关于WIN7上使用msi安装程序错,出现“win7 拒绝访问问”错,求高手指点,如何解决?

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本帖最后由 Leirgo 于
13:46 编辑
有两种情况,需要调用MSI的安装包,双击运行后“An error occurred while exacting”;
16:59 上传
(第一个明确知道需要调用Microsoft Installer,第二个不清楚)
3、其实2里的两种情况是我分别在 安装一款游戏 和 更新Chrome 时发现的,现在不仅Chrome出现了更新问题,而且 Flash 也突然无法加载了,IE则表现正常。视频网站显示“无法加载插件。”的图就不发了,发另一张有更有意思的图。左侧的广告显示左侧,而右侧同样的广告却是“无法加载插件。”
16:59 上传
& && &&&感觉是权限问题,特别是TEMP文件夹的权限。WinRAR在解压ZIP文件时无法使用默认的TEMP文件夹。安装包的问题虽然最先想到会不会是MSI有问题,但其实也是TEMP文件夹的权限问题,MSI安装时需要先将安装包解压释放是TEMP夹再执行安装,如果TEMP拒绝访问就会出现解压失败。2里的第二种情况应该也是这样。
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Leirgo 发表于
重做了一个 标准用户 账户,zip拖拽的问题仍存在,但是安装包能正常执行了。
怀疑是不是 安装包调用Mi ...
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本帖最后由 阿伯才的风格 于
17:28 编辑
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
不过既然觉得是temp ...
我现在在 非管理员账户里,这是截取的“安全”选项卡的两种样本:
17:41 上传
17:41 上传
关于 微软更新 导致的“猜想”应该不正确。
最初,这些问题只出现在 标准用户 账户,在 管理员 账户并没有这些问题。但是一段是假之后,连管理员账户也出现了问题,不过右键“以管理员身份运行”仍旧可行,但不是所有的情况下都有这个选项。
P.S. 为了限制对系统的更改,我的常用账户是“标准用户”。
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
不过既然觉得是temp ...
我现在在 非管理员账户,这是Temp文件夹“安全”选项卡的截图:
17:51 上传
另外,关于 由微软的更新引起 的“猜想”应该是错误的。
为了限制对系统的更改,我常用的是 标准用户 账户,而最先出现问题的也是这个账户。起初管理员账户还是正常的,但一段时间之后也出现的同样的问题。右键“以管理员身份运行”仍然有效,但不是所有的情况都有这个选项。
(39.68 KB, 下载次数: 0)
17:52 上传
下载次数: 0
&连着两帖是因为没有看到自动跳转前的 审核 提示&
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本帖最后由 阿伯才的风格 于
20:40 编辑
Leirgo 发表于
我现在在 非管理员账户,这是Temp文件夹“安全” ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
我的user组的权限和管理员权限一样,都是完全控制,另外还有system用户组的权 ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
我的user组的权限和管理员权限一样,都是完全控制,另外还有system用户组的权 ...
重做了一个 标准用户 账户,zip拖拽的问题仍存在,但是安装包能正常执行了。
怀疑是不是 安装包调用Microsoft Installer服务 环节有问题。
毕竟这个安装包是exe格式的,运行后再向Microsoft Installer请求执行解压,解压后再执行安装服务。
总有人手贱会帮我清理电脑,“一键清理”清的不只是不需要的缓存文件,还会删掉一些 注册表 的数据,之前看到说不要去动文件格式关联的注册表项,而“一键清理”往往会删掉“无用的文件格式”。
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Leirgo 发表于
虽然拥有管理员密码 ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
然后手动给temp添加上system权限并给予完全控制权 ...
还是exe格式,该驱动安装时需要调用Microsoft Installer服务,直接双击运行,执行一段时间后会提示会提示错误 安装需要的某个DLL缺失,继而安装结束。如果右键”以管理员身份运行“则安装能正常进行。似乎也是权限问题。
即使是管理员账户,不通过右键”以管理员身份运行“的方式,也会提示错误。也就是说 没有权限访问并调用相关DLL组件。
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Leirgo 发表于
不知道为什么,这次“安全”选项卡“组或用户名(G)”里多出了我的账户Owlrt(或许本应该显示),给予其“ ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
最开始,安装一款游戏,解压失败,提示“an error occurred while exacting”
之后,在更新驱动时,遇到错误提示 安装所需的DLL缺失,安装结束(Microsoft Installer能被调用,但是所需的dll却拒绝了访问)
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Leirgo 发表于
问题1,完全不知道为什么会变成不是“完全控制”,还是说这个账户建立是这里的默认设置就不是“完全控制” ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
问题一,我也不知道为什么不是,但根据win权限控制的方式,默认应该是user组对当前用户文件夹完全控制无疑 ...
对了,曾经直接安装过msi文件,也提示过dll缺失,Win 7对msi安装包可没有“以管理员身份运行”,是否是管理员账户都过不去,最后好像是手动调cmd才实现的…
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
问题一,我也不知道为什么不是,但根据win权限控制的方式,默认应该是user组对当前用户文件夹完全控制无疑 ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
问题一,我也不知道为什么不是,但根据win权限控制的方式,默认应该是user组对当前用户文件夹完全控制无疑 ...
远景是不是超过一定长度的帖子回复 才要审核,难得打那么多字,短的内容都没被拦过。
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
问题一,我也不知道为什么不是,但根据win权限控制的方式,默认应该是user组对当前用户文件夹完全控制无疑 ...
最近比较忙,今天新建了一个管理员账户后发现问题了,正常情况下Temp文件夹的权限列表里 确实应该有三个用户组,并且有你所说的system用户组。
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Leirgo 发表于
最近比较忙,今天新建了一个管理员账户后发现问题了,正常情况下Temp文件夹的权限列表里 确实应该有三个用 ...
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
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阿伯才的风格 发表于
P.S. 可以手动添加账户,但重启后失效,变回Everyone账户。
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安装在win7上每次启动都会出现“Materials Visualizer cannot start because it cannot find a valid license.”没有有效的License,是怎么回事呀,高手支个招。第一次安装时,把360什么都退了,msi.lic 里的计算机名也改成自己的了,且license安装成功了,软件能用。但是每次一开机就不能用了。按照提示又重新装license后,能用但是计算很慢,怀疑都不进行。
Error: #-15&&(LP 7.6.5)
Cannot connect to license server system.
The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
Feature:& && & License_Holder
Server name:& &
License path:&&C:\Program Files\Accelrys\LicensePack\Licenses\msi.
& &C:\Program Files\Accelrys\LicensePack\share\data\*.1715@a-PC
FLEXnet Licensing error:-15,10.&&System Error: 10061 "WinSock: Connection refused"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
To configure licensing,
Start > Programs > Accelrys > Licensing&&> License Administrator
>>>Incorrect license server hostnames, ports and firewalls
can disrupt the connection. See License Pack documentation
for information on license server connections and
supporting firewalls.<<<
The trial has expired
Error: #-15&&(LP 7.6.5)
Cannot connect to license server system.
The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
Feature:& && & License_Holder
Server name:& &
License path:&&C:\Program Files\Accelrys\LicensePack\Licenses\msi.
& &C:\Program Files\Accelrys\LicensePack\share\data\*.1715@a-PC
FLEXnet Licensing error:-15,10.&&System Error: 10061 "WinSock: Connection refused"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
To configure licensing,
Start > Programs > Accelrys > Licensing&&> License Administrator
>>>Incorrect license server hostnames, ports and firewalls
can disrupt the connection. See License Pack documentation
for information on license server connections and
supporting firewalls.<<<
The trial has expired.
我的装了两台win7的都是好用的哦 : Originally posted by seagrove at
我的装了两台win7的都是好用的哦 默认的安装路径里Lisence文件夹里没有东西,我就把改过的复制过去了,不知道对不对 : Originally posted by hanyanxiao89 at
默认的安装路径里Lisence文件夹里没有东西,我就把改过的复制过去了,不知道对不对... 应该是不对的 我装的时候记得是替换的
你看看你的安装路径 你在lisence administrator 里面看下有没有安装成功,没有的话在用之前重新install lisence试试~
还有,你确认你的服务是开的? : Originally posted by liangjun44 at
你在lisence administrator 里面看下有没有安装成功,没有的话在用之前重新install lisence试试~
还有,你确认你的服务是开的? 如何确认服务是开的啊? : Originally posted by liangjun44 at
你在lisence administrator 里面看下有没有安装成功,没有的话在用之前重新install lisence试试~
还有,你确认你的服务是开的? 我的install安装总是不成功,是怎么回事啊? : Originally posted by 江毛利 at
如何确认服务是开的啊?... 控制面板----系统和安全----管理工具-----服务(或者在开始菜单里面的搜索之间键入服务进行搜索,服务是齿轮的图标那个),在这里面看看Materials Studio的服务是否开启,没有的话就右键点击开启 : Originally posted by 江毛利 at
我的install安装总是不成功,是怎么回事啊?... 你确认你的lisence里面的名字已经改为你计算机的名字了? 本地上的Accelrys License Server服务启动后停止。某些服务在未由其他服务或程序后将自动停止。
这是什么意思啊!?求大神帮忙解答。 : Originally posted by 何雄2012 at
本地上的Accelrys License Server服务启动后停止。某些服务在未由其他服务或程序后将自动停止。
这是什么意思啊!?求大神帮忙解答。 同样的问题遇到,还望高人解答!!! 你好,后来你是怎么解决的,我现在也遇到这个问题了。跪求解答,不胜感激。 您可以试试,卸载360.我也没遇到这个问题,不知道可不可以帮到您哦。祝您成功。 求问服务器启动后停止的问题是怎么解决的????
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eMuch.net, All Rights Reserved. 小木虫 版权所有使用WIN7系统,安装QUICKTIME时显示找不到quicktime.msi_百度知道
jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=b972ba36f08ced3fd57bf/2cf5e0fe0eec5edf8db1cb13708c.hiphotos,你好./zhidao/pic/item/2cf5e0fe0eec5edf8db1cb13708c.hiphotos.baidu?http,就到这里下载这个服务组件 <a href="http去管理工具--服务中找Windows Installer这个服务.zol
win7怎么安装MSI格式的程序啊 10
帮帮忙啊 win7怎么安装msi格式的程序啊
然后要去官网下 我下过来是msi格式的安装程序 但是我的电脑不知道怎么回事 打开了这个安装程序就出来一个像文档打开的乱码,就是那种乱七八糟谁都看不懂的玩意
MSI = microsoft installer
  MSI文件是Windows Installer的数据包,它实际上是一个数据库,包含安装一种产品所需要的信息和在很多安装情形下安装(和卸载)程序所需的指令和数据。MSI文件将程序的组成文件与功能关联起来。此外,它还包含有关安装过程本身的信息。如目标文件夹路径、系统依赖项、安装选项和控制安装过程的属性。采用MSI安装的优势在于你可以随时彻底删除它们,更改安装选项,即使安装中途出现意想不到的错误,一样可以安全地恢复到以前的状态,正是凭着此强大功能,越来越多的软件开始使用MSI作为发行的方式了。
我的没有这个啊 哎 倒霉啊
晕死 连这个程序都没有额
微软专区领域专家在WIN7下 独立安装.NET4 出错
昨天晚上 从MSDN 下载个.NET 4的独立安装包 安装后出现下列问题:
OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1
OS Description = Windows 7 - x86 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1
CommandLine = I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\\Setup.exe&& /x86 /x64
Loading localized engine data for language 2052 from I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\2052\LocalizedData.xml
&exiting function/method
Current SetupVersion = 1.0
SetupVersion specified in ParameterInfo.xml is '1.0'
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path SetupUtility.exe
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path RGB9RAST_x86.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path RGB9RAST_x64.msi
Adding Item type &ServiceControl&, local path (not applicable)
Adding Item type &ServiceControl&, local path (not applicable)
Adding Item type &ServiceControl&, local path (not applicable)
Adding Item type &ServiceControl&, local path (not applicable)
Adding Item type &File&, local path Windows6.0-KB01-x86.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path Windows6.0-KB01-x86.msu
Adding Item type &File&, local path Windows6.0-KB01-x64.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path Windows6.0-KB01-x64.msu
Adding Item type &File&, local path Windows6.0-KB01-ia64.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path Windows6.0-KB01-ia64.msu
Adding Item type &File&, local path Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu
Adding Item type &File&, local path Windows6.1-KB01-x64.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path Windows6.1-KB01-x64.msu
Adding Item type &File&, local path Windows6.1-KB01-ia64.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path Windows6.1-KB01-ia64.msu
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path SetupUtility.exe
Adding Item type &File&, local path netfx_Core.mzz
Adding Item type &File&, local path netfx_Core.mzz
Adding Item type &File&, local path netfx_Core.mzz
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Core_x86.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Core_x86.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Core_x64.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Core_x64.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Core_ia64.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Core_ia64.msi
Adding Item type &File&, local path netfx_Extended.mzz
Adding Item type &File&, local path netfx_Extended.mzz
Adding Item type &File&, local path netfx_Extended.mzz
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Extended_x86.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Extended_x86.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Extended_x64.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Extended_x64.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Extended_ia64.msi
Adding Item type &MSI&, local path netfx_Extended_ia64.msi
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86zh-Hans.exe
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64zh-Hans.exe
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_ia64zh-Hans.exe
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path SetupUtility.exe
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path SetupUtility.exe
Adding Item type &Exe&, local path SetupUtility.exe
Adding Item type &ServiceControl&, local path (not applicable)
No ProcessBlock element
No ServiceBlock element
Disabled CommandLineSwitch added: createlayout
Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
&exiting function/method
evaluating EnterMaintenanceModeIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
TargetArchitecture is x86
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E3-31F1-BC4C-98CD} found no matches
TargetArchitecture is x86
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {-63DB-3B52-A1AB-3FF407A07E9B} found no matches
Operation: Installing
Package Name = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup
Package Version = 4.0.30319
User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled
Loading file - I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\UiInfo.xml
Add to schema collection schema file - I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUi.xsd
Successfuly found file I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\2052\SetupResources.dll
Successfuly found file I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Strings.xml
&exiting function/method
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 已是此操作系统的一部分。不需要安装 .NET Framework 4 可再发行组件包。&A HREF=&&&详细信息&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\CBS does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
已在此计算机上安装相同或更高版本的 .NET Framework 4。
evaluating BlockIf:
RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
Current Operation value is Installing
安装程序无法以兼容性模式运行。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
Not In OS Compatability Mode
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 已是此操作系统的一部分,但当前已关闭。若要启用 .NET Framework 4,请使用控制面板中的&打开或关闭 Windows 功能&。&A HREF=&&&详细信息&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\OS Integration\v4 does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
evaluating BlockIf:
IsAdministrator:& IS a member of the Administrators group
.NET Framework 4 Client Profile 和 .NET Framework 4 Extended 必须分别删除。请使用控制面板卸载它们。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating BlockIf:
RebootPending:& No reboot pending
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
无法使用此安装程序来安装 .NET Framework。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
此安装程序要求使用 IA64 或 x86 计算机。不能在 x64 计算机上安装此程序。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
TargetArchitecture is x86
此安装程序要求使用 x64 或 x86 计算机。不能在 IA64 计算机上安装此程序。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
TargetArchitecture is x86
此安装程序要求使用 x86 计算机。不能在 x64 或 IA64 计算机上安装此程序。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
此操作系统不支持 .NET Framework 4。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
Current Operation value is Installing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
此操作系统不支持 .NET Framework 4。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&自述文件&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
Current Operation value is Installing
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallationType contains 'Client'
无法安装 .NET Framework 4。您计算机上的其他应用程序与此程序不兼容。有关详细信息,请参见&A HREF=&&&发行说明&/A&。
evaluating BlockIf:
Current Operation value is Installing
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Full\SBSDisabled\Install does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Core\SBSDisabled\Install does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false
运行此安装程序之前,必须安装 32 位 Windows 映像处理组件(WIC)。请访问 &A HREF=& 下载中心&/A&,安装 WIC,然后重新运行此安装程序。
evaluating BlockIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
FileVersion for C:\Windows\system32\windowscodecs.dll is 6.1.
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
运行此安装程序之前,必须安装 64 位 Windows 映像处理组件(WIC)。请访问 &A HREF=& 下载中心&/A&,安装 WIC,然后重新运行此安装程序。
evaluating BlockIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
FileVersion for C:\Windows\system32\windowscodecs.dll is 6.1.
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
OpenFileMapping fails with last error: 6
The handle to the section is Null
OpenFileMapping fails with last error: 6
The handle to the section is Null
Successfuly found file I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\2052\EULA.rtf
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
FileVersion for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe is 2.0.
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
TargetArchitecture is x86
FileVersion for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe is 2.0.
evaluating ApplicableIf:
No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
TargetArchitecture is x86
No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {AA-3412-BDD2-2EBBEE0F57AA} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {8E3-31F1-BC4C-98CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {-63DB-3B52-A1AB-3FF407A07E9B} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
Current Lcid value is 2052
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\2052\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
No FileVersion found for I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64zh-Hans.exe
TargetArchitecture is x86
Current Lcid value is 2052
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\2052\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
No FileVersion found for I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_ia64zh-Hans.exe
TargetArchitecture is x86
Current Lcid value is 2052
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\2052\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating ApplicableIf:
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.20506 does NOT exist.
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.20506 does NOT exist.
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.21006 does NOT exist.
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.21006 does NOT exist.
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30128 does NOT exist.
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30128 does NOT exist.
evaluating ApplicableIf:
returning true
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
TargetArchitecture is x86
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {3C5-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetArchitecture is x86
RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: true
Current Operation value is Installing
Current Operation value is Installing
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating IsPresent:
MsiGetProductInfo with product code {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD} found no matches
evaluating ApplicableIf:
TargetOS is 6.1.1
all numeric characters - canonicalizing
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
Number of applicable items: 10
Drive:[C:\] Bytes Needed:[] Bytes Available:[]
No Blocking Processes
No Blocking Services
Launching Download and Install operations simultaneously.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe -& Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu -& Signature verified successfully for Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu
Signature verification succeeded for Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe -& Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
File lock postponed for I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe -& Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core.mzz
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
Starting install of item '.NET Framework 的必备组件' at tickCount = 1585703
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core.mzz -& Signature verified successfully for netfx_Core.mzz
Signature verification succeeded for netfx_Core.mzz
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core.mzz, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core.mzz Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core_x86.msi
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core_x86.msi -& Signature verified successfully for netfx_Core_x86.msi
Signature verification succeeded for netfx_Core_x86.msi
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core_x86.msi, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Core_x86.msi Success
evaluating IsPresent:
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended.mzz
returning false
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
Starting install of item '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile' at tickCount = 1585968
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended.mzz -& Signature verified successfully for netfx_Extended.mzz
Signature verification succeeded for netfx_Extended.mzz
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended.mzz, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended.mzz Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended_x86.msi
evaluating IsPresent:
returning false
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended_x86.msi -& Signature verified successfully for netfx_Extended_x86.msi
evaluating IsPresent:
Signature verification succeeded for netfx_Extended_x86.msi
returning false
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended_x86.msi, locked for install.
calling PerformAction on an installing performer
Wait for Item (SetupUtility.exe) to be available
SetupUtility.exe is now available to install
Creating new Performer for Exe item
Created new ExePerformer for Exe item
Launching CreateProcess with command line = SetupUtility.exe /aupause
Exe log file(s) :
Log File C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_SetupUtility.txt exists and will be added to the Watson upload list
Exe (I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
Exe Log File: &a href=&.\dd_SetupUtility.txt&&dd_SetupUtility.txt&/a&
Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
Wait for Item (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) to be available
clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 is now available to install
Creating new Performer for ServiceControl item
ServiceControl operation succeeded!
Error 0 is mapped to Custom Error:
Wait for Item (Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu) to be available
Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu is now available to install
Creating new Performer for Exe item
Created new ExePerformer for Exe item
WU Service was already enabled or was running
WU Service: EnsureWUServiceIsNotDisabled succeeded
Launching CreateProcess with command line = wusa.exe &I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu& /quiet / norestart
Exe (I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\Windows6.1-KB01-x86.msu) failed with 0x5 - 拒绝访问。
PerformOperation on exe returned exit code 5 (translates to HRESULT = 0x5)
Error 0x5 is mapped to Custom Error:
OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Rollback.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\netfx_Extended_x86.msi Success
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe
I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe -& Signature verified successfully for SetupUtility.exe
Signature verification succeeded for SetupUtility.exe
File I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe, locked for install.
Verifying Digital Signatures: I:\a7b3a4f65ab56b2678aa\SetupUtility.exe Success
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x), &拒绝访问。
& (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:13).
WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer's windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus
请问在安装.NET Framework的时候是否是使用管理员账号登陆的呢?根据提供的安装日志:
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x), &拒绝访问。
临时关闭计算机上的反病毒/反间谍软件; 清空%temp%临时文件夹(Start Menu && Run && Type &%temp% && OK); 以管理员身份运行安装程序(右键点击安装程序》以管理员身份运行)
Andrew Wu [MSFT]
MSDN Community Support |
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
也许您已经通过Windows Update安装过.NET Framework 4.0了。
如果希望重新安装.NET框架,请在【控制面板&程序&打开或关闭Windows功能】中卸载.Net framework,然后运行可再发行组件包重新安装共同努力,共同提高
请问在安装.NET Framework的时候是否是使用管理员账号登陆的呢?根据提供的安装日志:
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x), &拒绝访问。
临时关闭计算机上的反病毒/反间谍软件; 清空%temp%临时文件夹(Start Menu && Run && Type &%temp% && OK); 以管理员身份运行安装程序(右键点击安装程序》以管理员身份运行)
Andrew Wu [MSFT]
MSDN Community Support |
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
好像已经安装了.NET Framework 4,或者上一次装的时候没装好.本帖内容仅供参考,没有任何保证. This post is provided without any warranty.
Microsoft? Msdn ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????.
????? ????? Msdn ? ????? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ?????.?????????
<input type="hidden" id="hdnTrackerText" value="? ?? ?? ????.?????! ??? ?? ? ??? ?? ??? ????? ? ?? ?? ????." />


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