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How tired are you of Blogojevich, Coleman, Franken, and Palin? – Cafferty File -
06:00 PM ET
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From CNN's Jack Cafferty:
I have a bone to pick with my own industry.
From L-R: Rod Blagojevich, Norm Coleman, Al Franken and Sarah Palin
Minnesota held an election for a Senate seat last November. It is almost February, and they still can't figure out who won: Norm Coleman or Al Franken. I quit caring several weeks ago. Minnesota elected Jesse Ventura to be their Governor, a former wrestler. They have no credibility when it comes to elections.
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich came to New York a few days ago to babble incoherently about all the various charges pending against him, including his impeachment, and the news media reacted like he was the second coming. If the New York media is hungry for three dollar bills, we have a great home grown crop of our own, without indulging this narcissistic phony product of Illinois machine politics.
And finally, there's my all-time favorite empty dress: Sarah Palin. She announced she's forming a political action committee. I'll give you eight to five she can't even spell it. But the media breathlessly jumped on this story like the future of the free world hung in the balance. Who cares? The next presidential election is almost four years away. And she's got as much chance of being the next president as Bugs Bunny.
OK, I feel better now.
Here’s my question to you: How tired are you of hearing about Rod Blagojevich, Norm Coleman, Al Franken and Sarah Palin?
Interested to know which
ones made it on air?
Terry from Greensburg, Indiana writes:
Jack, you got to be kidding, of all people to ask that question, a media person.
How else are you going to get paid?
I’m sick of it all but I keep watching it.
What’s wrong with me?
Cy from Arlington, Virginia writes:
I can't wait to hear more from Sen. Franken after he's sworn in. You may take the other three, place them in a sack, and drown them like unwanted kittens.
Bob from Lincoln, Nebraska writes:
The Franken/Coleman issue should not be about them. Rather the issue should be what is wrong with the governmental processes in Minnesota? The Illinois Governor is a mental case and should be committed rather than impeached. Palin was and still is a bad joke that just keeps getting repeated.
Mac from Traverse City, Michigan writes:
No I'm not tired of it Jack but I'm one of those people, and so are you I think, that enjoys watching politics and politicians.
The people you have mentioned here are all providing some comic relief to the serious business of governance and so far anyway, none of them have done any serious damage to the country that I'm aware of.
Every circus needs its clowns.
Matthew from Cedar Rapids, Iowa writes:
I'm torn.
On one hand, the thought of President Sarah Palin terrifies me.
On the other, she could destroy the Republican Party forever, and I would be the first to yell, "AMEN!"
Amy from Wisconsin writes:
Try exhausted.
Diane writes:
Dear Jack, I am glad you feel better! Take care.
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