
你可能喜欢收集几个英语值日报告,要求一个人的 讲个故事的什么的时间大约 2 3分钟 回 1 2 分钟就行不是很正规
hello,everyone,i am on duty today .i would like to share a funny joke with you,hope you like it,and have a nice day!A Girl Just Like Mother No matter which girl he brought home,the young man found disapproval(不满) from his mother. A friend gave him advice(建议). “Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to(一定会) like her. So the young man searched and searched(寻找),and finally found the girl.He told his friend:“Just like you said,I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed,and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her” “So,”asked the friend,“what happened?” “Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her!” hello,everyone!as we have always know national's day is coming.so we will have a long holiday to spend.i planned to go to Lijiang City.it locate at northwestern of Yunnan Province.Its population is 1,100,000.The famous "Lijiang old town" (as it is commonly known) is more correctly called the Dayan old town (大研古镇).是我,今天是九月二十六号,是我值日.大家好!我们已经知道国庆节就要到了,在这期间我们会放一个长假,我计划去丽江古城,它位于云南省的西北部,有一百一十万人口,有名的丽江古城准确的叫法应该是大研古镇.The Lijiang old town has a history going back more than 800 years and was once a confluence for trade along the old tea horse road.The Lijiang old town is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges.It has been called the "Venice of the East".丽江古城的历史可以追溯到八百千前,是茶马古道上的商业重镇.丽江古城因它有序的排水系统和桥梁而闻名于世.它被称为是东方的维也纳.The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese cities in architecture,history and the culture of its traditional residents the Naxi people.丽江古镇与我国的其它古镇在建筑风格,历史及土著居民纳西族的文化等方面表现出了不同.i think when i go there,i will enjoy both beautiful natural secenery and mysterious minority cultures.i am expecting it now!我想当我去了那一定会享受在当地的自然风景和神奇的少数民族文化中,我现在很期待这次旅行.Q1:where did Lijiang locate at?丽江位于何处?A1:it locate at northwestern of Yunnan Province.它位于云南省的西北部.Q2:how long history does the Lijiang old town has?丽江古镇有多长时间的历史 A2:The Lijiang old town has a history going back more than 800 years.丽江古镇的历史可追溯至八百年前 Q3:what does Lijiang old town famous for?丽江古镇因而何而闻名于世.A3:The Lijiang old town is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges 丽江古城因它有序的排水系统和桥梁而闻名于世.
扫描下载二维码要求一篇英语值日报告,70词左右!要求:要以my hobbies或者my friend为题,
My friend I have a friend ,Her (His) name is 某某某,She (He) is my favorite friend.I like her(he ) very much.Her(He) is 多少 years old .she ( he) like Chinese very much,she thinks ,Chinese is very interesting and realx.she likes some animals .Such us:dogs cats birds fish…… her favorite animal is panda.panda is black and white .It is from China .They are very cute and clever.But sometimes it is very shy ,so please be very quiet .This is my friend .Do you like her .If you want to be her friend.Please call her at :随便编一串数字.she can be your good friend.是我自己写的 初中水平哦 老师一看就看出来了 这招肯定是行不通的 哪怕是跟老师说我不会写 但也不要抄袭别人的文章 毕竟不是你自己的 以后高考谁去 帮你写啊!
扫描下载二维码我下周要做英语值日报告,但不知道该讲什么,大家有没有什么好的故事可以讲啊?-收集几个英语值日报告,要求一个人的 讲个故事的什么的
可以讲个笑话什么的。比如: Another DoctorLooking down at his patient, the doctor decided to tell him the truth. &I feel that I must tell you: You are a very sick man. I'm sure you would want to know the facts. I don't think you he much time left. Now, is there anyone you would like to see?&Bending down toward the sick man, the doctor heard him softly answer, &Yes.&&Who is it?&In a little stronger tone, the patient said, &Another doctor.&另一个医生看着病人,医生决定告诉常攻败纪汁慌伴苇宝俩他实情。“我觉得我必须告诉你:你的病很严重。我确信你想知道实情。我想你没有多少时间了。现在,你想见见谁吗?”医生弯下腰去,听到病人轻轻地说道:“想。”“想见谁呢?”病人的声音大了一点:“再看一个医生。”


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