amd athlon ii x364 ADA3000DAA4BW NBBWE 0608EPFW Z900657B60474都代表什么意思,那位高手给解答一下,谢谢。

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ - ADA3000DAA4BW / ADA3000BWBOX & AMD &
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AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) specifications
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Detailed side-by-side comparison
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cores and threads, cache size, TDP and GPU type.
Here are some examples of searches: 3000+, ADA3000DAA4BW, AMD Athlon 64 , Venice Socket 939 67 Watt, K8 1 core 1 thread, 0.09 micron 0.5 MB noGPU
Historical price chart
The chart below shows official prices of AMD Athlon 64 2800+, 3000+ and 3200+ processors:
Q: Can I upgrade my Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) microprocessor?
A: Probably yes. CPU compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please see
website for CPU support list for your board.
Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) Overclocking
Sorry, we do not have overclocking data for the microprocessor at this time.
AMD 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) Benchmarks and Performance evaluation
Compare AMD 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) benchmark results with all tested CPUs from one of the following families:
Sempron 64
You can also compare this model with other tested CPUs in our
For 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) charts, comparing multi- and single-threaded performance of this
microprocessor with other Athlon 64 processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips,
please visit
For averaged performance in integer, floating-point, SIMD and memory-intensive applications please see the next section.
Integer, Floating-Point, SIMD and Memory performance
The graphs below show up to 10 microprocessors with
approximately the same level of performance in integer (CPU),
floating-point (FPU), SIMD and memory
benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at
a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings.
Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of
that model, and details of the test platform.
Benchmarked processor:
CPU vendor string:AuthenticAMD
CPU name string:AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
Integer performance
Model / Part number
AMD Sempron LE-1100
Intel Pentium 4 630
Intel Celeron D 350J
Intel Celeron D 352
Intel Pentium 4 530 / 530J
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. D0)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E6)
AMD Sempron 3400+ (rev. F2, 59W, CW)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. F2, 59W, CW)
AMD Athlon 64 2850e
AMD Sempron 3000+ (rev. E6, socket 754)
Floating Point performance
Model / Part number
Intel Pentium 4 510 / 510J JM8M
AMD Sempron 3000+ (rev. D0, BI, socket 939)
AMD Opteron 144 (rev. E4, socket 939)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E6)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. D0)
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
AMD Sempron 3400+ (rev. F2, 59W, CW)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E3)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. F2, 59W, CW)
AMD Sempron 3400+ (rev. F2, 59W, CN)
AMD Athlon 64 2850e
MMX / SSE / SSE2 performance
Model / Part number
Intel Celeron D 350J
AMD Sempron LE-1100
AMD Opteron 144 (rev. E4, socket 939)
Intel Celeron D 346
Intel Celeron D 345J
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
Intel Pentium 4 515 / 515J
AMD Athlon 64 3100+ (AO)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E3)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E6)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. D0)
Memory-intensive program performance
Model / Part number
Intel Pentium 4 510 / 510J JM8M
Intel Pentium 4 530 / 530J
Intel Pentium 4 521
AMD Athlon 64 3400+ (rev. C0)
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ (rev. CG, AR)
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
AMD Sempron 3600+ (CW)
Intel Pentium 4 520 / 520J
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. D0)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E3)
AMD Sempron 3200+ (rev. E6)
CPU ID information for the Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
Detailed characteristics of processor's internals, including x86
instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level
technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ processor with the help of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any
discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are
likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in
our CPUID decoding algorithm.
Our CPUID database contains 2 records for this microprocessor. .
to check features of your processor.
Submission details
Manufacturer:AMDMeasured frequency:1795 MHz
CPU Family:Athlon 64Comment:
Model Number:3000+&
Part number (supplied):ADA3000DAA4BWSubmitted by:Antero Bento
Part number (guessed):ADA3000DAA4BWSubmitted on:
Stepping Code:2CWID version:0.5
General information
Processor name (BIOS):AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
Processor type:Original OEM Processor
Core stepping:DH-E6
CPUID signature:20FF2
Family:15 (0Fh)
Model:47 (02Fh)
Stepping: 2 (02h)
Cache details
Supported instructions
Integrated features and technologies
CPUs, related to AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please see the
Cores /Threads
AMD Athlon 64 family, Socket 939
&& Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)1 / 11.8 GHz512 KB67WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.2 GHz512 KB67WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.2 GHz512 KB67WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.2 GHz512 KB67WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.2 GHz512 KB67WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.2 GHz1 MB85.3WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.2 GHz1 MB85.3WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz512 KB89WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz512 KB89WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz512 KB89WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz512 KB85.3WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz512 KB85.3WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz1 MB89WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz1 MB85.3WSSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.4 GHz1 MB85.3WSSE3, ESS&
AMD Athlon 64 family, K8 micro-architecture, Other sockets
&& 1 / 12.7 GHz512 KB45WSSE3, VT, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.7 GHz512 KB45WSSE3, VT, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.8 GHz512 KB45WSSE3, VT, ESS&
Other families, K8 micro-architecture, Socket 939
&& 1 / 12 GHz128 KB&SSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12 GHz256 KB&SSE3, ESS&
&& 1 / 12.8 GHz1 MB104WSSE3, ESS&
&& 2 / 22.4 GHz1 MB110WSSE3, ESS&
&& 2 / 22.4 GHz2 MB110WSSE3, ESS&
&& 2 / 22.6 GHz2 MB110WSSE3, ESS&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW)
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) (Javascript required).
&& Features abbreviations:
SSE3 - SSE3 instructionsVT - VirtualizationESS - PowerNow! / Enhanced SpeedStep
Pictures (5)
Posted by: xcarlos
I replaced it today with a 3700+... :)But it worked 1 year perfectly. (@fsb 222MHz)
Posted by: Coyote
Posted by: dj-freeman
Took the Pic)
Posted by: SLDW Software TLH.
My AMD Athlon 64 3000+ ADA3000DAA4BW:D I removed it from the mainboard after my mainboard failed:(
Posted by: Alex
Comments (2)
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, missing information,
your own personal AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (rev. E6, BW) review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
For all other questions please proceed to the
Posted by: Matwei
Posted by: Daniel Gougeon
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2016 Gennadiy Shvets您的位置:
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ – ADA3000DAA4BW (ADA3000BWBOX) 综述
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ – ADA3000DAA4BW 中文名为AMD 速龙 64 3000+,是一款Socket 939接口的CPU。基本参数:K8构架,Venice核心,E6步进,采用90NM生产工艺,功耗是67W,主频1.8 GHz,二级缓存L2是512KB,前端总线1000MHz,倍频9x,支持AMD 64位处理器技术,支持SSE3多媒体指令,支持病毒防护技术,支持HyperTransport总线技术,集成双通道


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