懂英语的进!!像also as welll as、not only···but also等等后面都is还是are,跟哪个主语有关?要全面的,不

谓语动词单复数怎么用?还有像A and B,A as well as B,Not only···But also等的就近就远原则
这个回答起来好麻烦的哦.我帮你复制了一些.下面说的还是比较具体的.你先简单的看看,如果还有不理解的再问我.英语语法--主谓一致 主谓一致是指:1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致.2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致.3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,一般来说,不可数名词用动词单数,可数名词复数用动词复数.There is much water in the thermos.但当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式.Ten thousand tons of coal were produced last year.1 并列结构作主语时谓语用复数 Reading and writing are very important.注意:当主语由and连结时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词.The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.典型例题 The League secretary and monitor ___ asked to make a speech at the meeting.A.is B.was C.are D.were 答案B.注:先从时态上考虑.这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A.,C..本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好象是两个人,但仔细辨别,monitor 前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词.后面的职务用and 相连.这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选B.2 主谓一致中的靠近原则 1)当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致.There is a pen,a knife and several books on the desk..There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.2)当either… or… 与neither… nor,连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致.如果句子是由here,there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致.Either you or she is to go.Here is a pen,a few envelops and some paper for you.3 谓语动词与前面的主语一致 当主语后面跟有with,together with,like,except,but,no less than,as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致.The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.He as well as I wants to go boating.4 谓语需用单数 1) 代词each和由every,some,no,any等构成的复合代词作主语,或主语中含有each,every,谓语需用单数.Each of us has a tape-recorder.There is something wrong with my watch.2) 当主语是一本书或一条格言时,谓语动词常用单数.The Arabian Night is a book known to lovers of English.是英语爱好者熟悉的一本好书.3) 表示金钱,时间,价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语 时,通常把这些名词看作一个整体,谓语一般用单数.(用复数也可,意思不变.) Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.Ten yuan is enough.5 指代意义决定谓语的单复数 1) 在代词what,which,who,none,some,any,more,most,all等词的单复数由其指代的词的单复数决定.All is right.(一切顺利.) All are present.(所有人都到齐了.) 2) 集体名词作主语时,谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定.如family,audience,crew,crowd,class,company,committee等词后用复数形式时,意为这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时表示该个集体.His family isn't very large.他家不是一个大家庭.His family are music lovers.他的家人都是音乐爱好者.但集合名词people,police,cattle,poultry等在任何情况下都用复数形式.Are there any police around?3)有些名词,如variety,number,population,proportion,majority 等有时看作单数,有时看作复数.A number of +名词复数+复数动词.The number of +名词复数+单数动词.A number of books have lent out.The majority of the students like English.6 与后接名词或代词保持一致 1) 用half of,part of,most of,a portion of 等词引起主语时,动词通常与of后面的名词,代词保持一致.Most of his money is spent on books.Most of the students are taking an active part in sports.2) 在一些短语,如 many a 或 more than one 所修饰的词作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式.但由 more than… of 作主语时,动词应与其后的名词或代词保持一致.Many a person has read the novel.许多人都读过这本书.
主谓一致是指:1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,
There is much water in the thermos.
s well as 有很多意思,并且该如何区分:1?(举例子讲解) 特别区分两个意思,具体有哪些.与……一样好 2
may(might)as well表示请求,他也懂英语,决不能译作.She sings as well as her sister,弄明白了might as well的意思。 2。值得注意的是. 他既给我食物。 As well是副词短语。 She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我. 你最好对我说实话。 2,而且会讲英语”。 2,and he knows English as well. 他懂法语,而且会讲西班牙语”,而且他也来了.You may as well tell me the truth,as well as表示“像…一样”的涵义。 Mr.Liu can speak English,句子大意是“既然你得到了机会、as well常用于肯定句句尾。 2。 综合 As Well的用法 99年高考11小题 __ you&#39。 请注意 as well as以下的用法、不如”等。因此,你最好要充分利用它,不在 B,但也是诗人,意思是“最好. A Now that B After C Althopugh D As soon as 大部分学生对此题意思弄不太清楚。语意的重点依旧在前部。as well as和 not only… but also…同义,and a poet as well. 他是工人:“他不但会说英语,表示“还,might比may语气更委婉。 1。 1,其他的矿藏也很丰富,强调as well前面的人或事物,她也拜访了你,作谓语的一部分,因为句中的主语是she,造成失误,有时和连词and或but搭配使用,在A as well as B的结构里。 1、as well和may(might)连用,又给我衣服,as well as的涵义是“还有”.He knows French,就是本末倒置了,意思可理解为had better:“他说西班牙语像说英语一样好”,但他也能讲广东话,其义为“也”. 她和她姐姐唱得一样好:“他不但会说西班牙语,和跟”等意思: She called on you as well as I. 不但我来看你.You might as well go。因此,而且.He can speak English as well as you do。 在下列句中,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好颠倒,也拜访了你,结果一样好、建议、“不但…而且…”,此题的答案就一目了然了。 三,答案应选A、as well as和动词连用as well as。 这里的谓语动词用is。 如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句。 四。现把as well的用法简单总结如下. 他英语说得和你一样好,边接两个同类项. 不仅他哥哥来了,“He can speak Spanish as well as English.”的译文应该是,表示同类事物相比较.He gave me clothes as well as food,也”等意思. 王海是个工人.He came as well as his brother.Wang Hai is a worker and a militiaman as well。 1,主要是对as well理解得不对,表示“不但。如果这样翻译,but he can speak Cantonese as well. 刘先生会说英语,相当于too、as well后接as,也是个民兵。例。s 二: 一。 China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals as well. 中国拥有大量煤炭,you might as well make full use of it ,其义为“和…一样好”;ve got a chance: He is a worker,它一般放在句末。 作为习语用作介词时,不是she和you,意义相近,不用are: She as well as you is an English teacher. 她像你一样也是英文教师,不在后半部,“He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作,语意的重点在 A,故很易引起混淆,as well 这一对短语仅差一字之微。 99年高考11题中might as well就是表示“建议”、何不. 你还不如走呢
as“和. 做连词用He likes singing as well as dancing.,He runs as fast as me,翻译成“和”The teacher简单说来,不过通常连接主语,He did it as well as me,还喜欢唱歌;的意思.还是做连词用。一样”的结构变过来的。注意中文翻译的强调部分对应as well as的前部分3.他不仅喜欢跳舞。注意它连接的主语,一种是从好&quot。.其中的well是&quot。.老师和学生们打算去看电影,有3种用法. 他做得和我一样好2, as well as the students, is going to the cinema.
as well as: (除...之外)也;既...又 conj. 以及,又 例句与用法: 1. The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals. 这次比赛不仅职业运动员可以参加,而且业余运动员也可以参加。 2. Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession. 护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。 3. She takes private pupils as well as teaching in school. 她除在学校任教外, 也私自教授学生. 4. I'm learning French as well as English. 我学英语之外还学法语。 5. A teacher should entertain as well as teach. 教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣
出门在外也不愁懂英语的进!像as well as、not only···but also等等后面都is还是are,跟哪个主语有关?要全面的,不
as well as 连接主语时谓语动词应该同前项保持一致 Ex: She as well you likes the book.or, either.. or , neither...nor, not only..but also 等连接的名词或代词做主语时谓语动词形式要同最近的主语保持一致. Ex:One or two friends are coming this evening.Neither I nor he is to blame.She is not only a professional artist, but also a first-rate teacher.
as well as, together with, along with, including, except, but, with连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循就远原则,确切地说,把这些词视为介词,紧跟在后面的视为这个介词的宾语,另外一个为句子的主语。例如:
He, together with his friends, is going to see a film.
扫描下载二维码英语语法as well as both andnot only but also..as well等所有表示“也”的词组 哪些后面用is 哪些用are?
as well as就远原则;both and 用复数;not only,but also 就近原则; as well 以主语单复数而定.
有没有其他的表示 “也”的词组及用法?
too用于句尾表示肯定(B也如此),.。either用于句尾使表示否定(B也不.....),用于句首时常与or连用,表示两者中的一个。 neither 用于句尾时表示否定(B也不.....),用于句首时常与nor连用,表示两者都不.....


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