
Co-operation in Forestry and Forest Products Research : Abstract : Nature
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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Peking University
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Sodium phosphateRenal failure and nephrocalcinosis: 5 case reportsCase reportDOI:
10.5-074Cite this article as: React. Wkly. (: 27. doi:10.5-074
1.Ori Y, Herman M, Tobar A, Chernin G, Gafter U, Chagnac A, Izhak OB, Korzets A.Acute phosphate nephropathy - an emerging threat. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 336: 309-314, No. 4, Oct 2008 - Israel
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Nonlinear multivariate analysis
Chichester [etc.] : Wiley
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U moet eerst inloggen om gebruik te maken van deze service. Login als Wageningen UR user of guest user rechtsboven op deze pagina.There It Is: The President Of The European Commission Just Made A Big Threat To The Ratings Agencies
This was inevitable: How long were European governments going to
let American credit ratings agencies push them around?
First, over the weekend, .
Then yesterday, , setting off a new round
of PIIGS contagion today.
And now today: José Manuel Dur?o Barroso, the President of the
European Commission, is lashing out (via Bloomberg).
He says it's "strange" that Europe doesn't have its own ratings
agency, and that the lack of a domestic one may lead to "bias"
He slammed Moody's for not adding any clarity to the Portugal
situation, claiming that the firm is adding a "speculative
So the bottom line is that it's just a matter of time before the
ratings agencies are neutered in Europe.
And realistically, it's probably a matter of time before they're
neutered in the US, given their warnings about US debt. No
government can let private companies push them around like this.
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