用needto help with造句 ...造句

needneedAHD:[n&d] D.J.[ni8d]K.K.[nid]n.(名词)A lack of something required or desirable:需要:对想要或期望的事物的缺乏:cr a need for affection.需要水的庄稼;对感情的需要Somethin a requisite:必需品:要求或需要的事物;需要物:Our needs are modest.我们的必需品是谦虚N obligation:必要;义务:There is no need for you to go.你没有必要去A condition of poverty or misfortune:贫困:贫穷或不幸的状况:The family is in dire need.这个家庭极为贫困v.(动词)need.ed,need.ing,needs aux.(助词)To be under the necessity of or the obligation to:必须要:必须要,有义务要:They need not come.他们不必来v.tr.(及物动词)T require:需要;想要:The family needs money.这个家庭需要钱v.intr.(不及物动词)To be in need or want.需要,想要To be necessary.有必要Middle English nede 中古英语 nede from Old English n&&d} [distress, necessity] 源自 古英语 n&&d} [穷困,贫困] need,necessity,exigency,requisiteThese nouns denote a condition in which something essential i they also refer to that which is required or wanted.这些名词都指处于对必需品的要求和需求的一种状况;它们也指需要的或要求的东西. Need
is the most general:
最普遍: There's no need to be concerned.没必要担忧.She is 她很安详、平静;her emotional and spiritual needs are being met.她感情和精神上的需要都得到了满足.Necessity
more strongly thanneed
suggests urgency, inevitability, or unavoidable obligation: Necessity
比need 更强, 用来指紧迫的、不可避免的或不可躲避的义务: “I think the necessity of being ready increases.—Look to it”
(Abraham Lincoln). “我认为做好准备的 紧迫性增加了.——注意”
(亚伯拉罕·林肯). “The rehabilitation of the cabin became a necessity” (Bret Harte).“小屋的重新修建已是不可避免的了” (布雷特·哈特). Exigency
implies acute urgency,especially that arising from conditions or circumstances such as those of an emergency:
指非常紧迫,尤指产生于类似紧急事件的条件或环境: “No . . . more pernicious [doctrine] was ever invented . . . than that any of [the Constitution's]
provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government”
(David Davis)“没有…曾经创造的 能比在一次政府的危急关头对
(大卫·戴维斯). Requisite
applies to something indispensable:
指不可缺少的事物: “a place where the three grand requisites of water, fuel and fodder were to be obtained” (James Fenimore Cooper).See also Synonyms at
lack “三种主要必需品,水、燃料和草料都具备的地方” (吉姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)参见同义词 lackDepending on the sense,the verbneed
behaves sometimes like an auxiliary verb (such as can
or may ) and sometimes like a main verb (such aswant
or try ). When used as a main verb,need agrees with its subject, takesto
before the verb following it, and combines withdo
in questions, negations, and certain other constructions:
根据语义,动词need 有时当作助动词来使用(如 can 或 may ), 有时象实义动词(如want 或 try ). 当用作实义动词时,need 和主语一致, 把to 放在其后面动词的前面, 在疑问句、否定句或某些特定的造句法上和do 连用:
He needs to go.他想走.Does he need to go so soon?他这么快就要走吗?He doesn't need to go. 他不需要走. When used as an auxiliary verb,need does not agree with its subject, does not taketo
before the verb following it, and does not combine withdo :
当用作助动词时,need 不用和主语一致, 不用把to 放在其后动词的前面, 并且不用和do 连用:
He needn't go.他不必走.Need he go so soon? 他这么快就要走吗? The auxiliary forms ofneed
are used primarily in present-tense questions, negations, and conditional clauses. They differ subtly in meaning from the main verb forms in that they always refer to an externally imposed obligation.Hence one might sayYou needn't
(or less formally, don't need to ) fill out both forms,
but where the sense of necessity is internal to the subject,only the main verb can be used: Need 的助动词形式主要用于现在时态的疑问句、否定句和条件句中. 它们在意思上和用作实义动词的形式有细微的区别,它们总指外部加强的压力.因此我们可以说你没必要 (或不太正规的 don't need to ) 填两份表格 , 但是对于物体来说需要的意思是内在的,所以只能用实义动词: I don't need to (not needn't ) be told how to manage my own affairs.
我不需要(而不是 needn't ) 被告诉怎知管理自己的事情 . Note also that the use ofneed
as an auxiliary is often accompanied by a presupposition that the activity in question has in fact been performed.The boys needn't have spoken frankly
implies that they did in fact speak frankly, whereas the sentenceThe boys did not need to spe only the latter could be followed by a clauselikethey conveyed their meanings by indirection.
还需注意need 用作助动词时经常伴随一个先决条件, 质问的动作事实上已经完成了.那些男孩们本来不需要坦诚相告的 意味着他们事实上已经坦率地说了, 然而这个句子男孩们不需要坦诚地说话 就没有这个意思; 只有后者可以在其后跟这样一个句子,如他们间接地表达他们的意思
need[ni:d]n.需要, 必需缺乏; 穷困; 困难; 危急[常用复]需要的东西be in need of food需要食物daily needs日用品 =There is no need to hurry). 不用着急.satisfy one's needs满足某人的需要from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs各尽所能, 按需分配needs test经济情况调查(如对申请救济金的失业人员和年老者的调查)help people in need帮助处于困难中的人们Is there any need for you to go there?你有必要去那里吗?She feels the need of companionship.她感到需要友谊.There is no need for [of] hurrying (need[ni:d]vt.需要必须, 有...必要My car needs repairing.我的车需要修理.Does he need any help?他需要帮忙吗?You don't need to be told twice.不必告诉你两遍.need[ni:d]v., aux.[无人称变化, 多用于否定句, 疑问句; 过去时用 had to, 将来时用 will [shall] have to]需要; 必须, 不得不You need not[needn't]come today.今天你不必来. -N-we make the test?我们需要做这个试验吗? -Yes, we must.是的, 需要.(否定回答: No, we needn't. 不, 不需要.)He need not have done it.他本不需要做这件事.need[ni:d]vi.生活贫困[古]需要(主要用于无人称句)Give to those that need.救济贫困者.There needs no apology.无辩解的必要.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交是真朋友.at (one's) need在紧急时; 在困难时; 在危险时be [stand] in need of ... ...需要...cryingneed迫切的需要do one's needs[俚]解大[小]便had need (to) do sth.应该做某事have need of [for]需要做have need to do sth.必须做某事If need be [were, require]如果必要的话in need在危难中, 在危急中in case [time] of need在紧急的时候N-makes the old wife trot.[谚]急时老太婆也能跑.need not have[后接过去分词]本来不需要What need(s)?为什么要这样?achievement need进取需要actual need实际需要adolescent need青少年的需要borrowing need贷款(的)要求cash need现金需要consumer need消费者的要求energy need能源需要financial need财政需要long-standing need长期未能满足的迫切需要marginal need边际需要national need政府职能需要primary need基本[第一]需要social need社会需要subsidy need津贴需要, 必要津贴额treatment need作业法要求unit manpower needs单位产品必要的劳动消耗量user need用户需要need necessity requisite都含“必需”、“需要”的意思.need指“急需”, 如:A friend in need is a friend inneed.患难之交才是真正的朋友.necessity 属正式用语, 指“必要”、“对不可缺少东西的需要”, 如:They are in need of food, food is a necessity for all living things.他们需要食物, 食物对一切生物是必不可少的.requisite指“必需品”、“对某一特殊目的所不能缺少的东西”, 如:the requisites for a long march长途行军所必需的东西.needneedAHD:[n&d] D.J.[ni8d]K.K.[nid]n.A lack of something required or desirable:cr a need for affection.Somethin a requisite:Our needs are modest.N obligation:There is no need for you to go.A condition of poverty or misfortune:The family is in dire need.v.need.ed,need.ing,needs aux.To be under the necessity of or the obligation to:They need not come.v.tr.T require:The family needs money.v.intr.To be in need or want.To be necessary.Middle English nede from Old English n&&d} [distress, necessity] need ,necessity ,exigency ,requisite These nouns denote a condition in which something essential i they also refer to that which is required or wanted. Need
is the most general: There's no need to be concerned.She is her emotional and spiritual needs are being met.Necessity
more strongly thanneed
suggests urgency, inevitability, or unavoidable obligation: “I think the necessity of being ready increases.—Look to it”
(Abraham Lincoln). “The rehabilitation of the cabin became a necessity” (Bret Harte). Exigency
implies acute urgency,especially that arising from conditions or circumstances such as those of an emergency: “No . . . more pernicious [doctrine] was ever invented . . . than that any of [the Constitution's]
provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government”
(David Davis) Requisite
applies to something indispensable: “a place where the three grand requisites of water, fuel and fodder were to be obtained” (James Fenimore Cooper).See also Synonyms at
lack Depending on the sense,the verbneed
behaves sometimes like an auxiliary verb (such as can
or may ) and sometimes like a main verb (such aswant
or try ). When used as a main verb,need agrees with its subject, takesto
before the verb following it, and combines withdo
in questions, negations, and certain other constructions:
He needs to go.Does he need to go so soon?He doesn't need to go. When used as an auxiliary verb,need does not agree with its subject, does not taketo
before the verb following it, and does not combine withdo :
He needn't go.Need he go so soon? The auxiliary forms ofneed
are used primarily in present-tense questions, negations, and conditional clauses. They differ subtly in meaning from the main verb forms in that they always refer to an externally imposed obligation.Hence one might sayYou needn't
(or less formally, don't need to ) fill out both forms,
but where the sense of necessity is internal to the subject,only the main verb can be used: I don't need to (not needn't ) be told how to manage my own affairs.
Note also that the use ofneed
as an auxiliary is often accompanied by a presupposition that the activity in question has in fact been performed.The boys needn't have spoken frankly
implies that they did in fact speak frankly, whereas the sentenceThe boys did not need to spe only the latter could be followed by a clauselikethey conveyed their meanings by indirection.
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We need help from the media, said Mr. Du. Tell them what you see with your own eyes.
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A lot of times we do not want to admit to the people around us that we need help.
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We need help: According to research firm The Radicati Group, a typical corporate user sends and receives about 110 messages every day, while nearly 294 billion emails are sent every day.
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SAYID: Charlie. We need help with the fire. No one will see it if it isn't big.
Often pride prevents us from accepting the help of others. We are afraid that others might think less of us if we need help.
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VBA model is huge and we need help in understanding the VBA usage patterns for prioritizing as we progress.
- 来自原声例句
请用“in need” 造句
He's really in need of some help.
a friend in need is a friend indeed
help with和help for有什么区别例句说明
help with 在某方面帮助;帮忙某人做;帮助;帮助做某事对应的短语:help somebody with something帮助某人干某事help sb with sth帮某人做某事;在某事上帮助某人help…with帮助做;帮助例句:There's a lot of people who probably need a lot of help with their dating strategies,right? 看来有那么多同学需要跟我,学习约会策略啊help for不是短语,意思为需要帮助去干什么例句:I just need your help. What do you need my help for? 我需要你帮助,你想拿它干什么?


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