When you are sad,howwhich do you enjoyy yourself?

Do you enjoy spending
time with friends?
Your answer:
How do you spend your
time when you are with friends?
I think it would depend on the interests of the friends
eating out
going to the sea
taking a walk
and most important of all - good conversation.
Shopping, cinema or just hanging around
not really innovative but always cool
Talking and gossiping over a drink or a tea
drink some beers watch NBA and play some pool
What do you think a
real friend would be like?
A good friend is someone who will stand by your side no matter what
happens and in any&circumstances, will not betray
you. A good friend is someone who will think for you, who will try
to understand you.
A good friend is: someone who can always make you laugh, never puts
you down, you know you can trust with ANYTHING, someone who is
always willing to give a helping hand, someone who is a positive
influence on you, someone who encourages you, and someone you want
to be around.&
I don't think there are definite qualities that you can give
all&best friends. The thing is best friends are
personal. One man's food is another man's poison. My best friend is
not she is my teacher, my confidante, my
sunshine when things go blue. Through her sincerity, her genuine
desire to give me the best she can, I learnt how it was like to
have a friend. I think there is nothing else you need in a friend
except Sincerity. As long as a friendship is sincere and genuine,
it is real.
caring, loving, funny
does not argue with me
does not judge me when I do things that are ...
something that you would not do around other people
Someone you can be yourself around and not worry about what they
think of you
someone who calls you when they found out some good news, or some
they don't tell anyone your secrets
they share their secrets with you
you guys can easily laugh together
they would help you out in a stressful situation
they would pick up the slack for you&
look out for your best interests&
wants to see you happy
a true friend doesn't judge
a true friend doesn't tell others your secrets
a true friend trusts you with their secrets
a true friend will listen when you speak
a true friend knows what’s wrong before you say anything
you can be 100% yourself
your friend will be there for you in a time of need
your friend will not change his or her behavior when other people
are around.
A true/real friend is someone who is (brutally) honest with you and
wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself
a true friend wouldn't let you go out in public with broccoli in
your teeth or let you wear something absolutely horrid without
telling you first
don't mind giving you
opinions/facts that you might not want to hear because they want to
make sure you have all the perspectives possible in any given
A true friend won't put you on a back burner when you desperately
A true friend is capable and willing to put their opinions and
feelings aside and help you through a situation even when they know
you didn't heed their warnings/advice
In what ways are you a
good friend?
What’s the importance
of friendship?
Friendship is the thing that ties the binds in the knots of the
string of life. Sometimes friends even help smooth out the knots a
bit, the ones you don't revisit. Friends can truly help create some
interesting knots in your string, weaving poetry, encouragement,
laughs, and wonderful thoughts, and yes, even tears. Friends are
willing to let you grow from any angle. They are always there when
you are a frayed knot.
Sample answer:
Friendships spell connections. We are all human beings. We must
connect to each other to make our lives enjoyable and meaningful!
My closest friends are a huge part of my life. I value their
opinions, their compassion, and the many many memories we
share.& "Keeper of secrets, as well as my
heart, you’ll always be with me, even if we're apart."
Friendship can’t be expressed in words, one can only know the
feeling of friendship by having some nice
friends,&and it makes you feel like top of the
world, no one can take the place of a real friend. They make you
happy when you feel sad, the listen to your rubbish stuff and
understand it the way no one can, they motivate you, they always
make you believe like you are the best, they help you, and they
always stand for you. With them you feel like your life is complete
even if you're nothing.&No one can take the place
of a real friend, even your wife or your parents. Friendship is
more than a word.
Sample answer:
Friendship is important because you need someone who you know will
be there for you. Family is always there for you, but you need
friends to go to when you need to talk about something that cannot
be shared with the family. Friends are people who understand you,
care about you, and are willing to listen to and help you with
anything you may be going through.&That is what
friends are for. They help you when you need it, they listen, and
they care. Friends are some of the greatest people you can
Did you meet most of
your friends through school/work?
School/mutual friend
Do you spend more of
your free time with friends or with family?
I think they’re both very important. You have people to spend good
times with and make good memories. That’s what matters. For me,
they are kind of equal I suppose. I don’t spend all my time with my
family, but at same time don’t spend more time with friends
I love my family a lot more than my friends. I am 20 years old. But
it seems that I enjoy spending time with my friends more than
family. Because with friends you can talk about anything, sex,
girls, money. With family it's limited.&I am not
denying the fact that family is more important and all that.
Frankly speaking, I really enjoy being with my friends more than my
family because my family members are boring and they don't have
sense of humor. They take everything seriously and they treat me
like I don't understand anything. I can talk more freely with my
friends and I enjoy the kind of topics that we share.
Yes, a lot of the time I am with my friends more than my family,
more so during the school year. That is normal for teens to become
independent from their family.&"Friends are like
stars, you can't always see them but you know they are always
How important are
friends to you?
They matter very, very much. Without people that love you and
support you, what would you do-what would anyone do? We would dry
up and wither, like an old raisin. Friends mean very much to me. I
think it's likely they mean much to every person too.
My friends are different from most. We don't usually call each
other and hang out after school. But at school, when we're
together, we're goofy, silly, giggly and spontaneous. We back up
each other in tough situations. We give each other advice. When one
of us is down, we all try to cheer the person up. We are like one
big, happy family.&
l They are a huge factor in my life. I'm a very social
person. They lift me up when I am down and they are there when I
need help.
l it is important to have friends for someone to talk to, to
cry to, and to gossip to. They help you through rough times. You
need friends to get through the day.


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