Thetibial plateauu was not a pleasant one for walking

Feathers for Falkner- chapter 1 by w0lf--61 on DeviantArt
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Aug 6, :12 PM
~Falkner~ The indigo Plateau. It was every bit as stunning in person as it was in the magazines and newspapers. Its huge brick walls standing tall, reaching up to the sky and sending a massive shadow in my direction. I blinked, swallowed hard, and had to remind myself that this wasn't going to harm me. I was no trainer that wanted to challenge the Elite Four, I was a gym leader—or soon to be one. Even so, this kind of skittish fear fluttered in my heart like a pidgey trying to fly for the first time. I stood dumbfounded by its size, too awestruck to enter the structure for the moment, and clutching Zephyr to my chest tightly. The little bird chittered angrily at being confined, but I refused to let him move. If he flew off now he could get lost, and though I didn't doubt a Pidgey's homing skills, I didn't want to miss him for a week until he got back to Violet City. "Zephyr." I scolded gently, making the bird look up at me in confusion. As if it didn't know what it did wrong. I was nervous enough as it was, I didn't need him to make this worse. With a deep breath I reached forward, stepping to the huge glass door and reaching out to it. I set my hand on the massive metal handle and paused. What had this moment felt like the first time my father reached out to grab it? Was he nervous?
Nearly a year ago the Violet City gym leader passed away, leaving the eight leaders of Johto shorthanded. The town had grown quiet after his passing, and like myself the gym ran down. I was a tender seventeen years old at the time, and despite my misery, I had indeed accepted the fact that I had big shoes to fill. I was the son of the most pronounced bird trainer in the world, and following in his footsteps I knew I would one day face this task. I turned eighteen two weeks ago, and it was perhaps the most horrible day of my life. From that moment on everything had seemed too real, and I had spent the time dwelling on the fact that I was suddenly going to be someone. Not just someone without a father… but actually someone a father could be proud of. I shivered at the thought, realizing that I had stalled for too long, holding the handle of the Indigo Plateau and biting my lower lip in hesitation. "Hello there!" A sudden, small and nervous voice interrupted me. I jumped, but did not turn around to see who approached. Instead I was looking into the glass a my own reflection—the spitting image of my mother with navy hair like my father—and noticing just how bright eyed I was with uneasiness. Strolling up behind me was a very petite girl in a silvery dress. She wore a white cardigan to break the cool autumn wind, and was tied up with a red bow that sat on the front of her breasts like a present. But that wasn't what surprised me most about her. What surprised me most was the face that she was absolutely child- certainly no older than me—if not two or three years younger. Her nutmeg eyes and long nutmeg hair both shone in the late afternoon sun. "I'm Jasmine." She announced, which made me realize that I was still looking at her through the reflection of the glass door. I turned in with a whirl, surprised with myself for being so out of place. "You must be the new trainer right?" She smiled very softly. "Falkner." I nodded stupidly, shifting my right hand from holding Zephyr to my left, so that I could shake with her.
She set her tiny palm against mine hesitantly, though trying not to laugh for some odd reason. And I have to admit, I probably shook too hard, but my father always told me a firm handshake was the key to good first impressions. She pulled away as quickly as she could without seeming rude, and then wiped her fingertips on the front of her dress. I smiled sheepishly. "You're a gym leader right?" I asked after a moment of awkward. Of course I recognized the names of all the current gym leaders in Johto, but I had never gotten the chance to meet even half of them. Plus, Jasmine looked way too soft to be a trainer. "That's right." She nodded. "From Olivine." I blinked strangely, watching the childish way she lifted herself onto her toes as if she was far too eager. "How old are you?" I wondered cautiously, pulling my hand over to the metal handle once again, this time intending on opening it. "Don't you know better than to ask a ladies age?" Her nutmeg eyes narrowed suddenly, reflecting a burst of anger. I flinched. "I—I'm sorry I didn't— "I'm just teasing." She lightened instantly, shaking her head at me. "I can tell you're nervous. I was too the first time I came here." I opened the door for her and watched as she waltzed in fluidly, waiting on the other side for me. I stepped through as proudly as I could, but was struck with the magnificence of such an interior. Chandeliers everywhere, gold statues and pictures of all the great gym leaders and elite four members lining the walls. I wondered vaguely if my father would be up there somewhere… "I'm nineteen by the way." Jasmine said as I stared in awe. "You don't seem like it." I commented mildly, though not taking my eyes from the brilliant décor. Jasmine was a year older than me, but about a foot shorter. And I was not all that tall—just an average five foot nine. "Yeah… well, what does that matter?" She got me there. Age wasn't everything when it came t I knew that better than anyone else. "You train flying types right?" Jasmine said after a second. It was clear that she wasn't the kind of girl that liked awkward silences, even while we walked to our destination—wherever that may be. She was leading me now, down a huge hall with doors leading out to gardens and greenhouses. "Right." I nodded, remembering that it was safe to let Zephyr out of my grasp now. The tiny bird was not amused as I unfolded my hand from over his back, and I didn't miss the way he tried to peck me while climbing up to sit on my shoulder. "What do you train?" I asked in return—a friendly question. "Steel of course!" her eyes blazed with passion at the word. "Oh." Was all I said though. It was hard to believe such a tiny girl like her would like such bulky and heavy pokemon. They were cold and lifeless most of the time, and she was obviously neither of those things. "Got a problem with steel types?" She demanded. "Huh? No! I ju— "What are they not soft enough for you?" "No! I—I mean. That's not what I— She cut me off again, though this time by laughing. "I'm just teasing you, Falkner." I snorted under my breath. How was I supposed to be serious and confident when this girl just wanted to fool around? "You know…" Jasmine mused. "I'm really new here too. I've only been leading the Olivine gym since spring. So I still get nervous around the other leaders too. Especially the older ones… Except Chuck." She laughed softly. "He visits me a lot from Cianwood. He is good friends with my father, who runs the Safari Zone, so I think he thinks he is my Uncle. But he's not."
I looked at the petite girl, not sure whether to humor her or just let her keep rambling. If she was nervous as she claimed to be, then how could see just keep going? Whenever I felt even the slightest bit uneasy I would freeze up and keep to myself. "Have you met any of the other leaders?" She asked suddenly, pausing by a door that looked no different than any of the others, except for the fact that it had a sign on it that read "leaders meeting." "Just Pryce." I told her. "He was at my father's funeral." "Oh really? He doesn't seem to talk much around here…" Jasmine said, obviously dropping the conversation to open the door. I was thankful for her sudden silence, but it made my nerves grow.
What would all the other leaders think of me? I knew Clair already hated me for being so young, she called me on my eighteenth birthday to harass me about it. However, I simply told her that we all couldn't be as old as she was, which was probably a bad idea. I hadn't meant it in a mean way of course, but she sure took it that way. Suddenly I felt very unstable. Jasmine swung the door open swiftly, and in one sweeping movement held it open for me. Her dress billowed out behind her, which seemed to disgruntle me. Normally I would have taken the door for her and allowed her—the lady—to go first, but her nutmeg eyes made me think otherwise. Was she judging me too? She certainly was trying to make eye contact a lot. "Thanks." I barely whispered as we entered a huge—where did they come up with this stuff?—HUGE open room.
When you think of the word "meeting" you probably think something along the lines of long tables and dozens of rolling chairs with people in suits to sit in them. I thought about harsh glares and debating and strict rules that seemed not to apply here. The room—if it could even be called a room—was massive. An open space so large it could fit two or three Wailord and then some. Not to mention the ceilings were so high that I felt absolutely small in comparison. The floor was padded with black and blue gym mats arranged in an orderly fashion, all heading towards the center stage that was—to my amazement—a small battlefield. Two trainers stood together down there, their voices too small to hear from where I was, but obviously talking together. To the far side of this massive fitness center was jungle gym after jungle gym that reminded me of the parks my father never let my play at as a small child. There were bars to support even the heaviest of people and some pokemon alike, and tunnels that were wide enough for a relatively small onix to slither through. "Crazy huh?" Jasmine distracted my from viewing the area any further. I hadn't the time to stare down the obvious bungee cords from the ceiling, or the large targets with holes through them, or the—trampolines? "What is this?" I asked. There was no way this was the gym leaders meeting area. "This looks like a gym for gymnastics, not a pokemon gym." Jasmine laughed. "This is just a fitness center for us if we want it. The gym leaders like to use it as their meeting room because they can release their pokemon in here too. Plus we all get together and have battles." "But… then how do we have meetings?" I mused. "We all just sit down on the mats together." Jasmine sighed peacefully, as if she was remembering fondly. "No one ever has too much to say anyways." I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears. You mean to tell me that my father—a man of seriousness and solitude—gathered here for… fun? I felt so out of place! How does a man like him fit in with his crowd? How could I fit in when all I knew how to be was a man like him? "Well don't just stand there." Jasmine nudged me with her elbow. "Come on, I'll introduce you to Chuck and Bugsy." Before I could suggest otherwise she bounced away lively, leaving me to follow regardless of my hesitation. I wasn't ready for this! I was too serious! I would come off as an asshole! As I turned to follow her anyways, my shoulder slumped uncomfortably for Zephyr and without warning the little bird took off, flapping his wings harshly and zipping past some other unexpected person. "Zephyr!" I hissed as a girl with pasty pink hair ducked and squealed in surprise. "Who left the door open again!?" She yelled through the gym to the two leaders out on the battlefield. Jasmine turned to look also, seeing as though I was having more problems than to just follow her like she suggested. I flushed with embarrassment as the eyes all seemed to turn to me. "Sorry." I walked up to the pink haired gym leader, who looked familiar to me from magazine covers and other public things. I recognized her almost immediately to be the normal leader of Goldenrod City. Her name was Whitney. "My bird got away from me." I explained, looking up in time to see Zephyr fluttering back down to sit not on my shoulder, but this time on my head. With a grunt I brushed him off and jabbed my hand out to him so he could grasp me with his small talons. He chirped angrily for being startled in the first place. Whitney snorted with laughter, her pink hair shaking enthusiastically. "You must be the new boy huh?" "His name is Falkner." Jasmine walked up behind me, her voice gentle—maybe even too gentle. "Nice one there!" A shrill male of a voice sounded behind us all, not allowing me a moment to speak for myself. The eyes averted to perhaps the most strange looking adult I had ever seen. He was short, thick in the shoulders but thin in the arms and legs, and had a head too large for his body. Or maybe it was his overly-thick wild boy hair that got the most attention. I couldn't be sure, but I knew one thing, I wanted to laugh at the short shorts he was wearing. "Lettin' a pidgey get away from you. You're a winner dude!" he laughed sarcastically, his voice feminine like his face. "Bah!" A mountain of a man slapped the short boy on the back, chortling with laughter at me. "Look at you, kid! You've got a baby face just like your father." "My—my father?" I huffed. My father never had a baby face. From what I could remember his face was always rough from stubble, and his personality held no secrets to being childish either.
"Ahh, a good man." The rough guy sucked up some mucus from his sinus and swallowed easily. I tried not to look disgusted, I really did, but it was inevitable.
"Falkner…" Jasmine stepped forward, her face red with her own embarrassment. Apparently her fake Uncle was a little crazy. "This is Chuck" she went on, pointing to the people surrounding me. "And Bugsy, a— "Whitney!" The pink one perked up.
I didn't know who to focus on, let alone who not to. Everyone seemed to be waiting for something, looking at me as if I was going to do a trick of some sort. The awkwardness set in for a long second before a fourth distraction came along. I thought for a second I was going to be relieved, only to find that looking up was the last person I wished to be here. The group seemed unfazed, but I felt absolutely molecular. Zephyr shrank within his feathers at such a sight, feeding off of my emotions. Strutting forward with hips that swayed and breasts that bounced was Clair, followed by a slithering scaly creature with a huge fist sized bead on its neck. Its black eyes bore down on us, much like Clair's dark blue ones did. Like trainer like pokemon, I thought silently, trying not to shutter. "Clair."&&Chuck hooted. "What an outfit you've got there!" I would have said the same thing, had I been a little less solemn in my greetings. She wore a very tight blue jumpsuit, cut off barely past her waist and hiking up in all the wrong—or right—places. Her neck was long and choked by the same kind of bead her Dragonair wore. A thick cape billowed out behind her. "I could say the same thing about you." Clair shot back, and despite the old perverts ogling, she didn't seem fazed. Chuck himself wore no shirt, but I had been trying to avoid that detail since I first saw him. I just assumed this gave Clair the right to be nasty. "Hi Clair." Jasmine said in a small voice, standing beside me looking absolutely childlike in comparison to such a woman. I wouldn't lie, Jasmine was cute in her own way, but Clair, no matter how mean she was, had a sort of sex appeal dripping from her. I had to look away, cursing my male instincts. "What do we have here?" Clair merely nodded to Jasmine, her attention focused on me though. I blinked once before forcing my eyes up and piercing them through the dragon trainers as best I could. My father always told me eye contact was personal, and depending on the person they could quite easily take it as a threat or a promise. I hoped Clair wasn't one of those people, but hell, who was I kidding? She curled her lip at me as she strode forward. "The new gym leader…" She mused. "Falkner, Hun you've got balls, I must say. But do you have strength? I wonder…" "I'm plenty strong enough to be a gym leader." I commented. An eerie smirk spread across her face. "Alright baby doll, let's test you then. As your formal initiation I want to battle you." Jasmine gasped. "That's not fair! Clair, no one uses battle as initiation. No one battled me when I joined." "No one had to test you." The woman looked down upon the girl. "You actually had potential with all those strong steel pokemon. But I promise, had you been training mere flying types you would have been tested as well." "Clair tested me when I joined." Bugsy, who had grown quiet, decided it was his turn to speak up. "You said my bugs weren't good enough to be here, but I was going to beat you Clair… until the champion showed up." "Enough about who I have or haven't tested! I am the strongest gym leader, I can challenge whoever I want."
"Hey kid, I'm sure you are eager and all bu— "Chuck! Enough." Clair scolded the obviously older man from speaking any further. "Do you accept my challenge?" I could hardly believe this was happening. What kind of meeting was this? Where were the long tables and rolling chairs and precious information? I expected debating, but certainly not fighting. Clair was in it to win it though, she wanted my head on platter for Arceus sake, I could see it in her eyes. And boy did I wish I could battle her, just to prove my beloved birds and I were plenty strong. However though, I couldn't battle because I had not brought any of my own pokemon besides Zephyr, who hated fighting almost as much as he hated getting a bath. "I refuse." I shook my head calmly as I could. What would my father have done in this situation? "Clair I can't accept your battle because I haven't any pokemon to fight with." Her eyes narrowed. "You expect to be a gym leader and you go places without pokemon to fight with?" "There was no point to bring any more pokemon than necessary." I defended. "I wasn't exactly expecting this." "I didn't bring any pokemon either Clair." Jasmine agreed, though I got the feeling he was lying for me. "Why should we when this is a peaceful meeting?" Clair snorted, flipping her long pasty blue hair around and rolling her eyes. "Children." She retorted scornfully, and then to my amazement turned to leave. Her dragonair followed faithfully close, reaching out with its head to touch its masters hand. "I expect a battle next time Falkner!" She yelled over her shoulder before vanishing beyond the modest door. The eyes in the room turned on me, staring in confusion at what I had done to piss Clair off. Chuck looked guilty and worried for me, Whitney was simply pouting with annoyance, Bugsy was shaking his head, and Jasmine seemed to want to cheer me up. Her small hand came up to touch me on the shoulder, to signal that it would be ok. Zephyr opened his beak and made a soft huff of a noise—a hiss—in anger for her touching his perch, but I ignored him anyways. "Don't let her get to you." Whitney spoke only after Clair was long gone. "She isn't all bad." Chuck scoffed. "Just gotta get to know her." "I'll say. She really is a strong trainer… you lucked out on that battle Falkner, I lied about almost beating her. No one beats Clair but Lance himself." My head spun from all the voices and names, and I cursed my father for not having introduced me to these people before he passed away. How much easier this all could have been had I simply known what to expect! I took a deep breath, unable to speak in my defense and wishing that there was something someone could say that would actually make me feel better. Perhaps if my father was here he would have said something useful. He would have told me to suck it up and deal with it, call Clair's bluff and battle her, at least then she would know I meant business. "Come on Falkner." Jasmine nudged me gently. "I'll finish showing you around." How much more was there to see? I couldn't deny the fact that I really just wanted to go home and sulk, but a voice in my head said otherwise. I was eighteen now, an adult that had to open a gym in the morning and accept challengers around the world to battle with. Maybe Clair was right when she thought I was stupid not to have brought fighting pokemon with me? I was a gym leader now… "I'll come with you!" Whitney followed behind us and Jasmine lead the way across the padded ground. I wasn't sure where she was taking me, or why the pink haired one had to come along, all I knew was that I wish this all wasn't happening so fast. It was going to be a long night.
I think im just going to use that as my preview picture for all these chapters~ ok? Gotta problem with that?
hahah~ I dont like not having a preview picture ._. it makes me sad.anyways~PROLOGUE~
da fuq is going on?
You're a silly boy~ raising pidgeys. pfffft right Steelix?
Falkner!!! HEy i just met you~ and this is crazy~ your pidgey dive bombed me~ So make out with me maybe?
pokemon belongs to nintendowriting and artwork belongs to me
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-eyeing Zephyr strangely- It's a chicken.Who can fly.
First actual chapter~I already love the gym leaders... Jasmine rocks always with being so cute and train steel types but I love how she tries to make Falkner feel more at ease.Of course, she completely fails, because Clair is just Clair. You said before she's not likeable, but I think maybe I'm gonna like her because I'm already used to her bitchy character from various Mastershipping stories^^Bugsy is just funny with his bugs while Whitney is crazy as always despite training boring normal types XD And Chuck's just... I don't really know how to describe...When Falkner talked about the gym leader meeting, I thought of people in suits sitting on long tables too, but when I tried to imagine the gym leaders there, I only thought it was possible for Jasmine, Pryce and Morty, the rest is just too crazy XD By the way, where are those two anyways?Oh, and if the story continues like this, Zephyr is gonna end up as my favourite character, just like Ty did! XD I just can't help loving this little guy~
XD Zephyr is.... he can only be described in one way-- &-- such a pimp xDThe characters in this story all change very, VERY much. I can assure you, you will come to LOVE Clair. If you are like everyone else that is~ &3shes my favorite female character in this story because once she lets her cold shell break she is just this snarky bitch of hilariousness. Its not vicious, its merely... amusing.its so nice to have someone reading this story again &3 (most of my watchers follow along with my updates, so after i finish a story they are done as well) its bringing back old feelings and emotions i have for these characters, which i was SO attached to--i still am.
why doesn't joey have an awesome pidgey because than i wont hate his anymore :3 (lol)for some reason i like clair now in this fanfic... (normaly i hate bitchy additudes)maybe because she trains dragon pokemon? (why maybe... of course... i love dragon pokemon!)but yay for jasmine a cute girl with a badass steelix!!! (i was like O.o when she send out her steelix in soulsilver and then like how is a girl that looks cute supposed to train that!!???)
few things wrong with this...If you get Falkner's phone number in HG or SS, he mentions that his dad is still alive. (it's okay i thought the same things too when i started playing.) But if this is going to lead into some sexual material or yaoi, then please take it out of my group. The-Flying-Pokemon is meant for art of anything relating to flying types excluding heavy romantic context (such as sex, rape, or homosexuality) and gijinkas. There's nothing wrong with your fanfic otherwise, Falkner's still one of my favorite gym leaders. Just keep the swearing and/or heavy sexual/romance context out and I'll be fine.
damn straight Ive always loved flying types!!!hahaha~ ONE DAY ZEPHYR IS GONNA BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF CLAIR's DRAGONAIR!
I love fire, flying and electric types...haha such a weird combo but I ALWAYS have a flying type, electric type and fire type on my final team on a game before fighting the league.normally its the fire starter, common electric type (pikachu,shinx,blahblah_ and the first bird pokemon...but for black i had to change that up to no fire type... YET! cause darumaka is just FTW and i disliked tepigs final evolution and so my flying typw is Swanna &- bitch is fab. and Zebstrika &- electric ftw! and my fire type... will have to be Reshiram &- i hate taking legendaries with me to the league cause i think its cheating but... i desperately want a fire type and so reshiram it is... when i catch his sassy white fluffy ass that is...GO ZEPHYR. I WANT TO SEE HIM DIVE BOMB CLAIR!
I can see my trainer's trying to make a good first impression.
I know, I'll randomly fly into someone, That will help him for sure!
xD lololol.
Clair is stupid &:UPff~ Falkner has been there in five minutes and he's already pimpin' all over da place
xD lolololol. damn straight he is!
He already turned Whitney and Jasmine into his betches B3
xD rofl. I know right???
totally! XDHis father would be proud :3
I love the characters already... Great job &3 Clair's crazah.
hahahah! yes! yes she is!
I think I'm going to enjoy reading this... lol
poor falkner today isn't going so well for him is it
Not horribly, hes just overwhelmed. ^^ it will get better
m'kay can't wait ^__^though i don't think i'd react much differently in his position, maybe even worse
Zephyr is so cuttteeee~~~ Please tell me you aren't going to kill him off. &_&Wonderful chapter deary! I don't know why but interaction between Gym Leaders and sometimes the Elite Four fascinate me. O.o
I wont kill Zephyr
never~ I promise. He is way too cute!
Morty will get some Zephyr interaction in the next chapter as well~
FACK YES!!! to both of those things
hang in there Falkner!
Skye your icon is adorable!!!!
:3 thanks~ it's mah arcanine learning twicks~ XDIf you need a random pkmn trainer to make ya feel better, let me know. I'll come cheer you up!
Bitch please. that's MY job. &_&
MY JO-- oh wait... no i just ruin it.
My father wouldnt have need to be cheered up! So n--
Bitch please. Get over here.
.... how about i go with Skye?
Skye says you totally should. it's dinner time and I'm bbqing. ;3 Don't worry. The arcanine can keep......certain individuals away~
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