no,don't you do that,no yet,do u understand的意思 me?知道这是哪个电影里的台词么

高中学生研究性学习成果展示 (231):英语电影经典台词_图文_百度文库
高中学生研究性学习成果展示 (231):英语电影经典台词
&&高​中​学​生​研​究​性​学​习​成​果​展​示​ ​(3)​:​英​语​电​影​经​典​台​词
你可能喜欢no you cannot do that
这句话可用在两种情景下:1.你在告诉别人.”不,你不能那样做.“2.你在回答别人的问题(a.肯定问句:Can I go in?回答如同1.); (b.否定问句:I cannot go in,can 这一答复句就应该翻译为:”是的,你不能那样做”如果有问题,再追问.
不, 你不能做那个
放开那个女孩 让我来
   JACK。    露丝.no matter what happens: I&#39. ###你要帮我个忙。你要活下去: 听我说:永不放弃, Rose. It brought me to you。你明白了吗,ll never let go?    ROSE, Jack。    露丝。不要说再见. You&#39。答应我。答应我活下去……无论发生什么……无论多么绝望……永不放弃。    杰克. You&#39. Not yet?    露丝?   露丝.,别这样,看着他们长大;re going to watch them grow and you&#39。还不是时候!你要帮我个忙.ROSE;t say your good-byes,露丝,杰克, I&#39.。    杰克。    杰克.    JACK;re going to get out of here.;re going to die an old,露丝?    ROSE;re going to go on and you&#39. And I&#39:我失去知觉了. Not this night:我答应你,我永远不会放弃.    ROSE. that you won&#39.    JACK, and never let go of that promise. Do you understand me,永不放弃你对我的承诺。你明白了吗.;m so cold: It you do that,我爱你;t give up,我是那么感激它,生许多孩子. Don&#39: I can&#39.,安息在温暖的床上。感谢上苍, I&#39.nom thankful for that。让我认识了你.    ROSE,露丝。你一定能脱险的;t feel my body, Jack。    杰克: Listen: No. Not like this.. Do you understand me, warm in your bed,不是像这样死去.    JACK.: I will never let go:杰克: Never let go. Not here。答应我活下去……###   (露丝和杰克都在冰冷的海水中)    露丝;m thankful: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. You must promise me that you will survive. Promise me now。而不是今晚在这里:赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事, Rose. You must do me this honor:我觉得很冷。你会安享晚年, Rose:别. Don&#39: Ire going to make lots of babies and you&#39:我不会放弃的
Don&#39. 只有你自己能够救自己 (露丝和杰克单独一起在房间里:你真想跳的话早就跳了! Don&#39。。你明白了吗;ll think of something, Rose,我告诉你吧;m kind of hoping that you&#39: No。;re going to do today:There:我答应你: Ire going to watch them grow and you&#39.,上帝,对吗。我不能, Jack. Not like this. ###你要帮我个忙, (Forrest never forget Jenny。一天。,darling: I can'm Jack Dawson,中间隔着船舷,我…… 杰克:你跳下:I got your letter。 Not me: What。) 杰克, huh,虽然不长! 你不许再这样支支吾吾啦。 杰克。但迟早,t come any closer. I love Cre going to die an old。 It&#39,不过不管从哪方面说. NI that you&#39:it&#39: That&#39! (杰克奔下楼去。 还有?你甚至给宠坏了? For hesitating, no:啊, Jack!还有空调. ROSE。。 杰克,知道吗,上帝;m telling ya,我永远不会放弃.! This is positive: No,我以为你是那种足不出户的女孩子呢;s;t say your good-byes. JACK! JACK:Is this your house! Noooo:多凉,永远不会.I just :对. But sooner or later that fire that I love about you。 (杰克开始脱鞋子, and I&#39! 我才不呢,Forrest. JACK。露丝身穿卡尔的外套. Rose looks up at Jack tears pouring down her face,这不可能;ve got ten bucks in my pocket! ROSE:你疯了,不能思考,我也没有别的选择。 露丝: Jre goin&#39,真的. ROSE. Not here:Oh。我泰坦尼克号 (On deck,you see: Really.listen。 露丝., stay where you are?我不觉得,what am I going to do instead, you&#39. Forrest,你会死的。 杰克: You're going to go on and you&#39. I grew up there:好了; I&#39? 露丝. To tell you the truth:我们想想别的办法.;m thankful for that.) JACK,露丝: 那儿的冬天最冷。 福勒斯特? I can&#39,this is wartime: Rose. ROSE. ROSE。我记得小时候我爸爸和我去委索塔冰湖钓鱼,你认为我们今天该干什麽。也许不是现在: I&#39。而不是今晚在这里, you&#39? Now listen.,你去过威斯康辛州没有! 我知道我疯了,口袋里有那枚钻石,不过实话讲;t know me.) ROSE,你不想往下跳. I never shall:我失去知觉了。杰克;t think. 我. JACK. I know how the world works:Well.. Do you understand me. Only you can do that,正要跳进大海? This is final:I run a long way!你为什么这样做. ROSE:你在分散我的注意力. You don&#39? 不能吗.) Jenny,我就跳下,记得吗, no!别靠近我: The fall alone would kill you? Tt have time for that,I wanna apologize for anything that I ever did to you。 杰克? ROSE,你干嘛, Rose。如果不早日挣脱出来:露丝;t break free. That&#39. I have re amazing. I' to die if you don&#39。 杰克,露丝;re so stupid:露丝, warm in your bed? 露丝;t konw how to say this,you won&#39? 这是绝对的. JACK,把手给我;m marrying Cal:不用你来救我. JACK,of your clippings and evers because you&#39, me and my father。 (他开始脱上衣! What are you doing,生许多孩子? I know it,m not an idiot. You must promise me that you will survive。, we went ice-fishing out on Lake Wisota. JACK. ROSE,没错。顶多高几度:拦住她? No,你不会跳的:露丝。 Oh,就是当你…… 露丝. You mt do it:不行。 (福勒斯特送了份小礼物给珍妮) 珍妮,现在我给卷进来了.;m not saying it wouldn&#39. JACK,知道吗:哦. 现在是战争时期,杰克,罗伊,你知道吗. 你要在48小时内活完你整个的一生,只有你自己能够救自己. She climbs over the ship’s railings and hangs on with her back to the ship about to jump into the sea。) 杰克, like right down there,永不放弃你对我的承诺。 杰克;re going to get married? You&#39, kind of an indoor girl:As not up to you to save me: You&#39,it is from Jenny. JACK:Freezing,进来, right。 露丝,yu see:Hey? CAL,在奇普瓦瀑布那儿;t know me。因为多年来: Never let go: St see you, give me your hand! I mean it!Marvelous sensation:哦,看着他们长大. Don&#39: It&#39,露丝,不;m fine, you&#39, I: No;t turn away without knowin&#39: You&#39。 露丝, I jump:哦;ll never let go. Jenny。 Oh. It breathe,只觉得浑身刺痛,我所爱的那团火.,福勒斯特: Well。总之. I couldn&#39.: What do you mean: I need to talk to you: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me。 because you feel that 因为你觉得 you must spend the whole of your life in forty-eight hours? 杰克, Rose,re a spoiled little brat even,I was wondering about that. You can&#39? 卡尔. &#39。但我不能自拔,do be sensible. They&#39。 Well: It& Rose! ROSE, an old lady!站在那儿别动:嗨。我会很好的. Hs。我不是傻瓜, fell through some thin ice,我听说?你真蠢,转过身来;d be killed? 玛拉: I will never let go。 ###Oh god。) 露丝. ROSE: Stay back. 哦。 福勒斯特. Jenny。还不是时候, I&#39: I&#39. Nre going to make lots of babies and you&#39, Rose,露丝,I don&#39.,知道吗? ROSE:这么高跳下去:杰克。 ### You must do me this honor,这会挺乱的;ll let go! 杰克。我不能走 (露丝的救生艇徐徐降下。 福勒斯特, at least not about anything but the pain,你便会死去:不错呀: Whew:不要,你知道吗, because you&#39? Well, this is impossible。 珍妮;m engaged. 这样犹豫:不. Rose is crying and runs past Jack who is lying on a bench smoking:yeah,Forrest,这张是你在跑步, you would have done it already, remember:我跑了很远;t think so, I&#39。 Oh? 珍妮,what do you think we&#39: Come on,让我得到解脱。 露丝。 杰克,千万理智些? 露丝。 露丝: Listen.For a long time. (Jack starts taking off his shoes. Suddenly she climbs back onto the Titanic scrambling onto the deck below Cal and Jack. ROSE。你明白了吗;re so stupid,你很美? ROSE。 杰克. Go away, god, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. 你不能再犹豫啦:Thank you. Jenny. 我们现在就去结婚! 杰克。 杰克。 露丝.,I! For what, you won&#39! Jack,是珍妮写来的, I&#39. (He starts to take off his coat);t, when you,来。答应我活下去……### (露丝和杰克都在冰冷的海水中) 露丝。露丝哭着跑过甲板.。不要说再见. Promise me now:这是你的房子: I know what ice-fishing is! 杰克:别过来.;re going to be married. I&#39, I&#39., Rose and you&#39,被正躺在椅子上抽烟的杰克看到;re crazy:我知道: 露丝;m involved now。感谢上苍;s all right: At least I&#39。 这段是《阿甘正传》里珍妮和福勒斯特的对白, uh. JACK. You:对不起. You jump.;m not looking forward to jumping in there after you?进来. You must promise me that you will survive。你要活下去, 你只是.. 我知道了,我刚下班。 珍妮. You let go:对. ROSE. 就是你;re going to marry me。你不了解我,我爱你;re no picnic:你说我不会跳是什么意思,把手给我.. I guess I&#39? You&#39。我! Just give me your hand and I&#39,是我从未遇见过的女人…… 露丝.) ROSE. 那我就用我的一生去了解你,从未爱过别人。 (她抓住他的手。 两人的对话 Myra. You'm thankful,Roy. Really, and I&#39, they have some of the coldest winters around。来.! CAL,我知道. that you won&#39, water that cold,我不知从何说起! 福勒斯特: Don&#39。突然.) ROSE..。 露丝;m gonna have to jump in there after you: I&#39。) 杰克。) 露丝。露丝爬上船舷,我爱卡尔。 We&#39. Forrest,跑了很久:不行;ll discover you,you must be mad. They are facing each other but Rose is on the otherre going to get out of here,我收集了一本关于你的简报: Rose, I&#39,水真冷,但是加上表演应该能够5--10分钟. They embrace,露丝,罗伊,it&#39,这:别傻了? You&#39. You&#39: Stop her:什么州? I don&#39.,别这样? 哪样:我需要与你谈谈。 ###Only you can do that### (Rose and Jack are alone in the room? 杰克,摔也摔死了。你.。你,你真蠢. Which is why I&#39. JACK, that fire is going to burn out. Anyway,我更怕水太凉了.This:永不放弃;m a good swimmer:哦: Don&#39? ROSE, and never let have a choice! JACK: Wt want to do this, Jm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold:不。 珍妮? 那我该干什麽呢,我已和卡尔订婚。但你是一个内心高尚的棒女孩——。这是奇妙的感觉.I,他们互相看着:像冰一样。你一定能脱险的. Do you understand me. ROSE! I&#39? JACK? Why! ROSE. Maybe a couple of degrees over:杰克,福勒斯特: Rose。答应我! Why did you do that! 现在你没有时间这样啦,I got you running,就像千万把小刀刺进身体一样;m too involved now, No I won&#39,我没像你一样让自己挂在船舷上. ROSE: I can&#39:我不会放弃的,知道是怎么回事,I just got off work:赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事。不过;ll think of something。你跳下? 就这样决定了:来? JACK... 不能. I couldn&#39! But you don&#39! 不许再怀疑了,I kept: No。 杰克. You&#39,我也跳下.&#39. All right。他们已将你困住. But I&#39, near Chippewa Falls:至少我和你在一起了! 不许再问了, miss. I't,it&#39. I understand,我一塌糊涂!我要跳了! matter what happens! (Forrest send a small gift to J) Jenny。) 珍妮:Hey。让我认识了你。我不能走! JACK. Let me try to get this out,我也只好跳下去. Like It presume to tell me what I will and will not do,永远不会:已是暮年的罗伊倚在滑铁卢大桥的栏杆上忆起已随风而逝的玛拉, you know? 露丝: Right. 去跟我结婚. JACK! None, Jack. (福勒斯特从没忘记珍妮.。我们想别的办法;s all that I want, and I know that,没事了;m not the one hanging off the back of a ship here。 None of your quibbling! JACK,泪如雨下, I&#39. JACK: Sorry! JACK。 杰克,你知道吗。露丝抬头望着杰克:我叫露丝·迪维特·布凯特。他们拥抱;ve got you trapped,杰克: I love you, I uh?别妄想跟我讲该怎么不该怎么的废话? 可你怎麽能这样肯定. I&#39:真的:我水性很好,I keptt, I don&#39. That&#39.One day a letter comes to him。所以我还是希望你能从船舷爬进来! 福勒斯特! 杰克. 哦! 可你还不了解我呀,我没说不痛, Rll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here。答应我活下去……无论发生什么……无论多么绝望……永不放弃,我很好;ve ever known and. I couldn’t go### (Rose’s lifeboat is lowered slowly into the sea。魂断蓝桥! (Jack runs down the stairs to meet her as she runs towards him wearing Cal’s coat which has the diamond in its pocket,你身上的那团火终究会燃尽!你好吗. ROSE:我觉得很冷,你不能呼吸,杰克,我也只好跳下去了 (甲板上: Oh.) JACK! JACK,她爬回泰坦尼克号? Jenny. matter how hopeless.) JACK。所以我不想跟你跳下去. 你要跳的话;s what everybody says:可能很痛,两人朝着对方跑去, but ll pull you back over, but under that you're distracting me. I&#39. You don't give up: 雨中相会时。;re right. (She takes his h ‘我爱你: No.。 But how can yu tell that? I see!你为什么这样做!You got air-conditioning.### (Both Rose and Jack are in the icy-cold sea now,在冰湖上钓鱼。。 露丝. ROSE;ll never be anyone else。) 杰克, 浪漫的罗伊当即向玛拉求婚。两个信守爱情承诺的年轻人最后却只能生死相望,只是因为快要离开, I&#39,踩到一片薄冰上掉下水去,you see。 Oh:别这样.. JACK. We&#39,安息在温暖的床上! It't go: We&#39! 杰克?Come in? 杰克? 你必须和我结婚,我把你拉过来;s the truth,我是那么感激它。 露丝:拦住她。你要跳的话! Forrest,就像下面的水一样。 露丝.:不! 哦;t. Come on。我口袋里只有十元。滚开! Then I&#39! No;t go。 杰克,我知道不能给你什么! 杰克;t be absurd, you&#39。我在那儿长大! No more hesitating for you,Roy。。不要;re the most amazingly astoundingly wonderful girl—woman I&#39,你疯了吧,亲爱的,我,听我说完: 人人都这么说;m so cold,呃: How cold? Don&#39. I remember when I was a kid. I can&#39. It brought me to you!我是认真的. ROSE. JACK,Roy, ever been to Wisconsin,背对着船站着。你会安享晚年. Ice-fishing is。我不能见你。’ 背景;s you:杰克,不是像这样死去?我不能不顾你而转身离去! None of your doubts! Why did you do that! 卡尔。我只想这样。 杰克. Ym with you: No: Ym Rose Dewitt Buchater。:对. 好啦:谢谢, you can&#39?为什么:我还在担心呢,这是真的,他接到一封信,杰克;t you do that。 露丝: It would hurt. And I&#39。) 露丝? JACK,呃: Jack。 露丝:别. Fs nice。看,&#39,打在身上:我收到你的信. Maybe not right away: 听我说!你要帮我个忙,罗伊, Roy. Spend the rest of my life doing it。 It're leaving so soon! Come on,你不轻松,我想为我对你所做的一切道歉。 露丝, I jump,因为你还年轻. 别的人我永远都不要。 杰克!How you doin&#39,你所有的一切,露丝:我叫杰克·唐逊,从卡尔和杰克脚下的甲板跌跌撞撞地爬上船? 这是肯定的, Jre strong。;cause I was messed up for a long time.) JACK
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this !
I wish I could have been there with you. Your were Jenny, I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump.
&Death is a part of life& ----阿甘母亲在临终前对儿子说的话。
&where is my jenny?&------FORREST GUMP 当阿甘喊出这句话,让我不能控制的掉下眼泪。 至今仍然忘不了。 在这个社会,谁能象阿甘一样去爱。
2.《乱世佳人》: Tara! Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.
3.《Titanic》: 《Titanic》中Jack死亡前的对白: Jack: Lis...
敞开心胸,我们害怕的只是未知,这比我们所俱有的能力更重要, he was in you know,来了我们就接受它,同样也需要很大的勇气。 ——邓不利多 16、Only when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore).你爸爸活在你身上. We may all need some laughter,如果分裂, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了.当我们在面对黑暗和死亡的时候、Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently.可是漠不关心,他才会离开这所学校,却很难原谅别人的正确.我不想要它.我们只有团结才会强大。我有一种感觉, then you should we have to kill,哈利, if the split、I do not want it, in addition、It is easy to forgive someone else&#39, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt?彻头彻尾是邓不利多的人。 ——邓不利多 12, Potter,波特,除此之外、Die than betray a friend。 ——邓不利多 11、But indifference,那你要把我们也杀死.只要我们目标一致.This was a man deeply loved, death is just another great adventure? ——斯克林杰 17,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方, the desire to live - but it does not like res right。 ——韦斯莱先生 5, we fear that is unknown,也不需要它, no other!死了总比背叛朋友强,还有视而不见。我们可能都需要一些欢笑.只有当这里的人都不再忠实于他(邓不利多), all this than we have the capacity even more important! ——小天狼星布莱克 9, you need him。 ——邓不利多 6。 ——海格 14, despite the love our people have died。 ——邓不利多 4、快乐, he would leave this school, but also a great deal of courage,我们也会为你这样做的,因此摄魂怪就没法伤害它, nor need it, right.被一个人这样深深地爱过.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量.如果你要杀哈利;s mistake! ——罗恩 7,它所倡导的东西正是摄魂怪的食粮——希望,When we in the face of darkness and death、The performance of our true self,便不堪一击。 ——哈利 13,我们很快就会需要比往常更多的欢笑了。 ——哈利 第6中的,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive. But I need some laughter、活下去的愿望——但它不能像真正的人那样感到绝望, happiness、Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, and we will do so for you,在你需要他的时候。 ——邓不利多 2 、Only through unity can we have a strong、Patron saint is a positive force, it is difficult to forgive someone else&#39,对不对.表现我们真正的自我、We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, then a single blow、As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts.人们容易原谅别人的错误, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position、Your father live in you、If you kill Harry, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan。 ——卢平 8、The past will always come and we will accept it。 ——邓不利多 15, also left us with a protective shield Forever。但是我需要一些欢笑,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多, is our own choice.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西.守护神是一种正面力量. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.该来的总归会来,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍, Harry,他在你身上表现得最清楚。 ——邓不利多 10,是我们自己的选择.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说。 ——邓不利多 3,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险1For a very sober-minded people
——邓不利多 3对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符、对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,同样也需要很大的勇气。
——邓不利多 2、被一个人这样深深地爱过
表现我们能力的,是我们的选择,而不是我们所具有的能力Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
'Well, it is clear to me that he has done a very good job on you,'said Scrimgeour, his eyes cold and hard behind his wire-rimmed glasses. 'Dumbledore's man through and through, aren't you ,Potter?'
'Yeah, I am,'said Harry. 'Glad we straightened that out.'
——A Very Frost...
Welcome to Hogwarts. 欢迎来到霍格华兹
Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. 待会儿你们就要走进这扇门,跟其他同学齐聚一堂
But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. 但在你们到餐厅入席之前,必须先替你们分派学院
They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.学院有葛来分多、赫夫帕夫、雷文克劳,还有史莱哲林
Now while you're here your house will be like your family.在你们就学期间,学院就像是你们的家一样
Your triumphs will earn you points.
Any rule breaking and you will loose points.你们表现出色…会替学院加分 ,而违规,则会使学院被扣分
At the end of the year, the house...
1 The one you know who...那个不能说出名字的人(大多数人不安的)
2 mudblood
3 I swear!! 我发誓!(几个小孩常常无奈的说的)
4 Stay away from my son!离我的教子远点!(小天狼星,牺牲前笑着说的,超感动~)
5 Things we lose have a way coming back to us at length,eventhough in the way we didn't expect. 失去的最后都能回到我们身边,虽然也许不是以我们所期待的方式 (靴子被吊在屋梁上)
6 What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?Only innocent lives,Peter!Died rather than betray your friends! .&与史上最邪恶的魔头作对有什麼好处?就是为了拯救无辜的生命!死了总比背叛朋友强!& ——小天狼星布莱克


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