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error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.The Modern Racist Paradigm - Top Documentary Films
The Modern Racist Paradigm
This is a well researched documentary that exposes the White Media's long-term agenda to standardize Caucasian people as the social norm for general society.
Through the globalization and centralization of the White media and its constant propagation of repetitive images depicting Caucasians in positive roles and as protagonists while usually depicting Non-Caucasians as background characters and antagonists - which are often connected to negative themes and stereotypes - the media elite have been able to effectively condition general society into subconsciously adhering to a racist social hierarchy in which Caucasian people are at the very apex.
The documentary addresses many modern-day internalized racist psychological dispositions (subconscious forms of internalized racism) which are unknowingly passed down from generation to generation due to the globalization and pervasiveness of Whiteness a cultural assimilation process of which, is directly derivative to historical European expansionism, colonialism, and imperialism.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 1 hour, 15 minutes)
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