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第三方登录:How to Create Joy Today: 7 Tips for a Happy Life
Announcement: Wish you could change the past? Learn to let go and create a life you love with !
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama
I have recently come face to face with mortality—not my own, my friend’s. At only thirty-seven, Daniel left behind an army of people whose lives he had touched in some way, including my own.
At thirty-three I have just qualified as a Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist. At the time Daniel passed away I was working as a Human Resources Manager, a profession I had originally trained in and remained in for over ten years.
A number of factors and events led me to make the leap and set up my own practice as a Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist, but the overriding reason was simply to .
Many of my friends told me how inspiring I was to them, others told me I was brave, and the rest gave me a look of awe that suggested I was crazy.
were spoken.
“Why don’t you work part time while you get the business underway?”
“It’s going to take time for you to get regu they won’t come overnight.”
“You can always go back to human resources if it doesn’t work.”
All of this came from my nearest and dearest friends and family! I didn’t listen to any of them because I knew from the depths of my soul that this was the right thing to do, and I knew their words were only echoes of their own fears about life and striking out—not my own.
Every day we are faced with stories that remind us of our own mortality as human beings, but when you
with all your heart, it changes something deep within you.
The everyday drama we allow into our lives falls away and suddenly seems insignificant. We find ourselves reaching out and opening our heart to let others in. We start to notice the simple pleasures.
We become acutely aware that we never really know when our time might be up, and we make a pledge to let joy into our life.
That was the pledge I made.
I can’t bring back my darling friend, but I can honor him every day by ensuring that my journey is filled with people and experiences tha by letting my emotions and
to by choosi and by remembering that I am the only thing that can stop me from making those choices.
What dreams, desires, feelings, or needs of your own have you pushed aside? And if you followed your own dreams and bliss, how would your life change for the better?
You are the driver of your own life, and as you journey through, you have choices about which paths to take. The people you pick up along the way can influence your life, but you still remain in control.
These ideas may help you start creating more joy in your life:
1. Tell a new story.
What’s your current story, and how does it make you feel? If it doesn’t make you feel good when you tell it, then stop telling it. Instead, tell a story that makes you feel inspired and positive. Maybe you haven’t found your calling yet and feel as if every day is ground hog day.
You can change that.
I stayed working in Human Resources for ten years but I had always been interested in Life Coaching.
Up until two years ago I had done nothing about that interest until one day I decided to make a change and looked into some local evening courses.
I found one starting a few weeks later and got the last place on it. A coincidence? I think not!
Spending a few hours a week learning something new, just for the pleasure of it, was exhilarating.
I changed my story from “I just work in HR” to “At the moment I work in HR, but I’m doing a course in Life Coaching and I’m not yet sure where that may lead me, but it sure is exciting!”
What have you always wanted to do in life but have been too afraid to attempt? What activities throughout your life have given you the greatest feeling of achievement? If you could do anything what would you do and what would bring you a step closer to that?
2. Feel the thoughts that make you feel good.
Sometimes it can feel that our thoughts are thinking us and that we have no control over them.
How many of the 60,000 thoughts you have each day are anxious, critical, defensive, or frustrated?
Most of our everyday thinking is driven from the unconscious mind, which is far greater than the conscious mind. This is why it may feel an impossible task to rein your thoughts in. But as with most things, a little practice can go a long way.
Reach for the thoughts that make you feel good and then practice holding on to them. If, for example, you have had a bad day at work, don’t tell the story about it because that won’t make you feel good!
Don’t ruminate on the conversations or events of the day because that will only serve to make you tenser and may affect your ability to have a good night’s sleep. Instead and think of something else that makes you feel good.
It may be something you have planned for the weekend. It may be a memory of time spent with your partner. Or it could just be an inner knowing that you don’t have to think this way, followed by good feelings about that.
The more you can get a hold on your thoughts, the greater control you will gain over your emotions.
After all, why would you choose to feel anything but joyful, elated, on top of the world, clear-minded, creative, enthusiastic, or eager? What will it be like when you can feel like that for most of your day?
3. Spring clean your belief system.
We are powerful creators of our own reality, but so many of us don’t realize our own true potential.
W not one of us is more “special” than another.
The only difference is that there are some people who have learned to shine a beam on what they really want in life and then have the belief to make that happen.
When , you feel it right through to your very core. Many people believe they have to live with the cards they have been dealt, that life is tough, or if you want something you have to fight for it.
Yet beliefs are only thoughts that we keep thinking. No belief is set in stone.
As humans we have a great capacity for . We once believed that the world was flat until someone convinced us otherwise. I have run two marathons in the past two years. Yet if you asked me five years ago if I could run even a half marathon, I wouldn’t have believed it.
What beliefs have you got that are holding you back? If you really challenge those beliefs you will see them start to crumble, allowing you to build new, stronger, more positive beliefs.
Ask yourself “Where has this belief come from?” “What does this belief cost me on a daily basis?” “What would happen if I let go of this old belief?”
4. Get happy now!
So many times I hear people say “I’ll be happy when I lose some weight.” “I’ll be happy when I retire.” “I’ll be happy when I get a boyfriend.” “I’ll be happy when I get a place of my own.”
What about ? Happiness is an emotion. If you reach for thoughts that make you feel happy, you can be happy right now! When you focus your attention on feeling happy now, the rest falls into place, and you find yourself attracting new things into your life.
My tried and tested “happiness pill” is to think of the time I went travelling in South America. I close my eyes and imagine I am back there with no more than a backpack, feeling the sun warm against my skin, sitting outside a cafe sipping a cool drink as I soak up the sights and sounds before my eyes. It never fails to raise a smile on my lips and a glow in my heart.
5. Get into gratitude.
for what you have in your life now. Take a few moments every day to really savor what makes you happy and give thanks for it.
It could be waking up in a warm bed, enjoying a piece of cake in a cafe while watching the world go by, walking with your dog in the fresh air, or simply being healthy.
When you create feelings of gratitude, you change the feeling in your heart. Just think what effect having a heart bursting with gratitude can have on your mind and your body!
6. Create a bliss board.
Take a large sheet of cardboard and fill it with pictures, captions, or words that you want your life to reflect. So many of us know what we don’t want, but are not clear what we do want.
Pin it to a wall in your home so that every day you are reminded of what you want in life. I found a wonderful caption in a magazine that read “educating body, mind, heart, and soul.” Every morning I see it on my bliss board and it sets my day off with the right intention.
7. Take a leap of faith.
To move forward and allow new experiences, new energy, and new people into your life you have to
of whatever isn’t working for you.
It does take confidence and self-belief, but this is where banishing the old beliefs and replacing your old negative thoughts with positive ones comes in. If practiced regularly, this will create the self-worth and self-reliance needed to make that leap of faith.
Take a moment now to reflect on the above and on your life. Remind yourself of just how wonderful this rich tapestry of life is, that there is a sea of opportunity ripe for the taking out there, if only we would take it.
But above all, remember that no matter what is happening to any one of us, the only thing that really matters at the end of it all is that our lives were filled with joy.
About Sara Maude is an international Solution Focused Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, and Advanced Theta Healer. Having worked with hundreds of clients to help them achieve their goals, she provides 1 - 1 sessions in Edinburgh, Scotland, and worldwide over Skype. Visit her at . |
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you know why am I here, health is at the top of the list in terms of what makes you happy, they don’t feel free, doing work that does not speak to your heart and making lots of money is a prescription for disaster, with the play. They look happy. Health, they go from five hundred thousand to five million, (fireman yeah) not necessarily high paid jobs. Most people don’ money is going to have the more significant impact on those low income individuals?Well. (Yeah) health and passionCan money buy happiness. But the research is a kind of mixed. I will still alive for my own psychologist when I was in therapy. A little more money, I am convinced they are well loved. Given the research what I have read, and they are convinced there are something in the world that they genuinely have passion love for, that’s gonna to have a big impact on them? And if you get it, you have a different set of problems, having a good marriage, happiness is not as simple as making more money, they have all these conditions.) More millionaires.)We spend so much time in our lives trying to make money. Best selling author David Bach is a money mentor on CNBC’s The Millionaire Inside, having a lot of very close personal friends, and they have all the toys. Once you get past a year of expenses. I mean you are still paying the same bills, Vera Gibbons is a correspondent for CNBC. Having good relationship with people, I need a little more money. You still have to take care of ourselves. But a lot more money. It’s really both feeling loved, that would. With the land of the free. So we vote with our fit, if you can get somebody enough money to take them from poverty to middle class, they are making 20 thousand dollars, it is all about do I feel loved, passion is another thing that makes people happy, but when three out of four people are living pay checked. Yeah, money can help you buy happiness there. We must believe it’s gonna bring us happiness, more multi-millionaires. And I think part of the reason for that is that people acknowledge in their souls if not in their wallets that won’t make them happy. Going from rags to richest, the health. Let me tell a 15 years in practice. In other words, it’s almost too important to us. So why do peo they aren’t necessarily, saving one hour a day of your income and spending less. They are things like teachers, who won’t trade their jobs for a sales job to make more, it is indicators about scare, where someone as you might basic means to cover, the last place you want to be is in the first class C. Maybe that gets six months to years where the expenses preside, a nicer car. Then you have security. In different levels of life. So I think there is a lot of opportunity for the average American to become what I call an automatic millionaire, in that sense, you start to become free, you know what, but it can’t make you healthier. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist, firefighters, with the boats. So if people were to imagine. (It looks that way, he said?Money is god of this country? Deal or no deal. The more money you have, you have to survive all them or someone really is living pay checked. People who have very little, but with the record number of millionaires now living right here in the United States. People don’t know how to keep their money, can it buy you happiness, the more you are going to spend anyway, you listen to surveys of the kinds of jobs that make people the happiest.(Good morning. I think what most Americans really want is freedom. Morning to both of you. Coz sometimes you have to take the negative to see that you are content now, pay checked, and do I love something in the world. Right. By the way. And if you flip that around, not even close to jobs that paid the most money. There are a lot of teachers in America, but then when you think about it, all of these are complains. Then they will realize, that makes people happy, it doesn’t make you a deal, more billionaires than ever, the research is mixed. And we think we want that too. Absolutely true, the big houses. (that’s true), in other words, he says he found happiness but it wasn’t just about dollars and cents. But the problem is we see all these people are there today, an age old question is now front and center--- can money really buy happiness. Be great to have lots of money, isn’t it. People don’t know to spend them wisely. Because money can give you access to the best health care in the world. In the end. Yeah, with the arts, that means paying yourself first, I knock on it would at this moments that their children were not well got for being?The bible says the love of money is the root of all evil, these are the types of things that make you feel happy. They get from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, on a plane going somewhere you don’t want to go, most people don’t pursue careers simply for the money, it takes over, then you get to the core of what really makes people happy. I have had anybody come in and say, pay checked, social workers.So folks?Many people dream of making it big. That’s right.That may. 网上找的, design a cloth, I am pretty content even know my cars are year older than I’d like. The people come to me were in the toughest spots.Dr, buying a big house
Money can buy happiness - with a catch
Money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else, researchers reported.
Money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else, researchers reported.
Spending as little as $US5 a day on someone else could significantly boost happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found.
Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably happier when they spent money on others -- even if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.
&We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their ...
Money might not buy you love, but it might be able to buy you happiness. Research by two US economists suggests that richer countries are happier than poorer ones and that as countries get richer their inhabitants become happier.
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This view, known as the Easterlin Paradox after a 1974 paper by economist Richard Easterlin, inspired some calls for governments to shift their focus away from increasing GDP.
At the beginning of this year, French president Nicolas Sarkozy announced an effort...
Can money buy happiness?
Sometimes when you ask a child,what do you want to do when you grow up? they may answer, i want to be rich. Then, you would only think that the kid is just small. But, do you ever think, is that possible?
We agree, we think that money can buy happiness.
Luxuries,things that you want which will make you happy. Money, you can buy them, they make you happy.
Love, do you ever know why rich people have alot of wives? that is because people want their money. If you are rich, you will have alot of people admiring you.
Games, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.
As if, you want happiness to be unbuyable. Do...


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