eachmost of us havee a room.改错

each 作主语是位于用什么?有一改错题:We each has a family.has 改为have 是不是因为主语是we?如果改成each of us 是不是就用has?thanks
对的主语是we,each是主语补足语,所以用复数each of us 则主语是单数
改错Each of the students in our class have a new dictionary.
have---haseach 作主语,谓语用单数
each of us have a room.改错
each of us have a room.have 改为has 每个人都有房间,应该用单数
have 改成 haseach of us,强调我们每一个人,是单数概念,用has
have 改为has !
all ages: of different ages
all the ages: all periods in history
2.1 Every language
appears to be&
well equipped as any
other to say the things their speakers want to
say. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&their→its
Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in
nuclear physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice,
whereas this is not the fault
of their language.
This example does not come to
light a defect in English.
The English language would be just as rich in terms for different
kinds of snow if the environments in which English was habitually
used made such distinctions as
make+ O + OC
People of all races and languages make rather similar
noises in return to pain or
…and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century
height after more than a hundred
years of a steady
Each of us shares with the community in which we live a
store of words and meanings as well as agreeing conventions as to the ways in which
words should
…one important tool available to lawmakers to inform the
citizenry and to arouse public interests in national
(4) 名词与形容词词性变化&
This power is usually
delegated to committees—either standing committees…or joint
committees consisted of members of both houses.
…whereas language proper
does not consist of signs but of these that have to be learnt and that are wholly
We take it for granted the two most common forms of
transmission—by means of sounds produced by our vocal organs
(speech) or by visual signs (writing). 删掉
… their marriages remained
intact to a greater extent than did that of couples who married in
earlier as well as later
&those (替代marriages)
His vocabulary, in
particular, both that which he uses actively and that which he
recognizes, increases in size as he grows old. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&older
5. 限定词错误、冠词误用
alarge extent, to some extent, to the fullest
Most committee hearings are
open to ∧public.
…after more than a hundred
years of a steady
A rough and ready difference
which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical words have less
meaning…&& 删掉(并非最高级形式,而是作为修饰形容词obvious的副词,意为“非常、十分”)
6. 数词误用:基数词、序数词、分数、百分数、数词一致。
…we certainly do create a
great number ofobscurity when we omit them.
(a speech full of
7. 不定代词
…to communicate his thoughts
and feelings, in a variety of styles, to the other English
…We went on unconsciously
imitation and practicing the pronunciation of those around us for
many more hours perevery day than we ever have to spend learning even
our difficult English spelling.
8. 介词错误:意义错误和搭配性错误
as opposed to // differ in
// at one’s disposal // irrespective of // give discount to their
best customer
…and in rare occasions, to lay the groundwork for
9. 连词错误(并列:and, but, so,
… A rough and ready
difference is that grammatical words have “less meaning”
but in fact some grammarians have called them “empty”
words as opposed to the “full” words of vocabulary.
二、 词意及搭配错误(意义混淆、搭配不当。考察词汇为我们熟悉但可能一知半解的常用词)
But, whether…, the system
remains no more than a psychological reality for the individual,
unless he has a means of expressing it in terms able to be
seen by another member of his linguistic
check inflation and
rising lifecosts&&&&&&&&&&
…the government appointed
the first Canadian Wheat Board, with total authority to buy, sell, and
…no ancient records,
providing evidence of a language with a large proportion of such cries
than we find in
…the poor one’s job prospects, the more sense it makes to
reallocate time from the job market to education, in order to make
oneself more
To handle with the crop of
三、 句法错误
1. 主谓不一致(语法一致和意义一致)
For this reason, biologists
now suggest that language be “species specific” to the human races.
is (suggest认为,而非建议)
2. 成分残缺
Large numbers of us, in
fact, remain throughout our lives quite unconscious of what our
speech sounds like when we speak ∧out.
It is often said, of course,
that the language originated in cries of anger, fear, pain,
and … 删掉
This is “natural”, therefore, that our speech sounds
should be those of our immediate circle.&
As we know, life would only
be possible on the surface of a planet ∧had temperatures somewhere
within this range.
四、 语篇错误
investigationsnevertheless represent one important tool
available to lawmakers to inform the citizenry and to arouse public
interest in national
2, 语义矛盾
Less noted but
equally moresignificant, the men and women who formed families
between 1940 and 1960 nevertheless reduced the divorce rate after a
postwar peak.&&
Apart from a powerful
capacity to pay attention to their helplessness by using sound,
there is nothing the new born child can do to ensure his own
For some of us, tending to
the comfort of guests means bucking the tradition of the “good
enough” guest room we recall as kids. This is a room thrown together by our parents, who
believed sofa beds just got better with ages.&&&&&&&&&
was;age (with
the guest room, where Americans spend more on improvements than in
any∧ bedroom.
guest room是one of the bedrooms,
所以用any other
any other指在同一范围内除了某人或某物以外的其他人或事物,any
other后跟单数名词,也可说any of the
other+复数名词。Tom runs
faster than any other student in his class.
Shanghai is larger than any city in India.
The survey shows homeowners
spend an average $3,790 for materials and installation of flooring,
wall coverings, window treatments, light fixtures and the like for
the guest room, compared with $2,320 for the master bedroom and
$960 in children’s rooms.
This means
never have
cut the family off from the computer.
Yes, Aunt Eunice looks funny
with a Toy Bear sticking
It can be tempt to hide from the people, places and tasks which
make life stressful. By removing you from the situation, it’s
possible to find immediate relief.
time of day, situation, how strong the feeling of stress were, how
we coped, and how stressed you felt afterwards can be a useful tool
for some people.
By putting your money in
some kind of savings instrument or investment, you can set aside
small amount of money regularly.
Dividends are payments of
part of a company’s to people ∧ who hold stock in the company. A savings instrument
has an “interest rate” this refers to the
rate ∧ at which the money in the instrument increases during
a certain period of time. Principalrefers to the
facial value or the amount of money
you place in the savings instrument on which the interest is
Therefore, they may have
lower interest rates, making it hard
save large amounts of money for college.
At the International World Summit for Social
Development in Copenhagen in 1995, the Governments of 185 countries
committed themselves to the gods of…
When things stop working, a
man feels that he has to get up at six for the passed 15 years’ mortgage, get the
car, make sure the holidays are paid∧for, ensure that food is on the table, that the
school fees are paid.
pay的用法: pay the
tax, pay the drive
pay sb. for sth.: pay $20 a week for this room
They have made a commitment
to self-development and nurture
their relationship. &nurturing
Now you’ve seen the ads for
computers for “free” or almost next to nothing in the
Sunday papers. The offers look mighty tempting. But how do you
know∧if the deal is a good one?
receive your
rebate折扣 in mail&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
The convention provides a
common set of guaranteed freedoms and rights for every citizen
whose government enters into an agreement to rectify and enforce the specifics
articulated in the convention.
assured of
Halloween’s origins
dated back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain
(pronouncing sow-in).
The Celtic, who lived 2,000
years ago in the area that is now Ireland, ∧the United Kingdom, and northern France….
Celts believed that
at the night before the new year, the boundary
between the worlds of the living and the dead became
On the night of October 31,
they celebrated Samhain, ∧when it was believed that the ghost of the dead
returned to earth.
To commemorate the events,
Druids built huge sacred bonfires, which
people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the
Celtic deities.
During the celebrations, the
Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and
skins, and attempted to assumeeach other’s fortune.
When the celebration was
over, they littheir hearth fires, which they had extinguished
earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them
during the coming winter. &relit
Light from a laser
pointing at the region of interest is
absorbed by molecules and some of it are
re-emitted back towards the source where it can be
The re-emitted light is
shifted in frequency (changed in wavelength) by amounts that depend
on the molecule and also ∧on the temperature of the surrounding gas.
The single, sharp frequency
from the laser is thus smeared out into a whole spectrum
of frequency.
Mars has provoked
much speculation on the possibilities of life beyond
Earth than any planet in the Solar System.
Since ∧ the 1970s, space probes to Mars have revealed numerous
Recent high-resolution
imagery from the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera and the
Mars Odysseyreveal
numerous examples of branched
satellite imagery卫星影像
(fml.) photograph, picture
These channels
origins at topographic high
The valley networks exhibit
morphometric characteristics, including network densities,
comparative to those of terrestrial
Now set out to become European Capital
of Culture in 2008, Liverpool is a city bursting with energy and
set to (old-fashioned,
the 18th and
19th centuries.
In “Transatllantic Slavery”
the museum comes cleanly
over Liverpool’s role in the slave trade.
clean (adv.
完全地 e.g. She clean forgot to
switch the TV off. // Now you need to come clean with your
Later, over 9 million people
passed through the city on
route to new lives in America and
This wealth can be seen in
the grandeur of the buildings, including St. George’s Hall,
and its priceless Minton
And there is little traffic
in the city altogether, since ∧ a $15 charge has been levied to drive in the
This tragedy
translates as
million childhood deaths a year worldwide—equal to the combined
populations of Norway and Switzerland—most
to malaria, acute respiratory infections or diarrhea, all illnesses
that are largely not preventable.
mostly ( generally)
These are among the
many sober findings of a new report on
health and the environment
Consider the
followingsfollowing: (1)… (2) Malaria claims
one to three million lives a year, most of them are children. (3) Cholera, long
banished away from Latin
the following (used with either a singular or plural verb,
depending on whether you are talking about one thing or person or
several things or people)
The following have been chosen to take part: Watts, Hodges and
The following is a brief summary of events.
The history of fitness
portrays any (some)
fascinating themes that relate closely to the 21st century. One commonality (a common
feature or attribute) is the strong association of military and
political might with physical fitness throughout mankind’s
At times, some cultures
prescribed spirituality at the expense of the body whereas others,
such as Greek society, upholdthe ideal sound mind can only be founded in a
healthy body. &upheld
Present day fitness programs
have evolved this concept harmoniously, with music being a
distinct component to the exercise
(characteristically, typical)
Thus, this is a resolution
we are challenged ∧with
today’s society.&&
Each of these answers is in
fact correct, but none of them is a correct
Strictly speaking,
Herjolfsson in the year 986 and Columbus in 1492 discovered
only ∧an infinitesimal part of America, and neither of them
realized they had sailed along the coast of a new
Each group knew only a part
of the land mass—the expanse ∧ of which varied depending on the group.
A navigable passage across
North America linking the Atlantic and Pacific ocean.
Ample evidences of this can be found by
looking through the centuries-old accounts written by explorers and
[C, U] 证词,根据
a shred of evidence // on the evidence of
The discovery of North
America went far beyond the bound
geography. &&
bounds (pl): the
accepted or furthest limits of sth.
beyond/outside/within the bounds of decency
His enthusiasm knew
no bounds. (=was very great)
When it comes to
decide when…&&&&&&&&&&&&
…who see the fact that over
a million more Americans have fallen into poverty in the last year
as a moral failure, who are pro-lifes in the traditional sense.
&&pro-life //
a path-break 1995 tome
shooting fish in a
barrel 比喻某事非常容易
But how fare the latest work of the tarnished Morgan Stanley
star, which triggered more than a few cases of d&j& vu.
Meeker glossed over key
issue as (like)
timing and Beijing politics, leaving a sense that she is
more ∧of an expert on the Internet than on China. That
impression jumps out on page first (one)
her own report.
The road to Internet
rich may prove at least as rocky in China as it was in
America. &riches
roll in riches // Riches have wings钱财易散. // from rags to
c.f. Shakespeare, playwright
of Hamlet, was born in 1564. (人人都知道了)
Shakespeare, the playwright
of Hamlet, was born in 1564. (很多人都听说过)
Shakespeare, a playwright of
England, was one of the most important figures during the
Renaissance. (说话者未曾听说过)
A spate of recent books,
with such titles as “Out of Gas” argue that oil is scarce, and that
an imminent crisis will put the
crisis of the 1970s and early 1980s
put sth. in the shade: 使相形见绌
In his book, he points to two flaws
in the argument. Both technology and economics are
point to sth.: 提出,指出(重要的事实或理由)
&The board of directors pointed to falling
productivity to justify their decision.
Those in the industry say
openings number in the thousand, if only
tens of thousands. &not
if not: used to suggest that
sth. may be even larger, more important, etc. than was first
stated. 甚至
Trucking companies are
trying to fill jobs by offering drivers cash bonuses and prizes
such as boats and vacations to refer fellow drivers who
switch∧to their firm.
refer sb./sth. to
sb./sth. 将……送交给
My doctor referred me to a
refer… to…: to direct
attention of (Refer him to his duties.把注意力放到工作上。)
Truck stops now have
message therapists and Wi-Fi
It goes long way beyond trucking.
way: adv. (used with a prep.
or an adv.) very far, by a large amount很远,大量
way past my bedtime.
The price is way above what
we can afford.
This skirt is way too short.
It was pretty safe to
predict Mexico’s tour
a popular tourist
attraction/ destination/ resort
the tourist industry/
sector/ office
Sure enough,
since the tightening-up of border-controls, there was a
15% drop last year in so-called “border-zone
Some of its resorts, such as
Cancu, have long been popular to
But these days it is working
harder to pitch宣传its abundant wealth of Mayan
ruins and colonial towns to a more discerning and
old tourist market.
We can’t discriminate in
favor of students who get A’s over students those who may be getting B’s.
in favor of the young 优待年轻人
They increase the chance of
accidents by attracting
Noise levels have
risensixfolds in major U.S.
sixfold (adj.&adv.)
Owners of car stereos that
can be heard from 50 feet away can earn them
three months in jail.
If you’re still hungry, you
can grab some frozen waffles from the drive-through at
Despite that the wave of industrial
development that has swept much of East Asia in recent decades, the
country of 80 million remains extremely poor, mismanaged and
still was predominant
According to the government,
one million Philippines
will go abroad as contract workers this year, the biggest
In the past, the
Philippines isshamed by its inability to create enough good jobs
to keep its people at home.
And so Manila makes it easy
for its citizens to immigrate,
works hard through its embassies, to see that their rights as
foreign workers are protected.
Whereas classic Greek religion ascribed to
the gods very human foibles, theism from Plato onward has confirmed
that God is purely good and could not be the author of anything
classic example/ case/
novel/ work/ car
classical music/ ballet/
architecture/ scholar/ period
And in Christianity it is
manifested in the gracious grant
Christ as the way of salvation. granting
政府、机构的拨款; student
While goodness
compasses (encompasses) all moral perfection,
benevolence is that particular aspect of goodness that
will (wills) the benefit of
will (third person sing.
present. old-fashioned or formal) to want or like
Divine love is not only
irrespective of merit but it is shown most clearly where
entirely unmerited.
Therefore divine forgiveness
and redemption are taken as the highest expression of benevolence.
We have to lay some of the
responsibility for such neglect at the feet of the eminent
translator and the philosopher Wing-Tsit
Our interest in trying to
separate philosophy and religion in Daoism is much more revealing
of the Western frame of reference we use than ∧of Daoism itself.
The word petroleum has its
root (roots) in the Latin word
oleum, which means oil, and the Greek word petra, which means rock.
The word petrified shares with the same Greek
As the price of oleum has
soared up, the links between fear and
petroleum have become clear to economists as well as
For example, based on the
direction they turn their heads. newborns can distinguish between the smell of their
mother from ∧that of a stranger.
Although listening develops somewhat later than these
other senses, it is less sophisticated than vision.
(basis) for this recognition has been thought to be
prenatal experience in hearing the mother’s voice. Note, though,
that it is not until about three months when
(that) infants will recognize their mother’s
A pigeon is brought to a
stable state of hunger by reducing it to 75 percentage of its weight when well
percent 单复同形 a/ one hundred
The percentage of students
over 35 has increased.
Prices have fallen by three
percentage points this month.
A high percentage of
shoppers downtown are tourists.
at regular/ daily/ weekly/
monthly intervals;
three minutes
One bird was conditioned to
turn counter-clock about the cage.
For farmers, cheap crops
translate into lower feed prices—and fatter cattles, pigs, chickens and
Behind the robustness in
some areas lay (lies)
broader, darker trend, one still so new that the language lacks an
adequate lexicon for it. Widely reported in ∧ the press as layoffs, implying that workers may be
called back when the economy improves, these are actually massive
job cuts that show each (every)
sign of being permanent. As companies downsized to stay
competitive during the 1980s, ∧ an estimated four million jobs in Fortune 500
companies disappeared.
Coupled with job
losses stemmed
from the downturn, it’s a safe
For many of the world, the death of Richard Nixon was the
end of a complete public life. &much
Had the former president
merely run his allotted four score and one, or had he fallen victim
to a pattern that seems to inflict
long-term married couples.&
inflict (强加给,通常指惩罚性的或沉重的东西):inflict heavy losses on the
a storm that inflicted widespread damage
afflict (折磨,予以……剧烈的肉体或心理打击): be
be afflicted with a conscience
Slovenly speech comes off the same
These varied tribal cultures
were as diversified like (as)
land wherethe Indians
Finally, many institutions
do not play an advocacy role on behalf of those who
committed to their care.
They fail to do something
(anything) constructive about the back-home
A recent evidence suggests
that an infant is born with the capacity to speak.
If these sensitive periods
are ignored, the ideal time for
acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily
But in school we never give
a child a chance to find ∧ out his own mistakes for himself, let alone
correct him.
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
lies over∧theCharles River opposite Boston. A university town
since shortlyafter its 1630 founding, site of the only college
in the Americas until nearly the eighteen century, Cambridge has a
worldwide reputation as a respected seat of learn. &learning
In the house you will find
many fine Victorian furnishings, among them which删掉
Longfellow’s desk, pen and inkstand.
a long time the railroad companies met with troubled mechanical
troublesome麻烦的& meet with
sth. (written): ~ success/failure
highpoint in railroad building came by
construction of the first transcontinental railroad.
two groups worked at remarkable speed, each tried to cover a greater distance than the
Many visitors came there for
the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the
country, with parades and the ringing of church bells
∧to honor the great achievement.
Water shortage do not have to
trouble the world—if we started
valuing water more than we have in the
from a fresh economical
This means charging a fee for
the water itself as well as for the demand
supply/ demand
Often the cheapest way to
provide irrigation water in the dry tropics is through small-scaled project.
Two distinctive (distinct) types are on the drawing
board在筹划中. The first is a
special-purpose lane system, which
(where) certain lanes are reserved for automated
vehicles….fully automated vehicles would share the road with
particularly automated or manually driving
(driven) cars.
As the driver approached the
point of entry for the highway, devices installed on the roadside
would electronically check the vehicle to determine their destination and to ascertain that it had
the proper automation equipment in good working order.
Either approach would
harmonize the movement of newly
entering vehicles with those already traveling.
Desks are normally in
straight rows, so students can clearly see the teacher but
not∧all their classmates.
inherited the trouble caution of his ancestors
inregards to
mistakes.& regard
The last people from whom
praise can be expected, even for what is worth
all praise, are the
to be worthy of attention/consideration/ note
it’s worth the time and effort
…he has learned caution
of otherkind, which his ancestors
taught him.&&
large scale
While such activities
involve all sections of the sciences, the overriding goal has been
the same, that is, ∧to improve the human condition by finding
good ways to deal with the macroscopic world.
The silicon chip and
microelectronics typify this new technological trend, as did the
blossoming of genetic engineering. The trend can be expected to
continue for
foreseeable decades. &into
Upper-class couples may
marry for love, but their commitment of
love is sometimes compromised by the recognition of their
marriage as a way to preserve their class identity.
…but the overridden task of middle-class
failures is also an economic thing. &&
Indeed, to many a
working-class couples, love provides a way to
escape from the difficulties of their parent’s home and start their
own family life.
Topics such as death, for
example, were once considered so upset
unpleasant that… upsetting
many other taboos, fat is a topic that Americans talk about
constantly.& Unlike
act on your impulse
The fat person, on the other
hand, is thought of as lazy and lack
energy, self-discipline, and
lack sth./ be lacking in sth.
No one can give of his best
when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this
is precisely what the examination system expects you to


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