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耶鲁大学(Yale University)评价
耶鲁大学(Yale University)评价
学习/研究评价 (评分)
研究水平 A- (8.2)
研究可参与度 A (9.2)
研究经费 A+ (9.4)
学术专一度 A- (8.2)
学术专心度 A+ (9.5)
毕业时间稳定度 A- (8.3)
校内职位开放度 A (9.0)
校内职位薪水高低 A (8.6)
学术团结度 B (6.1)
教育质量 A (8.6)
校内工作人员态度 A (8.5)
项目有用度 B (6.2)
生活评价 (评分)
个性化对待 B- (5.9)
友善度 B- (5.9)
安全性 B (6.5)
校园美观 A (9.0)
学校设施维护 B+ (7.2)
校内资源可用度 C+ (5.1)
耶鲁大学(Yale University)校内各项数据排名:
The first thing visitors notice about Yale dining halls is how amazing they look: chandeliers, wooden tables and chairs, wood-paneled walls, stained glass windows, and fireplaces abound at each of Yale's 12 residential colleges (think Harry Potter). The dining hall staff are very friendly and know many of their students by name. They are always willing to take a tray or help locate the soy milk.
Dining hall food is extremely diverse. There are always a lot of vegetarian, vegan, and ethnic options. All serveries have a hot dish bar, salad bar, sandwich-making station, fruit selections, cereal bar, and coffee bar, as well as special stations (like blenders for smoothies, soft serve dispensers, or cappuccino machines) that vary with the college. While the college dining halls have regular hours for each meal, Commons is open from 7:45 a.m. to 9 p.m. all week in case students need to grab a meal between their busy schedules.
Yale dining hall food is full of variety and specializes in organic and sustainable ingredients. However, it's important to remember that since someone else is doing the cooking, you don't always get to choose what you want to eat. Be prepared to eat Indian food when you want a baked potato, and don't be afraid to take advantage of the cereal selection when you need it. Students with more selective palates (picky eaters) may have a hard time trying new foods and flavors, whilst other students complain that the food is too bland.
Yale is, first and foremost, a beautiful place, inside and out. The University invests a great deal of money to keep the campus in top condition. This is even more impressive since many of the buildings date back to the 18th century!
The Yale Library System is literally one of the best in world. With approximately 13 million volumes, the system consists of 22 buildings and is especially known for the&Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Sterling Memorial Library (which is built in the style of a cathedral). The classroom buildings are often as picturesque as cathedrals, affording students the opportunity to learn amidst stained glass and gothic stonework. The University also has an extensive network of general and specialty computer labs.
The residential colleges are architectural wonders, and nearly all of them are newly renovated (the last will be done in 2011). Each residential college boasts a common room, a library (or two, in the case of Davenport), dining hall, TV room, computer lab, workout room, buttery, and laundry room. In addition, each college contains&its own special facilities, such as movie theaters, caberets, music practice rooms, bookbinding studios, pottery and art studios, dance rooms, dark rooms, kitchens, and woodshops.
Some students (espeically athletes) will brag about Payne Whitney Gym, which is incredible inside and out. It is the second largest gymnasium in the world, and it's fully equipped for nearly any athletic event. In addition, the gym offers dozens of classes every semester including yoga, dance, kickboxing, fencing, and martial arts.
There is no student center at Yale, but students agree that the lack of such a place is rarely, if ever, missed since the residential college system makes a student center unnecessary.
Students agree that Yale is a pretty attractive school and that the "look" of its students varies widely. The rumor that beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence is proven wrong here. Not only are many guys and girls hot, they are also&talented, smart, funny, and interesting.&What could be better?
Unfortunately, Yale students are also busy&so don't expect everyone to have time for a long-term committed relationship. Lots of students are part of the drunken hook-up scene (and the humiliating Walk of Shame the next morning), but students are also seriously interested in getting to know each other. Expect to see students flirting over lattes and Orgo notes or watching a movie in Arabic together. Yale is about the experience of living in an incredibly diverse, yet cohesive, community and the dating scene here proves it.
Students agree that Yale is a pretty attractive school and that the "look" of its students varies widely. The rumor that beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence is proven wrong here. Not only are many guys and girls hot, they are also&talented, smart, funny, and interesting.&What could be better?
Unfortunately, Yale students are also busy&so don't expect everyone to have time for a long-term committed relationship. Lots of students are part of the drunken hook-up scene (and the humiliating Walk of Shame the next morning), but students are also seriously interested in getting to know each other. Expect to see students flirting over lattes and Orgo notes or watching a movie in Arabic together. Yale is about the experience of living in an incredibly diverse, yet cohesive, community and the dating scene here proves it.
Yale, a bastion of intellectualism and privilege, is surrounded by an urban and impoverished area with its share of crime and poverty. For Yalies, living in a small city offers cool perks like weekly local markets, a wide array of restaurants, and a lively club scene. But it can also include the dangers of city living, such as traffic and crime.
However, Yalies possess a certain pride in their city because they know they can truly say that they don't live in an idealic collegiate bubble. New Haven keeps Yalies grounded in the real world, with its community, its history, and, yes, even its problems. New Haven is an especially great city for students who want to positively impact their community. Many Yalies tutor at local middle schools, sing at the homeless shelters, or help raise money for entrepreneureal residents. Safety in New Haven is equivalent to most other cities. Don't walk alone at night, don't wave your wallet around, and be smart.
Of course, the area immediately surrouinding Yale is more similar to a lively, bohemian college town than your typical city. The restaurants are primarily enthic and many stores are local, sustainable, and cater to the university lifestyle.&New Haven does boast some great places to visit. Check out Wooster Square (with the famous Pepe's and Sally's pizza joints), East Rock Park (to the northeast of campus), and the Schubert Theatre. And don't forget to take a stroll along Chapel Street to wander among a wonderful mixture of boutiques, galleries, caf&s, and restaurants.
Starting Thursday night, there are many parties ranging from room parties to frat parties to organized campus-wide dances. The room and frat parties are pretty much comprised of people densely crowded around a warm keg listening to Lady Gaga, similar to what you'd find at many colleges.&You can frequent these until you graduate (free alcohol?), but most students choose to mix up their social life with theater performances, college-sponsored dances with live DJs, comedy shows, a cappella jams with afterparties, and intimite wine and cheese parties.
While frats can be moderately fun at best, Yale is known for its campus-wide parties sponsored by organizations or residential colleges. Themes such as Prohibition, Trolley Night (Mardi Gras), Safety Dance, and seasonal dances abound. Cultural organizations such as the African American house host events and the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Co-Op holds several dances a year (for both straight and gay students) that draw a crowd.
As for&bars and&clubs, students are generally limited to places near campus, most notably Toad&s Place. Toad&s has Yale party nights with&free drinks and free admission, and sometimes it offers student discounts for concerts.
Overall, Yale's hallmark holds true for nightlife. There is an abundance of anything and everything and it's up to you how you spend your evenings. Whether chilling at a wine and cheese party with your closest friends or owning the dance floor at Toad's, you'll be sure to have&a variety of options and opportunities.
New Haven is definitely a foodie' ethnic food rules the streets. Whether you're searching for pad thai or falafel, New Haven's got you covered. Perhaps the presence of so many gastronomic cultures is due to Yale's own diversity or to the city's proximity to New York. Regardless of its origin, New Haven food culture is about variety. There are lots of options for vegetarians&(especially Indian food) and many restaurants are open late for the college crowd. Prices are generally reasonable, although they vary with the type of establishment. Some areas of New Haven (especially by Chapel St.) boast very fine gourmet experiences with very fine price tags to match. Other places, like Mamoun's Falafel, boast delicious dishes at even more delightful prices (think&$5 per meal). So it's up to you to decide what you and your wallet are hungry for.
However, don't expect to be able to find a $0.79 taco or a $2.99 nugget special in New Haven. There is one type of food that you simply won't find in New Haven: fast food and national franchises. There is no McDonald's, no Panera, no Steak 'n Shake. New Haven caters to independent, unique restaurants and, in all frankness, it's better off that way. So save your Taco Bell cravings for spring break. Try a real burrito from the local burrito cart guys.
Off-campus housing at Yale is easily available and close to campus. However, most students choose to stay on campus for all four years. This is due primarily to the residential college system&that groups room, food, friends, support, and activities under one roof. Yalies are required to live on-campus until their junior year, and by the time the opportunity comes to live off-campus, they are usually too fond of their college situation to want to leave their friends and social groups. The decision to move off-campus means a certain amount of separation from the Y food, Internet, and safety become your responsibility instead of your college's.
That being said, those who choose to move off-campus are usually very happy with their decision. Off-campus living offers more privacy, independence, and a break from the Yale campus. If you're frugal, off-campus living can help save on expensive dining hall plans. Living off-campus is also helpful for students who may spend a great deal of time in one area far from their residential college, like Science Hill or some athletic facilities. Some students choose to rent a house and split rent between 6&12 friends. Others prefer their own single-bedroom apartment. It's really all about how you study and live best.
If you are new to New England, the weather at Yale might be unnerving and unpleasant. New Haven weather ranges from temperatures in the 80s during the summer to the 10s in the winter. Do not use the seasons& norms as a guide. It has been known to dip into the 30s in October or to snow in April. Perhaps the most dismal aspect of the weather in New Haven is that it is often gray and rainy, making it important to always have a coat and an umbrella or raincoat, especially during the spring and early fall. The beginning of fall semester can also be quite hot, and there is no air conditi however, autumn quickly arrives, leading to some of the most beautiful days on campus.
Winter in New Haven is very gray (New Haven is, after all, on the coast of the Atlantic!), but is not nearly as cold as other areas of the Northeast (including Hartford and Boston). Fortunately, spring is beautiful: trees blossom in every college courtyard and oceans of daffodils poke out by Phelps gate. The sun comes out, the flowers bloom, and in response, everyone comes out of hibernation. The annual "Spring Fling" music event is a celebration of both the warm weather and the closing of the term.
Any student considering&Yale is probably well aware of its world-class status as an academic institution. Yale is consistantly ranked among the top universities in the U.S. and the world, and for good reason. The school strongly stresses the importance of undergraduate education. This means accessible professors, small class sizes, enormous resources, and high success levels.
Although most students are pleased with their education at Yale, many realize that a successful college experience depends on a multitude of factors. These include&the quality of the professors and&their teaching methods,&the student's committment to&his or her&academic success, and an ability to choose classes that are interesting and challenging. The key is to choose the right types of classes for you. Once you figure out&the conditions you perform best in (seminar vs. lecture, labs vs. reading), you'll see Yale as a school filled&with countless opportunities to learn. Don't be afraid to try something new (or even old: you'll see things in a new light!).
It's all right to feel overwhelmed during your first semesters. These are the most challenging courses you've ever taken, so don't worry if your valdectorian status doesn't hold true in "Cold War" or "Chem 115." Ya if you're looking for the easy A, this isn't the school for you. Some students come to Yale for a &name brand& education, hoping the school&s reputation will be enough to carry them smoothly into their future. While a few students might get away with this, in the end it is the student's level of interest and performance that ultimately determines their future.
耶鲁大学(Yale University)排名情况:
综合排名 : 3 , 计算机科学(CS) : 26 , 化学(Chem) : 14 , 生物学(Bio) : 8 , 电子电气工程(EE) : 45 , 数学(Math) : 12 , 物理学(Phy) : 13 , 机械工程(ME) : 47 , 经济学(Econ) : 7 , 环境工程(EnvE) : 37 , 土木工程(CivE) : 75 , 工业工程(IE) : 36 , 生物医学工程(BME) : 40 , 材料科学与工程(MSE) : 61 , 化工(ChemE) : 57 , 统计(Statistics) : 34 , 社会学(Sociology) : 22 , 法学(Laws) : 1 , 传媒学(Communication) : 27 , 商学(Bussiness) : 11 , 艺术(Arts) : 2&
耶鲁大学(Yale University)近期录取情况 (数据来自GradCafe):
1.更新日期:& 13日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Geology & Geophysics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 13 Feb 2012
2.更新日期:& 13日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 11 Feb 2012
3.更新日期:& 13日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Immunobiology, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Phone on 13 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.92GRE General (V/Q/W): 740/800/5.50GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&Fast turnaround, finished interviewing 2/12.
4.更新日期:& 11日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Chemistry, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 11 Feb 2012
备注:&Email notification checking decision. More than 11,200 students applied to Yale this year, according to their rejection letter.
5.更新日期:& 11日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Marketing, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 11 Feb 2012
备注:&email came that said to check the website, there was a 'we regret to inform you letter' waiting there. It said that the graduate programs (not just marketing or SOM) got over 11,200 applications
6.更新日期:& 11日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Chemistry, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 11 Feb 2012
7.更新日期:& 11日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Business - Marketing, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 11 Feb 2012
8.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Biostatistics And Epidemiology, Masters (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 10 Feb 2012
9.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Applied Statistics, Masters (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 9 Feb 2012
10.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Department Of Political Science, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 10 Feb 2012
备注:&set for Feb 14. Since when did Yale Poli Sci decide to adopt interview?
11.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Chemistry (Organic), PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Feb 2012
备注:&Email to check the website.
12.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Chemistry, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Feb 2012
13.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Chemistry, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.62GRE General (V/Q/W): 570/760/4.50GRE Subject: 610&
14.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Applied Statistics, Masters (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 10 Feb 2012
15.更新日期:& 10日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Statistics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Feb 2012
16.更新日期:& 09日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Computer Science, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 9 Feb 2012
备注:&Finally! Got Interview Last Week. Best Luck to All.
17.更新日期:& 09日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Computational Biology And Bioinformatics (CBB), PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 9 Feb 2012
备注:&email saying visit the website for decision. I saw this coming.
18.更新日期:& 09日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&BBS, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Wait listed via E-mail on 9 Feb 2012
备注:&Email to check website. Will let me know by April 15th
19.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Comparative Literature, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 8 Feb 2012
备注:&holy shit. a dream come true.
20.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Forestry And Environmental Studies (FES), PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 8 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.60GRE General (V/Q/W): 165/166/5.50GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&Email to check website.
21.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 8 Feb 2012
22.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Applied Mathematics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Website on 8 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.89GRE General (V/Q/W): 450/800/3.00GRE Subject: 880&
备注:&email to check the website
23.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 8 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.70GRE General (V/Q/W): 800/760/5.00GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&I've already forgotten the bad news from earlier today ...
24.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&African History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 8 Feb 2012
备注:&Over the moon!!
25.更新日期:& 08日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Applied Physics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 2 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.90GRE General (V/Q/W): 730/800/5.00GRE Subject: 910&
备注:&email to set up on-campus interview, met with two different researchers
26.更新日期:& 07日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Statistics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Wait listed via E-mail on 7 Feb 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.51GRE General (V/Q/W): 162/167/4.00GRE Subject: 840&
27.更新日期:& 07日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Statistics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Phone on 6 Feb 2012
备注:&Interviewed via Skype previously. Very excited!!
28.更新日期:& 06日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Statistics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Phone on 6 Feb 2012
29.更新日期:& 04日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&Chemistry, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 31 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.60GRE General (V/Q/W): 158/166/3.50GRE Subject: 780&
30.更新日期:& 03日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&French, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 23 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 4.50GRE General (V/Q/W): 169/160/4.50GRE Subject: n/a&
31.更新日期:& 02日/02月/2012,专业/项目:&German, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Phone on 2 Feb 2012
备注:&Phone message from the DGS - very kind and thoughtful
32.更新日期:& 30日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Mathematics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 30 Jan 2012
备注:&YES! school of my dreams
33.更新日期:& 29日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Electrical Engineering, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Other via Phone on 29 Jan 2012
备注:&Called to ask about the status of my application and got interviewed by the POI. No emails and all that yet. Has anyone else heard anything from Yale EE?
34.更新日期:& 27日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Epidemiology Of Microbial Diseases, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 26 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.50GRE General (V/Q/W): 710/790/5.00GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&E-mail from director of the program about interview on 2/13
35.更新日期:& 27日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&English, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Wait listed via Other on 27 Jan 2012
备注:&Yale English does not do interviews.
36.更新日期:& 27日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Accounting, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 25 Jan 2012
37.更新日期:& 27日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Ecology & Evolution, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 26 Jan 2012
38.更新日期:& 26日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&African History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 26 Jan 2012
39.更新日期:& 26日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Ecology And Evolution, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 26 Jan 2012
备注:&automated email saying to check website for status
40.更新日期:& 25日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Other via E-mail on 25 Jan 2012
备注:&Question for the previous Yale poster. Did you initiate contact? Could you give some more information about how you heard?
41.更新日期:& 23日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&MM. In Music Composition, Masters (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 23 Jan 2012
42.更新日期:& 21日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Biomedical Engineering, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 20 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.81GRE General (V/Q/W): 750/800/5.00GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&offered choice of phone interview date: 1/20 or 1/22; very short notice.
43.更新日期:& 21日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Mathematics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Website on 20 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.70GRE General (V/Q/W): 800/430/3.50GRE Subject: 910&
44.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Pure Mathematics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Website on 20 Jan 2012
45.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Mathematics Pure, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Website on 20 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.90GRE General (V/Q/W): 154/169/4.00GRE Subject: 800&
46.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Ecology And Evolutionary Biology (EEB), PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 20 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.83GRE General (V/Q/W): 760/780/4.50GRE Subject: 880&
47.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Mathematics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via Website on 20 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.90GRE General (V/Q/W): 0/0/0.00GRE Subject: 900&
备注:&funding details to follow in the mail
48.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Mathematics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Wait listed via Website on 20 Jan 2012
备注:&Interview was offered, but there was no interview.
49.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&AMSC(Applied Mathematics & Statistics, And Scientific Computation), PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Wait listed via Website on 20 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: n/aGRE General (V/Q/W): 0/0/0.00GRE Subject: 870&
备注:&Interview was offered, but there was no interview. Why?
50.更新日期:& 20日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Pure Math, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 20 Jan 2012
51.更新日期:& 19日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&BBS Microbiology, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Rejected via Phone on 19 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.63GRE General (V/Q/W): 640/670/4.50GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&Called office, all invites have been sent.
52.更新日期:& 17日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&History, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 17 Jan 2012
53.更新日期:& 11日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Psychology, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Other via E-mail on 11 Jan 2012
备注:&From inquiry about admissions status to coordinator lead to this answer: all interviews have been extended. So if you haven't heard from Yale, consider yourself ousted
54.更新日期:& 10日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&BBS - BBSB, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 3 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 4.00GRE General (V/Q/W): 760/800/5.00GRE Subject: 700&
55.更新日期:& 09日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&Statistics, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 9 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.46GRE General (V/Q/W): 156/164/4.50GRE Subject: n/a&
56.更新日期:& 04日/01月/2012,专业/项目:&BBS - Molecular Biophysics And Biochemistry, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 4 Jan 2012 Undergrad GPA: 3.71GRE General (V/Q/W): 170/162/5.00GRE Subject: 800&
57.更新日期:& 19日/12月/2011,专业/项目:&BBS-Immunology, PhD (F12)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 18 Dec 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.46GRE General (V/Q/W): 650/790/4.50GRE Subject: n/a&
58.更新日期:& 21日/04月/2011,专业/项目:&Ide, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 21 Apr 2011
备注:&accepted off waitlist
59.更新日期:& 17日/04月/2011,专业/项目:&Economics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 14 Apr 2011
备注:&off the waitlist.
60.更新日期:& 05日/04月/2011,专业/项目:&Photography, MFA (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 2 Apr 2011
61.更新日期:& 24日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&MA IDE, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 14 Mar 2011
62.更新日期:& 18日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Computational Biology And Bioinformatics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Interview via E-mail on 21 Dec 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.71GRE General (V/Q/W): 630/800/5.00GRE Subject: n/a&
63.更新日期:& 16日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Environment Management, MEM, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Other on 15 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.40GRE General (V/Q/W): 800/640/3.50GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&Had to check the website. cold rejection. surprised and disappointed. Don't know how they make the decision.
64.更新日期:& 15日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Environmental Management, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 15 Mar 2011
备注:&The Admissions Committee of the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) has completed its evaluation of this year&s candidates and it is with sincere regret that we are unable to offer you a place in our incoming class.Please be assured that the Admissions Committee gave very careful consideration to your application materials and the decision was made after extensive deliberation. F&ES receives a very large number of applications each year and many qualified applicants cannot be admitted. This year&s candidates proved to be particularly competitive which made the admissions decisions especially difficult.
65.更新日期:& 15日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&International And Development Economics (IDE), Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Wait listed via Website on 15 Mar 2011
66.更新日期:& 13日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Philosophy, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 7 Mar 2011
67.更新日期:& 12日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&IDE, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 12 Mar 2011
备注:&sooooooooooo sad :(
68.更新日期:& 12日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Philosophy, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 8 Mar 2011
69.更新日期:& 12日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Biostatistics And Epidemiology, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 10 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.70GRE General (V/Q/W): 580/800/3.00GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&So excited....
70.更新日期:& 12日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Council On East Asian Studies, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 12 Mar 2011
备注:&second acceptance!
71.更新日期:& 11日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Finance And Business Economics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 11 Feb 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.60GRE General (V/Q/W): 770/790/5.50GRE Subject: n/a&
72.更新日期:& 11日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&International And Development Economics (IDE), Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 11 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.50GRE General (V/Q/W): 800/640/5.00GRE Subject: n/a&
73.更新日期:& 11日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Applied Mathematics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 10 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.79GRE General (V/Q/W): 780/550/3.00GRE Subject: 850&
备注:&Sadness. My dream.
74.更新日期:& 11日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Art History, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 10 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.50GRE General (V/Q/W): 770/660/5.50GRE Subject: n/a&
75.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Applied Mathematics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 10 Mar 2011
备注:&:( no hope.....
76.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Art History, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.72GRE General (V/Q/W): 650/510/5.50GRE Subject: n/a&
77.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&BBS-Microbiology, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Accepted via E-mail on 8 Mar 2011 Undergrad GPA: 3.80GRE General (V/Q/W): 800/800/4.00GRE Subject: n/a&
备注:&Interviewed Feb 11-12. Waited almost a month to hear back!
78.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Mathematics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Mar 2011
79.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&Mathematics, PhD (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 10 Mar 2011
80.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&East Asian Studies, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via E-mail on 10 Mar 2011
81.更新日期:& 10日/03月/2011,专业/项目:&East Asian Studies, MA, Masters (F11)
具体情况:&Rejected via Website on 10 Mar 2011
备注:&though not my first choice, still heartbroken...
耶鲁大学(Yale University)基本资料数据:
学生教师比:6.0 : 1
SAT数学要求:700 - 780
SAT语言要求:700 - 800
SAT写作要求:700 - 790
耶鲁大学yale University学校概况简介 校训(格言):lux et veritas(拉丁文,意为&真理和光明&) &&&&&&& 耶鲁大学yale University成立于1701年,是一所私立大学。它和哈佛、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学和研究生院前三名的位置。耶鲁大学yale University教授阵容、课程安排、教学设施方面堪称一流。漂亮的歌德式建筑和乔治王朝式的建筑与现代化的建筑交相互映,把整个校园点缀得十分古典和秀丽。秋季的校园中金黄暗红的落叶遍地,阳光斜照那些黄褐色巨石建成的古色古香的巍峨建筑物。耶鲁的名气、它的美丽和庄严,以及夕阳西下时站在校园中央向四周环视时那种凝重的历史感吸引着世界各地优秀的学子们.& &&&&&&& 学生不多,只有1万多人,其中研究生占一半以上,由此一斑就可知学校教学的侧重点。由于学生来源优秀,加上学校对学生学业要求严格,可以说到耶鲁大学yale University攻读学位一定能获得一般普通学校所无法拥有的一流教育。 &耶鲁大学yale University最强的学科是社会科学、人文科学以及生命科学。 耶鲁大学yale University管理研究生院于1978年创设了独特的课程&&公营和私营企业专业管理(pub1ic&private management)课程,它着重公营及非赢利机构的专业管理训练。课程安排有六成是授课,四成为个案研究,后者有一半是公办或非赢利机构的个案。 耶鲁大学yale University的企管硕士不叫mba而是mppm,其来源也在于此。 耶鲁大学yale University是世界上最早设立人文和艺术学科的大学之一,拥有众多一流的人文科学系和人文科学研究计划其英语系和历史系排名位居全美大学之首,哲学的师资力量也相当雄厚,耶鲁的骄傲&&惠特尼人文科学研究中心,使耶鲁成为美国高等教育界人文科学研究的高地。耶鲁特别强调自由的思想和自由的学术空气。这种&自由教育&的原则,使耶鲁能够包容各种思想流派,保持勃勃生机。 在2006英国泰晤士报专上教育增刊的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名世界第四。美国princeton review在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。耶鲁以人文、艺术、历史、及法律最有名;耶鲁的理工科在美国一流名校里算是比较弱的。 耶鲁大学yale University的产业包括152亿美元捐款(此项列世界学术机构第二位)和藏于十多所图书馆中计110多万卷藏书。耶鲁有约3,200名教职人员,5,200名本科学生和超过6,000名研究生。除了哈佛大学,耶鲁大学是罗氏奖学金获得者最为众多的大学。 耶鲁大学yale University将本科教育视为大学的核心。这种重视在美国同类大学中实属少见。耶鲁学院(yale college,即耶鲁大学本科部)70个专业主要着力于通识教育,仅有极少的几个本科院系着眼于专业性的准备,甚至于耶鲁大学工程系也鼓励并且要求学生探索和学习工程学科以外的领域。耶鲁学院大约有20%的学生为自然科学专业,35%为社会科学专业,45%的学生则为人文艺术专业。耶鲁大学要求所有的教授均讲授本科课程。每年在耶鲁大学的课程目录中(yale program of study,或通称blue book)有超过2000门课程以供选择。 耶鲁大学yale University实行类似牛津大学和剑桥大学的&住宿学院& 制度。新生被随机分配到耶鲁大学的12个住宿学院中,且除极少数特别情况外,所有学生都将在学院中居住四年时间(大一和大二的学生必须居住在宿舍)。每所学院都拥有自己完备的设施,包括餐厅、图书馆、健身房、艺术工作室、琴房、照相暗室、电脑室、洗衣房、台球乒乓室、学生厨房,大部分学院还拥有自己的电影院或剧院、攀岩室、壁球馆和桑拿房,24小时对本院学生开放。每所学院有一位院长(master)和一位学监(dean),分别负责学生的社交活动和学习生活。每周各院院长还邀请各个领域的著名人士举办茶会,称为&master&s tea&,本科学生都可参加,受邀的名人不乏美国和世界政、商、体育、娱乐、社会公益等领域的著名人物。 耶鲁大学yale University拥有众多杰出的校友:有5位总统毕业于耶鲁:威廉&霍华德&塔夫脱、杰拉尔德&鲁道夫&福特,乔治&布什、比尔&克林顿、乔治&w&布什。耶鲁凭借其优秀的学子创造了一个政坛的奇迹。所以,耶鲁素有&总统摇篮&之称。教员之间经常开的玩笑就是:&一不小心,你就会教出一个总统来。乔治&布什是耶鲁著名的秘密团体骷髅会的一员。总统克林顿与他的夫人希拉里就是在耶鲁的图书馆里认识的。著名影星朱迪&福斯特,《时代周刊》的著名专栏作家凯文&翠林都是耶鲁人&& 据相关数据统计,自1789年以来的美国内阁中,9%的成员来自耶鲁,10余位美国最高法院大法官都曾在耶鲁学习。耶鲁毕业生还成为众多著名大学的创始人或第一任校长,如普林斯顿大学、康奈尔大学、约翰&霍普金斯大学、哥伦比亚大学、芝加哥大学等,并因此将&美国学院之母&的桂冠奉献给自己的母校。 [耶鲁大学学术成就] 在耶鲁大学众多的学术精英中,有13位学者曾荣获诺贝尔奖。经济学家嘉林&库普曼斯,著有数理经济理论方面的著作,探讨了经济发挥最佳作用的条件;细胞生物学家乔治&柏拉德,研制成组织制备法,发现了几种细胞结构;化学家拉斯&昂萨格,提出了不可逆化学过程理论;物理学家默里&盖尔曼,完整地提出了关于亚原子粒子的理论知识;作家辛克莱&刘易斯,重要作品有《大街》、《巴比特》、《阿罗史密斯》、《埃尔默&甘特里》等;微生物学家约翰&恩德斯,成功地在非神经组织的培养物上培养脊髓灰质炎病毒;物理学家欧内斯特&劳伦斯,发明了第一台高能粒子加速器枣回旋加速器;生理学家迪金森&理查兹,改进并使用心导管技术;遗传学家乔舒亚&莱德伯格,发现了细菌遗传物质的组织和重组机制;生物化学家爱德华&塔特姆,研究出遗传突变影响了某些细菌、酵母和霉菌的营养要求方式;物理学家小威利斯&兰姆,通过实验使量子电动力学更为准确;微生物学家马克斯&泰累尔,对黄热病的成功研究;生物学家悉尼&奥尔特曼,证明核糖酸能对细胞的化学反应起催化作用。 [耶鲁大学历史] 40本书立校 初名&大学学院&(collegiate school)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为长青藤联盟的成员之一。 1638年,北美康涅狄格成为英国的殖民地。一批英国殖民者乘船飘洋过海来到昆尼皮亚克海湾定居,并使之逐渐发展成为繁荣的纽黑文新港。约翰&达文波特牧师认为教育可以让欧洲文明在美国生根,遂倡议在这里建立大学。虽然他的计划屡屡遭挫,但其思想却影响了当地的许多人。1701年,以詹姆士&皮尔庞为首的一批公理会传教士说服康州法院同意成立一所教会学校,使青年&可以学习艺术和科学&&为教会和国家服务&,10位受托管理学校的牧师从他们藏书不多的图书馆里拿出40本书,作为建校的资本。1701年10月,牧师们推举哈佛大学毕业生亚伯拉罕&皮尔逊为第一任校长,教会学校于是正式成立。但直到第二年3月,学校才有了第一个学生雅各布&海明威。1707年,第一批18名学生被授予学士学位。开始的时候学校没有校舍,学生分散在康州的6个城市学习。1716年,托管人投票一致同意将学校迁至纽黑文。 1718年,英国东印度公司高层官员伊莱休&耶鲁先生向这所教会学校捐赠了9捆总价值562英镑12先令的货物、417本书以及英王乔治一世的肖像和纹章,这些现在看起来极其普通的物品,在当时对襁褓之中的耶鲁简直是雪中送炭。为了感谢耶鲁先生的捐赠,学校正式更名为&耶鲁学院&,它就是今日耶鲁大学的前身。18世纪30年代至80年代,耶鲁在伯克利主教、斯泰尔斯牧师、波特校长等的不懈努力下,逐渐由学院发展为大学。至20世纪初,随着美国教育的迅猛发展,耶鲁已经发展到了惊人的规模。 后来耶鲁的发展很大程度上得益于学校与康涅狄格州政府的关系不断改善以及耶鲁校友的鼎力相助。早期的耶鲁学院每年从政府获得少量的殖民地公共基金的资助,但在1763年,为了保持学校的私立性质,摆脱政府的控制,学校同州政府分道扬镳,以后不得不依靠自身苦撑了40年。1792年独立战争后,校方才再次说服当时的康州州长加入耶鲁校董事会,州政府为耶鲁重新注入了资金。然而,由于以后学校的发展越来越背离教会学校的宗旨,民主思想日益浓烈,1817年,州政府下令给学校&断炊&。于是,耶鲁不得不向毕业生求援,1827年它成立校友协会,依靠校友的捐助顽强地发展下去。 18世纪30年代至80年代,耶鲁学院在伯克利主教、斯泰尔斯牧师、波特校长等的不懈努力下,逐渐由学院发展为大学。至20世纪初,随着美国教育的迅猛发展,耶鲁大学已经发展到了惊人的规模。不仅如此,耶鲁学子还走出耶鲁,先后创建了多所美国著名大学,如康奈尔大学、约翰-霍普金斯大学、芝加哥大学等。 耶鲁在美国大学首创了住宿学院,为学校的快速发展奠定了坚实的基础。耶鲁学生哈克尼斯在当时的校长安杰尔的影响下,于1930年向学校捐赠了1500多万美元,修建了8所住宿学院并购置了教学设备。住宿学院的兴起和发展,吸引了大批社会名流包括著名的政治家、评论家、作家、艺术家、新闻记者等涌入耶鲁,为耶鲁的繁荣兴盛作出了贡献,也扩大了耶鲁在世界的影响。 [耶鲁大学教育特色] 教授做主 耶鲁最重要的管理特色是&教授治校&,这一特色对美国高等教育产生了巨大影响。建校初期,经过3代校长的努力,耶鲁逐渐形成了董事会不具体参与校务管理、而由教授会治校的法规。在当时的美国流传着这样一句话:&普林斯顿董事掌权、哈佛校长当家、耶鲁教授做主&。 由于教授有职有权,他们对学生的利益特别关心,对学院的名气尤为重视,对教学质量要求也非常严格。同时,它使学校产生了一种强烈的独立性,以至于耶鲁首创的学校董事会不驻校制以及权力机构校外制等被后来成立的许多大学竞相采用。 300年来,不管耶鲁的管理体制如何演变,但重视和信赖教授的传统代代相传,它反过来又激励着教授们充分发挥他们的才干和能力,注重自己的道德修养,提高教授会的威信,也加强了教师的独立性。 耶鲁人一直为能够坚持独立精神,不向外来的政治压力、物质利诱妥协而自豪&&18世纪中叶,托马斯&克莱普任院长期间,坚持耶鲁是私立学校,并十分强调大学的独立。为此,他采取一切可能的方式对地方政府的干涉进行抵制,直至诉诸法律。至20世纪60年代越战期间,美国政府下令:凡是自称以道德或宗教理由反战的学生一律不准得到奖学金的资助。当时美国诸多名校全都遵照政府的指示行事。唯独耶鲁坚守学术独立的一贯作风,仍继续以申请者的成绩为考虑奖学金的唯一原则,完全漠视政府的规定。结果,耶鲁因此失去了来自联邦政府的一大笔基金,经济上几度陷入困境,但其信念依然不变。现任校长理查德&莱温亦曾因捐款人对耶鲁所设课程及其教授聘任提出附加要求,而毫不犹豫地拒绝了2000万美元的捐赠。 即使在前任总统布什被邀请回母校接受一个荣誉法律博士学位时,耶鲁的教授与学生也公开表示了自己的反对意见:那是日,传统的毕业日当天,当校长宣布授予布什荣誉法律博士学位时,学生们报以笑声、嘘声和哨声,一些应届毕业生还打出一条大横幅写道:&我们赢得了自己的学位,不要使我们的学位跌价&,他们还手持标语牌谴责布什政府在环境、死刑以及堕胎等问题上的政策。更有大约200名教授集体签字拒绝出席毕业典礼,认为无论是布什还是校方这样做纯粹是为了沽名钓誉,因为按照布什当年在学校时候的表现和成绩,他根本没有资格接受那样一个荣誉称号。 加州大学前校长田长霖教授曾经说:&在美国,大家有一种认识,哪一个学校的教授力量大,哪一个学校将来就会成为最著名的学校。&教授治校不仅被伯克利奉为圭臬,也同样是耶鲁300年来所尊奉的。 耶鲁大学既没有庞大的脱离教学的行政人员队伍,也没有专门的行政大楼。若问这所世界驰名、富甲一方的大学的校长在何处办公,人们会告诉你,校长的办公室在最矮最不显眼的小楼里。 既然教授在耶鲁的作用举足轻重,教师本身的素质当然要十分过硬,耶鲁的教师需要经过严格的挑选。教师们学识超人,学生对他们非常崇拜;但由于他们对学生要求非常严格,学生对教师同时也很敬畏,私下里为那些严厉的老师取了很多形象的绰号。但耶鲁的学生非常幸运,他们很早就能得到德高望重的名师的亲自授课,这是耶鲁学生素质高的原因之一。 人文主义高地 耶鲁人文教育的目标之一是培养学生的人文精神&& 一种追求人生真谛的理性态度,即关怀人生价值的实现、人的自由与平等以及人与社会、自然之间的和谐等。因而在耶鲁的校徽上,书写着&光明与真知&几个字,那就是继承欧洲人文科学传统,为教会,更具体地说是为公理、为民众培养的神职人员&&在耶鲁1701年的宪章上写道:教育的目的是使年轻人&能为教会和公共事业服务&。现任校长理查德&莱温也说:&让青年学生们用自己在学术、艺术等专业上的成就为社会做出贡献,为人类生存条件的改善而工作。& & 19世纪初,美国举国上下提出大学课程设置应着重实用学科,美国东部许多高校纷纷设立实用学科。课程改革的浪潮冲击着美国的大学,也冲击着以保守著称的耶鲁,它迅速地对这一浪潮做出反应,其结果是,1828年,在杰里迈亚&戴校长的领导下,耶鲁发表了著名的《耶鲁报告》。 《耶鲁报告》极力肯定以古典学科为主的人文教育的重要价值而排斥科学的实用教育,声称&没有什么东西比好的理论更为实际,没有什么东西比人文教育更为有用,大学里为本科生所开设的教学课程不包括职业学,专门化必须晚一点开始&&心智的训练使学生具有对社会的责任感&。该报告敌视实用的职业技术课程,坚持认为共同学科的深入广泛研习对学生形成良好的教养大有裨益。 《耶鲁报告》的发表对美国高等教育产生了很大影响。19世纪初期,德国的学习自由对美国的影响相当深刻,美国大学不仅接受了学习自由的理念,而且第一次通过创立选修制和学分制使学习自由制度化。但选修制在美国的确立经历了一个曲折的过程。早在托马斯&杰弗逊时代,威廉玛丽学院和弗吉尼亚大学都先后采用过选修课,但这些早期的改革很快因为1828年《耶鲁报告》的发表而暂时止步。 为了坚持大学的追求真理,增加知识的学术使命,1986年任校长的施密特德教授强调耶鲁必须坚持思想的绝对自由及对智力亦即学术追求的不可动摇的信奉,他并且在开学典礼上要求耶鲁的新学子们像一代代比他们年长的校友一样接受这一大学观念。耶鲁把培养学生成为具有爱国精神,能对国家尽到责任和义务的&责任公民&作为大学道德教育的目标,强调学生必须具备美国&国民精神&,要时时处处为美利坚的强大而自豪和尽责,并把不断涌入的移民&美国化&。 &能学会玩&的耶鲁 英才辈出的耶鲁大学的学生学习起来几近疯狂,但同时,耶鲁人可说是&能学会玩&,学生可以灵活地自行休假。只要成绩优异,学生任何时候可以离开学院一学期或一学年,利用这一机会去工作,去从事自己感兴趣的科研工作或去旅游放松。 耶鲁是所开放的、能包容各种思想的大学。校园生活丰富多彩,力求尽善尽美。耶鲁鼓励学生学习一切陌生的东西,尝试一切愿意试的事情。这不仅体现在学术争鸣上,也体现在学生的业余生活上。 耶鲁每年要公开举行音乐会1000余场,定期邀请著名演员和导演到校园访问、演出和演讲。有90%以上的学生自愿参加体育活动,学校的体育水平很高。1894年恢复奥运会比赛以来,耶鲁先后派出数百名运动员参加角逐,获得50多枚金牌。耶鲁的棒球队具有国家级水平,美国前总统老布什在耶鲁求学期间,就是一名优秀的棒球手。 耶鲁以盛产政治家闻名,因为耶鲁学生有关心政治的传统。校内有许多政治组织,持不同观点甚至对立观点的组织和平相处,如有组织严密的&青年共和党人&和&青年民主党人&以及最活跃的&耶鲁政治联盟&等。这些组织经常展开辩论并积极参与政治活动,如60年代抗议美国入侵越南、80年代抗议南非的种族隔离政策等。耶鲁的政治辩论非常活跃,常常引起美国政界和舆论界的高度关注,人们似乎从一场场激烈的学子论战中看到了未来的美国政坛新星。 虽然耶鲁是一所令全世界学子高山仰止的名校,但耶鲁的门槛并非高不可攀。相反,耶鲁从很早开始就对聪明好学但家境困难的学子给予特别关怀和照顾,如降低学费等。耶鲁的理念是,优秀的学生是出色的学校的保证。这些学生可能来自农场或平民窟,他们的父母可能一贫如洗,但耶鲁不管他们是何种肤色、何种民族、哪国公民,都有责任发现并培养他们。由此,很多出身平平的有志青年从耶鲁展翅高飞。 英才辈出的耶鲁 经过漫长而辉煌的300年历史风雨,耶鲁大学不仅为美国输送了大批精英,也为世界培养了许多栋梁之才。 最让耶鲁引以为豪的学生莫过于1773级的学生、被美国人称为民族英雄的内森-黑尔了。具有炽热爱国热情的内森-黑尔在美国独立战争中深入英军防线搜集情报时被捕,并被处以绞刑。就义前,他留下了世代相传的豪言壮语:&我惟一的憾事就是没有第二次生命献给我的祖国。& 还有4位美国总统毕业于耶鲁大学。他们分别是美国第27任总统威廉-霍华德、第38任总统杰拉尔德-福特、第41任总统乔治-布什、第42任总统比尔-克林顿以及美国第43任总统小布什。耶鲁创造了惊人的奇迹:连续3届总统都出自耶鲁!另外,民主党副总统候选人利伯曼以及现任美国第一夫人、已经成功当选美国国务卿的希拉里-克林顿等也都出自耶鲁。 耶鲁虽然以人文学科著称,但是其文理并重的风格同样为耶鲁造就了许多世界一流的科学家。如1755年发明潜水艇和鱼雷的科学家戴维-布什内尔、1837年创办美国《科学》杂志、有&美国教育之父&之称的小本杰明-西利曼、发明世界第一台高能粒子加速器--回旋加速器、获得1939年诺贝尔物理奖的欧内斯特-劳伦斯、ibm公司前董事长约翰-艾克斯、联邦快递创史人史密斯;我国在耶鲁毕业的著名学子包括铁路桥梁专家詹天佑、1894年中日甲午海战英雄吴应科和著名人口学家马寅初等。迄今为止,耶鲁学子共有近20人获得诺贝尔奖,今年获得诺贝尔医学奖的保罗-格林格德教授也曾在耶鲁大学任教。 据调查,在美国500家著名大公司里任职的高级职员中,耶鲁毕业生所占的比例最高,甚至超过了哈佛。耶鲁大学还为美国演艺圈输送了大批光彩照人的文艺明星,其中最为中国观众熟悉的是以主演《苏菲的选择》和《克莱默夫妇》而两度夺取奥斯卡奖的著名影星梅里尔-斯特里普。 [耶鲁大学基础设施] &&&&&&& 耶鲁大学yale University拥有工程及应用科学中心、分子及结构生物学中心、儿童发展与社会政策研究中心、天体生物学研究所、核物理结构实验室等一批在世界上具有领先地位的科研机构。 &&&&&&& 耶鲁大学yale University 教授阵容、课程安排、教学设施方面堪称一流。特殊学习设施包括美术馆、自然历史博物馆、天文台、广播电台、稀有书籍及原稿本图书馆、植物园及其他多所研究中心以供学生实习研究使用。运动设施有体育馆、室内外田径场、室内外网球场、滑冰场、划船设备、高尔、夫球场、马术中心及户外教育中心。 耶鲁大学图书馆是世界上规模第二的大学图书馆,拥有藏书1100万册,坐落于22座建筑物中,其中包括最大的史德林纪念图书馆、beinecke古籍善本图书馆和法学院图书馆。学校还在纽黑文郊区设立有藏书库,以收藏长久不用的图书。 史德林纪念图书馆位于学校中心地带,收藏有400万册图书,并且为耶鲁大学图书馆系统的中心。beinecke古籍善本图书馆则收藏有迄今为止发现的最早的活字印刷本古腾堡圣经。图书馆大部分图书使用国会图书馆编目法,一些较早的收藏仍使用耶鲁编目法。所有收藏都登陆于orbis目录系统(法学院收藏另使用morris目录系统),并与美国主要的图书馆建立馆际互借协议,并且与个别大学图书馆实行次日送达服务,使教授和学生可以迅速的得到需要的资料。另外学校的诸多设施由称为eli express的速递服务连接,学生可以选择在任何一个图书馆提取索要的图书和归还图书。这些服务对本科学生和教授都是免费的。 耶鲁大学的美丽校园环境甚为著名。而一些现代建筑也常被作为建筑史中的典范出现在教科书中,其中包括路易&康设计的耶鲁大学美术馆、耶鲁大学英国艺术中心;eero saarinen设计的ingalls滑冰场、ezra stiles学院和morse学院;以及由paul rudolph设计的艺术和建筑系大楼。 耶鲁大多数古建筑都为哥特式风格,多建于年期间。大量的浮雕都展现了当时的大学生活:有作家、运动员、喝茶的交际花、读书时打磕睡的学生等等。在耶鲁大学法学院大楼(官方名称为史德林法学大楼)的雕刻上,也展现了当代的一些场景,包括警察追逐强盗和逮捕娼妓的场面。建筑师james gamble rogers为了使建筑显得老旧,采用了在石质墙面上泼酸、故意打破玻璃并且使用中世纪的方法补合,并且还人为的添加了许多空的装饰性壁龛,仿佛雕塑已经失落很久。虽然耶鲁大学中心校园的大多建筑都呈现中世纪的建筑风格,使用大型的石材,而事实上大多都采用的是1930年通用的钢结构框架,唯一的例外是哈克尼斯塔,高216英尺。在建造时曾经是世界上最高的全石质结构。该塔在1964年加固,以在其内部安装耶鲁纪念组钟,共计54口。今日该钟每日在中午12点30分和下午5点整由耶鲁大学的一个专门学生团体奏响,选奏的音乐从经典组钟乐到披头四都有选择。 而耶鲁大学校园内最古老的一幢建筑却属于佐治亚风格,而看起来也似乎更为现代。这座称为&connecticut hall&的建筑建于1750年,现坐落于old campus中,为哲学系所在地。校园里其他的佐治亚风格的建筑包括timothy dwight、college pierson college和davenport college(不包括沿约克街立面,属于哥特风格)。 beinecke古籍善本图书馆由gordon bunshaft设计,是当今世界上最大的专门收藏古籍善本的图书馆。它坐落于休伊特庭院的旁边(现在多被称作beinecke广场)。图书馆地面以上六层的书库由一个玻璃的立方体环绕,而玻璃立方的外面则有一个更大的与之不接触的&盒子&罩住。这座建筑的墙壁是由两英尺见方的产自佛蒙特州的半透明大理石构成,因此可以使馆内微亮而防止阳光中的其他有害射线破坏馆藏图书。广场中一个下沉式庭院中的雕塑由isamu noguchi设计,代表了时间(金字塔)、太阳(圆环结构)和机率(斜立的立方)。 毕业于耶鲁的著名建筑师eero saarinen(曾设计了圣路易著名的大拱门、华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场主楼、曼哈顿哥伦比亚广播公司大厦等建筑)负责设计了耶鲁大学的ingalls冰场和最新的两个住宿学院morse和ezra stiles。这些灵感源自意大利山城san gimigniano的现代建筑与哥特风格的其他建筑形成鲜明的对比。 另外耶鲁大学的payne whitney体育/健身馆还是当今世界上最大的体育馆,其中包括游泳,滑艇模拟池,篮球馆,健身房,击剑馆等所有奥运会项目,还包括三个北美唯一的最高标准的永久性玻璃壁球场等世界一流的设备。这些设备对本科学生免费开放,研究生则需要收取一定费用。 2006年,耶鲁学院(耶鲁大学本科部)总共有超过21,000名申请者,最终被录取的学生占总申请人数的8.6%。这个数字是常青藤联盟的所有成员校历史上最低的。因此耶鲁大学也向来被认为是美国最难进入的大学之一。 最近几年,超过71%的被录取的学生最后选择进入耶鲁大学学习。(美国大学学生可以同时申请几所学校并最终选择接受一所学校的录取。)而选择拒绝耶鲁大学的录取而上其他大学的学生,大多因为学校高昂的学费。但是耶鲁大学同时也提供极优厚的助学金制度。有超过41.9%的在校本科生接受不同标准的助学金。 耶鲁学院的录取实行被称为need blind admission的录取制度,即录取过程不考虑学生的家庭经济情况;和称为need based financial aid的助学金制度,即被录取的所有学生都会依家庭收入给予不同程度的助学金以保证学生能在不给家庭带来太大负担的同时能够支付学校的各项费用。在 2005年新出台的奖学金制度规定,家庭年收入低于50,000美元的学生,可以免除所有费用,并提供旅行、假期和零用等额度,超过50,000美元而低于75,000美元的家庭,则可以支付小部分费用并可选择低息贷款。是否接受助学金是学生的个人隐私,学校保持其机密性,除学生和其家长授权,不透露给第三方。 耶鲁学院的学生包括来自美国50个州和世界上73个国家的学生,其中半数为女性,超过30%为少数族裔,10%为国际学生,54.4.%的学生毕业于公立中学,其余的学生毕业于独立、私立、宗教或国际学校。 耶鲁大学非常重视本科生教育,许多杰出的教授也一直都在从事基础课程的教学。 耶鲁学院是耶鲁大学的核心,共有65个系所,每年开设2000多门本科课程。 [耶鲁现拥有12个学院]。 耶鲁学院:开设人文科学、社会科学、自然科学以及工程学本科课程,授文学士、理学士、文科研究学士学位。 研究生院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设研究生课程,授文学硕士、理科硕士、哲学硕士、哲学博士学位。 医学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生以及在其它院校受过相应教育的学生开设课程,授医学博士学位。 神学院:授神学硕士,宗教文学硕士学位,优秀学生还可攻读神学硕士学位。 法学院:授法学研究硕士,法学博士(j. d.)学位以及法学硕士、法律科学博士和刑法博士学位。 艺术学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设职业课程,授美术硕士学位。 音乐学院:授音乐硕士、音乐艺术硕士、以及音乐艺术博士学位。 森林与环境研究学院:授森林学硕士、森林科学硕士、环境研究硕士以及森林学博士学位。 建筑学院:授建筑硕士职业学位以及环境设计非职业学位。 护理学院:授护理科学硕士学位。 戏剧学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生中攻读学位证书的学生开设课程,授美术硕士及博士学位。 机构与管理学院:授企业管理硕士职业学位,同时也开设机构行为和管理科学方面的博士学位课程。 重点学科: 该校最强的学科是社会科学、人文科学以及生命科学。耶鲁大学管理研究生院于1978年创设了独特的课程&&公营和私营企业专业管理(pub1ic&privatemanagement)课程,它着重公营及非赢利机构的专业管理训练。课程安排有六成是授课,四成为个案研究,后者有一半是公办或非赢利机构的个案。耶鲁大学的企管硕士不叫mba而是mppm,其来源也在于此。 &


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