17:17) Because the Moslems themselves reject Jesus Christ as the Son
of God, and follow Mohammed, who taught that it is an horrible abomination
to say that "Jesus is the Son of the Almighty" -- they are
definitely a type of antichrist! Mohammed, whom they follow, is the false
prophet par excellence'. (Rev.20:10) Not only did Mohammed teach that the
doctrine of the divinity of Christ was an abomination, Moslems teach, and
believe, that before the end of the world: "Jesus" will return to
'BREAK THE CROSS', (that is to publicly denounce that salvation
is attained through his death on the cross); and that he will proclaim
to the whole world that he is NOT the 'Son of the Almighty'. This is
what Moslems believe! This is the pure spirit of the deception of antichrist
and the false prophet! (Rev.20:10). Each religion calls the other's
notion about Christ - antichrist. The Moslems believe that the teaching
that "Jesus is the Son of the Almighty' is itself "antichrist." The foolish
"ten kings" may be a part of the Western Civilization - but only insofar
as they will contribute to the nuclear holocaust of fire which will ultimately
destroy modern civilization.
These Moslem nations, like the atheistic
Chinese, do serve the "Beast"! (Rev.17:16) The Body
of the 'Beast', is a contrast to the true Body of Christ. The 'Beast"
symbolic of all civilizations in which Satan's version of religion has
held total dominion. (See: Rev. 17:10) Scripture says that 'The
Beast' will be used by God, (Rev.17:13) to do his work unto the destruction
of the modern day, apostate Babylon the Great. (Rev.17:17) 'Babylon
will be hurled into the sea like a giant millstone!' (Rev.18:21)
Thus, the mysterious intention of God consists
in the sudden global catastrophes in which will God will come like
a thief, and in the mysterious divine interventions by which he
will save the world from total destruction.
"The sun and moon grow
dark, and the earth quakes on the great and terrible day of the Lord ...
but wait! Perhaps even yet he will turn away and relent? Who knows if he
will not leave a blessing in his passing?" (Joel 2:10-14)
Another Mystery?
Another awesome event is indicated: in
the supernatural darkness which will then cover the earth after the impact
of the asteroid, there may be some sort of resurrection unseen by human
eyes. The scripture is clear: "After that tribulation unparalleled
since nations first came into existence: many shall rise from their graves,
some to everlasting life, others to everlasting disgrace." (Dan
12:2-3) Probably, this refers to final resurrection, which is to follow
even a full generation later. However, what ever this is, it may be part
of the "secret intention of God ... just as he announced to his servants
the prophets" i.e. the prophet Daniel himself.& (See: Rev.
10:7). This is why, when "the prophet" Daniel asks: "But what will
be the outcome of this tribulation?" The answer is "Go on
your way ... that knowledge (of the unexpected tribulation and the conversion
to follow it) is to remain sealed, and secret,
right up until the time
of the end!" (Dan 12:9)
There could even be some sort of unexpected
rapture, but it would certainly not a permanent removal. "One will
be taken, one will be left." (Matt 24:41) "I will gather
men of every language. They will come to witness my glory. I will give
these a sign to bring back to convert the survivors of the nations."
(Is. 66:18) Ultimately, all the true children of God in the whole world
will then be converted to the Christian faith and there will be "one fold
and one shepherd." The prophecy foretold in Joel will now be fulfilled:
&the great and terrible day of the Lord, and the darkening of the sun
and moon> I will pour out my spirit on all mankind. Your old men will dream
dreams, and your young men will have visions." (Joel 3:1)
In his mercy, Christ's miraculous intervention
will have averted the total destruction of the world in the events to follow
the "great mountain all on fire ... the huge star that fell from
the sky". (Rev. 8:8-10) "That time will be shortened lest no one
would have survived ... but the time will be shortened for the sake of
the elect." (Matt 24:22) The "Day of the Lord" is indeed a day of judgment,
but it is not what the world imagines that it will be. This cataclysmic
chastisement will be a surprise for this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.&
This is the civilization of the "Great Apostasy". The luxuriously wealthy,
but corrupt Christian civilization termed: "Babylon the Great."
"The day of wrath is
coming to root out the sinners from the earth. On that day, the sun will
be darkened, and the moon will not give her light." (Is.13:10)
"But the children of Israel written
in the Book of Life will survive." (Dan 12:2)
Seven hundred years ago, St. Malachy, the
abbot of a great monastery in Ireland, produced a prophetic list which
he gave as a royal gift to the King of France. In this list, he gave a
cryptic name to each of the popes who would reign over the Roman Church
from that time until the until the end of the world. The short names have
been remarkably accurate describing the circumstances of each of the popes
which have come. There are only two remaining on the list after Pope John
Paul II. The pope before John Paul II, John Paul I, was named: "Mediate
Lunae" or "Of the term of the moon." He reigned exactly
30 days: the term of the moon! The current Pope, John Paul II's cryptic
name on Malachy's list is: "Laboris Solis" or "The
labor of the sun." This likely refers to the passage: "and
the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give her light, for the powers
of heaven will be shaken." (Matt.24:29) From this it becomes clear
the TIME OF TIMES will actually occur during the reign of the present
pope: John Paul II !! The pope to follow John Paul II, is termed: "Gloriae
Olivae" or "The Glory of the Olive", which refers
to a period of world peace, and to the reconciliation of Israel. The LAST
Pope on the list of St. Malachy is termed "Petrus Romanus"
(Peter the Roman). Malachy's only written comment is on this last pope:
shall come Peter the Roman, HE shall lead the Church into to the final
persecution of the antichrist, after which the terrible Judge will return
to judge His people."
The 'Sweet' and the 'Bitter'
Sadly for humanity, even after the collision
of the asteroid, the plagues to follow, and then the darkening of the sun,
and the awesome sign of the cross in the sky (which will be the evidence
of Christ's having come like a thief), mankind will not change it's
ways for long.& Perhaps only a dozen years will pass, when many will
forget the cataclysmic chastisement the they will
dismiss the spectacular portent of the cross that had been seen in the
sky by millions. Many will actually harden their hearts to the final preaching
of the gospel by the spirit-filled Christians of the last age. Incredibly,
many of the survivors will ultimately "not give up their murdering,
or witchcraft, or fornication, or stealing." (Rev. 9:21) This is
what is meant by the prophecy: "Take that open scroll and eat it.
In your mouth it will be as sweet as honey, but it will be bitter in your
After the celestial cataclysm and holocaust,
and the subsequent sweet outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the
reality will be that only a decade or two will pass when men's hearts will
become hardened again. There will be a final great apostasy. Like their
ancestors before them, who blasphemed after witnessing the parting of the
Red Sea, so - many of the surviving Jews and Christians who witnessed the
astronomic cataclysm, and the great portent of the cross in the sky, will
fall away one final time. This will be the absolute fulfillment of the
"Great Apostasy". Those who fail to embrace the faith in it's fulness,
will be totally deceived by the amazing false miracles of the antichrist
who is to come. These will embrace his deceptions and completely abandon
the true faith, and embrace him as their messiah. The conversions of final
preaching of the gospel, and the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon
the whole world will seem short-lived. The bitter reality
is that "the &antichrist> will be permitted to come working lying
wonders with the full power of Satan, to completely deceive the sons of
disobedience! Because they would not believe the truth, God will send them
a powerful delusion to make them believe what is untrue. They will be condemned
for refusing to believe the truth and for preferring wickedness instead."
(Thes. 2:12)
The final Kingdom of God on earth shall
primarily consist in the spectacular interior conversion in the hearts
of the Christians who survive the great tribulation. But man's redemption
will be thereafter be completed in a most perfect way. "When you
see these things begin to happen, stand firm, and hold your head up high:
for your redemption is at hand." "When that day comes, a
fountain shall be opened, and I shall rid the country of the spirit of
impurity." (Zech.13:1) The final conversion of the Jews to Christianity,
which is clearly foretold by St. Paul in the eleventh chapter of Romans
will begin immediately after the great portent of the Cross in the sky.
Then, "the age of the pagans will be completely over." (Luke
Of this age of peace the angel proclaims:
The kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our God and of his
Christ" (Rev. 11:15) Within the few short years to follow, the
technologies and modern economies will be revived and continue to exist
much as they do so now. These years, of "the Glory of the Olive"
will be an incredible "period of peace". But it shall not
be any ''.
What it lacks in duration, will be made up for in miracles of grace given
to the world through final outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the conversion
of the Jews. Sadly, "it shall be sweet in the mouth ... but bitter
in the stomach" (Rev.10:9). The financial technologies implemented
during this period of peace will finalize the necessary platform for the
world conquest of the antichrist.
The Coming of the Anti-Christ
After the death of Pope John Paul II, and
the great tribulation of the asteroid and nuclear holocaust, their shall
be only two popes before the coming of the antichrist. "This generation
will not pass away until all these things have come to pass." (Matt.24:34)
The Holy Pontiff referred to in the Prophecy's of St. Malachy as the "Glory
of the Olive", will preside over the Church during the 'period
of peace', a spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ set up upon the
ruins of the corrupt kingdom of this great earthly Babylon. Though it shall
be short, it will be a wonderful period of Christian reconciliation. After
the death of next Pope, in the last years of the final epoch, the antichrist
will openly assume a heroic role within a newly converted and extremely
powerful Israel. Israel will be restored with great power in it's
conversion after the period of the Great Tribulation. The antichrist
himself is the "little horn" whom will be enthroned, first
within Israel by apostate Jews, as the messiah. (Dan 7:24) He will make
conquest of the infidels in Israel masquerading as the true messiah. After
he has captured the nation of Israel through his false miracles, he will
commence the rapid conquest of the rest of the world.
It will be during this time that the specially
preserved prophets of old, Enoch and Elijah, will return to preach against
the reprobate religion of the antichrist. "I will send my two witnesses
to prophecy for those 1260 days." (Rev.11:3) To the gentile world
of Christians, the prophet Enoch will arise to denounce the reception of
the mark of the beast! He will rally the Christians to keep their faith
unto the death, even if must be: "Captivity for those who are destined
the sword for those who are to die by the sword."
(Rev. 13:10) And to Israel, locked in the final battle of the chosen people
between good and evil: "Behold, before the great and terrible last
day, I will send you Elijah the prophet ... to reconcile the faith of the
present generation with the faith of their ancestors." (Malachi
1:25) "And what shall the final conversion of the Jews mean? Nothing
less than the resurrection of the dead!" (Romans 11:15)
To complete his total dominion, the antichrist
will incapacitate the United States, (already devastated by the brunt of
the Great Tribulation), with another nuclear attack. (Rev. 17:17)&
He will then enforce his conquest upon the remainder of Europe and Asia
by promises of peace and overwhelming threat. In a flamboyant and extra-terrestrial
deception, he will appeal to all who have not been fully converted to Christianity
as an awesome, divine, messiah. He will then assume a role of total control
over most of the world. The exact time of his absolute reign will
be three and one half years. (Rev.13:5, Dan.12:7, Dan 12:11, Rev.
11:3 Rev. 12:6) Elijah will then unearth the lost ark of the covenant.
(2 Maccabees 2:7)& He will place within it the Blessed Sacrament ...
and "the glory of the ancient Shekinah will return" (2 Maccabees
2:7)& as a witness to the Hebrews of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
At the end of this, the remnant of the west will unite most notably with
China. These will engage the "Universal Kingdom of Israel"
of the antichrist, in the final war feared as Armageddon. The ultimate
devastation of this war will be so great that the survival of all life
on earth shall be will made impossible. Under that circumstance ... namely
the poisoning of atmosphere: "Behold ... the end has come."
(Rev. 16:17) Christ will soon return in unimaginable glory accompanied
by all the armies of heaven for the final time, and the Last Judgment will
be held.& That shall be the end of the world!
"If mankind does not repent, and the
sins of the human race continue to increase in number and severity, the
Eternal Father will inflict a terrible chastisement on all humanity. It
will be a tribulation worse than the deluge &of Noah>, such
as no one has ever seen before. Fire shall fall
from heaven that will annihilate a great part of humanity. The
survivors will find themselves so desolate that ... the only consolation
that will remain will be &prayer> and the SIGN&
left by &Christ himself>."& -- The VATICAN APPROVED
prophetic message given at
Click the link below to learn:
by St. Louis DeMontfort
The message of Divine Mercy!


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